View Full Version : Any one up for a cruise?

Jack Frost
12-18-10, 03:58 PM
well Me and Fayne have an ongoing series of threads right now, and our next one involves us taking a ship to Alerar, and Fayne wanted to have more people in on our threads. So I decided this thread would have the most cause to have more people on board. SO I'm gonna pith the idea forward, and if you guys who are interested have any ideas we could collaborate here.

I was thinking that the ship could crash and all of the Pcs could survive and find their way to an uncharted, uninhabited island. Perhaps we could find pirate treasure or something like that. Or we could do a simple survival thread....

12-18-10, 08:06 PM
Your ship could get blown way the heck off course and you could run aground on the reefs that surround Chronus.

Jack Frost
12-18-10, 09:17 PM
The final goal is to have a single thread with multiple people to serve a specific purpose of getting from point A to B by taking a "scenic" route., I don't want a series of threads. I have a feeling if we did get stuk in Chronus it would take a while to get back.

12-18-10, 09:43 PM
We don't 'have' to return :p
maybe Chronus could be fun?
I don't care what ends up happening. We could always vote on it in the end or.. something completely unexpected could end up happening. *shrugs*
mystery island and treasures sound fun too though..
am not a great contributor of ideas -_-

Jack Frost
12-18-10, 09:59 PM
I guess Chronus could have its benefits...

the spoils might be interesting, maybe I can get a mighty rail gun...

12-19-10, 08:10 AM
Wild magic gets you to Chronus, tamed magic from master Dimensional Magic users gets you to Alerar.

Remember two things though: Chronus is a land of extreme magic. All supernatural and paranormal powers are increased in all aspects there. Legend has it that this is because of a great magus that sleeps beneath the abandoned imperial castle.

The other thing is that Day is set against the night, one does not flow into the other. Where it is night, it is always night, and where it is day, it is always day. Thus the kingdomes of Lumos and Noctum, each dwelling only in their respective halves of time.

Each has their dangers, and their benefits.

Each has their own unique treasures, waiting for intrepid explorers to find them.

12-20-10, 04:48 AM
Maybe the ship could get attacked by someone? ..An overwhelming force of sorts. lol

12-20-10, 08:32 AM
Wild magic gets you to Chronus, tamed magic from master Dimensional Magic users gets you to Alerar.

Chronus sounds pretty cool... If we are going there, count me in. I'll have to work out a reason why Talen would be on a boat when he can teleport across Althanas...

12-20-10, 09:05 AM
Chronus sounds pretty cool... If we are going there, count me in. I'll have to work out a reason why Talen would be on a boat when he can teleport across Althanas...

Well, uhh, I don't know. I know Chronus is magically sealed by the gods, but that seal's degenerated to the point it's barely holding back the rift in time. That does nothing to help you though, since Chronus probably wouldn't be your intended destination.

Maybe your struck with an anti-magic cold of somesort, and unable to use magic temporarily?


Fayne, your idea is possible. Chronus is home to four legendary creatures that roam the world.

In the oceans dwells an ancient and powerful sea serpant thought to be the father of all sea serpants and sea dragons. He is known only as Leviathan, and his beauty, his magesty, his power is terrible to behold, for few are those who survive an encounter with the snake.

(I've thought alot about Chronus and what I've wanted there, it's just hard for me and me alone to use.)

Jack Frost
12-20-10, 12:11 PM
I like the sea serpent idea, and once there Jack could possibly figure out a method of going back and forth to exploit what he finds for Lorenor....

12-20-10, 06:40 PM
I like the sea serpent idea, and once there Jack could possibly figure out a method of going back and forth to exploit what he finds for Lorenor....

Lore and I have plans along those same lines. We haven't done anything Concrete because Lore hasn't gotten to me yet, but, if you approach The King of Noctum, he'll be receptive to anything you have to say, since he is one of N'jal's servants.

EDIT: Anyways, if everyone's onboard for the Sea Serpant entry, I can make an OP.

Destrudo himself is actually in Chronus, as is another Alt, Irene. So I'd have to use a temporary NPC fated to die in the wreck as captain to get folks to Chronus.

Jack Frost
12-20-10, 06:56 PM
I have a captain already, but its supposedly just a voyage to Alerar. You could use one of the Npc of the captains first mate because I have plans for the captain, or an Npc passenger...

12-20-10, 07:11 PM
I have a captain already, but its supposedly just a voyage to Alerar. You could use one of the Npc of the captains first mate because I have plans for the captain, or an Npc passenger...

First mate, I just need someone so that I can raise Leviathan from the depths in the OP.

Jack Frost
12-20-10, 07:45 PM
By Op you mean opening post right? Alright, but lets wait till we have at least five people on board.

12-20-10, 08:25 PM
Now, do you mean five players, or five characters? I do have two characters in Chronus after all.

Jack Frost
12-20-10, 10:56 PM
Hopefully at least four players. Two of which are Fayne and I. With you on board we just need one more. Hopefully Hysteria will fill the hole.

12-21-10, 02:51 AM
Hopefully Hysteria will fill the hole.

That's what she said.


Was Fayne an alt of you Nightstalker?

Otherwise do we have three people?

12-21-10, 08:44 AM
No, Fayne is not mine.

Thus it's:

Jack Frost
Destrudo & Irene.

Jack Frost
12-21-10, 11:17 AM
Anyone planning to particiate will probably want to read this thread (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=22123&page=4) We should start out in the captains cabin as Jack walks in with Fayne. All of the other guests will be there already. If you would like to bunny me a little shoot me a pm ahead of time.

How should we do the posting order?

12-21-10, 08:20 PM
You three go first, then I'll raise the Leviathan from the depths.

You three go have a round fighting Leviathan/trying to escape/whatever.

I'll have Leviathan destroy the ship and take you to the shores of Chronus.

You won't see Chronus, until my post taking you there.

Once you arrive in Chronus, I'll intro Destrudo and Irene.

But, one important question remains to be answered: Do you venture into the Lumos part of Chronus, or the Noctum part?

12-21-10, 09:44 PM
Mm.. where do we get information on Chronus anyways? been looking around and I can't find anything on it so.. I have no way of knowing what Noctum and Lumos even is

12-21-10, 10:10 PM
That my dear, is because Chronus is my invention, and is not yet an offical part of the site.

Thus I am your one stop shop for all Chronus related information.

What'cha wanna know?

12-21-10, 10:19 PM
oh XD


a short summary of what the place is all about would be nice. I am curious how it looks like and the climate and features etc.

but I am guessing there is too much to list

12-21-10, 10:22 PM
Not at all, it's just going to take awhile. I'm busy with other things ATM.

12-21-10, 10:57 PM
Mm.. where do we get information on Chronus anyways? been looking around and I can't find anything on it so.. I have no way of knowing what Noctum and Lumos even is


Thats something Destructo wrote a while ago, I assume most of it is still correct?

12-21-10, 11:43 PM

Area: 9,806,702 square miles
Population: 8,542,910
countries: 2
languages: All known tongues of the Althanian Sphere. Common is most prevailent.

History: Chronus is older than the 5,000 years of recorded history, but what happened before that is uncertain. ancient maps from the time deptict Chronus as being a single massive city named Kessingale, with a population of billions. then the city somehow moved, and the city transformed into Chronus, via the work of a very powerful arch-wizard named Xos.

Most believe this to be a fairy-tale, and disregard it. Yet there are still lingering traces of this supposed city around the continent. Very few realize that Chronus's birth is part of a Temporal Paradox yet to be fully realized and resolved.

For the first hundred years of Chronus's existence, war and strife plagued the landscape as various factions vied for power. Then a man by the name of Vikkor, who claimed to be the grandson of the mythical wizard Xos lead one faction to victory over the others, uniting Chronus into a single empire.

After that, history records one incident of strife and partial rebellion after the other as the dark goddess N'jal tried to bring the continent under her sway. Only the influence of her brethern saved the people of Chronus, though some records show the additional influence of a "God of Light".

Over one thousand years ago from the present day, the current empress of Chronus was pregnant with twin boys. Normally not a problem, the queen had gotten the idea in her head, that she needed to travel from the capital to her hometown of Xesmith to give birth. Along the way, the caravan was ambushed by N'jal's followers. The queen survived only long enough to give birth.

Unfortunatly, this meant that no one had witnessed the birth. Which son was the older son? The line of succession had been muddled.

The emperor watched his boys as they grew, wondering who to leave the throne to. Prince Lumos was loved by the people, and seemed the popular choice, yet prince Noctum had more power. But Prince Noctum was feared for his cruel ways, and no one willingly followed him.

One night, before he could finalize his decision, the emperor was found dead in his bed, his eyes wide as though he had witnessed a great horror that had robbed him of his life. Engraved in the wall was a message that said "Thus is born The Lord of Shadows."

Prince Lumos tried for the throne, but found his way blocked by an army of people under the influence of this lord of shadows. It was only when he had seen his brother at the back of the pack that he realized what had happened. His brother, Prince Noctum, had become Shadowlord.

The people rallied around Prince Lumos, and the two brothers fought for possession of the throne, for though he had never shown his power, he had power to match Prince Noctum, for he had followed the mysterious "God of Light" written of in obscure pages of history.

Yet for all his power, he could not defeat his brother, only match him. The conflicting might of their powers sundered the day from the night, as each prince gathered his power around himself for the final blow.

The schism in time rolled across the landscape, and threatened to engulf the world, but the Thayne barred its progress with their collective might, and sentenced the people of Chronus to live in the situation they had created until such time as a single legitimate heir to the throne could be produced.

During the Chaos, Prince Noctum, now known as Shadowlord killed his brother, and thought the contest over. But it was revealed that Prince Lumos, over the years of war had produced a son, and thus the contest continued, as Lumos's followers formed their own nation in they daylight, and Shadowlord held his sway in the darkness.

One thousand years later, Queen Irene of Lumos was kidnapped by Shadowlord's forces. Search parties were sent out, and eventually they found her, five months pregnant with Shadowlord's only begotten child. Thus was born Destrudo.

Born of both Lumos's bloodline, and Shadowlord's direct descendant, Prince Destrudo is the one true rightful heir to the empire of Chronus, but his father's very existence still stands in his way.


The landscape of Chronus varies according to kingdom. Both Lumos and Noctum take up the entire continent, however as each only exists either in the day, or in the night, there is no overlap of claims.

Lumosian landscape is calm, serene, and gentle. Forests move about in fairly predicatable patterns, floating islands bridge chasims, and rivers are usually calm and gentle. Plains exist where forests do not, and mountains are a rare sight, save for the center of the continent. The sun never sets, literally, never moves from what can be considered the Apex of its journey through the sky, in the lands of Lumos.

The capital of Lumos is Solara, and it sits on the western half of the continent, on a tributary.


The landscape of Noctum is harsh and jagged. Life does not thrive anywhere on the continent. The land is filled with hills and mountains, twisted as though raised through torment and torture. The few forests that exist have been known to attack anyone save for Shadowlord himself. Rivers rush, wild and untamed and only the very brave, or the very foolish seek to cross them. Night neverends in Noctum, the moons frozen in place, halted in their journey across the sky.

The captial of Noctum is Necropolis, and it sits on the eastern half on top of some particularly tall and twisted mountains known as N'jal's Fingers.


The center of the continent is completly untouched by the thousand year old phenominon. Day and night flow into one another completly peacefully. It is here that the old capital rests, in what was once known as the capital city of Herusthema.

Yet, even Herusthema felt the ravages of the start, for every person once living at the time has been completly frozen in stone, unaware of the passage of time.

Both Lumos and Noctum have sentries and guardians here, to prevent any but their own from gaining the throne.


Report on Chronus, compiled by the Alerarian Institute of Magic:

During my time on Chronus, while I sought escape from it's clutches, this scientist was able to catalogue and note some very interesting phenominon.

Creatures normally thought savage and untamable, are benign and gentle in Lumos. The atmosphere of peace and happiness there is completly unnatural, forcing itself on visitors. Indeed, the longer I stayed, the less I wanted to leave its idyllic landscape.

Conversly, even the tamest of creatures are as savage and aggressive as an angered Dragon in Noctum. I witnessed this first hand when a rabbit attacked me for no appearent reason.

It is my theory that part of the blame lies in what people refer to as "Magus's Energy Field".

Stories are told on Chronus that a great and powerful Magus sleeps beneath Herusthema, and that while his powers remain undirected by an emperor, they simply roam wild and free across the countryside. The wise men of the region say that Magus allied himself with both princes, and cooperated with their base natures. In the thousand years this war has raged, he's never ceased his cooperation.

The fact that water will simply fill a bowl is well known, eventually overflowing its container.

Chronus, and it's imprisonment in a divine barrier is the same way. The magic has been building up for so long that the environment has altered to reflect the drastic amounts of energy here.

It's even affected me in my short time in Chronus. I've studied and quantified my magic previously. I have listed a table with the details below for my simple fireball spell:

Normal - Chronusian
# of times per day: 12 - 13 | 24 - 28!
Blast radius: five feet | 10 feet
Recharge rate: 24 hours to ful recharge | 12 hours to full recharge
Range of spell: 50 feet | 100 feet

During my time here, I attempted to find this Magus, but could not enter Herusthema.

It is my conclusion that if this barrier were ever to be removed, the backlash across the rest of Althanas would be tremendous, and could alter the face of our world, forever, such is the buildup of energies here. If visitors ever come to Chronus, they should beware their own abilities. I nearly killed myself using spells I had long since mastered back home.

12-27-10, 07:51 PM
So, we doing this?

Jack Frost
12-27-10, 08:50 PM
I thought you were doing the opening post...
Bah I'll put the thread up. You are using the first mate correct?

Whos in?
Fayne, Hysteria, Destrudo, and me?

12-28-10, 02:59 AM
yup I am in it..
maybe make it an open thread just in case?

12-28-10, 08:27 AM
You three go first, then I'll raise the Leviathan from the depths.

You three go have a round fighting Leviathan/trying to escape/whatever.

I'll have Leviathan destroy the ship and take you to the shores of Chronus.

You won't see Chronus, until my post taking you there.

Once you arrive in Chronus, I'll intro Destrudo and Irene.

That's what I thought. Since Destrudo and Irene live in Chronus, they have no reason to be anywhere else.

Keep in mind, I'll be using two accounts: Destrudo, and Irene. I've said I'll be using them both, and their both PC's.

BUT! I'll only use one account per round.

Jack Frost
12-28-10, 04:14 PM
Sounds like a plan...
I guess I'll get to putting a thread up later today...