View Full Version : Lets get this party started!

Musica the Chao
12-26-10, 11:53 PM
Hi again guys. I wanted to know who wants to go adventuring with a professional comedic relief character? Warning, any threads I'm part of will be very silly for the most part. I also plan to work with the IK and possibly become an "honorary captain" of the comedy squad. Mostly I wants teh exp. I want a level ten goofball who pwns face while being completely lol worthy at the same time.

People I would really like to work with:
EI, I think Jensen can be hilarious, and possibly the worst influence for Musica. Mostly I want to see a thread where Jensen teaches Musica some colorful swears.

Silence Sei, its kinda hard to not do a thread with Sei. I would like to possibly see Musica be really silly in exotic locations at really tense moments.

Cassandra Reimi, I want to see how long it takes for her to explode...

Orphans, Azza and Musica would probably be a good combination

Mutant Lorenor, "come to the dark side..... we have cookies."

Solos I do will probably be full of lol moments, I plan to teach Musica the carmellendansen (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A67ZkAd1wmI&feature=related) and have him spread it like a virus....