View Full Version : Brainstorming for personal writing

12-31-10, 12:53 AM
Just looking for a little bit of input for a story I'm writing.

First and foremost, it's titled "Making The Undead, Re-dead", title definitely pending because it sounds corny even to me.

One thing I need to know is is it ok to abbreviate something like "Event Planning Committee" to "EPC" for the duration of the chapter? I'm a little unsure on this matter and where else to get writing advice than a writing forum.

12-31-10, 01:15 AM
I wouldn't complain, it might be a matter of what tone of seriousness you are going for.

Jack Frost
12-31-10, 01:16 AM
Zombie story? Sounds interesting.
On the note of EPC, I'm sure you could do something like,
"The event planning committee, or EPC, did blahblahblah..."
and you'd be fine.

12-31-10, 01:20 AM
Hmm... for the title I'd suggest substituting stronger verb for "making" and possibly getting rid of the comma and everything after it. I'm not very good at titles, though.

As for the abbreviation, there are no hard rules in creative writing about that kind of thing. In professional writing such as journalism there are, and they change depending on what country you're in/press you're working with. But for a story, it's fine to shorten it as long as it doesn't get confusing. Lots of great novels use things like CIA, NSA, FBI, and ATF and just assume their audiences know what it means. Since you made this one up, I'd say it wouldn't hurt to mix in the full name once in awhile, just so the reader doesn't have to go backwards if they forget what the letters stand for.

Hopefully that helps :)

Edit: Double ninja'd. Good point, ye Knave.

12-31-10, 09:14 AM
I usually say it fully once, then infer in brackets that it's to be abbreviated for the remainder).

You could also abbreviate in speech for less serious conversation, and use the full name in description - again, like Knave correctly pointed out, depending on the seriousness of the thread you're going for.

12-31-10, 09:15 AM
My personal way of doing abbreviations is this:

1) First, you have to establish what the abbreviation means, i.e., use the full name the first time. (That might be waived if it's universally popular, like 016573 said, but yours wouldn't fit into that category.)
2) Abbreviate if the title is going to come up a lot, to the point where constantly repeating it would sound unwieldy and redundant. If you're only going to be mentioning it very occasionally, I prefer to use the full name (that's a personal preference because I feel like sometimes the abbreviation hurts the tone of the writing, but I'm also weird like that :p). Again that can be waived if you're talking about something universally well-known.

01-11-11, 10:59 PM
Ok I changed the title to "University of The Dead". I kinda like it, I think I'ma stick with it until I think of something better.

01-12-11, 06:14 AM
That's a catchy title. I'd pick that book up and consider it.

01-14-11, 06:25 AM
Tittles need to be simple and catchy, no problem from my point of view here.