View Full Version : Mystic War-Chapter 1: Team 2

12-22-10, 05:15 PM
Shouts echoed down the hallways as men were brought through the door to the Ixian Knights medical ward. Blood dripped crimson rubies upon the stone tile even as the man was placed upon a bed. The medics on duty immediately moved to begin treatment, some heading for the medical closet, others moving to the wounded man. They began shouting relevant information as they carefully set the man in a relaxed position. Soon the man was elevated such as to drain blood away from the wounds he sustained, rather than into them. One of the medics soon turned to the soldiers who brought him in, "How did this happen?"

"Knights of the Dawn came in, wounding some of the men once things started heating up. Where is Lady Orlouge? It's time for her to go-"

"Eldani, what is the situation?" A crystal clear voice rang through the room, even as the sounds of boots clicking a staccato beat over the flagstones could be heard. A staff clicked in its own time, adding to the symphony of the Mystic's arrival. Red Hair trailed behind her in a billowing cloud of deep crimson, even as blue eyes looked over the wounded. Eyes narrowed she spoke, "These are blade wounds, I'd venture from a heavy blade more than anything."

The two soldiers looked to Aislinn before one of them stepped forward. Her eyes regarded the man carefully before he did a formal salute and spoke, "Lady Orlouge, your presence here is in jeopardy. It is time for you to flee. Lord Sei has ordered the evacuation of all Mystics, and their support staff. Come with us."

Aislinn looked down, the trinkets woven into her hair jingling softly in the open air. Her eyes closed a second, before she looked down upon the wounded soldier. reaching out the Students immediately moved back from the body giving her more access. The soldiers frowned to each other before on spoke up, "Lady Orlouge?"

"I refuse to let my mere existence be the reason for this man's death. I owe him a debt I cannot repay, and I seek to at least let him live long enough to allow me to try," Aislinn responded firmly. Her hand briefly glowed white, as she poured the essence of the Breath of Life into the man, causing the more fatal wounds to close up. With the man in a stable condition she closed her eyes once more, before she spoke firmly, "Eldani, you are in charge. I trust you to uphold the values this clinic was built upon. Anastasia, gather the bags we've stowed in the medical room. It is time for us to depart. The rest of you..."

Her eyes opened as they held a look of sorrow. She regretted not having more time to train them, but truly she could not expect to have forever to make them her perfect healers. This day had been coming, and she saw it, even when she had begun this journey long ago. Her students would be tested, as without her they had no reliable source to fall back upon. This was their destiny, to be true medics, and not children tied to her apron strings. She fought back the tears, realizing this would be far harder than she had thought.

"Aislinn," She opened her eye and looked up into the face of one of her students. A younger boy his name was Carlos as she recalled. He was skilled in mixing herbs for the medical concoctions needed to get some of the more elaborate procedures to work. He rested a hand on her shoulder before he spoke, "None of us blame you for this. You need to go home, keep your family safe. We'll be fine, we had you for a teacher."

She smiled at Carlos before she placed her hand on his own and spoke softly, only for the students who even now gathered about their teacher, "Remember, I chose you all for your talents. If I thought you were of no use to me, I would have thrown you out in the first week. We will succeed or fail as a team, never forget that. Help each other, be the support I was for you, shoring up each others deficiencies. I shall be back before you know it. Think of this as a mere test. If you can endure this, then what can possibly stop us?"

"Teach?" Carlos spoke up, before with a firm smirk she carefully extracted Carlos' hand from her shoulder.

"Do not think I did not know what you were doing Mr. Espanoza, I am not one of the other medics," She then gave him a playful smile before she spoke, "You shall have to find me at a lower emotional high than this to find way to my bed."

Laughter echoed through the infirmary, before Aislinn carefully said goodbyes to each of them. Each was given with a cautionary about the various weaknesses they would have to be mindful of to survive the upcoming casualties, even as she moved out of the room, Anastasia Ryos in tow behind her. The contemporary to Aislinn was a blonde hair woman of modest age, her mind able to keenly focus on things she normally could not.

Her hair was pulled back in the ponytail she normally put it for when she was to begin detailed work, even as she carefully handed Aislinn one of the satchels containing the medicines the Witch had anticipated would be necessary. Moving through the hallways being flanked by the two guards she spoke to Anastasia, "I do hope that wasn't overly emotional."

"Oh I wouldn't worry about that ma'am, you'll still be Aislinn the Grim to us," Anastasia replied jovially. Once more the sound of laughter left the Mystics face, even as he heart began to race. The thought of returning home, and the realization that time was at hand, was causing her to grow excited. It had been sixteen years since she had been to the Dranaks, to be returning there after her exile, created a well of mixed emotion in the otherwise emotionless witch.

Silence Sei
12-30-10, 08:33 AM
"Emma, I'm scared," the voice of the four year old Ella Orlouge spoke to her elder sister. The older of the two adopted girls brought her sister in closer to her, expecting to hide her behind the black sleeveless tank top and blue pajama pants she wore to bed. The sounds of screaming seemed to get louder at times, and then die down for a few moments.

The girls were located on the top floor of the castle, so it made sense that if somebody actually had gotten through the defenses, they'd be worn out going through several floors of hell in order to reach the uppermost chambers. Emma looked down to Ella and bit her lower lip, trying to think of a plan of escape for the two. Normally, they would take the elevator down to the first floor, but that seemed where the fighting was at their worst. After all, Sei would be on the front lines defending his castle and his people from whoever was laying on this siege.

As if an answer to the girl's contemplation, a skinny man kicked open the door, a sword drawn in his hand. This man was Jaime, Pell Duro's partner in crime and normally a weak little sexist. The sounds of fighting were increasing by the minute, and Jaime stood with sword at the ready for whatever was to come this way. A few speckles of blood were on his face, and his normally pristine blade was coated in the crimson liquid.

"Use the dumbwaiter!" Jaime exclaimed, the sword in his hand shaking. It seemed as though this was the first time the man had ever had to spill blood, and it was taking a mental toll on him. "It leads directly to the infirmary! I'll cover you, just go!"

Emma wanted to ask the man how he knew where the dumbwaiter went, being neither a higher ranking member of the army, nor an infirmary assistant. However, that question would be saved for another day, as Ella's protection came first. The fourteen year old grabbed her sister's hand and began to run out of the room, Jaime running backwards through the halls in order to make sure they escape. Eventually, the girls reached a granite wall, a small handle ever so slightly camouflaged to make sure that people could not easily identify the dumbwaiter. Sei had shown it to the girls on their first day in the castle.

Emma cursed herself for not remembering Sei's plan for emergency escape sooner, and grabbed the handle, lifting open the dumbwaiter with a hurried pace. The box of the device was open, and Emma quickly hurried her baby sister inside the box, and followed suit, Jaime turning around and grabbing the rope, shifting it upwards in order to send the box downwards.

It was cramped and cold in here, with both girls in matching sleepwear, and feeling as if their bones were going to run through one another, they grunted as they felt a sudden rapid decline in their descent. A sudden thud rammed Ella's elbow into Emma's stomach, causing the girl to cough and hack for a moment. Jaime must have encountered some trouble on the top floor.

Ella in her fear became presumptuous, and quickly opened the dumbwaiter's door, hoping to find someone, anybody in the medical ward that could help them escape...

Enigmatic Immortal
12-31-10, 08:46 PM
“Well looky here,” A tall plated warrior reached into the dumbwaiter and dragged the two children out violently. Ella and Emma fell upon the floor where several swords were drawn upon them. “Be careful, they could be those Mystic Bastards! That glass will rip your flesh right off if you poke them wrong.”

“Yeah, look at that,” Another said in anguish. “Another damned mystic child. I thought that bitch Kyla Orlouge wiped em out,” He knelt down before Ella who shivered and crawled towards Emma, but before she could make it a Knight of Dawn grabbed Emma’s hair and yanked her away from her sister.

“Let’s see how she plays follow the leader,” He pulled harder on her hair, making Emma scream in pain as tears fell down her face. “Come on, leader says squeal, not scream!” He laughed as did the other warriors, and Emma felt her face contort more as another soldier punched her across the face. “Come on!”

“STOP IT!” Ella let out a cry as she ran to her sister, only to be shoved down on her face by another guard. She sniffled in fear as she looked behind her, seeing a woman dressed in dark robes with a short sword in her hand. “My daddy will kick your butt if you hurt us!”

“Oh, and who’s daddy?” The woman challenged her, leaning down and laughing in her face cruelly. Ella sniffled again as Emma answered her question, donning a mask of courage for her frightened sister.

“Sei Orlouge, and when he hears that,” He face was slapped hard by her acoster as she was tossed into her sister, knocking them both over. Emma gripped Ella tightly as they both sniffled, Ella crying into her sisters chest as she rubbed the back of her hair softly. “It’s gonna be okay, it’s going to be alright,” She whispered, though she knew she was merely saying words with empty meaning.

“That’s right, lie to her.” The woman said holding her hand out. “Tell her those sweet, sweet lies. Lets go ahead and make a lesson out of the smallest child to Sei. We can use the older one for collateral.” A whip was placed into her hand and she unraveled it as the other men began to whistle in low cat calls to the two daughters of the dragon. Emma closed her eyes and made as much a shield as she could to protect her sister.

It was never needed.

A knife flew outwards hitting the woman dead in the center of her iris, blood gushing out as she toppled over to her back in a beautiful pirouette. Laughter echoed down the halls as the knights turned to see one warrior dancing wildly, legs moving in a rhythm that made no sense as another two knives flew out. Two more warriors died. He slowed his dancing pace down, moving his shoulders in a creepy rotation of back and forth before standing before them Knight’s of Dawn.

"Tick tock, tick tock, The hands on the clock strike the deadly knell. Tick tock, tick tock, looks like you've all lost your cocks!" The lone warrior giggled wildly as stepped into the infirmary room. He then looked down to the two girls and all his joviality was lost.

“Sorry I’m late kiddos. Aislinn didn’t give me enough warning and I had to get Azza to safety first. Trust me when I say she had it worse.” Emma looked to the voice, recalling its familiarity and Ella peeked her head to look to the free flowing fabric of the leather trench, the open posture, the warmth and friendliness of a man she knew only as the man who looked like a doggy.

“You are going to pay-” A warrior who talked was instantly silenced, a throwing glaive inserted deep into his mouth as he fell backwards. Jensen didn’t even look like he moved, save for his lowering hand that held two more.

“I intend to make you assholes pay for daring to harm these little ones,” Jensen made a motion with his hand for the girls to come to him. “Get behind me, run as fast as you can down the hall, and don’t stop until you find Aislinn. Is that clear?” He said to Emma. The girl nodded, gripped her sisters hand. “Go, you’ll find another man who looks like me with a bare chest. His name is Nathanial. He’ll have Azza with him, go with him and get to safety.” Emma ran as fast as she could and Jensen let them breeze by him. The seven remaining warriors looked to Jensen like hungry wolves about to fight an awoken bear.

With barely a move he tossed two more of his glaives, thinning their numbers down two more as he slid forwards grabbing his punch knife in one fluid motion, laughing hysterically as he punched the dagger into his foe repeatedly dropping his corpse to the side like it was nothing.

“Let’s keep it classy, now!” Jensen shrieked with laughter as he went to war.

01-03-11, 05:01 PM
Battling resounded through the hallway and immediately Aislinn shifted. Anastasia noticed the change in mentality, for instead of standing haughty and proud, Aislinn had become more graceful and moved deliberately. It was an odd shift to someone who had never seen Aislinn fight, but Anastasia knew that it was never meant to be a real battle. Still, she followed the witch’s lead in never moving without checking the surroundings, even as the guards drew steel and prepared for the worst.

The first member of the knight of the dawn had almost slashed through Aislinn, had she not noticed his desperate charged and jumped back. The man had spewed out insults, only to be met with the Witche’s piercing gaze. Shortly he began to fumble about, trying to figure out a way to kill one of the confirmed Mystics, but seemed to repeatedly second guess himself, it was a simple task for the two guards with her to disable the man, and before the killing blow could be struck, Aislinn had stopped them.

“Lady Orlouge this man made an attempt on your life,” One of the guards said, still holding the blade to the intruder.

Aislinn knelt down looking at the man before she spoke, clearly and firmly, “I want him to remember that I could have had him killed, but unlike him, I showed mercy where I had every right to show none. Go back to your so called Order, and tell them not all Mystics are putrid filth that should be purged.”

The man spit at her, catching her in the face with a mixture of spit mucus and blood before he laughed bitterly, “You’re just trying to make an example of me, show I’m not good enough to be killed by your lackeys. I’ll see you in hell!”

The man pushed an advantage that he had only created in his delusional mind, and was swiftly cut down by the Ixian Knights, even as Aislinn reeled from the man spitting at her. Carefully scraping it from her face and flicking it to the ground she looked in disbelief at the now dead corpse. The guards grabbed her by the arm and carefully continued to lead her out of the Castle, towards the passage way leading to the Concordia Forest.

It didn’t take long before they heard the sounds of shuffling and running. The guards immediately closed ranks around Aislinn and her assistant before the visage of two girls running could be seen. Both had a look of wild fear before they saw the blood red hair of the Witch and immediately the elder spoke up, “Aunt Aislinn!”

Aislinn carefully scooped up the little one before she spoke, her voice softer than its usually harsh tone, “Ella, Emma, what are you doing running around the castle at this time? It is dangerous to go by yourselves.”

“Mr. Jensen said we should find you and get out of here,” Emma said looking up at the witch. Aislinn looked about, making sure they were still safe for the time being before she spoke up;

“You are uninjured?”

“I got knocked around a little bit, I got hit by one of those guys who are hunting you down!” Emma said. Aislinn carefully placed a hand on the child’s face moving it about before she could see the beginnings of a bruise forming on her face. Aislinn clucked her tongue before she spoke once more;

“And to think, I tried to spare one of them. If they are as reprehensible as to attack children, then they are too far gone to be saved.”

Ella the small one clung tightly to Aislinn even as she nodded to Emma, “Alright, stay with us, and never get between me and these so called Knights. If it is a dawn they wish, we shall have it turn into dusk.”

Anastasia spoke up, “Ms. Orlouge, are you certain we should be fighting?”

“No, you need not burden yourself. In fact here, take Ella from me, in case something should happen I can use myself for a distraction while you head for the exit,” Aislinn said firmly.

Ella shook her head before she clung tighter to Aislinn actually causing some discomfort. Aislinn looked down at the child cowering into her collarbone before she heard the childish voice, “No! I wanna stay with you!”

“Ella darling, I need to be able to move around if I am to protect you darling. Anastasia is perfectly capable of protecting you as well,” Aislinn reassured the small girl.

“From what I see, you’re both incompetent,” A gruff voice spoke up. Aislinn looked over to see a man in a long coat with full sleeves running down the hallway. He slid to a stop, his long hair held back by a red bandanna before he said firmly, “Enough playing strong for the kiddies. Just keep out of my way, you won’t have anymore Knight problems, ain’t that right Az?”

“Yeah! Grandpa is the best!” The cheer came up from the small girl that even now clung to the man’s back in a piggy back ride. The girl was far more cheerful but being seen by the other two girls immediately brightened their spirits as they spoke out;


“Yay, it’s Azza!”

“I take it Jensen is too busy to find me yet?” Aislinn asked the man, who merely shrugged.

“Guy told me that he’d catch up with me,” The brute of a man said. He snorted before he spoke up, “Kid did always waste his time in fights. Well if my useless son is going to play around in the castle we better just get out of here and show him what happens when you don’t take things seriously.”

“Perhaps that would be for the best,” Aislinn spoke up. Shifting Ella to her back she said firmly, “Wrap your legs around my waist, yes, like that.” She reassured Ella before she looked to the guards, “Well, lead on.”

Enigmatic Immortal
01-04-11, 04:32 PM
“Azza, get off my back! Time for me to show these Knights of Dawn how to rumble!” The gruff voice of the Oracle of wind called back to his granddaughter.

“Got it grandpa!” The daughter of Jensen slipped off his shoulders and rode down his jacket to the floor, turning to Emma and offering her hand. Emma gratefully took it as she looked at the man standing before her. Comparatively he seemed like a giant, a tall six foot three inches, long hair like Jensen’s but it was only erratic where the bandanna didn’t keep it from flowing into his face. As the immortal said he didn’t bother wearing a shirt, but his jacket, that long draping trench coat was almost identical to the one the knight wore. Save the sleeves and the care. This jacket was used and abused, and not tended to carefully, but still retained its sleeves.

two soldiers draped in fine robes stepped forwards lightly, eyes cast with eldritch energies as they lifted up long rods dripping in magical energies. The one on the left held a red cane in his hand, eyes burning like the fires of a volcano as his hood rippled with heat. The other had piercing blue eyes, cold as the winter night, his cane made entirely of ice it seemed. Both gave off a snicker of joy as Nathanial Ambrose cracked his knuckles placing one gaunteled hand on his neck, popping the vertebrae one at a time as he eyed his foes.

“What are you, gay lovers?” He grunted angrily. “Doesn’t that go against the natural order? One man, one woman? Not this clashing of swords foreplay you two do, right?” He grinned out of the corner of his mouth as he leaned forwards, covering half his face as if revealing a big secret. “That what you two? Whack dicks before shoving them in each other’s mouth for a whopping good time.”

“Yes, he is Jensen’s father,” Aislinn muttered covering Ella’s ears.

The two mage’s gave off a mixed look of horror and rage before the firey tempered one blasted forwards, smoke billowing as he rode on a cloud of flame. Rod extended outwards as he pulled his other hand up, a fireball forming in his hands as he chanted his spell.

“Found the catcher!” Nathanial laughed lifting upwards and bringing both arms back before slapping them together before his chest. A wave of wind rose up around him and then outwards, flooding the small tunnel with wind that blew the fire mage off his magical steed and collapsing into a wall. Bare feet slapped against the cavern floor as Nathanial rushed ahead, jumping forwards with extended knee catching the fire mage on the chin and slamming his face into the wall. The fire in his eyes fused out as his iris rolled shut and a gasping cry of pain fluttered out his lips like a dying ember.

“Hmm, thought he’d be used to getting a shot in the mouth,” He mumbled turning his attentions to the winter mage. The sorcerer brought his staff back in a twirling motion, creating three spiked icicles about the size of the Oracle of Wind’s head. When he finished his twirl he slammed his staff downwards letting them loose as they charged forwards.

Nathanial grinned as he brought one hand up blocking the first, creating a gust of wind that blew the second away into the wall, the tiny chunks falling like hail on the downed mage’s face. The third icicle shard came at him and with a cry of pure hate he slammed his face downwards just above the tip and head butted the crystal into thousands of tiny crystal shards.

“Strike one,” Nathanial taunted stepping closer to the mage with a dignified walk.

Panicking the mage turned with his staff, winter’s baleful wind surrounding him as a sheet of snow formed in his wake, a small blanket forming into a giant closed fist. When he finished dancing he began to shuffle, two hands of ice floating before his robes as he mimicked what they would do. He moved forwards and shot one hand out in a vile uppercut.

“Strike two and three, cause I promised my granddaughter ice cream,” Nathanial easily dodged the blow, turning his back and rotating in a fierce roundhouse kick that slammed the mage into the floor, all energy warping out of his system. Nathanial turned to his charges, bowing in an exaggerated fashion as he ushered them onwards.

“Come, come, I promised ice cream!” He muttered as Azza ran with Emma and Aislinn walked forwards.

“Thank you,” She whispered.

“Don’t mention it,” He sassed. “Just make Jensen owe you,”

02-12-11, 01:31 PM
Their movement was quick and hurried, with the Oracle of Wind things were looking up for the fleeing members of Aislinn's group. While the two guards were certainly handy in a fight, it helped to have someone who could handle more than one or two fighters at once. In doing so it allowed them to keep even odds against the encroaching forces, even as they tried to get the Mystic Bastards as they so eloquently put it.

Aislinn was still shaken by the man's resistance to the notion of the Witch's mercy. It spoke of a deep seated hatred for her, and she had never even known the man. It was a dark and twisted organization that sought to eliminate the last of the Mystics. Aislinn felt like a deer eternally pursued by the pack of wolves, as each hallway they ran through would see a thunderous bellow of having spotted a Mystic.

It would begin the process anew of men rushing to attack her, while every member of the Ixian Knights would rush to defend her. It didn't matter if it was Kylanna, Aislinn, or Sei himself, the knights rallied to aid the Mystics, much to her alarm. It only seemed to increase the bloodshed in a frenzied pitch that made Aislinn fear for their lives. She would stabilize the ones she could, but ultimately she didn't have time to save them all.

"You know, this would go a lot faster if we didn't have the whole castle coming down on us," Nathaniel grumbled. They had come to a stop in a main crossroads in the castle. The hallways stretched in the four cardinal directions, while darkness fell heavily about the area. Aislinn herself knew that they were in perhaps the most exposed of positions, but it was getting harder to find the areas where the knights were at their thinnest.

Aislinn sighed before she shook her head slowly, "It does not help that the courtyard is so crowded with fighting either. It seems like they have a solid grasp of the exits. We might need to go through the tunnels to Concordia."

"Nah, we'll get through them, once we reach the forest's edge we'll be safe. I doubt they have enough common sense to fill a basket, let alone track down a bunch of adults and kids," Nathanial said before he cracked his neck irritably.

"How do you propose we do that? The second we get anywhere near there, they swarm us and we end up getting more men killed trying to protect me!" Aislinn hissed irritably.


"Thayne above that's getting annoying!" Nathaniel yelled as Aislinn spun to see a knight of the dawn rush down the hallway. Ella clutched her protector tightly before Aislinn held her staff before her. The witch knew that it was only moments before Nathaniel would be in the thick of things. However, with the thunderous cacophony of sound coming from behind her, she could only assume he had his own problems, Aislinn would have to fight.

"Ella get down, I need to be able to move..." Aislinn whispered softly. She heard a whimper of protest, before Anastasia pulled the young girl from the Mystic's back. Aislinn held her staff behind her at the ready as the man charged headlong into the throng. Aislinn was no warrior but she allowed herself a warrior's smile as she went to work.

The man faltered a step when Aislinn's right eye glowed a sinister red. Soon his mind was afflicted with doubts about his actions. Could he even take a Mystic alone? What if she used that damnable Mystic magic to destroy him right out? How could he hope to do anything? His steps slowed only slightly before he shook his head and continued the charge.

Bringing her staff in front of her, Aislinn slammed the piece of wood into the ground before the man slashed down, and to his dismay saw a shield of glass erect between the witch and him. His eyes widened as the telltale sound of glass shattering echoed through the hallway, followed by a squeal of pain. The man collapsed to the ground in a heap before she spoke callously, "You took it full bore, I would go so far as to say that you might live if I did anything to help you."

The man whimpered on the ground before Aislinn slammed her staff across the man's temple. The power of the blow was considerable and combined with the pain the man was feeling, and the glass shards that had cut him open he passed out from the sudden blow. Her shoulder heaved with the effort before she closed her eyes and kneeled, "Be happy I took an oath to not kill."

Her hand glowed white before she had stabilized the fallen knight. Her eyes reopened before she stood and looked behind her, to see Nathaniel clearing a path while the two Ixian Knights with them were helping their fellow guards protect Lady Orlouge. Aislinn shook her head before she shouted, "Nathaniel, take us to the courtyard, I have an idea..."

"I'd prefer the kitchen, but whatever you say sweet tits..." The Oracle of Wind responded as they began their push towards the front gates of the castle.

Silence Sei
03-11-11, 12:16 PM
Emma and Ella both watched as the chaos all around Ixian Castle surrounded and eventually swallowed them. Yes, they had found their 'Aunt' Aislinn (Sei insisted that Ella refer to any adult as 'Uncle' or 'Aunt' until she began to use the terms like 'Mister and Misses' more effectively), but even the best healer in the entire army seemed helpless when faced with such a large number of enemies. Emma looked out of a nearby window during the fights, her eyes catching the robotic man known as Laconic blowing up an entire tower of the castle in order to protect the Mystic race.

All this torture, all of this death to protect Emma's 'family', and she was supposed to just go along with the group like a sheep?

"No,” Emma whispered as Aislinn began to speak her plan to the large Knight of Apocalypse, "No, I think not." Ella looked up at her sister, just in time to see the older girl's hands push her back, straight towards the one known as Nathaniel. They would do a good job of protecting Ella, but Emma was too old to -not- help. Every second she could buy would be another second her sister could escape this madness.

"Emma, what are y--," Aislinn too was shoved out of the way, Emma Orlouge had broken out into a full out run through the halls, stopping in a doorway that connected one hall to another. The smell of smoke was starting to fill the air, the screams of those falling for the causes they believed in filled her ears, and the need to save her sister filled her heart. Emma turned around just in time to see the group running towards her, Ella in one arm of Nathaniel, Azza in the other. The smallest Orlouge had tears in her eyes as she reached and screamed her sister’s name. Emma looked to her side and slammed the wooden door behind her, looking down at what she could use to bar the entry. She winced as she looked at the corpse of one of those Knights of Dawn people. His hand still held his sword despite his lifelessness.

She pushed the corpse over to the door, feeling a bit grossed out as she pushed the head up just above the knob, causing it to stop moving. She then looked down, closed her eyes and grabbed the hilt of the sword.

She jumped as the sounds of splashing hit her ear drums, speckles of crimson hitting the pale skin of her face. Was that -her- blood? Had Emma Orlouge already died? The fact that she was asking herself these questions hinted at a no. She looked up to see the last remaining ounces of blood drip out of the soldier’s mouth. If there was any skin color left to the terrified girl, it was gone now. Emma removed the fingers from the sword one by one, listening as her party tried to break the door down. Each time Ella called for her sister, it broke the elder girl's heart.

But this whole thing was -for- Ella.

Grabbing the hilt of the sword, Emma turned around, expecting to lift the weapon with ease. Instead, she found that her smaller frame could barely heave the blade above her shoulder. It would do for now. With all of Nathaniel’s armor, Emma estimated that she was still faster than the much larger knight. She began to rush towards the sounds of oncoming footsteps, preparing to risk and lose her life for something more important than the Mystics, Ixian Knights, or even Sei Orlouge himself.

She was going to die for love.

Requiem of Insanity
10-10-11, 04:47 PM
"Look, this one thinks she can fight all by herself," the giggling of a taller man echoed around the hallway of Emma Orlouge. There was a chorus of laughter, all hiding in the darkness as the young mystic turned in circles to pinpoint the exact source. Her knuckles had long turned white, the grip on her sword so tight it could be said she had merged with it.

"Mystic children," someone spat; a female. "Disgusting!"

"Well, how should we handle this one?" The first voice seemed to be moving. With a startle the daughter of Sei turned, eyes wide as she heard a crow cawing. She jumped forwards and turned swinging the sword, knocking over a statue of one of the nine generals. Her eyes could not hold back the flood of emotions within her as she softly began to sob.

"Yes," the womanly voice whispered. "Give into despair, and sing to me your fears."

Emma heard a noise and turned to look. A shadowy raven cawed endlessly towards her, smoke like wings whisping up and down as they bled into the sky. Emma lifted her blade and took out the bird, breathing heavy as her anxiety refused to settle. Laughter filled the room again.

"You want to be so brave? Why do you fear a shadow?" The room seemed to echo, and Emma realized she could only see so far as her extended arm. Her feet quivered as she moved slowly. When she looked softly to the left she screamed, a mastiff barking at her in challenge as it's jaws opened to swallow her whole. Her blade came down in a brutal two hand strike, splitting the image in two. Her breath came up in ragged heaves, her eyes watered to the brim as tiny lines crossed her face.

"You will learn to fear me," the female taunted. "All will know the Gisela Reaper has returned, and all the impure will suffer..."

Emma had enough as she started to run, blade at the ready as terror ran down her spine. She was aiming for the antechamber when there was a clamor of laughter again, but this time there was something else to it.

It was as if the true manifestation of dread had opened its maw and let out a roar of mirth. The darkness around Emma intensified, and a creepish wave of anguish lowered her to a knee. She was not alone however, the bodies of two people hitting the floor filled the air.

"The Gisela Reaper?" A honey sweet voice filtered through the darkness, a seductive hint as heels clicked on the cobblestone in a steady gait. There was a motion of the darkness, but it was soon thwarted as something pushed it aside and fed on it like a ghoul.

"Wh-what is going on?" The female asked in a stupor, her voice long done with the dramatics as fear creeped in. The newcomer laughed, a piercing inviting call laced with dark intentions.

"My do we change our tone quickly," her voice rose, as if she was further away. A pair of hands grabbed Emma and picked her up, tossing her back into the antechamber where a powerful baleful wind shut it, dark mutterings and cruel curses upon the breeze.

"You're probably wondering why you are here..."

Emma had enough time to make out black hair and a solitary kitchen knife, before the words let out a giggle as the two Knights of Dawn screeched in horror. Thinking it wise to run, Emma did just that.

Enigmatic Immortal
10-12-11, 11:56 AM
There was another dumbwaiter located to the left of the antechamber, but before the girl used it she took a moment to regain her breath. It seemed silly, and above all else improbable, that she was just saved by*the real Gisela Reaper. Sei, her father, had told her that monster was killed. Even the newspapers had proclaimed that her death was swift and sure. Still, the screams from the other room did not help calm her anxiety, and thinking it better to get a move on she approached the dumbwaiter and prepared to lower herself to kitchen area.
She could still hear the screams of battle; oaths of war and defiant shouts battered in the air while on the ground metal weapons clang against one another. Her breath came in labored steps again, and she realized maybe, just maybe, she was a bit out of her league. Yet one reminder of the bruise forming on her face and she thought back to her sister, and steeled her nerves. She promised herself she would buy her family precious time to escape, and she would not go back on these words.
The contraption had stopped and she felt around in the darkness for the handle finding it and slowly peeking out as*the door opened. There seemed to be no danger that she could detect, and with careful movements she managed to hop out and onto her feet. Her limbs stretched outwards as she cracked her back and gathered her sword. She moved out of*the kitchen towards the main greeting hall, eyes always wary of the foe. When she turned a corner she found a group of the enemy surrounding a lone soldier; a warrior dressed in robes of bright blue. He was*covered with a polished black leather tunic covered in scores of cuts, several pennants of scroll like paper hanging from his right shoulder like a cape. He carried a sword slicked in blood, his black hair matted with the crimson liquid as it dripped off the edge of his nose.*
"I ask this again!" The lone warrior shouted, his voice clear as crystal as it rose in volume like he was speaking to a group of fanatics. "Which of you has the courage to smite me?" There was a consensus of odd looks and awkward shuffling, before another warrior of the Dawn charged recklessly forwards, longsword held at the ready. The Ixian Knight lifted his weapon and ran the blade along the edge of his foes, tilting it downwards and with a sudden flourish brought it back and around in a two handed swing.
He screamed a cry of war, a curse of battle before a head fell on the ground and rolled at the Ixian's feet. The group looked around as the man lifted a hand down and grabbed the lost limb, pushing the prostrate body aside and lifting it up with his sword, screaming loudly,* "I ask this again, which of you has the courage to smite me?"
There was more scuttling and more awkward tension, and Emma peered at all this with a sense of awe and and no small feeling of being the fly on the wall. The man seemed to look at his foes, but she could see his eyes focus on her. He narrowed them, like a disapproving parent, before he began to mouth words. Her eyes focused on his mouth, and she could barely, barely make out his subtle words.
Emma shook her head, refusing to be a burden on anyone anymore. She lifted her sword, as if this testament was worth something. The man began to lower his gaze in frustration, but in doing so one of the Knights of Dawn turned their head and saw the girl. He looked back to the Ixian Knight, a bemused smile of confidence, before he turned and ran right at her.
"NO!" The Ixian roared defiantly as he moved to stop him, but two swords nearly claimed him as all the Knights of Dawn jumped him. He fought like a savage beast, his sword lifting up and down in swift arcs, each strike leaving a trail of blood in his wake. Yet Emma watched as the swords of the enemy pierced his flesh over and over, their cries of battle louder than the beating of a drum. The man who broke off grabbed Emma, hitting her sword out of her hand easily as he snatched her by the hair. He turned to look at his subordinates, smiling as they all backed away, four swords impaled in the robed warrior's torso, a heap of bodies at his feat. The Ixian breathed in woozy, , eyes casting side to side in feint recognition. With a defiant shout he moved again, much to the surprise of the man on his left, his sword taking another warrior's life before the other three moved and pulled their weapons out of him in violent ways, hacking at him until he did not move again.
"Such is the way of you Ixian Knights," the man holding Emma snarled. "You cling to life like a cancer, and the only way to eliminate you is to cut you out. Cull you like sheep!" He spat at the ground, turning to Emma as he pulled up on her hair. She lifted to her tiptoes to alleviate the pain, tears in her eyes again. The warrior looked to her with a look of disdain, like one would when contemplating how to kill a sick horse. He smiled as if he thought of something, and pulled his sword to her neck.
"Like that idiot Chaplain before you," he whispered to her ear, hot breath running down her neck as she squirmed. "I'll just lop off your head."
Emma could feel the cold steel on her collar, such a stark contrast to the man's stinking breath. She closed her eyes, but then with a dignant sniffle she opened them defiantly, looking her executioner dead in the eye with no signs of regret. He paused while he looked at her, confused by her sudden defiance. She knew what she was dying for, and with that courage she was ready to face death right in the eye.
Again, her courage was never needed.
There was a small body, not much taller than Emma's and far shorter than the Knight of Dawn, that slammed into him. His weapon clattered loudly to the side as he fell on his buttocks, cursing as Emma looked to see Azza glaring at the down man. Before anyone could act, Azza grabbed the girls hand and ran in the opposite direction. Not sure what happened, or what was going on, she allowed herself to be pulled in another direction.
"Stop them! Don't let them escape!" The fallen warrior stumbled to his feet, fingers reaching for his sword as his cohorts at the other end of the hall turned to advance on the children.

10-13-11, 01:04 AM
Aislinn ran through the hallways, searching frantically for some sign that she could rescue her cousin from the predations of the Knights of the Dawn. Her eyes scanned wearily even as Nathaniel let out a grunt of irritation at the unexpected distraction. Finally she heard it, a shout and a cry of alarm, even in the din of battle it became clear that she had finally found Emma. Her boots clicked rapidly as she thrust herself into the din. Soon around the corner came the two girls who seemed wide eyed at the look of fury on Aislinn's face.

Her face belied the fear that was running rampant in her chest, causing her heart to beat a furious staccato tempo. It underlined her movements as she pushed herself between the girls, and rather than succumbing to the fear, she gripped it fiercely in hand as she hissed under her breathe, "Shyish, I need you here and now..."

The words that whispered back were cold, Have you thrown that stupid vow of yours aside?

"No, I haven't, but I offer a small death in return for what I need..." Aislinn said firmly, her eyes narrowing as she saw the men rushing towards her, the cries of "Mystic" echoing through the hallways. She stood her ground firmly, even as she knew she had no assurance that Shyish would take the deal. Her eye glowed red as she stared down the first of the fighters, who began to stumble from the assault of doubt upon his mind. It bought her time as his partners were forced to push him forward.

What shall it be this time? A loved one? Perhaps a small pet? What do you offer to me that could possibly warrant my time?

Looking over her shoulder she sighed seeing Nathaniel move forward. Just as they had talked before Emma had run off he knew his part in the plan. He was already getting Azza and Emma to safety with Ella's help. Setting her jaw as she turned to face the tyranny that had assaulted her home she spoke her next words softly, "My childhood, all of it."

You won't miss the memories?

"I have a new family, I'll make my memories with them," Aislinn said firmly. The wind gusted through the corridor screeching eerily. Immediately the torches in the hallway went out as Aislinn felt the power of Shyish infusing her. The raven feather threaded into her hair began to glow a sinister red as a mist began to form in the corridor. Knowing full well what was going on she spoke loudly, "I'll meet you at the front gates Nathaniel. Get the girls there safe."

The oracle of wind let out a derisive snort as he started down the way he came, "Whatever you say sugar tits."

The mist began to coalesce into forms and images. Images she knew all to well. In her past they had plagued her nightmares for weeks on end. Images of failure, or being cast out. The worst fears of Aislinn pushed to the forefront, and she was forced to confront them the only way she had known how, head on. Even as the mist pushed through to her deepest fears she knew it would be doing the same to the members of the knights, and from this mist, she could strike.

Already she could feel the memories of her childhood, of her time before her exile melt away. Gone were any memory of what her sister looked like before the transformation that saw her as a cat. Of her mother's face, or her father's smile. All she had now was the look of frustration and disappointment. Her memory began with the worst day of her life, and she could feel the depression of those missing memories sink in. The knowledge that she had lost something precious to her, in order to protect something more precious.

It felt like she had lost something, and the more she pressed to figure out what, the more she realized she could never gauge the loss. With no benchmark to gauge it's importance, it could have been trivial, or the most monumental sacrifice she had made to the winds yet. She could not, no she would never understand what she had given up, and without her sister she would never know what had occurred. Still she convinced herself it was necessary as she moved deeper into the mist, fear heightening her sense as she stifled the urges to flee and embraced the ones that screamed to fight.

She had chosen, and when the last card was laid it would be clear Aislinn had chosen her new family over her old.