View Full Version : Concept Battles: The Final Showdown

Rayse Valentino
12-22-10, 02:20 PM
The president and de facto ruler of Salvar is none other than yours truly, Rayse Valentino. The Company has become the national organization that owns most of the country's businesses. However, we're not done yet. Using the country's newfound unity, The Company extends its influence to Alerar, Corone, Raiaera, and whatever else, threatening to take over those countries through pressure or from the inside. In short, Rayse Valentino is trying to take over the world, and he's looking like a good guy for doing it by the Salvaran people.

Can anyone stop this tide from engulfing the world? I want a huge team battle with the fate of the world hanging in the balance. Xem'zund got nothin' on this. There's no guarantee that the good guys will win, either. I want it to play out with no clear ending in mind. I want to note that the characters you use for this can be beefed-up versions of their current selves. Levels are not enforced, so you can get ready for the final battle in any way you wish.

Sounds good? Let's get some discussion on this piece.