View Full Version : Smugglers? In Radasanth? It's more likely than you think.

12-16-10, 10:07 AM
I tried and failed to write this storyline solo. I currently lack the dedication and inspiration to finish it alone, so I'm looking for someone to help me out.

In previous adventures, Wynken has acquired two copies of a fraudulent shipping record. I had thought to develop a complex plot involving a band of thieves and a handful of corrupt government officials (dock warden and treasurer). Both parties are being played by a band of arms smugglers from Alerar. The smugglers employed two different couriers, each with an identical shipping record, in order to sell the same illegal shipment of weapons to both the thieves and officials - who blame each other when they both show up to collect.

Wynken was simply going to further exploit one or both parties, depending on how the story played out.

I'm open to plot suggestions and looking for a low level (no greater than 2) character of preferably evil alignment to accompany me.

The initial thread is here: Via Dolorosa (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=20231), but I'm not opposed to simply starting fresh.

Les Misérables
12-16-10, 11:44 AM
Hmm... I'd be interested in helping you with this, especially in bringing to life the thieves/smugglers. This character is a tactician, a master of information and shadow games, so he'd most likely have himself placed low down on the food chain to seem inconspicuous while skimming a tidy profit somehow.

If you've got a more complete story breakdown feel free to PM it to my 016573 account (I don't lurk on this one) and I'll see what I can come up with.

12-16-10, 11:53 AM
Fantastic. Pm's to follow.