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Vincent Shadows
12-19-10, 08:09 PM
Name: Vincent Necropilus Shadows
Age: 19
Race: Half human/ Half Demon of sorts
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Red
Height: seven feet tall
Weight: 150 pounds
Occupation: Occultist

Personality: I decided I'd try this a different way
Likes: Spooky candles, Black cloaks, ceremonial daggers, the smell and taste of blood, and Virgins.

Dislikes: Preists, the color white, the letter G, with hunters, and the thing he hates the most: Dwarves

Vincent tends to like darker rooms lit only by candle light, and only travels outside during the night. Due to his strange stature and appearance most normal people would avoid him in a dark alleyway, or when walking alone at night. Which is a great idea. Vincent is a very Dark and somewhat angry person. He hates the good people in the world, and loves to hang out with the wicked. He has a sense of right and wrong, he just chooses to ignore it.

Appearance: Vincent is a tall scarecrow of a man. Standing at seven feet tall his limbs are all perfectly sized for someone of his height. He is skeletally thin, and his skin is ghostly pale. His eyes are lie normal eyes, but instead of having green of brown eyes his are a deep crimson. His hair is eye length and black, but is kept out of his face do to the fact that he is constantly sporting a strange case of bed head.

His face is thin, and defined by a series of juts where the skin reveals the bone due to its tightness. He is truly hideous, and despises the fact. He shrouds his body in a black cloak, wearing black slacks and black boots to compliment it.

History: Vincents mother was a witch. She used her magic to do many vile and wicked things. One day she had summoned a demon to raise hell in Underwood. He agreed on one condition, she would bear him a son. She agreed and nine months later she died when Vincent was born. Having waited to see if he was given a son before he completed his end of the bargain the Demon simply took the child and placed him in the orphanage. His years as a young child were rough, and when he turned eleven the other boys and girls started to tease him about his looks. That's when his father came back into his life. The demon appeared to his son as a crow, and began to teach the young man the ways of the occult. He quickly learned the ways of his father, and when he turned 18 he was given a robe, a set of ceremonial knives, and a tome full of Occult knowledge that were written in a strange text that he somehow understood. His story truly begins on his nineteenth birthday...


Passive abilities:
Sadistic pleasure: Due to his upbringing Vincent finds great joy and torturing people and animals.

Extrasensory: Due to his blood Vincent can see ghosts, detect enchantments, and also perceive things written in invisible ink.

Gift of tongues: due to his blood Vincent can speak fiend, the commonly accepted language of Demons, dragons, and various other stereotypical RPG enemies.

Magical abilities:
Hypnosis: (poor) This is the Demons bread and butter when starting out. Vincent can lull average minded Npcs to sleep. Stronger willed Npcs can will willed to sleep if intoxicated or Drunk. they are only asleep at this stage, later on he will learn to buth them in "waking trances"

Occult art #1: Blood magic (average): Vincent can use the blood of ither himself or his enemies to accomplish various things, none currently being attack related. Two specific examples are he can heal minor wounds of either himself or any ally he might have within ten feet of the source, OR he can drink the life blood of someone more attractive than him to steal their good looks and augment his own appearance.

Occult Art #2: Demon summoning: (Above average): Being half Demon himself he can summon a variety of Demons, mostly his relitives. He can summon his uncle (a demon of sleep) His father (a Demon of greed) or his sister (a Demon of Lust)

A set of 13 of Iron daggers of varying lengths for ceremonial purposes.

Familiars: His family tends to appear to him in various forms.

Hypnos (his uncle) appears to him as a sloth
Creed (his father) Appears to him as a crow
Lelieana (his sister) will appear to him in a mortal form, but rarely and not for long. She will typically be the most beautiful woman any man could imagine.
Due to rules of the occult he is only allowed to interact with one of them at a time.

12-20-10, 12:34 PM
Just one edit and you're set to go. I need you to make it so you can summon one demon at a time.

Vincent Shadows
12-20-10, 01:02 PM
the appropriate changes have been made

12-20-10, 01:31 PM
Great. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.