View Full Version : Bartleby the Plague Bearer

12-21-10, 02:24 PM
Name: Bartleby Ignatius Gallais

Age: 22

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Height: 5' 11"

Weight: 155 lbs

Hair Color: Light Blonde

Eye Color: Light Blue

History: Deep within the city of Radasanth, hidden behind whispered words and darkened rooms, there exists a secret society- a collection of individuals devoted to what some say is an old god, and what others say is a demon. Few know of their existence, but those who do simply call them the Collective. The history of the Collective is as mysterious as it's members, but what is known is that they have existed for centuries. The Collective is made up of five families, each of which is descendant from a founding member of the organization. The five families are the Abancourt family, the Belmont family, the Moreua family, the Claudet family and the Gallais family. Each holds a house of nobility within Radasanth, as it has been for generations.

The purpose of the Collective is to serve their lord and master, Haemon, an ancient being of incredible destructive power who has remained dormant for countless centuries. Knowledge of Haemon's existence has been passed down from generation to generation, shared only with members of the five families and their most trusted subordinates. Though Haemon lies dormant, his will is relayed to the elders of the five families though dark rituals and séances. Through these rituals their tasks are assigned, and the families follow their orders without question. One suchassignmentt is how Bartleby came to be.

Seventeen years ago, the elders of the five families were given an order by the dark lord Haemon. His awakening would come soon, and his soul needed to be released from the nightmarish realm in which he lay dormant. To be released his soul would need to betransferd into a human host, though after many failed trials and lost family members, the elders had determined that Haemon's soul was too powerful for any one human body to withstand. After many nights of deliberation and debate, the decision was made to split Haemon's soul into five parts, representing the five forms of his power. One member of each family would be inhabited by a portion of Haemon's spirit, and when the time was right they would be joined as one, and the purification of the world of Althanas would begin. But with such great power at their disposal, a mere mortal would be easily corrupted. Only trueinnocencee can resist such temptation.

As such, it was decided that the five pieces of Haemon's soul would not inhabit the eldest of the five families, but rather, the youngest. Marcus Belmont, age eleven, was the eldest of the children. He would be blessed with the ebb and flow, Haemon's control over life and death. Julian Abancourt, age seven, would be blessed with ignition, Haemon's ability to conjur fire. Regina Claudet, age three, would be blessed with hoarfrost, Haemon's will over cold. Isaiah Moreua, age one, was the youngest. He would be blessed as the benighted, wielding Haemon's dominion over darkness. And finally, Bartleby Gallais, age five, would be blessed as theplaguebearerr, able to utilize Haemon's powers of pestilence.

The ritual required the involvement of every member of each family, and required numerous human and animal sacrifices. Once the dark ritual was complete, each child was marked with a small, red triangle on their forearm. Each represented a piece of Haemon's soul and when combined they would form a pentagon, the symbol of their dark lord. From then on the families raised their children as any other children would be raised. But they were never deceived about their nature. As long as they lived they would know what they were and what their purpose was. It was their destiny to die so that Haemon could live once again. But before their destinies could be realized, they would have to become strong. Until each child had complete mastery over their abilities, they would not be strong enough to inact the final ritual which would release Haemon from his imprisonment in the dark realm and into the world of Althanas. Until that day comes, each child trains with their elders, learning how to use their powers, as well as how to be a proper noble. Though they live lives of luxury, a dark cloud constantly looms over their heads. Each knows their destiny, and that it is a dark thing.

Appearance: As a noble, appearances have always been an important part of Bartleby's life. Despite the gruesome nature of his abilities, he isimmaculatelyy clean and well dressed. His hair is a light blonde, nearing white, and is shoulder length. His skin is fair and without flaw, apart from the mark on his left forearm. His eyes are a piercing icy blue and have been the talk of many young noble women numerous times. He is lean and cut, neither overly muscular nor scrawny. He dresses in the styles of the nobility, wearing a pair of black, knee high riding boots, the cuffs folded down, and a pair of brown and gold pinstriped, high-waisted trousers. He wears a silk, off-white under shirt with fringed sleeves, a brown single-breasted vest, to match his trousers, with six small, golden buttons, and a royal blue over coat with golden trim and cufflinks. The v-cut tail of his coat trails just below the back of his knees.

Personality: Bartleby is a quiet sort. He speaks gently, but with a firm tonality. He is steadfast and seeminglyincorruptiblee- a true noble to his core. He accepts the nature of his blessing, or curse, with a kind of quiet reluctence. Deep down he wishes that his destiny were not his own, but the mark on his arm is a constant reminder that it can never be so. As such, he accepts his destiny with grace, though he does not embrace it as some of the other blessed children do.

Bartleby has long had a rivalry with one of the elder blessed children, though it was not his actions that spawned it's existence. Julian the Igniter had always reveled in his abilities, truly embracing his blessing like none of the other children had. Bartleby's discontent with their nature was as a thorn in Julian's side. He could not understand why Bartleby did not want this dark blessing, and as such he resented him.

Despite his uneasy relationship with Julian, Bartleby got along with the other children well enough. Marcus was often distant and rarely associated with the other children, but Bartleby respected him none the less. Regina was an interesting sort. Though she was of noble birth, her various habits were less than lady like. She had made several advances toward Bartleby, but each time he turned her away. She had already shared a bed with Julian several times as well as other young men from various other noble families. She simply saw Bartleby as new territory to be conquered, and he had no interest in such things.

Bartleby's relationship with Isaiah was more like that of an older brother to a younger brother. They spent quite a bit of time together nearly every day, talking of many things. Each child had their own burdens to bear associated with their powers, but Isaiah's was the most apparent. His powers being over darkness, he had been stricken with blindness. Isaiah was a frightened young man. Always wary, always paranoid. He spent all of his days locked away in his room, blocked off from the rest of the world. Bartleby took great pity on him, for the burden he was forced to bear was greater than that of any of the other children.

Skills: The life of a noble is one of luxury, but also one of demand. Certain skills are expected of a young noble man, and Bartleby possesss several.

- Horse back riding. (Intermediate)
- Ballroom dancing. (Average)
- Fencing. (Novice)
- Speechcraftt and negotiations. (Intermediate)
- Navigation. (Average)

Abilities: The dark gift given to him by his elders and the dark lord Haemon has granted Bartleby great power, though his understanding of his abilities is still growing.

- Pestilence: Bartleby is known as the Plague Bearer. His abilities focus on pestilence- inflicting disease on other living things. This includes moderate things such as causing open wounds to become infected and flare with pain, to more advanced maneuvers such as willing sores and boils onto the skin of anyone who crosses him. His powers require no physical contact on his part, they are abilities wielded through his mind, though at his current novice level he has to concentrate very hard and can only afflict one enemy at a time. Like any strenuous activity, Bartleby can exhaust himself if he overexerts his powers.

- Resistance: Having spent so much time with afflictions and diseases, Bartleby has developed an above average resistance to most common illnesses and infections.

12-21-10, 03:12 PM
This looks acceptable. You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.