View Full Version : Here Comes a New Challenger

Zack Blaze
12-23-10, 01:11 AM
Name: Zack Blaze
Age: 19
Height: 6'0''
Weight: 170 lbs
Blood Type: AB
Race: Human
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Weapon: Fists and feet. If Zack has to fight, he would much rather do it hand-to-hand.
Armor: A somewhat thick green leather jacket (like in my avatar, but colored differently) covering up a white undershirt. Also has blue trousers. Due to the thickness of the jacket, it is slightly flame resistant.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.

Appearence: Zack likes to wear his hair semi-spiked, with a messy type of look in the back. ( Example (http://c1.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02)) He wears a pair of black, ordinary shoes, and fights with his bare fists. He has no visible scars on his body, and no alterations to his form such as tatoos/piercings/etc etc. He has a single small chain connected from the belt loop on the right side of his trousers that leads into his pocket. He's often seen wearing a pair of sun glasses, despite the time of day. One of his pockets usually holds a red bandana for cleaning up blood and holding his hair in place if he fears something messy will get in it. His clothes are always perfectly ironed, and washed, sprayed with the slightest scent of freashly cut peaches and apricots. When he speaks, it's in a soft, non-threatening tone, and no soul has ever heard him get angry. His nails are perfectly trimmed and he takes pride in making himself appear professional and well kempt.

Personality: Zack is very soft spoken and comes off to most as aloof and callous to any situation he is in. In reality, such things could not be further from the truth. Zack will find any situation, and use it to his advantage, throwing his allies to the sharks when they have outlived their usefulness. He is not beyond griveling, begging, or any sort of tactic in order to get his way, though he typically prefers to simply negotiate. Zack has no true friends to speak of, just connections that help him further his own goals. Zack could also care less about his family, having long since left them to persue a better life.

History: When Zack was born, some of the more magically gifted nurses sensed something wrong with him, as if he were to go on and do great and terrible things. His childhood and teenage years were quite unremarkable. He always managed to pass his classes with ease, always respected his parents. All around, Zack Blaze was a good kid.

The only issue seemed to be that whenever Zack was around, there seemed to be a lot more fighting in his wake. Zack never engaged bullies directly, rather, he used his intellect to direct them at other kids with more appealing lunches. As the neanderthals laid into their victims, Zack would take the opportunity given to eat somebody else's lunch before going to inform the teacher. Zack looked like the saint, the bully would be suspended, and the kid would owe Zack a debt of gratitude, which he would usually cash in for another second lunch on the next day.

In high school, Zack's skills only got better. He was on almost every major sports team, was revered as one of the stars, yet never saw much actual game time. This was mostly due to the fact that the teenage could maintain calm and focus during the trival games enough to score winning points, but would refuse to play the majority of the events. Nobody would kick him off, he was too good, too valuable for a sure thing victory.

Zack felt that he could be doing more after school, however. He went to college and managed to pass at an extremely young, and nearly unprecedented age. He has a MBA in psychology, forensics, and criminal law. He has also been taking night classes recently to study geography, and Althanian science. All of these subjects had a place in the teen's ultimate goal, and when the time came, he left his home.

Althanas was waiting, bristling with Criminal activity, heroes trying to stop said activity, and the general populace suffering because of the eternal struggle. Zack could have involved himself in these affairs, picked a side and went with it. He had much bigger dreams, however. Bigger than any hero or any villain on the planet.

King of Althanas..... that had a nice ring to it.

Skills: Zack is an expert manipulator and negotiator, able to talk people into things they typically would not do under normal circumstances. He also has a gifted intelligence, able to take apart the logistic and physical traits of a spell by merely watching it a few times.

Abilities: As of right now, Zack Blaze posseses no abilities other than some slight street fighting skills.

12-23-10, 01:35 AM
Just be careful that you don't overdo or powergame the manipulator trait or the logistics thing with spells. Can't have you figuring out everyone's spells within seconds no matter the level. Keep it clean, fun, and realistic for your level 0 character and you'll be all right.
