View Full Version : Cool stuff, and Redeemable Spoils?

12-16-10, 06:07 AM

*The Clockwork Scimitar: Some decades ago, a Salvaran Artificer became obsessed with the art and design of clockwork creations, and seeking perfection in his craft, he traveled extensively among the nations. It was in Fallien that it was said he found his inspiration, by the grains of sand falling through an hourglass, but no one knows for certain - the artificer vanished into the desert. The only hint that he had perfected his work was that this blade was found in the hand of a wandering Arta. The material which the scimitar is made of seems to be an alloy of mythril and dehlar, allowing for such small, delicate forms in its design to remain possible while still functioning as a weapon. Most of the blade is composed of an astounding clockwork array that eternally turns under the power of an unknown engine. What makes the sword truly deadly however, is its ability - any matter, whether it be animate or inanimate, which is struck with its blade, will not be wounded or scarred. Instead, in place of cut flesh and sliced muscle, the blade leaves behind a similar delicate array of clockwork gears and cogs. In time, enough "wounds" will leave a limb stiff, as the clockwork seems to spread at a crawl, converting flesh into metal, glass, and wood. Upon conversion of three quarters of a limb, it will literally begin to move on its own, operating with an unknown will independent of its former owner. Within three days, the clockwork will spread, and instead of leaving a corpse, the wielder of the scimitar will find a clockwork golem that is loyal to the wielder of the blade. There is no known cure to this strange disease, and it is capable of afflicting any number of people and objects.

Gauntlet of the Firedrake: A ornate gauntlet with a large ruby in the middle of the wearer's palm. At will, the ruby itself will glow and when the wielder extends his arm and opens his hand, a large wave of fire surges outwards from them gem. Think of it as a magical flamethrower.

Eyukin, the Relentless Winter: A magical katana, complete with the image of a demon's head with sapphires for eyes at the end of the hilt. On command the blade will cover itself with a thick layer of ice. Eventually, the ice will extend to cover the wielder's arm, and then his whole body. The ice itself will serve as an addition layer of armor, and the ice that covers the other hand will also form into come claws in case the warrior needs to improvise an additional weapon.

Gloves of Absorbtion: Gloves with mouths drawn on the palms./ Twice per thread, the gloves can 'eat' one minor magical attacks, or eat one big one once.

Armor of Insight: A completely invisible armor when worn, the user has to make sure they're wearing clothes underneath. Gives a false sense that the person is defenseless.

Cloak of Phasing: Lets the user walk through one solid object or allow one attack to harmlessly pass right through them, but only once per day. Does not apply to liquids or gases.

*Really awesome suggestion.

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Inspired by the list of legendary items, I've wanted wanted my character to be an excuse for people to make all sorts of cool equipment and items. The auction house is a good example of fantasy-esque items. Although, sometimes you can't afford to have the cool stuff you want through the bazaar, or you can't think of cool stuff to have. That's what this thread is for. I want people to post ideas for items, equipment, and weapons with cool properties and enchantments. Then, when you do threads, you can request your spoil be some sort of redeemable reward for a cool piece of enchanted armor or weapon and then redeem it through Dorian ICly. This is specifically with The Ixian Knights in mind, but anyone can do it. You can even buy raw material from the bazaar if you're hasty and it would likely cost less than the finished crazy awesome weapon you would've otherwise attempted to buy.

Examples of stuff I want for Dorian:

Serpent's Katana - A (insert rare/expensive/powerful material here) sword with extreme sharpness that is enchanted to have the ability to send a snake with paralyzing venom at the enemy with each swing.

The Double Sword - A (insert rare/expensive/powerful material here) longsword that can double itself into two swords. It is enchanted to run an electric current between the tips of its blades, and anything that gets caught in that current is electrocuted.

Greaves (or some sort of armored leggings?) and Sabatons of The Dragonet - A pair of (insert rare/expensive/powerful material here) sabatons and greaves that are enchanted to drastically increase the wearer's jumping speed and height, allowing the user to shoot out like a cannon with each jump. The sabatons are enchanted for soft landings if the wearer chooses.

Um, what else... Gloves of The Second Hand? Helmet of Vision? (night vision? 360 degree vision?) All sorts of stuff. Think up some cool stuff I can make for you! I believe that that the legendary list should be shifted so that everyone has some sort of cool legendary item. Most of that list is pretty boring stuff that just happens to be used by famous people, or at famous times, anyway. Fantasy is all about wacky abilities and spells and stuff!

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Update!: I've added some of the suggestions to the top of the post. I tried to only list the things that really mesh with the concept of an item that can eventually be upgraded to something legendary, or your item was possibly too complicated. You can bug me if you really feel that it should be included.

There are 3 steps to a Dorian-made item:

1st: The forging phase. Let's say he makes a weapon. It has properties, side-effects, and such. The whip, for example, the muscle fibers could be so strong that whipping them is akin to The Orochi itself whipping its own tail or one of its heads at someone.

2nd: The Enchantment phase, usually done by Celesta. Gives it a unique ability, and this could be downright anything. It's generally an advanced enchantment that really multiplies the uses of the item. The turning into a helmet with an ability thing could be that.

3rd: Fate-crafting. This is the last phase, done by Dorian himself very rarely. This step makes the item legendary, and gives it purpose. Anyone using a Fate-crafted weapon is very powerful. One use is to take an item's theme ability or use, and drive it to its logical extreme. Like the snake sword, maybe Fate-crafted it becomes something that spits out giant Wyrms instead of itty bitty snakes.

12-16-10, 08:10 AM
I will be using you regularly to repair and reforge The Divine Armaments of The Omnisource.

12-16-10, 08:50 AM
^ Blacksmith pimpin'.

I might get in touch about the Wainwright Artifacts once I've found them all :).

12-16-10, 07:33 PM

Try to think up some cool items not just for your own use, but for everyone's! I want to have a huge list of enchantments, gear, and whatnot to insure that everyone can confuse/freak their opponents out. A weapon that makes a bunch of crows appear everything and start cawing, fuddling up the sense of sound of the enemy! Armor of Misdirection- causes enemy projectiles to veer off course once per hour or something. Think Erza from Fairy Tail (what I modeled Dorian's abilities off of), Nami's Clima Tact from One Piece as an example of a multi-use weapon.

Stuff like damascus/mythril/adamantine is interesting, but I don't like how 'indestructible' it makes them sound. Armor made from bones, scales, (monster hunting team I'm looking at you) that gives similar properties to the materials we all know. For example, I wouldn't mind having some Black Dragonscale Armor at some point. Armor of Cover, Armor of Reflection, etc.

Anyway, keep the suggestions coming!

Jack Frost
12-16-10, 07:41 PM
It would take a beautiful thread to get it as a spoil but something like Barrets (I think thats his name) gun arm from FF7 would be awesome. Also perhaps a blade forged by the creator of the Althanas built to be able to manipulate the elements, one swipe is the equivalent of Ultima...

also, I want Letho's gunblade dammit! Or at least one of my own. Why? Because it would be awesome... I wouldn't even use it, just have it for show, occasionally whipping it out in a fight for lols.

Other cool ideas would be like a whale bone staff that summons spouts of water. A minotaur horn crafted to that of a war horn thing, where when you sound it it causes a shock-wave, or attack buffs to allies nearby (if your in a battle situation)

Silence Sei
12-16-10, 08:28 PM
Lets see what I can come up with....

Gloves of Absorbtion: Gloves with mouths drawn on the palms./ Twice per thread, the gloves can 'eat' one minor magical attacks, or eat one big one once.

Armor of Insight: A completely invisible armor when worn, the user has to make sure they're wearing clothes underneath. Gives a false sense that the person is defenseless.

Jack Frost
12-16-10, 10:10 PM
I got a great one:

Boots of Leroy: By screaming the name of the creator "Leroy Jenkins" you gain insane speed to where its damn near impossible;e for people to catch you. Side effects: This will probably drag your allies into a pickle and fuck them over so use it on solo quests...

I could see these shoes being useful...

12-17-10, 07:53 AM
Boots of Isolation - Black boots, usable on an X times per thread basis, that can create an aura of abyssal isolation around themselves. The area of effect is variable and controlled at will for the duration of the spell to a maximum radius of 25 feet. The isolation affect is the D&D equivalent of the Continual Darkness and Silence spells. Perfect for stealth, spell disruption, and blind fighting...

12-17-10, 08:35 AM
Just for fun...

The Bunny's Powergaming Powerglove: Lets the user do anything they can so conceive of, control everyone with or without the actual user's permission, and Moderation has no choice but to award them perfect tens for all threads past, present, and future regardless of what they actually deserve. Admins bow to the user's superiority.


For reals now:

Cloak of Phasing: Lets the user walk through one solid object or allow one attack to harmlessly pass right through them, but only once per day. Does not apply to liquids or gases.

12-17-10, 09:21 AM
Serpent's Katana - A (insert rare/expensive/powerful material here) sword with extreme sharpness that is enchanted to have the ability to send a snake with paralyzing venom at the enemy with each swing.

That pretty much describes my Zodiac weapon, i just need to upgrade it when i next level up to make the snakes more powerful, and more of them.

I've come up with lots of items in my time, generally using a short sharp fake language name, then a translation. For example:

Ta'kraw El'ro - The Final Blade
A sword that, when activated the blade grows hotter and hotter over three posts and then exploding on the fourth. The blade slowly grows back over a day, after which it can be used again. Its so name because if the opponent has not been defeated by the time the blae explodes, the weilder is left defencless.

Ta'low El'ro - The Flowing Blade
This blade has the ability to shift into a liquid in an instant before reforming, allowing the blade to bypass normal counters.

Drek'Kaw - Raven's Claws
These gauntlets in a black metal with extended metal spikes from each finger. As well as the offensive abilities it offers, the claws when activated can extend a sheath of darkness across each arm up to the shoulder creating a lightweight but effective armour.

Some others:

The Craving Soul
A small ruby that feeds off the energy of weilder, each time he/she receives a moderate amount of damage it is able launch a powerful summoned being that attempts to devour the opponents soul.

Wings of the South
A set of finely crafted fake wings in a harness that can be strapped onto someones back giving them the ability to fly.

Silent Scream
A small emerald which emits an ultra-sonic sound that can cause those around to become nautious. Due to the resonating vibration syncing up, anyone touching the emerald is uneffected.

12-17-10, 09:52 AM
Are you saying I could trade you cool stuff from my inventory/spoils for custom cool stuff that you'd build for me? Can I just pay you to do this also?

Jack Frost
12-17-10, 10:34 AM
I came up with a set:
The abyssal Knight armor
It includes
x1 arm or Ragnarok (Main hand): This modified gauntlet which covers the entire right arm is made out of solid darkness, making it unparalleled in strength. It's hand has been modified to a claw of viscous power. But it permanently fuses onto the users arm. It also has an ability to charge up every time it deal a blow. After ten hits one of the three eyes on the shoulder pad open, making strikes with the claw faster. After ten more hits the second eye opens giving the whole gauntlet a strange ethereal glow which gives it a power buff. Ten more hits and the final third eye opens, releasing all of the stored energy into the user, who will then receive major power buffs. If the entire set is equipped ten more hits will unlock the unleashed mode.

x1 gauntlet of fear (off hand): This glove provides extraordinary grip to holding whatever weapon the user chooses to use to compliment the arm of Ragnarok. Due to this the user can off hand weapons that one would typically use with their dominant hand, like axes and such. If the entire set is equipped then the glove also casts a dark aura onto the weapon it is holding, possibly blinding its target.

x1 Armor of the Fallen Demon Lord (main body): This armor take the basic form of a cloak when it is not being worn, but if one should put on the coat they would find it transforming into a full set of plate mail including the leggings. This is about the same strength as the arm of Ragnarok, being of the same material, but comes with a set of wings that feel as if they are a natural part of the users body. This will grant the user incredible flight capabilities.

unleash mode: (with the full set equipped) if the arm of Ragnarok gets forty hits it can "unleash" its true form, transforming the user into a giant dark dragon. The mayhem such a creature could cause could only be imagined.

12-18-10, 08:42 AM
@Sei, Wynken, Nightstalker: That's the right idea. Try to think less darkness, phasing, and more like Q from the James Bond series. Or put an elemental touch to them. Not to put Duffy on the spot, but I bet he could come up with a bunch of stuff that's designed to both threaten and surprise the opponent.

@Hysteria: Any of that usable for this thread or is all that your personal belongings? You didn't specify the distinction. Also, I would like to craft The Ixians' Zodiac Weapons. Or reforge them.

@Numbers: I'm not sure I want to engage in a 'something from nothing' sort of deal. Maybe you can claim there's some effort involved in transformation or purchasing, but I'm not a Bazaar. Buy some raw material from there, throw in a redeemable ticket sort of thing in a completed quest, and there you go. Think of it like WoW: When you kill a boss, you get a token that's redeemable for prizes outside the instance. You don't have to specify what the spoil is at the time of the kill, you can just pick from a pool of things.

Alternatively, if you sacrifice multiple items for one item, that's probably do-able.

@Frost: A nice start. The Arm thing is a bit too complicated, nobody is really counting hits in a battle or whatever. I like the Gauntlet, but I would change it so that it makes the wearer able to hold two-handed weapons as if they were one-handed weapons. That's a classic DnD thing. As for the armor, having a cloak that transforms into a full set of armor is really good enough. Maybe the flight part would be the 'set bonus', and you would add in a few more pieces so that the set is harder to complete.

Obviously I ask for a great deal in creativity, which is hard sometimes when coming up with new and cool stuff, but keep those suggestions coming. Eventually I may list them all in the OP.

edit: Another good example is the variety of abilities of the swords in Bleach, and the 'holder-type' magic in Fairy Tail.

12-18-10, 10:24 AM
From Xos's labs:

Xos's magic gun: Looks like any regular rifle from Alerar. This gun uses specially designed bullets from Dr. Xos Xilanthese to fire salvos of magical energy attuned to one of the four classic elements. A rare "Death energy" round was developed in a top secret Alerarian research institution known only as "The Facility", however the existence of both The Facility and the Death Energy Round cannot be confirmed by reports at this time.

Due to the nature of the ammo, Dr. Xos Xilanthese is the only known source of Magic Ammo.

This gun is availible exclusivly to The Ixian Knights.

Jack Frost
12-18-10, 11:03 AM
x1 arm or Ragnarok (Main hand): This modified gauntlet which covers the entire right arm is made out of solid darkness, making it unparalleled in strength. It's hand has been modified to a claw of viscous power. But it permanently fuses onto the users arm. It also has the ability to speed up the users strikes with it. due to the impracticality of having a huge gauntlet it has the ability to "minimize" and turn into a simple leather glove when needed. One the user enters combat it reapers regardless of whether or not the user wants it.

x1 gauntlet of fear (off hand): This glove provides extraordinary grip to holding whatever weapon the user chooses to use to compliment the arm of Ragnarok. Due to this the user can off hand weapons that one would typically use with their dominant hand, like axes and such, and also allows them to use two handed weapons with, but with a slight penalty to movement. If the entire set is equipped then the glove also casts a dark aura onto the weapon it is holding, possibly blinding its target.

x1 Armor of the Fallen Demon Lord (main body): This armor take the basic form of a cloak when it is not being worn, but if one should put on the coat they would find it transforming into a full set of plate mail including the leggings. This is about the same strength as the arm of Ragnarok, being of the same material, but comes with a set of wings that feel as if they are a natural part of the users body. This will grant the user incredible flight capabilities if they have the whole set equipped.

x1 Will of the Dark Ones: This amulet is possessed by several minor Thaynes of Darkness. One equipped it can't be removed, and grants the user above average shadowmancy. It also gives the user incredible presence, striking fear into the enemy, but also makes it really hard to hide with.

x1 Blade of Cain: This blade was used to kill a minor deity, and is stained black from its blood. If used with the gauntlet of fear equipped it gains a strange will of its own, which seems to pin point the chinks in the targets armor and aims directly for them.

Did a few edits to include some changes and add two more pieces to the set. the last two would require specific questing to obtain the broken blade of cain which would need to be repaired, and an orb of N'jals fallen minions. Both would probably have to be stolen from Lorenor. If anyone is interested in this set I might lust "accidentally" Leave a back door open for you. For a price that is...

12-18-10, 08:06 PM
@Hysteria: Any of that usable for this thread or is all that your personal belongings? You didn't specify the distinction. Also, I would like to craft The Ixians' Zodiac Weapons. Or reforge them.

I just made them up on the spot, my current items are less useful... although I have a lot of them so I tend to always have something to help me out.

edit: Another good example is the variety of abilities of the swords in Bleach, and the 'holder-type' magic in Fairy Tail.

The amount of interesting abilities they have are quite impressive. I found it usefull in getting ideas for weapons, although the most interesting ones are not the main characters.

Christina Bredith
12-18-10, 08:21 PM
Just keep away from my Bleach-sword-ability ideas, y'hear? :p

Jack Frost
12-18-10, 09:26 PM
Christina if you had been active when Uttam was around you would had thrown a fit at one of his alternator accounts he had posted...

Back on topic.

Quick silver: This strange orb requires a psychic user. It floats next the wielder and targets anything the user deems hostile. It will then savagely attack the target with liquid blades until the user determines it has been neutralized.

Slayer of the Rot
12-18-10, 10:01 PM
Yeah, some of these are kind of decent, but there's others that just....fuck, where are you getting this shit? Saturday morning animu cartoons? Yoogeeoh? I'd expect to see giant dark dragons and armor forged of pain on yahoo chat rp's, not Althanas, get a little more...creative.

The Clockwork Scimitar: Some decades ago, a Salvaran Artificer became obsessed with the art and design of clockwork creations, and seeking perfection in his craft, he traveled extensively among the nations. It was in Fallien that it was said he found his inspiration, by the grains of sand falling through an hourglass, but no one knows for certain - the artificer vanished into the desert. The only hint that he had perfected his work was that this blade was found in the hand of a wandering Arta.

The material which the scimitar is made of seems to be an alloy of mythril and dehlar, allowing for such small, delicate forms in its design to remain possible while still functioning as a weapon. Most of the blade is composed of an astounding clockwork array that eternally turns under the power of an unknown engine. What makes the sword truly deadly however, is its ability - any matter, whether it be animate or inanimate, which is struck with its blade, will not be wounded or scarred. Instead, in place of cut flesh and sliced muscle, the blade leaves behind a similar delicate array of clockwork gears and cogs. In time, enough "wounds" will leave a limb stiff, as the clockwork seems to spread at a crawl, converting flesh into metal, glass, and wood. Upon conversion of three quarters of a limb, it will literally begin to move on its own, operating with an unknown will independent of its former owner. Within three days, the clockwork will spread, and instead of leaving a corpse, the wielder of the scimitar will find a clockwork golem that is loyal to the wielder of the blade. There is no known cure to this strange disease, and it is capable of afflicting any number of people and objects.

Jack Frost
12-18-10, 10:28 PM
Classy Slayer, I had to modify the set from when I had originally created it for a story I never got around to writing.

Another Idea:
Cerberus sword set: Consists of three blades dubbed Paradise, Damnation, and Judgment. The blades are forged out of silver enchanted to be the strength of (insert powerful metal here). Paradise can increase the moral of your allies when in a large group battle. Damnation has an aura of fire that can melt steel, but doesn't effect the user. Judgment is the strongest of the three, and once every four hits it cleaves through anything.

12-19-10, 01:06 AM
Meh, I'll throw some ideas out. The first one I was planning on giving Z as a spoil in the future, but we'll see.

Gauntlet of the Firedrake: A ornate gauntlet with a large ruby in the middle of the wearer's palm. At will, the ruby itself will glow and when the wielder extends his arm and opens his hand, a large wave of fire surges outwards from them gem. Think of it as a magical flamethrower.

Eyukin, the Relentless Winter: A magical katana, complete with the image of a demon's head with sapphires for eyes at the end of the hilt. On command the blade will cover itself with a thick layer of ice. Eventually, the ice will extend to cover the wielder's arm, and then his whole body. The ice itself will serve as an addition layer of armor, and the ice that covers the other hand will also form into come claws in case the warrior needs to improvise an additional weapon.

03-19-11, 01:57 AM
I updated the OP with some of the posted suggestions and explaining the process. Remember, the idea is that you can get the material you need for the item in one thread, the enchantment in another, and possibly work towards the last step to increase the amount of legendary equipment our characters have.