View Full Version : The Cult of Cassandra Remi

Requiem of Insanity
12-31-10, 07:37 PM
I have really big plans for Cassandra Remi in the coming year, and the number one goal is to take her character and retire her the way I want her to retire, thus transferring this account to another of her daughters. But before I can do that I need to achieve many a thing. First off is she is collecting the final trinkets needed for the ritual in question, then she needs to amass them together correctly, then swap her life for death with a lover, and wait to be resurrected, but as the Goddess of Blessed Torture. Yes, that means I want to make Cassandra Remi a GOD.

Now, how the hell does that apply to anyone on this site? Good question. It won’t to most people. However what I’m looking to do is gather up all the NEUTRAL OR EVIL characters in Althanas who kill, murder, rape or whatever their terrible deeds are together and have them perform those deeds in her name and take out those who would oppose her ascension. So what I need out of the community is those people who are dark denizens of the shadows to come on out and play and do what you do best and gain rewards for it.

Each character will be different for motive, and this is the kind of organization where the structure isn’t formal, but more based on a loose faith. Faith in the Dark Mother to watch over their deeds and grant them power, money, or just a convenient escape route when the sand gets too high. All I’m saying is, if you have the desire to play, I can make up anything you want to make it work. You a crime lord and looking for someone to hire to kill off opposition? Hire the Cult. You got a beef with somebody who raped your daughter? Call the cult. We’ll do charity and dirty work, but the results usually end in our fun and far more than you bargained for.

The OVERALL goal, however, is to create a Power Group of serial killers, and other people who kill not because it's wrong, or right, but because it's all they know.

Wait a second, aren’t you in the Ixian Knights? Aren’t they doo-gooders?

Ah, thought you’d think of that. Yes, Cassandra Remi is a general of the Ixian Knights. I plan to have these events take place after the fabled prophecy and cut her ties to the group. A series of events involving Sei and Jensen will create her falling out with that group as she begins her new journey. Or in simpler terms: LIQUID TIME!

But everything you write in Althanas 3.0 is cannon anyways, so why bother?

Yeah I know that, but I don’t want to be a scrub who writes garbage shit to get what I want. I want to try and do this as legit and as suitable as possible. That and I want to involve the community in a potential fun time. I’ll organize battles with the group, assassin missions for those who aren’t interested in PvP, and quests into ancient crypts and old labyrinths to search for places for her ascension. Hell you may only show up for the final phase of the story arc. But this is a group who won’t judge you for being who you are. (IC at least, OOC and you may have more problems with the FBI than the Althanas website.)

I kind of would like to create a system unique to only this Power Group: The Faith System. Each completed and judged mission will earn a set number of faith points, or in other words, deeds done in the name of the Dark Mother (Cassandra Remi). Each assassination mission that is accomplished IC’ly (be in the citadel or out) will earn a set number of points, and OOC battles completed will earn more and more faith. When Cassandra has gained enough faith the final ritual will begin, and the final series of events will go off to send Cassandra off to God-Hood.

Cassandra defeats Jensen in the citadel IC: 5 faith points.
Cassandra defeated Jensen in the citadel IC and OOC: 7 points.

Cassandra needs X points left to ascend to godhood.

Now the faith isn’t just for her. I want to use it so that she can “Bless” her chosen warriors with abilities in line with the 3.0 system. IE Let’s say Aerith has completed five missions and the PG has 245 faith points. Cassandra will use 50 of those faith points to grant Aerith a tier A ability. (Which I believe is a low level ability) Or she can ask for a divine favor, and use up say 100 faith points for a tier C ability. Or unlock the opportunity to have more abilities in their profile if they end up being limited.

I’m more than ready to work with a ROG mod to determine how this would work, as I don’t see any reason why this can’t be allowed.

So I’ll open this thread up to those who are interested as well as their ideas, and open another thread to get the official roster going similar to The NINE page created by Revenant and Enigmatic Immortal.

Jack Frost
01-01-11, 02:24 AM
I might have an alt for this.
I could also see if I could get the disciples of N'jal in on this as well. After all I'm sure we could use the help of an ex Ixian knight captain gone goddess to take them down. An..exchange of favors could be beneficial to both sides. Ask MetalDrago about it, I'm only a lieutenant.

01-01-11, 10:24 PM
I would be interested in your cult. It sounds like my charries type of scene to a dot really.. o.o

Requiem of Insanity
01-01-11, 10:32 PM
Sounds good. As far as an alliance goes with your new group Frost, I'll be open to an idea for now. I think i know which alts your referring to and if we can get that ball rolling I got lots of ideas I think you and i can roll with.

Fayne: Your in. I think you'll fit in nicely into the scene.

Jack Frost
01-02-11, 01:48 AM
I'll probably start by getting Vincent in...
He's currently my most creatively open dark alt.
Gospel might make an appearance, but I don't really like using him.
Lemme finish up my solo for Vincent and get back to you.

Requiem of Insanity
01-02-11, 01:51 AM
Sounds great. So far i have....

2 people? hmm, well looks like we'll have a lot of work ahead of us....*grabs the whip* If you guys have ideas or plans go ahead and voice them. I haven't made the official PG page yet because i want us to get a good grip on what we are doing here.

Requiem of Insanity
01-14-11, 01:59 AM
Okie dokie, 3.0 is here and thus i wanna try and get this shindig started. If you're still interested/newly interested in joining this group reply here so i can form up the new PG.

01-14-11, 06:56 AM
I think I'll fit in nicely, Assassin is looking for targets anyways

01-14-11, 02:34 PM
I am still interested of course. *grins*

Requiem of Insanity
01-14-11, 03:03 PM
Then welcome children, to the Cult of Blessed Torture...

I'll be posting the powergroup late tonight, so expect to see it tomorrow.

Les Misérables
01-16-11, 01:02 AM
If Cassandra promised him an arm (or adequate substitute) Phyr would do some work for her. He'd make an ideal informant or controller, if you're looking for anything like that.

Requiem of Insanity
01-16-11, 01:14 AM
Don't know what you mean by arm, but sure! Why the hell not. I'm positive we can cut one off for someone. Welcome to the Cult.

Les Misérables
01-16-11, 01:26 AM
Well, Phyr only has one arm, and its his non dominant one. If someone insinuated they could get him his old arm back, or some crazy magical version thereof, it'd be enough to buy his devotion.

Requiem of Insanity
01-16-11, 01:41 AM
Well that, good sir, is what the faith system is for. You help her become a god, and in return she'll return your arm. You can upgrade what it does, or have it be the same old one, but in the end, I can arrange that. So if that's what it takes, welcome aboard. I will soon be getting in contact with a Mod to discuss the faith system, so all of you please keep posting ideas and what you want so I can start working out details. Thanks.

01-17-11, 02:52 AM
I'd love to join.

Requiem of Insanity
01-17-11, 03:03 AM
Welcome to the Cult.

01-17-11, 03:56 AM
Awesome! Thank you. Can't wait to rp with you guys.

Requiem of Insanity
01-17-11, 10:26 PM
Okay guys, time to start the ball rolling on this group. I got several plans that need to get instituted and fast! So, it's time to initiate everyone in someway, some shape into the cult. I have several scenarios, please pick one that works for you, or make offer one you would like to do so we can start.

Ideas for initation: You gather with other known serial killers inside an old manor, and pick a room. This room becomes a personal hell for you until Cassandra can come to your room and welcome you in.

-Bust you out of prison/a dire situation/ a fight with bandits...ya know, something.

Also, Mission board wise, i need two volunteers OR more to help Cassandra bust Serial killers and such ilk out of local prisons for an event that I would like to call "The Night of Debauchery." PM me for details if you'd like to get in on the debauchery thread. Otherwise post here if your in the prison escape. 9Which can also conveniently tie people into their initiation.

I need one assassin or murderer to attempt to kill Jensen Ambrose (Level 9, and known battle writer) by any means necessary. Who's up for this job?

I need someone else to assassinate the captain of a small frigate so our PG has access to the seas. Any takers?

I need one volunteer to work with Aerith Remi in finding an ancient relic of power within Dethaine, known as the Womb of God. This is a critical component for her ascension.

Remember all deeds done will be remembered by the Dark Mother...

Les Misérables
01-17-11, 11:16 PM
Phyr has experience (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22149-They-ve-All-Forgotten-You) causing prison breaks.

And if the right reward were offered, he'd take a stab at Ambrose.

Jack Frost
01-17-11, 11:34 PM
I have an alt, the Assassins Creed, who will take the frigate assassination, all he requires is a new left eye....

01-18-11, 09:19 AM
You can bust Azrael out of a prison. He can also help in getting hold of a frigate via assassination, if you want. Not really sure what he wants in return yet -- but if you bust him out of a prison, being in debt would be enough reason to get him going.

Requiem of Insanity
01-18-11, 02:17 PM
Ok. Azrael, I would like you to go ahead and start up the thread of you being in prison, and how you go there, why, etc. etc. The only thing I need out of you in that opening post is during visitation time, there is a fourteen year old girl who will speak to every high risk criminal who will talk to them about the Dark Mother coming to save their soul, if they wish it. Say yes, and She'll hand you a white flower. That's Cassandra's way of knowing who to bust out and who to let rot. PM me if you want a little more on that. Les Miserables, you can help with the prison escape, so that makes a decent 3 person thread. If anyone else wants in, that's fine, but post soon that you do.

Assassin's creed, you can take the frigate mission with Azrael (Just liquid time we busted you out Azrael). Please keep in mind that it's going to be a pretty high score for the Power Group to be spoiled that award. So I trust you two to deliver.

Also, how did you all (minus Azrael) want to be initiated in? Les Miserables, did you want this mission to be a combining of forces that work together? Like you got a buddy in the same prison I'm busting people out of? If so, that would make it easier for us to work together for the time being.

Les Misérables
01-18-11, 03:15 PM
I'd thought that if Phyr somehow presented his services to Cassandra she'd realise he's invaluable, at least from this mission. Aside from having initiated a maximum security prison break in Salvar, he's the kind of guy who could most likely figure out how to break into anything. Depending on what kind of resources she has, things could get pretty explosive. But in order to free specific individuals, he might need to put himself on the inside.

Doesn't really matter though, storyline wise I'm up for most anything. Once Azrael has the intro up a few ideas will probably jump out at me.

Jack Frost
01-18-11, 03:59 PM
I have an idea about Creed (Assassins Creed) being caught in an infinite loop of fate, with his hold self triggering his story every time. This older version will have left Creed clues on how to contact Cassandra since he had met her and served her. It will be easy to do a quick thread of him meeting her in his hunt for clues. Then she could offer him a new eye when she reaches godhood for his servitude. Simple really.

01-19-11, 10:04 AM
I've posted the thread. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22333-A-Second-Chance&p=179618#post179618) Please tell me if it should be closed to anybody else. :)

Requiem of Insanity
01-19-11, 06:41 PM
Hey, great post. That is a good enough set up for me.

Les Miserables, I will be taking a certain liberty with your character, and if this isn't acceptable and you wish me to change it in my post, that is fine with me. The gist is Jebb Remi (Cassandra's father) is going to bring you to her, and then she'll explain her mission. In your post please feel free to bunny Cassandra.

Les Misérables
01-20-11, 12:30 AM
That's fine, I'm sure you'll do an excellent job. At this point I've gotten behind in my other threads so my first post may take a few days, but after that I imagine I'll keep up admirably.

Requiem of Insanity
01-20-11, 12:32 AM
Completely unacceptable!

How dare you keep your commitments to other threads before mine? :)

All good, just when you see the post, feel free to oblige it.

01-20-11, 12:35 AM
I could try and help Aerith gain the relic if no one else has volunteered for it.

Requiem of Insanity
01-20-11, 12:37 AM
Done, it's yours Fayne. I also have other ideas for you in mind, but let's do this thread first and see where we stand.

Jack Frost
01-20-11, 07:46 AM
Ah, thanks for the reminder of my other perfect alt, the Guile Family. Let me see if their solos running about, and then find a way to close it off by the four going to meet Cassandra....

Les Misérables
01-22-11, 02:46 PM
I recently lost my hard drive and am without home internet access. This means my activity in all threads will be drastically slowed. If you choose to replace me I understand, otherwise I'll still do my best to keep up.

EDIT: Mind you it is possible I'll have this fixed in a day or two.

01-22-11, 03:59 PM
Hmm... You know, I think I want in on a little sumthin sumthin to do with this, a first step in extending the hand of alliance.

Requiem of Insanity
01-23-11, 02:02 AM
Okay, Azrael, I will post hopefully by Monday at the latest in your thread. Sorry for the delay, but work suddenly picked up.

Fayne: I'll be starting our thread soon, so I'll PM you when it's ready. The new posts button misses threads sometimes....

Les: I'll wait it out a bit to gauge the situation, and if need be Rayse had ideas and I can sub him in instead, but the cult comes first.

Frost: It looks nearly done, so let me know what is up with that, and if you need me to help you finish it, i can do that as well.

Drago: My my, how interesting for you to come to my thread. Of course, like we discussed, there is always a place to deal with the darker side of Althanas. Just exactly where did you want to jump on board?

01-23-11, 02:08 AM
I have no idea, though Drago can come in from just about anywhere, as long as it suits his interests.

Requiem of Insanity
02-06-11, 12:07 AM
Okie dokie people, we had a really bad bout of inactivity as of late. Time to change that!

Les Miz: Still waiting on you to move our prison break along. If you need edits let me know, or if you want out, let me know. I can swap you for someone else.

Jack: uh, the boat mission. You plan to get to that soon or....? Also the Guile Family...What's the hold up? I want's me the family, big plans for you in store.

Fayne: I still want to do that thread with you, but I was curious if you felt comfortable starting it. You asked for some tips and pointers, and I think this would be a good way to start. :)

Metal Drago/ Lorenor: Let's start our partnership already. We both got ideas we can spare.

Anyone else I may have missed: Let's do an initiation thread, or get you on a mission.

Rayse Valentino: Hi. That is all.

Rayse Valentino
02-06-11, 12:24 AM

I'll go kill Jensen for you.

Requiem of Insanity
02-06-11, 12:29 AM

I'll go kill Jensen for you.

http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRnKx_Sco_molqLqyC5M6SoidUVJ5fIU 38e1dF3nahufXWYXd4yeQ

That's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me! Thank you, sir! Thank you!

02-06-11, 05:37 PM
Realistically you should probably just swap me out. I'm behind in all my other threads and still chipping away at the backlog so... maybe next time. Glad you found someone who can step in though.

Jack Frost
02-06-11, 09:40 PM
Sorry, Imma bit stumped with writers block. I have both accounts quick linked, expect to see something in the near future. You might want to give the boat thread to someone else, my scores haven't been the greatest in the past and getting a boat spoil would be realllllly hard. The Guiles will see some action shortly, could you PM me all of the "public" Information about Cassandras killings? Anything that someone with a morbid interest would be able to dig up would be helpful in having them find her and establish contact, which will be the iffiest part of the whole introduction.

Requiem of Insanity
02-07-11, 12:29 AM
Ok, well jack why don't you bring in Assassin's creed into the prison break thread. I'll need to edit it. Do you want to be an inmate or hired help? And I think we can swing that angle you wanted to run about multiple lives.

Jack Frost
02-07-11, 12:52 PM
I'll be a hired hand, could you refresh my memory on the multiple lives concept?

The Guile Family
02-07-11, 01:47 PM
Sorry for the double post of sorts oh dark mother, but would you like to do the honor of intercepting Lucien as he takes his little brother to visit Sei? The young man hasn't spoken a word since his father disappeared. Perhaps lure him off by telling him what she does. She could learn she can trust him by possibly having observed him and his sister playing serial killer...

Requiem of Insanity
02-07-11, 04:28 PM
Hmmm, very well, but link me the thread unless you wish to start a new one.

05-04-12, 01:30 PM
Grim needs somebody to boss him around. Consider this my application.

Requiem of Insanity
05-04-12, 02:32 PM
Uh......i can do that.

Skills? Preferred method of torture (if at all) and qualifications to welcome the Dark Mother into your life.

Or in short

Good hooks to rp with you.

05-04-12, 02:52 PM
Well he's a merciless monster who can literally hunt somebody down from anywhere on the planet if he knows what their life force feels like. He's also been a soldier in one form or another through out both his lives and feels lost and agitated without somebody telling him who his enemies are so at the moment he'd likely be seeking some form of direction who that direction comes from or why they are giving it to him.

05-24-12, 06:25 PM
Hello Cassandra Remi, I was wondering if you would perhaps like to have Ihimirsyn join in with your cult. She is a Minor Death, a preternatural being manifested for the specific purpose of killing someone who is past their time. She is an implacable hunter with a blade that severs the soul from the body. Or, if you prefer references, it's like an apprentice Grim Reaper.

Requiem of Insanity
05-24-12, 07:25 PM
Hmm, you rbio seems to be a bit off what the Cult normally operates, but if you're interested, then yes, i could always use a top assassin...

05-24-12, 07:32 PM
What do I do? I'm a wee bit new at this.

Requiem of Insanity
05-24-12, 09:07 PM
Well currently the Cult is looking to take on and out any members of the Ixian Knights. Perhaps we can set up a quest where we infiltrate a listening post to kill their main leader?

05-24-12, 09:12 PM
I can certainly do that! I'm a little confused by the thought of a listening post and how that would work in the context of this... well... technological level.

I will need a guide, which probably just means grabbing the nearest townie and herding the poor fellow around at knifepoint.

Requiem of Insanity
05-24-12, 09:44 PM
Or a member of the Cult could help you out. :) (Pick me pick me pick me!)

Throw up an intro post, whatever you feel comfortable doing to establish yourself in Corone. It could be you already know the mission, trying to get a mission, trying to get the Cult's attention. Whatever makes you happy. And i'll work with you to make it happen!

05-25-12, 10:39 AM
I made something: http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?24437-A-Note-To-Death

This, I think, is the most flexible way of actually making a connection. There is certainly something there, but the contents of it are flexible as you would choose to populate. And whoever lost the note would turn around to go find it, if only to keep it out of others' hands, and you'll have the choice of whom it is.

It's you, if you'd like. Ihimirsyn is simply lost.