View Full Version : What's a Little Love, Guts, Bullets and Anarchy Between Friends?

12-22-10, 07:03 PM
(Open recruitment)

I ask that everybody read this post in its entirety and then focus on the part that interests you the most before posting. There is a lot of information here. Some of it will pertain to you, some of it won't. However, I expect that when you post you have read it all, especially the rules and guidelines so there are no descrepancies hereafter. Thanks.

In the spirit of cooperation of the idea of open quests, I'm revising an idea I had months ago that people have been bugging me to start writing about and opening recruitment for it. In my opinion, this will make it easier for you to understand what is going to be asked of you if you choose to participate and just what you're getting yourself into.

Synopsis: Trouble has found its way to the city of Radasanth as Love is in the air. A God from the unknown west has traveled the raging seas and moored his ship at the docks as he has finally found civilization. A young man of considerable charm and magificient charisma, Sidalurum has brought himself and his followers a long way to establish another cult of love in his name. Immediately stricken by his spell, the mere presence of the young God has caused the city to fall to its knees in reverence as he journeyed to the center of the city and made a temple for himself in one of its great buildings. As Sidalurum makes a home for himself, however, a strange harmony has fallen upon the city.

Both man and woman, stricken with a feverish lust and yearning for the fertility god have consumated their fanaticism with each other. Writhing orgies can be found all over Radasanth as all work has grinded to a halt and Radasanth's citizens find themselves unable to contain their savage desire to love while in the presence of their new God. Meanwhile, as the entire city begins to shut down as Sidalurum's influence spreads, few can resist his charm as he continues to win over the public. Soon, Radasanth grows quiet in their feverish worship and soon the rest of the outside world falls out of touch with the City That Won Corone.

Days turn into weeks and soon weeks turn into months and little has changed. Well, almost nothing. As it seems, this pent up lust and magneticism that has built up within the Radasanthians has reached its breaking point as no amount of sex or heathenry will cause these people to reach that desired release. Soon, this tantalizing paradise of free love goes awry as lovers begin to eat one another in the lust of joining one another. It becomes the tip of the iceberg as this newfounded cannibalism sweeps eagerly through the streets and man and woman lose their humanity as they actively prey on one another, sometimes even with eager consent.

As one of the few to be snapped out of the dream of paradise by Liam and his cohorts, you find yourself naked in the streets standing over the remains of your newest lover. Tempted with suicide and an inevitable sense of betrayal, the old man gives you a tantalizing ultimatium. Help him and his men slay Sidalurum and undo the God's spell that has cursed the city and avenge the perversion that has corrupted your mind the last few weeks. With you and a handful of pious crusaders, all that is standing between you and Sidalurum is a city full of fanatical cannibals, all of them eager to demonstrate their love and devotion to their new God. What would you do?


This story is open to all who want to participate. Worried about not being able to get involved through the whole thing? Don't worry! There are two ways you can participate in this quest. The first is to join Liam and his crusaders tasked with slaying Sidalurum and his followers. The second option, is to sign up for a cameo appearance as somebody in Radasanth during the time of the incident.


If you choose the first option, here are some things you should know before asking to join;

1) Liam is unique in the fact that he seems to be able to resist the influence of Sidalurum and can further more bring specific people out of it. However, this ability is limited to those who join Liam on his quest and upon linking up with him, Liam will restore your humanity.

2) While your humanity is restored, you are however not immune to Sidalurum's charm and falling prey to it again. Because of this, Liam will be very vigilant in making sure that you are not corrupted again by having you agree immediately to these rules;

a) You will avoid physical contact with any and all fanatics. Be it sexual or not, flesh on flesh contact or the sharing of blood or fluids seems to corrupt people. The easiest way to approach of this is to think 'zombies' and what you would do during Z-Day.

b) Sidalurum is very persausive, and he uses his priests as conduits for his presence across the city. This gives them some measure of his charisma and ability to control fanatics at their whim. In order to prevent yourselves from falling under the same spell, priests must be ignored at all costs! Do whatever you can to keep from talking to them and follow the mantra of kill first and ask questions later if you want to keep from falling prey to Liam and his cohorts!

3) Upon being restored by Liam, you must understand and incorporate the following to your character during your introduction. You will be found naked and without weapons or equipment. The purpose of this is to sanitize your character and allow yourselves and my character to become dependent on one another so that we can work together for the common goal; Kill Sidalurum.

How you would like to be found and in what manner is completely up to you, but for the purposes of this quest I am locking all of your abilities outside of basic combat and survival techniques. No magic, no tricks. Just your own flesh, the clothes on your back, your wits and maybe an axe will be at your disposal. You will be given clothes and a weapon. Or you can choose to find your own. Whichever you prefer.

4) During our journey through the city, it is largely up to you to make the most of this quest. That means doing your best to stick with the group and find our way to Sidalurum's temple. Your main objective is to achieve this end. Whatever outside story arcs, influences or ideas of betrayal you might have to spice this quest up are irrelevent here. Stick to the plot, don't overanalyze it and do your best. You'll have fun, have plenty of room to grow, maim and kill, there is no need to make this into a 40+ page epic.

If you would like to be directly involved knowing what I just mentioned above, you agree to all of what I have asked of you. To be recruited, simply post stating your interest and that you would like to be a survivor.


1) Sulla
2) Knave
3) Scrotus/The Organism
4) Amber Eyes


I understand that option one is not for everybody and they don't like my methods for trying to keep control over this quest and make sure it goes in the direction of its desired end. That's fine. Outside of telling you this probably isn't for you, I've developed a second option for you freebirds out there who still want to participate in some fashion.

Radasanth is a big city. Its your city. And its falling around all of our ears in the presence of the god Sidalurum and his fanatics. While it is still early for the Empire to get involved with some sort of action of the State, this could be considered a state of anarchy.

Some find the ability to resist Sidalurum's will in varying degrees, but none are able to fully wash themselves from it and are corrupted eventually. Because of this, early on, the mass conversion of the city during the first days of Sidalurum's footsteps to Radasanth were violent and very bloody until he was able to gain complete control over the city. There were riots, looting, a collapse in government and overall hooliganism until Sidalurum managed to bring everyone under his spell.

Because of this, the city is going to largely be in ruins. I am asking those who want to participate to be among the fallen in Radasanth and are trapped under Sidalurum's thumb or have succumbed to their darker desires while escaping his influence topside and have gone underground or hidden themselves in the ruins somewhere.

To clarify, to make a 1-2 post cameo, you must agree to the following;

1) You can choose to be corrupted or not. While your post will largely not be able to effect a lot of the course of the main plot, you can still have significant influence over it. Whether its giving them directions, giving them a safe haven, word of warning, helping them escape a horde of fanatics or treating a fallen member of the party's wounds, it is largely up to you to determine your involvement with the cameo.

All that I ask is that you remain cognizant of where everybody is at at a particular point of the quest. If we're running from a horde, obviously it would be a bad time to stand around and give directions. If we're busy fighting a priest, it would probably be a very bad idea to walk up to a member of the party and expect them not to shoot you in the face. Be aware of your surroundings, the situation and do your best to keep up with the quest by reading it.

You can talk to me or other people who join to figure out what you want to do for your cameo. However before you post, I need for you to contact me with your intent immediately so we can stop the train and involve you in planning our next move. Obviously its going to be complicated, but this is the only way I can make sure you get your time in the lime light without derailing the train.

2) You are able to wound, kill or disable members of the party with your involvement. Whether that is stealing equipment, mugging us, sneaking up on a member and killing them in the shadows or giving us bad directions, its largely up to you. If your intent is to sabotage us, I'm going to give you the go ahead to do so. However, you are to clear it with me first that that is YOUR INTENT. There doesn't need to be a mystery surrounding it OOC, so I need to know in order to inform members of the party who are going to be involved and to let them know what they're in for.

While I can say that I'm allowing you the option to kill, wound or disable people in the party, I cannot guarantee that your character will survive the attempt or that we won't put up a fight and just simply allow you do what you need to do to sate your need for OOC rivalry. So, be very careful when choosing this option and how you go about it. Because I can assure you that there will be retribution for actions taken against Liam and those under his protection.

3) You are getting a chance to be involved with the quest. By agreeing to make a cameo, you are also agreeing that you are not a permanent member of this quest. When your cameo is over, you're done. It is as simple as that. Don't plan for me to allow you to stick around for being innovative or having a really long introduction to your idea. You have 1-2 posts to make it happen. Finished or unfinished. Unless extraordinary or clever circumstances present themselves, at the end of the second post of your cameo, I will find a way to kill you off or write you out and move on. If such action is taken, I expect you will get the message at this point and return to sitting back and watching the quest unfold and letting the cards fall where they may.

I'm giving you guys a unique opportunity here, do your best to make the most of the space provided for you!

4) You are not a member of Liam's party. This is a double-edged sword in that, as I said above, you are not a permanent member of the quest and can and probably will succumb to some kind of corruption if you choose to be a survivor in some capacity. However, because of this, you are not under the same restrictions party members are. You can possess your own equipment, clothes, skills and abilities and do whatever you need to to survive. The exception to the rule is that if you're level 5 or above, I'm locking your abilities and you can find the IC justification for doing so in order to keep people with a superman complex from derailing the quest. However, if you're that high level I expect that you'll be able to find yourself up to the challenge and able to cope without the ability to shoot lasers out of your eyes or use your worldslayer to kill cannibals. The survivors will. Do your best to make the most of the freedom I'm giving you and try not to abuse it.

If you are interested in making a cameo, post here stating you would like to make a cameo. You can include your intent if you'd like (Hostile, Sabotage, Neutral or Friendly) along with your idea. But remember that at some point I'm going to ask you for this anyway.


1) B.I.G. - Friendly
2) Jack Frost - Neutral
3) Slayer of The Rot - ?
4) Numbers or an alt - ?
5) Lord Angelkos - ?
6) Zack Blaze - Hostile/Sabotage
7) Arai - Friendly
8) Christoph

12-22-10, 08:22 PM


12-22-10, 09:02 PM
I'd be interested in a cameo.

12-22-10, 09:14 PM
I'd be interested in a cameo.

What kind of appearance were you looking of making if you've thought of it already?

Jack Frost
12-22-10, 09:25 PM
I'll consider joining, I love zombies. But would Jacks ice powers (seeing as at this point they're pathetic) be taken?

12-22-10, 09:29 PM
I'll consider joining, I love zombies. But would Jacks ice powers (seeing as at this point they're pathetic) be taken?

Everything. You don't need them, I don't want them. And these people aren't undead, so we're clear.

If that disturbs you, though, you can always try to make a cameo in order to retain his powers.. I guess. But its for 1-2 posts.

However, I've heard about some of your exploits around here, and I don't really take kindly to powergaming. If you'd like to participate, that isn't going to happen. Added incentive? I'll shoot you if you do it.

Jack Frost
12-22-10, 09:42 PM
Everything. You don't need them, I don't want them. And these people aren't undead, so we're clear.

If that disturbs you, though, you can always try to make a cameo in order to retain his powers.. I guess. But its for 1-2 posts.

However, I've heard about some of your exploits around here, and I don't really take kindly to powergaming. If you'd like to participate, that isn't going to happen. Added incentive? I'll shoot you if you do it.

That was a mistake due to a four month gap in activity, I had forgotten what I had claimed as spoils and such. Plus it was two battles, so don't define me as a power-gamer. The only other possible exploit you could possibly mention is a canonical explanation to the slight surge in skills in said battles. Next time you formulate an opinion please get some perspective. Sorry if I came across as a dick, I have a name to defend.

Plus I can't join, Jacks powers are a part of his being, he was born with them. They don't go away unless he's a corpse. Sorry, I had a lot of hopes for this thread. I'll read it as you write it. It has lots of potential for a judges choice.

Lord Anglekos
12-22-10, 09:51 PM
That was a mistake due to a four month gap in activity, I had forgotten what I had claimed as spoils and such. Plus it was two battles, so don't define me as a power-gamer. The only other possible exploit you could possibly mention is a canonical explanation to the slight surge in skills in said battles. Next time you formulate an opinion please get some perspective. Sorry if I came across as a dick, I have a name to defend.
Ah, haha, hahahahaha, hahahaha...oh jeez, that was good. That was good.
Anyways, Vigil, I just wanted to say this is an amazing idea. A sexual apocalypse is something Althanas needs. I would like to make in a cameo of sorts, but I can't think of what yet. I will get back to you when I've got something definite down.

12-22-10, 09:56 PM
Ah, haha, hahahahaha, hahahaha...oh jeez, that was good. That was good.
Anyways, Vigil, I just wanted to say this is an amazing idea. A sexual apocalypse is something Althanas needs. I would like to make in a cameo of sorts, but I can't think of what yet. I will get back to you when I've got something definite down.

First, I don't need help in trying to keep Jack from destroying my thread with trolling, not that he was going to anyway. But exacerbating the situation is only going to provoke him and piss me off. I'm more then capable of handling it myself, so I don't need nor want your help.

That goes to everybody else out there who is reading this whose thinking about flaming, becoming a troll or trying to earn his salt. Hands off.

Second, I'm eager to hear your idea for a cameo. Get back to me as soon as you can.

That was a mistake due to a four month gap in activity, I had forgotten what I had claimed as spoils and such. Plus it was two battles, so don't define me as a power-gamer. The only other possible exploit you could possibly mention is a canonical explanation to the slight surge in skills in said battles. Next time you formulate an opinion please get some perspective. Sorry if I came across as a dick, I have a name to defend.

Jack, I'm going to give some advice to help you repair that reputation more quickly then trying to hurry over it with idle reasoning. You can fix it by not powergaming. Join some threads and prove me wrong by not doing it. People will be more receptive if they can follow your track record and people can say good things about you. It'll make icy receptions like mine become far less prevelent. And I'm not boxing you out to exclude you because I know you, I'm just protecting my story and giving you fair warning.

That's all.

Plus I can't join, Jacks powers are a part of his being, he was born with them. They don't go away unless he's a corpse. Sorry, I had a lot of hopes for this thread. I'll read it as you write it. It has lots of potential for a judges choice.

I'm sorry we couldn't come to an agreement. Truthfully, I don't really see much of a point in excluding new members and preventing them from growing, and aside from OOC exploits, I don't mind helping people improve their writing. I was a former judge, and I edit people's papers all the time. Its in my nature.

However, I would have loved for you to have a cameo here and to work with you to see what you were capable of in advancing the plot. But, I'm going to keep the offer for a cameo open if you change your mind. If you do, I'd love to hear your idea. Maybe we can work it in somewhere.

Think about it.

Jack Frost
12-22-10, 10:06 PM
I could probably do a cameo post. I just got a rather hilarious cameo come to mind. The whole thread sounds like a delightful read. My plan if to have Jack come in and do recon for Lorenor because if what I understand is true Radasanth has basically fallen off the map, figuratively speaking of course. He could peer through the gate, see some woman devouring her "mate" and decide to back away and report back to his boss.

P.S I'm already working on your idea Vigil, I already have three threads done since said incident.

12-22-10, 10:14 PM
I could probably do a cameo post. I just got a rather hilarious cameo come to mind. The whole thread sounds like a delightful read. My plan if to have Jack come in and do recon for Lorenor because if what I understand is true Radasanth has basically fallen off the map, figuratively speaking of course. He could peer through the gate, see some woman devouring her "mate" and decide to back away and report back to his boss.

P.S I'm already working on your idea Vigil, I already have three threads done since said incident.


As for the cameo, we'll work on it. I'm putting you tentively down for neutral unless you have a better intent. Let me know when you've finished.

12-22-10, 10:37 PM
Sign Lawrence up, not sure how well he'll manage without his powers, but should he be locked in a manageable form or be confined to his seven foot tall target form? And yes, I'm going survivor.

12-22-10, 10:43 PM
Sign Lawrence up, not sure how well he'll manage without his powers, but should he be locked in a manageable form or be confined to his seven foot tall target form? And yes, I'm going survivor.

Choice is yours, though I really urge you to look at the strategic value. Urban environment. Hordes of people running amuck. There are going to be some fights we're just going to need to run from and others we're going to need to avoid.

Also, you're signed up.

12-22-10, 10:43 PM
This thread calls to me. It practically begs my involvement. I'm just not sure in what fashion yet.

Besides, what's a massive city wide orgy without a "cheap demonic whore" as others have called her?

12-22-10, 10:46 PM
This thread calls to me. It practically begs my involvement. I'm just not sure in what fashion yet.

Besides, what's a massive city wide orgy without a "cheap demonic whore" as others have called her?

You can do a cameo. Let me know what.

I'm looking for somebody in particular to round out my survival group, so the last spot is saved.

12-22-10, 10:51 PM
Urging taken, I just wanted to know if I should make this painful or sweet!

12-22-10, 11:03 PM
Just what I've always begged for.

Survivor, but I'll be using a different account... The Organism

12-22-10, 11:04 PM
Scrotus is the last survivor of the group.

There are plenty of opportunities to make cameos in this thread, and I expect a lot of people want involved. So if you want in, there's your in. Same rules apply.

Post if interested. You're still vital to the outcome of this story.

Amber Eyes
12-23-10, 12:33 AM
I'd be interested in this as a survivor, since Sei told me he's switching to cameo anyways.

12-23-10, 12:38 AM
I'd be interested in this as a survivor, since Sei told me he's switching to cameo anyways.

That's fine. Sei mentioned he wanted you to replace him, and you've got dibs. You're in.

Also. Cameos. I want 'em if you've got 'em, people. Just because people have taken their places doesn't necessarily mean its going to play out that way. Some people will become disinterested, others will forget about and others will be cut. So if you have an idea, run it by me and don't feel like you can't get in on the action. Make it known.

Zack Blaze
12-23-10, 01:14 AM
I'd like to make a cameo appearence as discussed, please.

12-23-10, 07:57 AM
I had interest in becoming a survivor, but I wasn't comfortable with Bartleby being so easily corrupted by another super natural being other than the one currently residing within him. So a cameo was the best option to be involved.

As far as my character's intent, he and his family have a lot of value in the city of Radasanth. As nobles, their lives are nearly dependent on it. I had thought that, to avoid corruption, his family and their associates would have left the city until the situation was resolved, and that Bartleby could have been sent back to evaluate the situation. During his investigation, he could come across the survivors, learn of their intent and aid them in some way.

I had thought that perhaps he could lead them to his family's house in the north end and provide them with gloves. Seemingly minuscule, but it would make it easier to fight off the horde without making skin on skin contact.

Rayse Valentino
12-23-10, 08:50 AM
If anyone drops out of a survivor spot I'd take it.

12-23-10, 04:04 PM
I'll keep you in mind if the situation arises.


Thread is going up either today or the following at the very latest. Cameos are still available to people throughout the quest, so recruiting does not end just because the quest starts. If you find yourself with a really good idea and want to implement it or you just hate a person there and want to trip us up, I'd love to hear your idea and work with you on it.

12-23-10, 05:08 PM
Looks like you've got everyone you need and then some, so I'm gonna withdraw my name from this thread.. enjoy!

12-23-10, 07:09 PM
Cameo sign up. You may put me down as a friendly unit.

12-23-10, 07:28 PM
Cameo sign up. You may put me down as a friendly unit.

Done. Contact me on AIM with your idea. Goes for everybody else interested in cameos.

Lord Anglekos
12-23-10, 09:08 PM
I'll have to withdraw my name, Vigil. It's an amazing idea, but I just can't think up a cameo appearance that would suit Anglekos in any way. Still, thanks for the consideration.

12-24-10, 06:48 PM
Cortés Shrugged

The thread is up with a bizarre, but succinct title. I have one more post to put up before we start, and it'll be Liam bringing back Sulla first.

I need to know what order you guys want brought back in and how. Start thinking about your introduction posts and share with me how you want to get this merry band of Godslayers together. But, I admit, it'll be easier after I show you my handiwork with our first volunteer.

12-25-10, 02:47 PM
I'll go anytime, not sure about all the details beyond whats been asked. I'd like to look over my role in this, but I've got enough man-grit to step forward if no one else will. Anyone else think they have man-grit? Amber?

12-26-10, 06:57 PM
Done. Spent a long time writing out these posts, and I'm still not satisfied with it. However, its enough. Sulla can take it from here.

12-27-10, 04:29 AM
Looks great Vigil, once Sulla gets his post up I'll figure out how I'd like to do mine.

Good stuff so far though

12-30-10, 05:40 AM
Posted. You can post again, Vigil, or I could throw another one up. Something inside me just had to end on that sentence.

Also, more Latin later.

01-01-11, 01:10 PM
So whose post is next? I'm a little confused, mostly on which order we will be posting in

01-01-11, 02:42 PM
Didn't you volunteer to go next?

01-01-11, 02:49 PM
Depends. We have options that I'd like to discuss. I don't essentially want everyone's entry to be the same in that Liam finds you, restores you and we go on our merry way. But, perhaps thats putting too much thought into it. If you've given some thought to your introduction, let me know, and if you'd like to go next, I'm fine with that, just keep it in line with the events that've gone on so far and don't be nonsequitor.

But, if nobody is in a rush, I'll post again to move things along.

01-03-11, 09:21 AM
If I'm to be next, I can assume I don't need a written introduction, correct?

01-03-11, 01:23 PM
Go ahead Knave, I'll have my post done tomorrow. I'll be in the chat tonight to run some things by everyone