View Full Version : One hell of a cruise

Jack Frost
12-28-10, 08:05 PM
Jack fought back the urge to vomit as he stepped into the captains cabin of The Hanako. He glanced around, barely taking in any details. He saw a huge table with several charts spread out on it. The lovely captain Ausra strode past him, patting him on the back affectionately. It was painfully obvious that Jack had caught the captains attention, and if all went well he would possibly end up going heels to N'Jal.

The thought made him chuckle. Since he had started working for Lorenor he had found N'Jal creeping into his life. Of course it wasn't lie it was a bad thing. It gave him an excuse to do bad things. Which he found himself enjoying. He also found the lack of moral boundaries made him feel slightly anxious. But he tried to ignore the bad omens he got every time he woke up.

The cabin smelled of old parchment, and Jack found himself wondering if she had any books he could read. He quickly found a chair and sat down. Ausra went straight to her desk and sat on it. Had there been others Jack wouldn't have known. Instead he was thinking about surviving the trip.

12-28-10, 09:06 PM
Fayne wondered how she agreed to travel all the way to Alelar in the first place. Following everyone into the cabin, it became clear the long ship voyage was not going to be the most enjoyable experience for her. She longed for the freedom of the outside world, to hunt at her leisure without anyone there to restrict her actions.

Taking a seat in a further corner from Jack and Ausra, she stretched her legs out on another chair and crossed her arms. Her head tilted down and she watched the pair from her little shadow. There didn’t seem to be much on the ship for the swordfighter to do apart from murdering her way through the decks but the worst thing that could happen was for the ship becoming unable to sail its destination. Personal amusement wasn’t an option.

“Captain.” she said, sounding bored. “Anything that you want done on your ship?”
Fayne definitely wasn’t going to spend her voyage idle, whether there were jobs to do or not.