View Full Version : (Solo) I, Exorcist. ~Chapter 1~

12-31-10, 12:07 AM


The doorstep to Radasanth itself. The place where adventures started and heroes were bourne. The window to Radasanth saw many people staring through its milky surface. People hailed from all corners of Althanas to come to Underwood, and Akashima was no different. One such son of Akashima was a wayward kitsune of the beast-men tribe. Only recently arrived at Underwood, the kitsune warrior did what he did best. Fearlessly, he slew demons in the name of the old gods. The pagan deities of Corone folklore that had their seeds placed in the hearts and minds of the locales before the All-Thayne even took root from it's mother's womb.

It was a summer night, the sky was blue and a few clouds lurked overhead. Humphrey was walking the Underwood streets in utter silence, contemplating the most important need of all: employ. He was a stranger in a strange land, unawares of the customs of the native Coronians. So Humphrey learned the hard way. As a man of the cloth of a distant land, Humphrey took to performing simple favors for the people. His spirit warder abilities were becoming famous throughout the township as Humphrey worked for the past few weeks and months to establish himself a living.

Honest work also meant poor paying work. Soon, Humphrey's successes with the people caught the attention of the local pagan community. It was the rumours of Humphrey's many miracles that spread throughout the town of Underwood. Soon the general populace was alive with the words of miracles perpetuated by the strange fox-like man from such a distant land.

Humphrey was a beast-man. He heralded from the tribe of Akashimans gifted in the old ways. The ways of the Spirit Warder. Humphrey's lot was to spread the teachings of the Spirit Warders and bring sanctuary to the people in an uncertain and dark time. Humphrey's thoughts wandered to the invitation in his hand. A young courier working for the main cathedral of the township had sent him the elegantly stamped parcel.

It was a sunny afternoon. Humphrey looked up at the sky, then turned towards the building in question. The cathedral. It was an elegant monument built as a testament to the old gods. Statues of the pagan deities were visible on the front courtyard of the building. The building had several arches and both round and triangular that were common to edifices of this nature. A man was waiting for Humphrey in the front portion of a garden that was visible before the entrance of the cathedral. The whole building was made out a dull gray coloured brick, statues were visible in shining brass busts all over the surface of the building.

Some of the statues were visible in the garden. Dedications to the old gods. A beautiful fountain was visible in the centre of the garden that gave off an almost lullaby like song. To Humphrey, the entire scene was exactly how he pictured a church of this nature should be. Several benches were visible in the garden, along with several buildings set aside for quiet prayer or meditation. The man motioned for Humphrey to approach and he did so...

02-22-11, 07:21 PM
When Humphrey covered the distance between himself and the fellow, Humphrey recognized the clothing of a high-ranking member of the cathedral. Like all organizations, the cathedral had a rank and file system that was somewhat complicated. Humphrey observed the man's uniform to see if there was any special marks or talismans of import. Humphrey greeted the priest politely, keeping a respectful few paces away from the fellow. Humphrey had never seen the priest before, but then again, that would not be an important detail because Humphrey was a recent arrival in Underwood. He only knew a few of the lower ranking members of the cloth, but at that point, Humphrey was not yet an initiated member of the cathedral's society.

The priest spoke.

"You are the Akashiman everybody's talking about are you not?" The priest asked. Humphrey noticed that the priest had a friendly expression on his face. "You're not a Nekojin. I was expecting a Nekojin. Are you related to them somehow?"

Humphrey felt a little discomfort as the question was asked, but he answered it anything. He had no way of knowing that the priest was being sarcastic, in a light-hearted sort of way.

"We're called Kanjoin. My ancestors have common origins with the Nekojin. However, there are differences. Our cousins appear as a cat-men, whilst we appear as dog-men." Humphrey said in a matter-of-fact sort of way. Humphrey continued. "However, many of us join The Spirit Warders." Humphrey tapped his chin thoughtfully. "That's why I am here."

The priest started to laugh in a friendly way that caught Humphrey off guard. Humphrey's tail swished from side to side in discomfort, he felt out of place with all of the humanoids around him, though, they had a common cause.

When the priest placed a hand on Humphrey's shoulder, Humphrey relaxed considerably. His companion generated a sort of warmth that Humphrey was capable of detecting. That warmth placed Humphrey's troubled heart at ease.

"Why are you troubled lad?" The priest asked, Humphrey dd not realize he was telegraphing his emotions that much. "Do you need someone to speak to?"

"That would be a big help yes." Humphrey said in response. "I am looking for employ and tutelage." Humphrey folded his arm across his chest. "I realize that I am a warder from another land, but I would like to help out in anyway I can." Humphrey said carefully, attempting not to overstep his boundaries.

"Employ can be earned. Tutelage is something that is offered to the general populace. It just so happens that the cathedral is looking for young neophytes for the order." The priest said. "However, all potential neophytes must pass a trial before they join the ranks of our cathedral of the light." The priest said. "I can arrange for you to participate in a trial taking place today if you so wish it. Or, we can have a tour of the cathedral grounds. If you require room and board, the brotherhood can provide that."

02-22-11, 07:43 PM
"A trial?" Humphrey asked. "The Spirit Warders have similar traditions. This organization is not much different than The Warders. We're also in the business of purifying lost souls." Humphrey said. "How are your miracle-workers these days?" Humphrey asked.

The Priest frowned and that caught Humphrey off guard. "They are in short supply. These are dangerous times. The Thayne codex, is a tradition that has attempted to usurp power away from us." Humphrey could see a sudden darkness in the man's eyes. Yet, he felt compelled to the priest, and believed in what the priest was saying. "The government is now an empire and we have to take our practices very seriously. If not, someone could come and snatch them from us. Thankfully, the people's hearts still favor our ways, and not the ways of The Thayne." The priest continued. "In our days we have seen much." The priest added. "You are joining us in a pivotal point of history young Kitsune." Humphrey nodded carefully. "In time you will owe your allegiance to us and progress quickly through our ranks."

Humphrey could not answer to those words, he merely listened as the priest praised his apparent skill level.

03-17-11, 01:58 AM
"So what will be the trial?" Humphrey asked. Eager to get things going. He liked the way the priest spoke to him, and the possibility of getting permanent employ was too good to pass up.

Wind passed through the garden. Humphrey could hear the gurgling sound of the water fountain nearby, it was strangely relaxing despite all that he was learning. His tail swished back and forth, and for a moment, he found himself staring at the garden and not the priest. Hedges were organized in a very specific fashion that was reminded the kitsune of the Askashiman gardeners back home. Humphrey studied the hedges and saw that there were flowers he did not recognize, these were native to Corone. Humphrey had only been in Corone a couple of years at best since his arrival from Akashima. He'd taken up free-lance work from the highest bidders as a miracle-worker, but now it was time to get serious. Humphrey returned his gaze to the priest before him, there had been an awkward pause.

"I respect that you are eager, young novice." The priest said. "But the trials are to be taken very seriously." The priest handed Humphrey a small book, a keepsakes for novices. On the front cover was etched the words: "Paths of the Chosen". Humphrey was confused by the title of the book and frowned. It did not weigh much. "Study that work, Humphrey. Memorize it. All novices are expected to know that material through and through." The priest said. "It is written in the common-tongue, so it should be easy enough to understand." The priest placed his hand on Humphrey's shoulder. "You will not be going alone. You will have some companions with you."

"What will you have me do?" Humphrey asked. He was ready to jump through the fires of The Pyre for his new masters...

03-17-11, 02:29 AM
There was pause after Humphrey asked the question.

"It is quite simple. You are to take a group of other novices, two to be exact, with you to a cave located in Concordia Forest. Within that cave, there is a Shrine to our Patron. The Patron's name is Lord Aztrael. He is a deity of conflict and warfare. We need his strength to face the trials that our Order is now having to face." The priest said, and then, continued. "Lord Astrael will need sacrifices. This is the herb that he requires." The priest showed Humphrey and herb native to Concordia Forest. It was a small herb called the lethagan herb. It was a plant root that was brownish in colour, and had a bulge from the center. It had a distinct smell that made Humphrey cringe up his face. "It is a common herb, but quite difficult to find." The priest explained. "It is used in many of our potions and alms. I would have you begin a rudimentary education revolving around Concordia's native flora."

"Will this book tell me how to harvest the herb?" Humphrey asked. Then he tapped his chin thoughtfully. "How much of the herb is required to appease Lord Aztrael?"

"Wise question. But before that, you will also need this." The priest handed Humphrey a small, sheathed blade. The handle was nondescript, but the blade was a few inches wide. It's length, however, was unimpressive. "This is a consecrated blade through ritual and practice. You will use it to extract the herb." The priest said. "And take this herb pouch with you." The priest handed all the objects to Humphrey. "You will gather at least three of the herbs, but as many as five are acceptable. You will have to search Concordia Forest with your party." The man looked at Humphrey with a serious expression on his face. "Humphrey, there will be many monsters roaming about the gathering area." The priest said. "Proceed with caution, the cavern will have it's own threats."

"I am a Warder. I shall be more than prepared, sir." Humphrey said. "When do I meet my teammates? I am sure they are eager to get underway as well."

"They are already here." The priest responded. "Humphrey. Your fellows are slightly higher up in the ranks of the Order than you are. But they are still novices. Use their wisdom and knowledge to assist you."

Humphrey nodded and turned his attention on the two new adventurers.

They were both neophytes of the Order, and they were garbed in the attire of low-ranking priests. Humphrey was not wearing the garb of a priest as he was not yet initiated into the Order. The robes were coloured a simple light blue colour. The main priest's garb was completely black with the symbols of Lord Aztrael upon the fabric. He also wore a fancy cloak that Humphrey's companions lacked. Humphrey saw that they wore simple belts with pouches attached to the belt. Their robes were each outfitted with hoods that were worn down. The female of the pair wore a simple coronet upon her brow that was coloured a copper colour. Humphrey guessed it was bronze or brass. The man was a human, he had rusty-brown hued hair that was tightly cropped and wiry.

He appeared to be in his early twenties. The man's eyes were honey coloured. He had light-brown skin, and his skull features were soft, not harsh. He wore a simple amulet around his neck that was probably for ranking purposes. In his hands, he carried a fancy looking black book. The girl, on the other hand, was somewhat older, appearing to be in her mid-thirties. Humphrey was unsure was her native species was. She seemed to be a drakon, or a dragonian of some sort. Her face was covered in scales, and her eyes had a radiant blue colour. Her scale-tone was a bright orange and her snout was hyper-formed. She appeared to be quite athletic. Her robes had an emblem upon the colour, that seemed to signify another form of ranking system. She also lacked hair on her skull, but had long, thing tendrils extending from her person. Humphrey could only guess the power that the reptoid possessed. She was a beast-woman.

She was also bare-foot, and possessed a strong tail.

"Humphrey. I'd like you to meet the novices that will accompany you on your trial." The priest pointed to the man. "His name is neophyte Carlos. Her name is neophyte Kraethyn." The priest said. "You two. This young man is Humphrey. Humphrey Nonyton. He is quite skilled. I wish you two to accompany him while you undergo your Trials of Aztrael." The priest had a soft expression on his face.

"Understood Lord Sebastian." Kraethyn said in response. She turned to look at Humphrey. "Akashiman are you not?" She asked.

Humphrey only nodded.

"Good. You Spirit Warders are a good bunch. Should help fortify our ranks considerably." She said.

Lord Sebastian nodded in agreement, and he turned to address the trio.

"Be careful you three. It's getting dark out and Monsters will be about. To successfully utilize our arts will require full concentration." Lord Sebastian said, lecturing the three. "You should head out soon, and back before the hour grows late." He added.

Humphrey agreed. "All right. Sebastian was it?" Humphrey asked. "Pleasure to meet you all. Let's get underway then. How far is the cave?" Humphrey asked the three individuals before they set off.

Lord Sebastian pointed to the East, towards Concordia Forest's deeper portions. "About two miles out." Lord Sebastian said. "You will find a network of caves. Your companions will know which cave contains the shrine." Lord Sebastian continued. "Humphrey. Keep your wits about you." Lord Sebastian said casually. "This is not a dangerous task, if you three support each other well."

"What should happen if we run into trouble?" Humphrey had to ask.

"Pray." Lord Sebastian said. "Pray and let The Glorious Light be your guide."

"Very well." Humphrey finally said. "Let us get going then." Humphrey gathered up the objects that Lord Sebastian gave him, and placed them in his personal belongings. He followed Kraethyn and Carlos to the East.

To Concordia Forest...

03-17-11, 02:56 AM
Tests were a matter that the Kitsune took very seriously. As a culture, the society was designed to constantly test the mettle of young Kitsune warriors. From the time they were able to walk, Kitsune warriors were tested in a harsh combat environment against the very jaws of death. Warriors were the pride of Kitsune society, and only the finest ever became Spirit Warders. Humphrey Nonyton was a Spirit Warder and he fancied he was able to take on any challenge that Concordia Forest had to offer. Volunteering to take point, his new companions; Carlos and Kraethyn did not argue. Humphrey used his sharp senses to attempt to locate the herbs in question.

Hidden. Why does everything have to be hidden. Humphrey thought as they journeyed deeper into Concordia. They were heading to an East block of Concordia Forest, notorious for the many Monsters that stalked victims. The road they traveled on was a back-path used by hikers and thrill seekers, oft to the points of their own doom. Those depths of Concordia were hardly ever explored since it was close to the deep sections of the forest. Deep Concordia Forest was a lawless netherworld where powerful beasts roamed freely. They had license to possess the living. Humphrey kept his wits about him as his sharp eyes searched the large variety of plants for the lethagan herb. He was trusting his companions to do the same. Stealing a glance, he saw that they were looking as well. Carefully searching through the various plants that they came across to see if they stumbled upon a growth of the herb in question.

The mission was two-fold. They would have to locate an abundance of the herb and then gather them for each of the three members of the party. Then, they would have to use ritual burning to appease the deity known as Aztrael. One of the old Corone-pagan deities. Aztrael was a part of a pantheon of deities that had survived in folklore from the ancient times of The Demon War, and The War of The Tap. Humphrey did not know that information, but his companions did. They were speaking amongst themselves as Humphrey continued to smell with his powerful nostrils. He had memorized the distinct scent of the lethagan herb. Using that knowledge, he would be able to locate it for himself and his party. Humphrey was crawling on all fours, much like an actual fox might. He was looking at the underbrush quite carefully.

His companions never stated any sense of discomfort to Humphrey's actions.

So when Kraethyn caught up to Humphrey, she patted him on the shoulder.

"Humphrey." She asked. "It it true that Warders study the ancient arts of Shinto Onmyoudo?" She asked.

Humphrey stopped his quest for the herbs for a moment and then turned to look at his reptilian companion.

"Yes it is true." Humphrey said. "I was taught Onmyoudo at an early age. I am not a Master yet, but I have become quite gifted at it and I intend to use the art to extract our Herbs. Hopefully we can find some nodes near here that will produce good amounts of the herb we are searching for."

"That would be most useful." Kraethyn said as she tapped her scaly chin. "Perhaps you can show us your Onmyoudo arts at your leisure?" She asked.

"At a time when we are not under work for the Order. When we have some down-time. I shall instruct you both." Humphrey said. "The Onmyoudo symbols are really not that complicated, but they require Chi to harness." Humphrey's tail swished back and forth excitedly. "Chi is the radiance of all life."

Kraethyn smiled. "You are quite skilled, Warder. I look forward to learning your Arts."

"And I look forward to learning yours." Humphrey said with his own smile.

Carlos interrupted the moment between the two beastlings.

"I found something, but it is not the herb. Take a look at this." Carlos said, there was a nervous tension in his voice.

Humphrey walked over to the spot that Carlos pointed to. How could I have missed this? I just looked over there! Humphrey thought as he frowned. A harsh smell of death and blood swelled up his nostrils. It made him sick to his stomach, but he did not puke up his lunch. He simply observed the horribly mauled body that was hidden so carefully 'neath the large leaves. Carlos had found the body whilst they were talking, distracted. Humphrey quickly developed a respect for Carlos's ability to stay focused during hours of need. He walked over to Carlos. Saying a small, Spirit Warder recital, Humphrey placed a hand upon the forehead of the fallen. He could no longer tell the gender or the race of the victim. Humphrey saw that Carlos and Kraethyn were also praying for the soul of the fallen.

After a quick funeral, the three buried the remains of the body.

"There may be more." Carlos said. "The wounds were savage, like Monster wounds. They were not the wounds of blades."

"What could cause this type of damage?" Humphrey asked.

"I'm not certain." Carlos responded. "But we'll have to keep an eye out for anymore victims. This is a bad sign if we're to stumble across this type of omen during our Trial." Carlos said. He was quite serious.

"I'm sure it is coincidence." Humphrey said but doubted his own words. There was no such thing as coincidence.

"Either way, let us continue for now. We can't go off mission because it is starting to get so late. Let us find the Herb and move on to our target." Kraethyn said, she'd become strangely quiet.

"Agreed." Carlos responded. "I remember this area pretty well. If I'm not mistaken there should be a clearing somewhere up ahead. We should start our search there."

03-17-11, 03:45 AM
When Carlos said that last part, Humphrey took an inhale of the air.

"The scent is not strongest that, way. It's strongest in that direction." Humphrey said, pointing to the Northeast. "We should stumble upon some of the herb if we head that way." Humphrey added.

Carlos hesitated for a few moment, tapping his chin in deep thought. "Very well. I shall trust The Warder to know his trade well. Lead the way." Carlos said casually.

And Humphrey did. Smelling with his powerful nose, Humphrey followed the faint scent he detected. The closer he got, the stronger the scent became. The herb had a very particular smell that Humphrey could not forget even if he tried. It was not rotten, or disgusting, but it was a particularly sweet fragrance that had a citrus-like odor to it. Humphrey followed the scent until it became stronger and stronger. After traveling about a two yards to the Northeast, the scent became particularly powerful. Humphrey smelled citrus in the air, and looked around with an attentive gaze. There was a lot of grass underneath him, but if he looked closely enough he swore he saw...Eureka! The herb! Humphrey could spot that herb anywhere. The herb was quite distinctive, and Humphrey had memorized scent and appearance of the herb.

There was an outgrowth of the herb that they had discovered. Humphrey moved a few large leaves and discovered the source of the herbs. Jackpot! The kitsune smiled and snapped his fingers.

"They are right here, just as thought. A thicket of the herbs. I will show you the basic Shinto Onmyoudo symbols for gathering herbs." Humphrey said, and went to work...

05-28-11, 11:51 PM
Gathering herbs.

A fundamental principle of Shinto Onmyoudo was the skill level necessary to gather resources. Herb gathering was one of the fundamental keys to the Shinto Onmyoudo arts. The forests of Althanas had a bounty within them that my people, the spirit warders, could gather and make certain use of. It was this process I was showing to my allies now. Through slow and diligent efforts, I managed to instruct my allies in the delicate process of herb gathering as a profitable skill. Our employer wanted us to gather a certain herb. It was always a good idea to practice basic herb gathering skills on more common herbs of Concordia Forest. Though I was a stranger to these lands, I had long since done my research on much of the flora that appeared within Concordia, at least, the common herbs and regeants needed for Alchemical purposes.

I showed my apprentices how to use gathering tools in such a way that herbs could be procured for beneficial purposes later on that ranged from simple Potions to complex ones. Those lessons would come later. I was skilled in the basic arts of revolving around the secrets of Shinto Onmyoudo so I could teach with some degree of confidence. I took my time instructing my companions with the correct methods of gathering herbs, and they did not neglect their attention to detail. They learned their art swiftly and I made sure they were quite comfortable in herb gathering before we moved on to our prize of the day. We gathered a few common herbs quickly so that my companions could become familiar with the secret art. Once they were comfortable, it was decided that we would all gather equal amounts of the herb that the priest wanted. Once they were ready I could begin to assist them in gathering the needed herb...

As the group was working, something observed the trio from the confines of the forest. Shadows stirred as always, but the group had unknowingly stumbled upon a very dangerous situation. They gathered their herbs in the amounts that was requested, quickly filling the containers that they were provided for the project. The three said very little while they were working, Concordia was not a place for idle conversation. Or quick tongues. Concordia was a place for tempered will, and whip-like reflexes. Humphrey was the fist to complete his task, with Carlos and Kraethyn following in short order. Carlos was the last to finish gathering his quota of herb stock. Humphrey took a look around as his nostrils twitched, there was an all-too familiar disturbance in the air.

Humphrey was not certain if the scent was caused by the bodies they had discovered, or something else entirely.

Humphrey did not want to find out.

His ears twitched as he stood in silence, his concentration was evident as he listened to the wind. Concordia had gone silent around them, not a single ave or bug sang. This realization made Humphrey very uneasy as he listened, his tail twitching nervously. Humphrey barely registered the look of concern on Carlos's face. Humphrey nearly jumped when the woman placed a hand on his shoulder without warning him. So intense was his level of concentration. There is something out there. Humphrey thought to himself. He could feel his blood beginning to boil at the sign of what was unmistakeably pursuing them. Makai. Humphrey knew that the devils preferred shadowy, dark environments, but the sun was still out despite their lengthy work expedition. This deep into Concordia, however, there were very few light shafts poking through the canopy of trees.

It gives Makai the advantage.

"What's the matter?" Kraethyn asked. "Why is it so quiet, I don't like this at all..."

"You know something Humphrey. Tell us what's going on..." Carlos soon opined.

"Quiet." Humphrey snapped without meaning to. "There is something out there. I can feel it in my blood." It was only then that Humphrey realized how far into Concordia Forest they had actually gone.

"Well what is it?" Carlos asked. Sweat was already dripping down his forehead, cold sweat. The fear-kind of sweat.

"Makai. I am certain of it." Humphrey said. "We're being tracked. There might be more than one, damn, I was careless to lower my guard!"

"It wasn't your fault Humphrey." Kraethyn said. "We had a job to complete, we really should start heading back before the sun sets..."

"All right. How swift are you two?" Humphrey asked. "I can clear the way if necessary. Take these herbs back to the church. I can prepare an escape route for you two."

"You plan on fighting them alone!? You're crazy Humphrey, there could be more than one out there! Let us help you!" Carlos said astonished.

He knew not the ways of the warders...

05-29-11, 12:14 AM
Humphrey knew the score.

The Makai tended to be communal hunters, like scavengers, they sought the souls of the living.

His companions could not have known how deadly their pursuers actually were.

Humphrey shot a dangerous glance at his companions. "Take these herbs. You do-not know the secret techniques necessary to defeat even the weakest of Makai." Humphrey sighed. "I need you two to get ready to run on my mark." Humphrey said carefully. By then, his ears were twitching like crazy, and he was detecting multiple scents of the devils that hunted men's souls. Humphrey drew his wakisashi sword, moving into a dedicated combat stance worthy of the warder arts. When he moved fluidly into that position, Carlos and Kraethyn understood the situation. Carlos took the herbs from Humphrey's hands and the kitsune moved back into position. "On my mark. I need you two to run as fast as you can."

Humphrey was readying the secret technique, Aspect of Gingitsu taught to him by the elder spirit warders. Humphrey began to focus as he listened to the dark. There were multiple heat-signatures, at least five. That much was certain. In the dark, Humphrey could barely make out many pairs of glowing red eyes. The signs of Makai on the prowl. Humphrey stole one last look at his brave companions. "Godssped." Humphrey whispered, he saw Carlos nod with respect. "Tell the high priest what has happened here." Then, Humphrey continued to focus on the aspect he was prepared to launch into the dark. Humphrey knew he had to buy his companions time for their escape. "Now!" Humphrey yelled, and his companions took off in the general direction of Underwood, which was now quite a ways from their current location.

At the same time, Humphrey went to work.

The sounds came first. There were loud scrapes of claws against trees and earth, clicks of sharp teeth in rows, and the beating of demonic wings.

Humphrey released the aspect of gingitsu he was charging. From his blade, there was a brilliant symbol that burned the air near the handle of his weapon. When the symbol manifested, Humphrey's halo burned brilliantly around him. He launched the aspect as a beam weapon through the air with the intent of distracting the gathered Makai. There was no way of knowing how many the enemy ranks numbered. Humphrey felt the air grow hot as he released the aspect for as far as his current skill level allowed him to launch it. There was a loud sound that slashed through the air like a white-hot knife through flesh. A moment later, the shadowy stalkers known as Makai were revealed! Humphrey hissed as he realized that there were at least five of the Makai.

This specimen was classified, by the spirit warder's scholars, as Fell Underbogs.

The creatures were manifest elemental energy that appeared with glowing eyes on the firmanent. Their bodies were known to oft take hideous shapes. Specters of misshapen humanoids of all the known races of Althanas. The Alpha, seemed to be a man-like beast, with several sets of arms, two tails, a pair of wings, several pairs of glowing red eyes, and a menacing maw. Humphrey knew that he had to focus on slaying the Alpha Makai first. He would have a slim chance of survival after that. Several smaller Underbogs, specters one and all, surrounded the Alpha in a loose pack-formation. They closed in on Humphrey as the light of his launched aspect revealed the things hidden in the dark. Humphrey saw his companions run off in the direction of Underwood and as far as he was aware, they were not chased by the Underbogs. Humphrey carefully prepared his strategic assault against the group of Underbogs, knowing the score damned well.

All or nothing! Humphrey thought to himself. The Alpha was much taller than Humphrey which was an impressive measurement by itself. It moved towards Humphrey as gracefully as one would observe grass in the wind. The trees around Humphrey seemed to be darkened by the corrupt touch of the Fell Underbogs. Alpha moved closely towards Humphrey, but suddenly stopped right in front of the kitsune. It waved his main hand in a gesture that was clearly a command for his companions to stop their advance. Humphrey stared into the hate-filled eyes of the lead Underbog, making sure he did not flinch away from the powerful entity. Humphrey felt sweat pouring down his back making his shirt stick to his fur. Concordia was a tropical zone and this made the situation even more intense as the Underbog seemed to give off a tremendous amount of heat, as of hell-fire.

Then, Alpha spoke to Humphrey.

They usually do-not address the living. This is not good... Humphrey thought to himself.

"You are a novice spirit warder are you not?" The Alpha asked, the words caught Humphrey off guard.

The game had begun.

05-29-11, 12:33 AM
Humphrey felt courage in the face of darkness before him.

"My skills are quite formidable, devil. They would be enough to best you." Humphrey said in response. "Your kind seldom addresses Men why would you start now?" Humphrey asked.

The Underbog Alpha laughed for a few moments then responded in kind.

"You are a puppy in the ways of your people. You know not the dangers of hunting my kind. The precepts of your people are wise in stressing that you should never underestimate The Makai, of any skill level." The Alpha looked off into the distance. "Your friends run off into the forest expecting to survive do they not?"

Humphrey gasped, they had not escaped unnoticed.

"What is your point?" Humphrey asked. "If you wish to battle, this is the time and the place. Leave my friends out of it."

"On the contrary." The Alpha seemed to be smiling. "Your leaders have foolishly given you a request that takes your people into our territory. They know the score, you do not. There are rules at play, warder." The Alpha rose up to his full height which was quite impressive. "We are going to play a game, even if you don't like it."

Humphrey swallowed his fear.

"What sort of a game?"

"Your friends out there, are rabbits. They are rabbits running into a trap." There was a pause as the Alpha explained the ground rules of the game. "You, novice, will play the role of judge. There will be no Makai for you to slay today. We will be doing the dealing. You will be the ones dealt with according to our traditions, not yours." The Alpha looked down at Humphrey. "So here is the game, warder. Of two of your friends, one will live and one will die. One shall become a worthy sacrifice to my people. A soul burnt in the twisting nether. Ours forevermore. You've been caught in the clutches of our trap, warder. Let this be a life-long lesson to you. In order for you to proceed into the Cave for your Trial, you must satiate our hunger by sacrificing one of your own." The Alpha said carefully. "You shall become judgment."

Humphrey frowned. He knew what the game was, Makai hungered for the souls of the living and he had unwittingly sent his friends into a death-trap.

"If I refuse?" Humphrey asked, he'd been sizing up the gathered Makai the entire time. By that moment, he was certain of the skill level that the Alpha seemed to boast. It was genuine, the Makai he was facing was a Lord Makai.

"The three of you will forfeit your souls." Humphrey flinched when he heard that, the game had commenced. Rules were laid in stone, Makai society was a contract society, and it was never to one's benefit to make a deal with a devil. Especially when the lives of your friends was involved. Humphrey clenched the grip of his sword tightly, still in combat stance. By then, he was shaking. Initially, the plan was to martyr himself so that his friends could escape. Now, the matter had grown far more complicated. "What is your choice, Warder?" The Alpha asked, clearly, patience was not it's strong point and it seemed clear that Humphrey was attempting to buy them time. The Alpha's twin tails whipped around like serpents hungry for flesh.

"I have a proposition for you, Devil." Humphrey suddenly said, he was going to take a gamble. A very serious gamble, one that could cost him his very living soul...

05-29-11, 12:43 AM
"You are making a very dangerous choice, Warder." The Alpha said, irritation and acid in his voice. "But, I am willing to hear your proposition out."

Humphrey clenched his weapon's grip as tight as he could.

"Let my friends go. They know not our ways." Humphrey said in a low voice.

"In exchange for...?" The Alpha suddenly asked. "Surely you must know how a barter works..."

"Don't insult me, beast. Of course I know. I was taught since I was a lad. I offer a duel. If you can best me in combat, I shall be food for your appetites. But, I propose combat against you, foul beast. And you alone." Humphrey glared at the Alpha's companions.

For a moment, there was a pause, and then the terrible Underbog laughed loudly.

"You would forfeit all your chances on a fool's gamble?" The Underbog asked.

"There is always hope." Humphrey said, he was gritting his teeth by then.

"Here is the arrangement then: If I win, you forfeit all three of your souls. Condemned you will become." The Alpha said.

"And if I win, we shall be free from damnation's plight." Humphrey whispered. "And I ask for safe passage through the caverns I seek." Humphrey added, which made the Alpha physically flinch. "What is that not fair for three souls?" Humphrey mocked.

"Very well. My servants will not harm you if you are able to best me in combat. Your companions will pass safely to their destination...and you...shall not be touched while you work through the cavern in our territory." The Alpha wore a wide grin now. "You will need all your skill in your feeble attempt at besting me. I shall prove no easy mark." The Alpha taunted. "I hope you are ready for a battle!" And the Makai attacked Humphrey without warning, initiating the battle. Three precious souls hung in the balance as the Makai's claws went to render Humphrey to shreds. The Makai moved with awe-inspiring grace and strength. A lesser hunter would have cowered in fear at the onslaught that the Makai was preparing to bring. It started to laugh wildly as it attacked Humphrey.

Humphrey, however, remained calm and had kept his combat position at the ready the entire time. He knew things about his own skill level that the Makai could not have possibly known.

Humphrey represented a new breed of Hero...