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12-22-10, 06:51 AM
Name: Ike "Skritch" Collins
Age: 23
Race: Cursed Human, presently goblin
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 4' 6"
Weight: 140 lbs.
Occupation: Short order cook, adventurer by common manipulation

Personality: A great hero, a selfless martyr, a man of great faith, a brooding loner with an ax to grind...absolutely none of these descriptions could describe Ike Collins, to his great relief. He's a lot like most Coronian men - stubborn, curious, and unafraid to speak his mind. He's not particularly entirely trusting anymore, and he's known to get in dark, bitter little moods at times. However, there's nothing that cheers him up more than a beautiful woman - even before being cursed, he was butter in their hands - something a shapeshifter named Myrta is more than happy to take advantage of, routinely liquoring him up, promising a variety of dirty deeds, then sending him off on some dangerous task or an other.

Appearance: Ike Collins was once a handsome young man, often with a smile on his face, full of pride in his work, eyes warm as chocolate, with a thick head of jet black hair. However, good looks are fleeting, and it could not be truer for Ike. Cursed by a wizard for an inarguably small offense, Ike has become a small, thin goblin, skin the color of starved grass, dotted here and there with small brown spots. Strangely, his eyes changed in shade to the color of a weak stew, and his hair became a horrid, unruly ugly mass of knots and tangles. His once straight, white teeth have yellowed slightly, and become small, sharp stubs. His nose is very small and rather flat; if one were to look at him directly in the face, they would see only two dark nostrils. A pointed black goatee hangs from his sharp angled chin. Though he's not as horrible looking as he thinks he is, and certainly one of the better looking goblins one could ever come across, he's still a goblin.He usually wears a leather cap, a long sleeved dark blue shirt, and dark brown linen trousers.

History: In the beginning, life was simple and good for Ike. He and his parents lived on the border of Concordia forest. His mother, Asura, was a seamstress and cook, whose talents were always being courted by a variety of Coronian noble houses, and his father was a woodsman, who, on occasion, acted as a guide in Concordia for caravans and some wary travellers. Ike had inherited his own father's rugged good looks and dark hair, and he liked to joke with the boy that in a few years, he'd be building castles around himself to hold the ladies at bay. He was spoiled on his mother's cooking, and developed an early interest in cooking himself. In the years before he joined him in the woods, Ike liked to make his father huge, hearty lunches when he'd come back from work, and his father's praise and encouragement only fueled the fire.

When he was in his early teenage years, his mother contracted a disease that the Coronian government was saying had come over from Raiaera, arcane in its origins, and thus the cure was not only difficult to find and prepare, it was also very expensive. The family was poor, and it was all Ike and his father could do to make her comfortable. She died peacefully, never complaining of the pain, but after burying his wife, Ike's father changed. He withdrew, became cold, came home from the city drunk more than often. Five years passed, and he watched his father's heart harden with pity. He knew his mother would have never wanted him to become what he was becoming, and he felt sorry for his father. He got a job at a tavern in the city, and worked hard to build money for his dream - to travel, and serve good food.

To Ike's surprise, his father remarried - and to a noblewoman, no doubt. The two seemed an excellent; both chilly in demeanor, with the common flash of anger spied in their eyes when neither thought the other was looking. His father told him that he was to come live with him, and learn to be a young gentleman, but Ike refused - the thought alone made him sick, he hated the way the noble kids walked, like they were always clenching their cheeks. His father chose not to talk to him again, and Ike never particularly complained about it.

With his funds, he bought a portable grill oven and began to travel, pulling it with his own two hands, selling his food to anyone and everyone who cared to give it a try. A few short years later, he became known around Corone, and had his regulars there, and even the people of the other nations he visited admitted that his food was tasty. He was developing something of a reputation - one that was drawing in food critics and the curious. One day, he served a wizard's apprentice who, after eating his sausage, furiously demanded his money back on the grounds that he was convinced he'd been overcharged. Ike refused, and throwing a tantrum, the apprentice cursed the stock he had to taste putrid. He return ed to his master, and raved about this delicious sausage he'd just eaten, in a great many flowing, descriptive lies. His curiosity piqued, the apprentice's master, Grymish Blackhand, found Ike, and bought one of the cursed sausages. Grymish was so furious that he'd been fed what he claimed was a sausage stuffed with rotted pig skin and trash juice, that he transmogrified Ike on the spot into the most wretched, pitiful thing he could think up on the spot - a goblin. Grymish then proceeded to blacklist Ike amongst the sorceror, wizard, summoner, and mage circles, sending out word that the lowest any was to charge to change the young man back was a lump sum of no less than twenty five thousand gold peices.

It was humiliating, it was aggravating - perhaps, at the end of it all, it was the best thing to ever happen to Ike Collins. Of course, if one were to say that to him, he'd punch them in the face. The whole thing made Ike a little meaner, a little more bitter, and pretty aggravated at any users or readers of the arcane. He's struggled to make what money he can, but if they weren't laughing at him for his misfortune, people were calling his tale an outright lie and trying to kill the goblin. Adventurers and the sort never were particularly fond, or tolerant of goblins. He's kept at his dream though, despite it all, though a lot less people are willing to buy food from a goblin than they are a human being...

Big Things, Small Packages - The curse placed on Ike's head appears to be mostly cosmetic - though he looks and sounds like a goblin, he has retained his human intelligence. Additionally, he has retained his strength. There was no mistaking Ike with some kind of strongman, but he certainly wasn't lacking either, years of pulling his cart before he found Asura and lugging barrels of ale kept him in good shape. So, despite his size, Ike is still as strong as the average man who participates in regular exercise. Of course, there are draw backs to his new form, such as a shorter reach, and he's a little slower when running, due to his short legs.

The Art of the Grill - Ike was an excellent cook before he was cursed, and even though his hands have been made mush smaller, his fingers stubbier, nothing has changed. One would never find Ike Collins toiling away in some castle's kitchen, preparing roast pheasant or tarts for royalty - he likes to eat what he cooks, and Ike never had the stomach or taste for "gourmet", high class foods. He's a self proclaimed master of the art of the short order grill, and is well known in Corone for his grilled sausages, pasties (not that sort, get your mind out of the gutter), and hamburgers. He may need a box now to reach his grill, but he's still proud of his culinary abilities.

Runecraft - Ike was never destined for old libraries and dusty tomes; unlike many others of Althanas, he never exhibited a bit of any magical promise. He couldn't light his grill with a wave of his hand, or cool down a too-hot meal with an incantation. However, one does not need an innate talent to scrawl symbols of power. One day, on a trip through bazaar, a mage bought lunch froim Ike, only to find that he had been pickpocketed. As a form of payment, the mage taught Ike how to draw runes. Unfortunately for him, even that was a little difficult for him to grasp, so the end result found Ike with a very small and confused knowledge of runes. From the lesson, he only came to understand two runes, one of minor healing and one of minor explosives. At the moment, he has two examples of these knowlede - two patches, stitched onto his cap. When the healing patch is removed and pressed to the body, it is capable of healing bruises and some minor flesh wounds in seconds, and if left on, could heal more serious wounds in about fifteen minutes. When removed from his cap, and applied to any surface, the explosive patch will detonate in three seconds, with enough power to either break small, simple locks, or cause a painful burn to the skin, and possibly fracture a bone. Ike can create more of these patches, but they must be requested as a spoil.

Equipment: Among his possessions, Ike carries a single double edged steel short sword, a small steel and oak handaxe that could be used for chopping woods as well as heads, an iron dirk kept in a boot sheath, a small steel scale mail shirt, a set of iron cooking utensils consisting of a spatula, two pronged fork, tongs, three cooking knives, and sauce brush, a pair of quilted oven gloves for handling hot cookware, a small leather apron, a small portable meat grinder, three clay jars, one containing ketchup, one containing mustard, one containing a barbecue sauce created from his grandmother's personal recipe, a bag of potatos, a bag of flour, a bag of onions, a bag of green peppers, a salt and a pepper shaker, one iron pot, one iron frying pan, one tan travelling cloak, and a spotted olive colored headband that he ocassionally uses to keep his hair out of his face. His most prized possession, however, is his charcoal grill, fitted with wheels for travel. He's also collected a few items that some diners have given to him as payment for a meal instead of coins, and include a fishing pole, eight feet of rope, and a glove, detailed below.

Mage's Glove - Given to him by an enchanter in the bazaar as payment for a large lunch order, this is a small glove, practically child size (in fact, it is child sized, made for a kid, which is why the enchanter had trouble selling it at all), with an eye stitched in thread, colored a mustard yellow in the middle of the palm. Three times a day, the glove allows Ike to throw a fireball the size of an average man's fist, which can cause minor burns ignite flammable material such as cloth, and cause blunt force trauma equal to a punch from an average man. The glove also allows Ike to ignite his fingertips with small flames of heatless fire as a light source.

((Please note, this glove is perhaps the only thing that will receive an update whenever I level, as combat abilities of characters will be made a moot point this fast coming year anyway. I most likely won't even ask for an update on this thing unless it comes as a spoil anyway, and its not going to become much more powerful than this, save for the addition of new elements - it sure the hell isn't going to be multiplying strength times thirty or calling down gods to breathe fireballs the size of cities on someone's head))

Familiars: While travelling through Concordia forest, Ike came across a group of hunters and their kill, a massive boar. In a tiny cage, they carried its child, a scared and squaling farrow. In exchange for a hearty lunch, they gave him the baby boar, and he began raising it. After he was changed, the boar was the only one to accept him as he was, and the two became inseperable. He named it Asura, after his late, biological mother, and he spoils her terribly, feeding her treats from his own cart, thhough never the pork sausages - that would be terrible. The boar is currently the size of a grown pony, and is usually seen pulling his grill along behind it, though he sometimes rides it like a mount.

((Note: Cannot be used in citadel battles, or quests without permission from my fellow writers.))

12-22-10, 10:41 AM
I'm not sure where you get your information, but combat abilities will be even more regulated in the new system if anything. It's the skills and skill levels that will be rather... moot, as you put it.

At any rate, this looks good across the board. You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.