View Full Version : Boss Battle Test Run

12-31-10, 12:26 PM



Max Dirks (On the side lines with programming)


Zack Blaze


Duffy Bracken (Later?)

Rahegalhoff (Later?)

MetalDrago (Unsure at this point)



Hoping this will become a feature in Althanas, I am inviting anyone that would like to do a test run of this.

No one will die since it is only a test run ... on the other hand, no rewards (besides this being implemented in the future AND it'll be fun none-the-less) will be given (besides your basic gold and experience for participating in the thread).


The setup:

You are on a large wooden bridge, the biggest one you've seen surrounded by poisonous water that can kill you quicker than you can blink if you fall in. There is a very large platform in front of you and a ghostly outline of a dragon can be slightly seen. It is a ghost dragon! About 40 feet tall and 25 feet wide, this ghost dragon seems like a very deadly challenge.

Name: Giason


4444 Hit Points (I'll incorporate how this works)

308 - 9999999999 Attack Points (Described below about the massive range of damage.)

208 Evade Points (This means you hit the boss quite often because of it's massive size.)

Since this is a test run, I would like at LEAST a minimum of 2 or 3 characters ... more are welcome to join later on to a max of 8.

IF this was incorporated, the breakdown would be the following:

Exp gained if victorious: 20,000 divided up evenly with all the characters fighting against it. Going after it solo is suicide, so I was thinking a minimum of like what? 8 people go after this thing for even a slight chance? Max amount of people that can join will be 16. Recommended rping experience will be average to master, or at your own risk.

But this is a test run so you don't have to worry about that.

Anyway ... more of the break down...

Attacks include:

Hindering Breath


A giant green puff of fog is spewed out from the dragons mouth, this attack is used on the first turn (and then every so often afterwards). 1/3 (One third) of the players (rpers) will be hindered (slower reaction time and movement) for three posts unless healed. This attack does no damage, YET can not be dodged.


Stone Breath


This attack randomly picks one player and encases them in solid stone. This attack does no damage, yet the player/rper can not do a thing (unless somehow the spell/attack is broken) for one post. This attack can not be dodged.


Summon Lizard Men


Occasionally, the dragon will summon two five foot lizards that stand like a human onto the battle field distracting the players/rpers from the main target (the dragon). They both attack the players/rpers with their spears. They barely do any damage and are very easily killed. Once the spell is cast, it is automatically re-casted every 5 turns/posts. The dragon heals 10 HP every time this spell is cast.


Risky Bite:


When the dragon gets to 1/2 of it's health it will open it's mouth baring it's teeth and throat and invite someone inside. This attack does nothing UNLESS you choose too. If you decide to enter his mouth, your character will have a 90% chance of receiving the 9999999999 damage causing instant death (they get eaten, and this can not be dodged since they have the choice to do so or not). However, if successful ... the dragon will miss and lose 1/2 of it's remaining health. If you decide not to enter his mouth, the dragon returns to his normal attacks. Basically, you choose if you want this to attack or not. Do you take the risk of your character dying vs killing the dragon faster? This attack can ONLY be used once. The dragon heals 100 HP using this attack.


Arrow Shot


A giant arrow capable of hitting 4 people in one hit is launched from the dragons mouth dealing a decent amount of damage. This attack CAN be dodged.


Claw Strike:


The Dragon will slam down both of his front claws in a random location on the bridge. This attack can be dodged, yet if hit ... it does quite a bit of damage to the player or players.


Last Ditch:


This attack can only be used when the dragon has 70HP or less. The dragon can NOT attack with anything or do anything (including the auto summoning of the lizard men) during this attack for 3 posts, once the 4th post is posted (dragon wise/the "DM")... this attack is unleashed and can not be dodged. This attack causes 9999999999 damage to a single target killing the target instantly. Better kill the dragon quick! (It isn't hard with HP that low irregardless of it's racial ability). If the dragons skin is gone around this time, it will regrow irregardless immediately (since it's HP will be low anyway, to "easy" otherwise ). The boss heals 10 HP each post with the last ditch.


Ghost Dragon Racial Ability:

Name: Ghost Skin

Think this battle will be a snap with Boss HP that low? Think again. A ghost has a certain skin that makes it almost immune to all attacks. Physical attacks will do 2 damage irregardless of how powerful the attack is. Magical attacks will do 3 irregardless of how powerful the attack is. HOWEVER, if you find the certain magic attack that eliminates it's skin Physical attacks will do 80 dmg and Magic attacks will do 160 irregardless of how powerful the attacks are. If you find this weakness, it only lasts for 3 posts until the ghost regrows it's skin. You can only use this weakness attack twice, so use it wisely!!

I will be DMing the Dragon, everyone else is all in.


Who's in?


By the way, this is also for the discussion of this particular boss and future bosses of your own creation. I will copy/paste the boss ideas you give here.

Here is mine:

Name: De Rol Le

Creator: Petoux

Inspired by: Phantasy Star Online




22000 Hit Points

375 Attack Points (You can translate this however you want)

505 Evade Points (In other words, he evades a lot ... BUT, only when he swims ... otherwise it's a 100% chance of hitting. See the video. Retranslate this how you want too.).

Exp gained if victorious: 18,880 divided up evenly with all the characters fighting against it. Going after it solo is suicide, so I was thinking a minimum of like what? 16 people go after this thing for even a slight chance? Anyway ... more of the break down...

Attacks include:

5 Corner Spikes


5 Diamond shaped floating spikes, each 5 feet tall, surround a character and must be destroyed quickly otherwise the spikes imbed themselves into the character at the same time dealing massive amounts of damage. The spikes will not attack for 12 minutes. Meaning, you got 12 minutes (3 posts worth of time?) to destroy all 5 or it's goodbye for that certain character.


3 Rotating Spikes


3 Diamnod shaped floating spikes, just like above, surround the character and rotate around you. Here is the difference ... they don't attack. Their purpose is to try to block your attacks onto De Rol Le.


Purple Blob Attack


De Rol Le uses this when he swims ONLY. 20 Blobs (1 from each section) launch towards the characters in random directions. They are about 3 feet in diameter each. When a section of De Rol Le is destroyed, a blob will not launch. In other words, if 2 sections of De Rol Le have been disabled, he will only launch 18 Blobs vs 20.


Tentacle Attack


De Rol Le has six large tentacles attached to his head. They are about 14 feet long each and are very thin. When De Rol Le attaches himself to the giant raft, he will attack you with his 6 tentacles going towards multiple targets at once.


Rock Shower


When De Rol Le's health starts to get low ... he starts to get desperate and uses more powerful attacks onto the characters. This attack is one of them. He will ONLY use it when his health is low and his armored mask is off. Anyway ... he retreats into the ceiling of the arena and starts droping large boulders all over the place trying to crush the characters. He can not be harmed at this time because he embeds himself in the ceiling temporarily, and then re-emerges shortly after to continue his assault.

Laser Beam


When De Rol Le is near death, and near death ONLY, he will start to use his most devastating attack. The laser beam! A giant laser beam launches from his mouth making a vertical attack beam assault. The beam is about 6 feet in diameter and covers a massive radius. This attack is close to an instant death status if hit by it. It takes a long time to recharge and can be easily dodged.

12-31-10, 02:03 PM
I volunteer to put this dragon to rest.

12-31-10, 02:25 PM
I need one (preferably 2) more people and I'll start the test immediately. Remember, ANYONE can join in (up to 8 max) once the thread has started. Feel free to invite more people Paragon and try to think of your own bosses to add as well.

12-31-10, 02:30 PM
Sorry for the double post ... but here is another boss idea:

Etherel Lokizec - The Undead Skeleton King

Creator: Petoux

HP: 15540

Exp: 10000

With Armor: 3000 armor points

Without Armor: 30 armor points

* Name: Etherel Lokizec

* Race: Undead

* Known as: The Undead Skeleton King

* Alignment: Chaotic Evil

* Religion: Zelecal

* Languages: Just English, yet can't speak it properly. Instead he uses a loud raspy voice or shriek and speaks slowly. {For example "You ... are ... no ... match ... for ... me."}. Overall, he usually focuses on only one or two words when he speaks, and repeats them quite often as he sees fit to do so.

* Location: Crypt of the Undead

* Actual Age: 428

* Apparent Age: Unknown

* Relative Age: Unknown

* Gender: Male

* Eye color: Pure black eye sockets.

* Hair color: N/A

* Race related attribute: A fire infused halo above the head which is able to add and remove armor at will. This halo can never be extinguished. {It only puts on and off armor anyway.}. When armor is re-added, the pieces lost in battle cannot return. {In other words, if his armor gets broken ... or some of it falls off, he can't get it back when he decides to put on his armor again.}.

* Height: 7 feet; 4 inches

* Weight: 100 {Without any armor on} - 400 {with full armor on} lbs

* Build: Strength comes from his strong bone stability.

* Element: None

* Home: Commonly in graveyards, barren wastelands, caves, and crypts.


Etherel has a look that could knock your senses cold by looking at his size. His skeletal structure has the look of solid steel bones, infused with other tiny bones giving it more support and efficiency. His height alone causes much fear into any that look at him. His "eyes" seem to always have a raging look of pure evil. His attitude spells no pity, no pain, and no mercy that dare challenge him. If looks could kill, you would be stone cold dead at your first glance.

Brief History:

Etherel doesn't know how he came to be, or where he came from, but the other skeletons believe that he is the spitting image of a powerful entity that was summoned from the grave by a powerful necromancer stated in the Zelecal religion. This particular necromancer lost control over him, and the other undead. Their will was to dominate the Earth from where they came from. This is leaving him to follow the religion of collecting clothing to prove he can become the skeleton that succeeds in their religious beliefs, and to govern all. He is only focused on one thing. Pure evil, greed, domination, with no survivors. This is why all of the undead are known to be chaotic evil, they only care about themselves and no one else. Etherel is a slight exception to this belief.

About the Zelecal religion:


* Skeletons are the only breed of undead that has the same ritual that they follow, for all of the other races have their own methods, skeletons only focus on one. A skeletons ritual is to take pieces of clothing of their victims, tearing it up, and wear them as if they would be clothing. The more clothing a skeleton has, lets the others know who killed the most. That particular skeleton is chosen to enter the world of the living, and come back with the hearts of all the leaders from of all of the races. No skeleton has been successful with this, but it is believed that if a skeleton were able to come back successfully, that skeleton would have the power to govern all, making the undead the dominate species on the planet for all eternity with that particular skeleton in charge of any decisions it makes.


* There are many different beliefs in the Zelecal religion, but the main one known is the belief in a powerful skeleton god named Hiket, that can unleash the deadliest of evil magic upon everything it touches. The undead worship this god, by making small statues of what they think the god looks like in multiple areas, mainly crypts and graveyards, where few visit ... or live.

* Another belief is that the undead originated from a powerful source, which was rumored to be a human, yet lost control over the dead quickly as they started to multiply by taking the humans life, and spilling his blood on the dead to bring them back to life. This is how the undead multiply, or so they believe.

* One other belief is that humans, particularly, has caused so much damage and chaos to themselves and to the planet, that becoming internally undead was their punishment. After the wrong doers souls went to hell, they were chosen by multiple demons of what punishment they would receive. Demons primarily liked Zombies, yet they were not reliable in their intellect. That is where the other breeds of undead were created. Zombies were created to be "human" shields in an army, as the skeletons behind them would be the main soldiers that could carry multiple things, and have extremely high intelligence. Behind them are what are known to be birds of prey. Deceased birds of all kinds, even from the dinosaur period, were used as aerial attack and defense units in battle. At the back, were many others that aided in battle and persuasion.

* One last belief was one of the most powerful necromancers in the world created the undead for his own greedy ways, and to take control of everything he could see. After awhile, the undead became too many and overwhelmed the necromancer, as they turned against him, killing him, and followed what they knew best. Pure evil, greed, domination, with no survivors.

Zelecal Prophecy:

* A future is predicted by the skeletons based on Hiket. It includes the entirety of the Earth swallowed by pain and suffering by a giant graveyard, and barren wastelands full of torture and anguish. All other races are slaves to the undead, and they are forced to combat to the death in arenas that the skeletons would create as entertainment. This horrifying experience is to be slowly spreed into the rest of the universe, one by one until the undead rule all.

Skeleton race attribute {Reanimation ability}:

* Every skeleton has the ability of reanimating its bones if they are lost or broken (or from any other cause). They can even reanimate their whole entire body, yet this takes several weeks to obtain full reanimation. For a single body part, it would take an hour to several hours depending on the body part. This unique ability comes with every skeleton that is "built into" their bodies. No one knows how this process works, or exactly where it comes from. Yet, it is rumored by many to come from the area where the heart would be if a skeleton had one. Others say it comes from multiple unknown sources and it cannot be stopped. Many myths, rumors, and folklore are told about this reanimation ability, yet no truth has been found of where it comes from, and how it works. Humans, primarily, plan on finding how to use this ability to cheat death itself.


* Etherel has special element resisting armor covering a mass majority of his body made of multiple varieties of dragon bones and scales to make it look like it has a metallic attribute, with a few pieces of torn clothing in between. He primarily wears his fully armored battle suit which is equipped with giant shoulder pads with eight inch spikes made of skeletal bones from multiple skeletons protruding from each pad. The pads extend to the point where they almost touch the head to protect from high attacks from weapons.

* A neck brace almost completely surrounds his neck extending to the empty skeletal ear holes.

* An upper chassis brace is attached under the neck brace that extends the armor, and thickens it for even better protection. The brace extends to the upper chest and connects with the upper portions of the shoulder pads.

* A full suit of armor covers the rest of his torso, and extends all the way to the hips. This armor is inter layered cross wised with armor plating that overlap each other multiple times in many different areas front to back. The main upper chassis is larger than the center part of the chassis which covers more of the body structure of Etherel, which also gives him better support. The lower part of the spinal column has an extra layer of plating that extends close to the middle section of the torso, latching to the back for better stability. Attached to the lower spinal plating, is a large circular armor piece which is layered with multiple platings in the shape of rectangles that surround the lower-middle section of the body. This is attached to the spinal brace by eight large rectangular braces giving it better support. A circular brace is on top of all of this giving perfect balance with the Earths' gravity.

* Upper leg platings are attached to the upper hips, and extend all the way down to the middle of the knees. These platings are attached to a pelvic area brace which holds it in place, and adds more protection and stability in combat.

* Giant full plated boots cover the rest of the legs, extending up to the lower portion of the knee, almost fully touching the leg platings. Another plating in the shape of a skull is attached in the front and back of the boots to hold it into place better. Tiny thin plates are attached to the sides of the boots to give better comfort and maneuverability.

* Heavy plated gloves interlaced with many armor platings are attached to his hands giving him better support and grip with holding his weapons. A giant plated slit is attached to the right glove where the shield can be inserted, and locked in place with multiple tiny platings, surrounded by an arm brace to hold it into place, and give it better support to keep in stable and free from moving to much when hit. The gloves have an extra layer of plating on the top portion of the palm, and the wrists to keep the gloves in place and stable when Etherel strikes with his weapons. These extra platings are bolted together with strong circular stones. A large one is placed on top of everything, and in the center to keep the glove from moving. The gloves cover all of the hand and fingers. Special plating is attached to the fingers enabling the gloves to bend and move like a normal hand without any armor on them.

* Finally, five large rectangular platings are attached to the back , and better hold together all of the armor which attach to each piece to make the armor seem like it is one whole piece. It also extends to the end of the shoulder blades, and proceeds all the way up the back of the neck behind the neck brace.

* Torn clothing from his victims is attached under his shoulder blades in many areas, and a very small cape is on his back. One final clothing piece extends from the bottom torso, to about two to three feet off of the ground. Many parts of clothing are not visible, for they are underneath all of Etherels' armor.

{Side note: Etherels' bones are ten times stronger/harder than the strongest metal {Titanium I think.}.


* Etherels' main offensive weapon is a large sword with a razor sharp angled cut. This sword is five feet tall/long. The upper part of the blade has two large portions of small knife like attachments, and one small attachment on the bottom. The hilt is covered in heavy armor, and extra plating which extends all the way to most of the bottom portion of the blade. The sword has an extra layer of sharp edging that cuts deeper into his victims. The upper portion of the hilt is larger than the top portion and has tiny razor sharp angles at the very edges. The very bottom of the sword is plated with a massive bone for better grip. The hilt is intertwined with special plating that has small half-circle groves where the fingers grip, giving better support and more deadly efficient strikes. Most of the sword is layered with strong bones on top of the armored platings and attached to different areas of the sword giving it better support with defensive maneuvers. A hilt is on Etherels' back covered in strong armor and bones along with a holding place underneath all of his armor for his chain when he decides to take the armor off.

* Etherel also has two small steel head hammers attached by the hips for closer combat situations.

* His defensive weapon/item is a giant shield that is four feet tall/long covered in multiple layers of armored plating and strong bones. The shield is curved to the center, and curves back down gradually to the bottom of the shield which gives it a better ramming effect. The shields' plating is bolted down with a large skeleton head shaped plate and strong bone edgings. Extra small platings in a decorative fashion are attached near the skeleton bolt. The shield slides in place, and stays in place on his right glove/arm. It is also surrounded in a strong wrist brace that has a few layers of strong plating to keep it in place and from falling off, or being knocked off.

* When the armor is off, a long chain with a large piercing sharp hook with many intertwining bones is his main weapon that is wrapped around his center torso if he decides to take his armor off. If he has his daggers, they are visible by his hips if he brought them along.


Sword mastery:

* Skeletons are taught for several centuries straight with a sword by the eldest skeleton. Etherel was trained for 300 years with using a blade, then to be finally able to use one by his own.

Chain mastery:

* Skeletons are naturally "born" with the ability to use a chain. That is why skeletons usually have chains around their bodies. Their lessons in the chain increase by self taught methods.

Shield mastery:

* This ability is also taught for several centuries by the eldest skeleton. Etherel only needed 120 years of training, until he was ready to use one on his own.

A fire halo is able to take off and put on his armor at will, making him even more versatile if more speed is needed:

* This halo is only on about 20% of the skeletons by reasons unknown. One belief is that the blood spilt on that particular skeleton, was the blood from a mighty warrior based on one theory of the Zelecal beliefs.

Reanimation ability:

* Explained above.


* None that is known. But sometimes he likes to bring two small daggers along with him infused with strong bones and layered in armored plating which attach to his leg pads. If he decides to have his armor off, the daggers are attached to his hips in the solid bone dagger holders.

12-31-10, 02:50 PM
I'll also volunteer to test this idea of yours.

12-31-10, 02:56 PM
I'd like to throw in the gauntlet for this, but not for the dragon, so when the next boss is taken up, Duffy or Cydnar will be game for adventure!

12-31-10, 06:36 PM
I've got a boss idea to add, but I'll only run him after a few storys are complete, he is central to one of my characters after all.

01-01-11, 04:06 PM
Alright, I have the few I needed and will start the thread ASAP and post the link to it here. Just give me 1/2 day to day to make it, then go ahead and post. I might even get it up today.

As for everyone else that wants to join, go ahead ... you can join at anytime (up to a max of eight).

Since this is a test run, and I want to do multiple bosses ... I'm going to lower his hp quite a bit so we can really "put our feet in the water" as soon as possible.

I'll drop the dragons health to 1800 ... and limit his weakness that was discussed earlier to only one instance.

Here is the link:


01-01-11, 04:20 PM
I'd like to ask a question about this. I understand the basic precept of the boss battle, but why include an actual HP?

01-01-11, 04:35 PM
I'm not entirely sure yet at this point, I'm winging it for now. Like I said, this is a test run and it is a dry skeletal design at the moment. It might be removed in the future.

Anyway, here is the link:


Posting order does NOT matter, people that join may post one after the other (in other words, you don't need to wait for me to post after you.).

For example:

Poster 1
Poster 2
Poster 3
Poster 4


Poster 2
Poster 4
Poster 1
Poster 3
Poster 8 (joins in)



However, you only may post ONCE between the times I post. If the other people don't post while I'm attacking, don't worry about it ... keep moving on. No Bunnies allowed unless you get permission to do so please, thanks.

I will be DM'ing the dragon, everyone else ... fair game.

Have fun!

Max of eight people for the dragon fight please. Next boss will be more ;)

I recommend some healers

01-02-11, 04:00 AM
I'll volunteer too if you still want more.

With HP, will you be working our how much damage our attacks do? Those other numbers ment very little to me...

01-02-11, 05:33 AM
The more the better ... I'll work how it goes, remember this is a test run so I'll be figuring that out. Most likely I will be using a certain program for calculations of how it works OR use something else entirely. Go ahead and post then Hysteria

Zack Blaze
01-02-11, 08:09 AM
Mind if I take part in this?

01-02-11, 10:12 AM
Someone else can go first, I'm behind in my posting :)

01-02-11, 11:19 AM
Absolutely Zack Blaze ... post whenever you are ready.

Btw, got GREAT advice from someone and I'm quoting it here. If any of you can help me incorporate it somehow in the test, that would be great:

I skimmed through your proposal thread and noted a few small suggestions for the moment. I think seeing how it plays out is probably the best way to go, rather than excessive pondering ex ante.

1) I wouldn't worry about quantifying so many things. In the end the numbers are likely to be meaningless. How many times something can happen and how big something is are meaningful numbers. Damage, statistic, and other points are pen-and-paper or console RP extrapolations that don't have a lot of meaning. When giving a number, ask yourself whether it would be meaningful for an in-world person to discuss the situation in those terms.


Meaningful Numbers

Visla: "I don't want to fight that dragon. He can shoot beams of energy two meters across."

Duffy: "Yeah, but I've heard he can only do it twice a day and if you're reasonably quick, I'd say it only has a fifty-fifty chance of hitting you."

Non-meaningful Numbers

Duffy: "I don't want to fight that dragon. Its breath attack does 500000 damage and its got an armor rating of 600."

Visla: "What are you talking about? Are you saying it hits hard and it's tough? What the hell is five hundred thousand damage? Damage to what? Who's rating its armor?"

Duffy: "I'm sorry, I suffered a bout of temporary insanity."

2) Consider the final reward being a percentage of a level or a range of rewards depending on the character's level and their participation. Experience shouldn't be a fixed amount divided among people. This will disincentivise high level players. You should always avoid fixed xp amounts for major events. Still, you want to encoroporate a way for someone to help a smaller amount and get a smaller reward. Also, killing a dragon is more impressive for a lvl 1 than a lvl 10, so the rewards should scale some with level, I just suggest not using a fixed amount. If 5 or 6 high level characters are involved, they could end up getting nearly nothing.

That's a relatively minor thing, it's just something you'll want to polish. The mods don't generally think very hard about incentive structures, so it's best to do that thinking for them.

Silence Sei
01-03-11, 03:26 PM
I resent that last comment, but I will also advise my judges on distributing exp accordingly for this test run.

It had piqued my interest.

01-03-11, 03:44 PM
You can join it to Silence Sei if you want.

01-05-11, 01:14 PM
I will post the dragons attack(s) on Friday to give more time to the other volunteers to post ... if they don't, then it's the just the three of us and sucks to be them.


Since the lack of activity since I started the thread, I'm going to make a few changes to wrap up the test faster, then to begin the new test with the segmented boss with new ideas.


HP has dropped to 200 so it will go MUCH quicker, attacks MIGHT do more damage but you still need to find his weakness

Also ... feel free while in the test run to make suggestions / improvements / additions / deletions / etc during the test run OOC or in this thread.

Thank you.

01-06-11, 06:39 AM
I think its hard to post without a story, it kind of goes against what you do as an RPer. The citadel gives you a reason why you're there, and I think thats what this needs. Enigmatic Immortal did a thread where a group of Ixians fought an equivalent 'boss', his story was that the Citadel raised the warrior from the dead to fight them, a similar storyline for this would work well.

I was also thinking that the setting should be described by the person who initiates the battle, rather than the first poster.

Ganlon Martel
01-06-11, 06:50 AM
I recommend some healers

Hey, Wait, I'm a healer. I come if anybody wants to get fixed.

01-06-11, 01:23 PM
Ganlon Martel, you can join if you want...

@ Hysteria ... I agree, I will implement this ... the bosses first post (whosever ... lol whosever) post that is will most likely be in that format. After that, it will be (or should be anyway) writing like you and Zack did in the thread. I will be posting soon if no one else does after you guys.

Sometime Friday like I said earlier.

01-15-11, 12:05 AM
It seems like you have enough people, so I'm dropping out. I wish you the best with this concept.