View Full Version : Silent Night.

Vincent Shadows
12-20-10, 04:39 PM
T'was a dark and stormy night as Vincent sulked in the tiny shack he had managed to buy. It was a dimly lit little shack, the only source of light was a small candle tucked away in the corner. From where Vincent sat, being in the opposite corner, he could lean forward and blow the dim light out. The shadows cast by the flame danced in a manner that shouldn't have been possible. the flame roared to life, and standing before Vincent was his sister, Leliana. The average persons sister does not appear out of a candle flame. But Vincent was half demon, so his family tended to pop up from time to time.

His sister scanned over her brother and held in a gag. Her brother was atrocious, he had mangy black hair caught in a permanent tangle of bedhead. His skin was ghastly pale, and stretched over his skeletal frame. He was seven feet tall, and had to remain seated in his home. He glared at her with his ferocious red eyes. She was a demon of Lust, and had all of the qualities one would base beauty on.

"What...do you want?" Vincent growled. He disliked his sister, she never had anything useful to say. She also never tried to help him with his predicament. Tonight would be different. "Well if you're going to be hostile..." Leliana replied. "Maybe I'll take my idea with me back to the anti-firmament." She continued. Vincent's ears perked up. "Idea?" he asked. She grinned. "I knew you'd like my idea..."

Vincent Shadows
12-23-10, 05:57 PM
Leliana smiled as she explained her plan to her brother. "It's a simple ceremony, and well within your abilities. All you need to do is find someone who is more attractive than you, lure them into your lair for ceremonies and kill them. Once they're dead drink their blood, you'll gain their attractive traits." She said quickly.

Vincent smiled grimly, "Does it work?" he asked quizzically. "Yep, a couple of my maiden worshipers use it all the time. Perhaps when you're done you can hook-up with them, they're horny little buggers." Leliana said smiling. Vincent chuckled. "Thanks sis."

He blew out the candle, plunging the shack into darkness. He rose from his sitting position and opened the door to his home silently. Thunder boomed as he stepped into the muddy streets. He could feel the chill of the air and pulled his cloak tighter around his skeletal frame. Rain soaked his body as he trudged through the streets. He glanced around at the ruined houses on his street.

He had a special few targets he would kill. It was time to get even for a childhood full of hellish memories.

Vincent Shadows
12-24-10, 12:47 AM
Many people had been awful to Vincent. One of them was a rather skinny young man named Josh. He had a goblin like face, but he had some muscles, which would help a lot to improve his looks. Josh had been adopted recently when the people in the peaceful promenade had been mysteriously slaughtered. Among the missing was Jaliss Evenkeels oldest son, Jack Frost. To replace the strange void in his heart the elven guard had adopted Josh, who was around his sons age. such strange attachment to something the man claimed he hated, it made Vincent sick.

The path to the elvish settlement was a treacherous one at night, especially so during the storm. Someone like Jack, whom Vincent had met once a long time ago, would have no problem with the familiar path. Vincent had rarely ever walked it, and found navigating the various rocks and branches difficult.

It was midnight when he arrived, having left his home only an hour ago. The fires of the camp where out, and the guards were huddled up on the other side of camp. No one would come in a storm like this. Vincent grinned, exhaling a cloud of fog. He would have so much fun with this.

Josh Evenkeel's tent was the furthest on the edge, where Jack used to sleep. Jack had been the only person besides his family to treat Vincent with any level of kindness. Such a nice man, it was a shame he was dead. He made a mental note to visit the young mans grave site wherever it might be. He slipped through the tent flaps of Josh's tent and grinned sadistically. This was going to be fun. He unsheathed one of the various ceremonial daggers he kept strapped to his frame under his cloak. It was a wicked knife stained red from whatever uses it's previous owners had used it for.

He knelt by the ugly young man and grinned. He brought his blade down in a clean motion and slit the throat of his enemy. The young man died without a sound. Vincent leaned over his body and sipped at the wound, feeling the magic begin to work. Soon he felt his muscles begin to bulge, and he suddenly felt a lot better. The plan was working so far. It was time to begin to make his way to his next foe.