View Full Version : Boss Battles (Test Run) - All welcome {Read OOC}

01-01-11, 04:31 PM
In order to join, please read this thread FIRST:


Thank you


This is JUST a test run, so at this point we are just "winging it" to see how it works.

You are on a large wooden bridge, the biggest one you've seen surrounded by poisonous water that can kill you quicker than you can blink if you fall in. There is a very large platform in front of you and a ghostly outline of a dragon can be slightly seen. It is a ghost dragon, by the name of Giason! About 40 feet tall and 25 feet wide, this ghost dragon seems like a very deadly challenge.

First poster gets to describe the arena and dragon more in depth if they like, you may start attacking right away ... trust me, he will.

Good luck!


Statistics for reference:

200 HP remaining
Ghost Skin: On
Weakness found?: No

Zack Blaze
01-04-11, 12:58 PM
"How do I get caught in these situations?" Zack Blaze rubbed the back of his head and looked to his massive foe. Though he couldn't make out the physical shape of the ghost dragon, the glimmers of light did a decent job of revealing the outline of the beast. The monster had become angry, really angry. The teen had to assume that he had stepped on the invisible being's tail or something. So much for just a run of the mill day of travel.

The stench of the river below would not leave the youth's nostrils. Zack had decided to cross the poison river against his better judgment. The bones of several fish that happened their way up stream lined the coast of the deadly liquid, adding to the vulgar smell of his surroundings. To fall off of the bridge and wind up in the purple substance below surely meant death.

With each step backwards that Zack had taken, Giason had done the same. For every lither touch of the yew wood below the teen’s feet, there was a matching stomp coming from fifteen feet away. It seemed that the enraged being would not allow the master manipulator to escape. Furthermore, the dragon was technically already dead, so Zack's street fighting would do no good against the thing.

Zack looked around him, to the yew wood, the ropes holding it together above, and the 'railings' of more rope to each of his sides. He scanned his eyes downward to find a weapon or something. Zack grinned as he found what he was looking for, and bent down to pick up the small board. The yew plank was merely a fragment of what it had been, chipped off by the dragon's foot. Luckily, it had a few nails from its former construction embedded into it. Perhaps that could give Zack the advantage he would need to escape.

"Okay, well if we're going to do this," Zack spoke, holding the yew board with one hand, motioning for the beast to come hither with his other hand, "I guess it's going to be all or nothing...."

01-05-11, 10:18 AM
Talen was a boy of simple needs. He needed to eat, to sleep and make bad jokes. He also needed to cross a bridge. Why? It was irrelevant. What was relevant was the youth's desire had led him to a giant ghost dragon in the middle of the largest bridge he had ever seen. The wooden bridge spanned a river that was best described as rancid, putrid and just generally nasty. Not only was the colour purple; it smelt purple, and not the good berry purple.

The youth looked at some of the other people that had stopped mid-cross of the bridge. No one looked particularly like the dragon ghost hunter type, no proton packs or anything. It seemed that Talen would have to take part.

Although Talen looked like an average thirteen year old boy, he was in fact an un-average thirteen year old boy. He had, as well as impressive experience with his two swords, the ability to use a variety of shadow magic. To be technical, he was actually composed of energy from an overlapping dimension maintained by his subconscious and brought through a small gate of sorts located within him. The boy looked normal though, black hair, blue eyes, pale skin, add some zits and he'd fit in at a video game convention.

If Talen had a weakness it was that he never backed down. Even faced with the giant dragon he just cracked a smile and drew one of swords. The youth lifted his free hand and darkness burst into existence just above his palm. The shadows quickly came together and formed a small clock face, numbered one to nine. The youth lifted his hand into the air and then lowered it, leaving the clock suspended. The single hand was on the number two, and started its movement slowly around.

The youth walked a few steps to the right and repeated his movements so there was another clock ticking away in the air. The boy trusted that someone else would make the first move, he was going to go all out, but all out required time.

Ganlon Martel
01-06-11, 04:27 PM
The smell is what hit him first. The smell was a hot one. It was a burning putrid mix of morning after vomit and dead on the side of the road waste. It was wrong, just plain wrong, and his brain knew it. Ganlon’s curiosity just would not let him pass that smell up. The remains of living creatures that had fallen into the noxious liquid told him that the purple stuff was poison.

Ganlon‘s curiosity is what put him on the bridge. The ropes of the bridge were tied to yew planks and ropes were the rails that one held onto as they crossed. Not much of a bridge at all and Ganlon realized that he had made a mistake once again when he saw what was on a large platform. The outlines and flickers made his stomach roll with the same disjointed feeling he got when ever he rode in a boat.

The outline revealed what he thought was a … Dragon? Ganlon’s stomach rolled for a different reason. Now his stomach rolled like the first time his father caught him drinking the hard cider. The fear came up his throat and he could taste the rabbit that he had had for breakfast.

“Run away.” He said out loud.

This was the first choice and he thought probably the best choice. Then he saw the two of them, a young man holding nothing but a piece of the bridge and a boy holding a sword. Ganlon was not really a fighter, but he couldn’t see these two being able to take care of this problem by themselves.

Taking one last look around Ganlon hooked his shield on to his arm, placed the Chalice within reach, and drew his sword. Taking one last look around he stepped forward to do what he could to help these two. Maybe he could keep the thing, Dragon or whatever, busy long enough for them to run away. It was then that Ganlon noticed the Clocks.

“Huh, what the …?”

01-06-11, 06:25 PM
It just had to be Zerith’s luck that threw him into bizarre circumstances like these. If it wasn’t finding out he was a prophesized general, it was fighting demons that attacked a village. If it wasn’t opposing an army attacking what had become his home, it was experiencing an encounter with a god. While part of him enjoyed the adventurous lifestyle, there was still the other that only asked a simple question.

Why on Althanas couldn’t he just be content to stay home and enjoy his family?

As the nauseous stench of the river below him threaten to make him vomit, the halberdier stared at the abomination before him with instensity. The dragon glowed with a sickly green hue, and the ethereal form of it seemed to appear like it was in some state of decay. A giant compared to anything the warder had ever encountered before, the great wyrm seemed to be so powerful that not even death could hold him. Instead it had become a spectre, one that threatened to kill any living thing that it came across.

The wooden planks beneath Zerith’s feet creaked as his weight shifted from side to side. For a minute or two he contemplated leaving, to just turn around and abandon the idea of crossing the bridge. The only problem with the idea was that he needed to cross the chasm in order to get back to the castle with Talen, his fellow Ixian Knight, and the bridge was the only means to do so. Not one to just abandon his family, the only other option was to force his way across. The only problem was that forcing his way past a single person or a lone troll of a bridge was one thing, but going against a dragon was something entirely different and something the prince had never done before.

It was a suicidal idea at best.

The halberdier drew a mental image of his wife and daughter to motivate himself. Their wide smiles, the warmth that came with Jasmine’s embrace and the way Siela’s eyes lit up when she saw her daddy where the things he used to steel his nerves. “Draconus is my shield,” he spoke to himself. “With him, nothing can harm me.”

As the dragon roared at the group of people before him, Zerith roared back and charged. His metal greaves slammed against the yew planks as he ran, his black cape flowed behind him as he passed the others and seized the initiative. As he drew closer to the dragon, it only seemed to grow bigger with every step until it seemed to dominate everything around the warder when he they were finally in reach of each other.

The beast, Giason, acted first and went to swipe at its attacker with its massive, powerful right claw. It would have connected, easily knocking the prince off the bridge as if he was nothing, yet the warrior managed to duck underneath the limb. Although he could hear the dragon’s arm slice through the wind directly overhead, Zerith continued his advance and raced down Giason’s right side. He lashed out with his halberd as he ran, the electrified blade threatening to cut into the ghostly form of the Giason.

Zerith would prove he wasn’t afraid to make the first move, but he wasn’t exactly sure where things would lead to by doing so. Hopefully the others would see him act, and be spurred into fighting as well. Otherwise the warder would seriously doubt he had any chance of survival.

01-07-11, 02:19 PM
The Halberd struck true easily as it hit the dragon's ghostly skin. A hissing noise occurred as it pierced through a putrid smell came from the wound of the dragon. It was the smell of death, there was no blood, there was no bruises, no body damage of any kind for the ghost skin protected the innards of the dragon.

Giason ... that was his name, was no push over without help but would four be enough to take him down without knowing how to remove his ghost skin (yet)? Time would only tell. With a swift strike of his claw it whooshed over the group as if taunting them, there bodies seemed to sway as if in a wind storm from the force the dragon unleashed out at them.

With a full out roar a putrid green fog began to emit from the dragons mouth, it smelled of rotting flesh as the green fog made it's way slowly to the group. This fog does no damage, it's only purpose is to hinder/slow the group to make them easier targets for Giason, it was a Hindering Breath.

Hindering Breath


A giant green puff of fog is spewed out from the dragons mouth, this attack is used on the first turn (and then every so often afterwards). 1/3 (One third) of the players (rpers) will be hindered (slower reaction time and movement) for three posts unless healed. This attack does no damage, YET can not be dodged.

Statistics for reference:

198 HP remaining
Ghost Skin: On
Weakness found?: No


Reminder: More people can join during this test, also any improvements / additions / deletions / advice etc can either be given in OOC in your posts or here:


Ganlon Martel
01-15-11, 05:01 AM
Ganlon watched as the man ran past him. He breathed a sigh of relief just as he roared back at the dragon. Watching him run to the dragon and strike him brought envy to Ganlon’s mind as he wished that he could be that powerful of a fighter.

With a full out roar a putrid green fog began to emit from the dragons mouth, it smelled of rotting flesh as the green fog made it's way slowly to the group. At first Ganlon thought to close his mouth and nose to keep from breathing the gas. The smell found its way into every pore of his being. It pushed its way into his nose and snuck past the corners of his mouth.

“arhgly stinky bargales gash” Ganlon tried to speak but that was not at all what he had wanted to say. He made an attempt to go forward but realized he was moving like he was stuck in mud. His brain was still aware but his body was not functioning. Think Ganlon think. He reached to hit himself in the head and his father’s voice sounded in his head.

“Don’t hit yourself Ganlon.” Father that was just what he needed to think about, what would Father do if he was sleepy.
Coca, was what he blurted out except it came out, “mocha” because of the mist.

Ganlon reached into his pouch. The sheer effort of it made him sweat and he almost gave up on it. His fingers found three Coca beans. Ground Coca beans ground and with hot water made a drink that was fantastic for waking up with breakfast.

Ganlon knew this was magic that was holding him and he didn’t think that the beans would do it by themselves. He looked to the doorway in his mind. He let the light out. He focused it and pushed it down his arm, into his hand, and into the beans.

Ganlon took a deep breath. Ganlon took another. Then he yelled,

“Eat these, they will stop the breath.” That was all he could get out. He threw one bean at each of his fellow combatant on the bridge. Ganlon slumped onto one of the ropes. He was tired already, but he knew that the battle was far from over and he may yet have to fight.

01-18-11, 06:38 AM
Talen had fought a few times with Zerith in the past, and the youth had learnt that the man was excellent at charging straight in and attacking the enemy. The man was more useful than one would realise, Talen never took the direct approach in a fight and Zerith seemed to always buy the youth more time.

The green mist that exploded forth from the undead dragon's mouth sought to steal away Talen's gained time and the youth backed away slowly. A mysterious man provided a solution before Talen could think of one and threw him a coca bean. Talen luckily caught it and looked at the small bean.

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth...

Talen popped the bean into his mouth and chewed. It tasted horrible, but he felt the effects of the cloud slowly dissipate. The youth looked at Ganlon and gave him a thumbs up. The interlude was for only a second as Talen took two steps to the side and formed another of the counting clocks as the first two's hands reached four.

The youth took a breath and drew both his swords and charged forwards through the disappearing green fog. He quickly reached Zerith and leapt into the air. His body twisted and his blades sliced through the air and into the dragon's leg. The creature flicked its limb and caught the youth, sending him bouncing backwards along the bridge. Talen rolled to a stop and sat up with the world spinning around him.

How the frick does Zerith do it?

Zack Blaze
01-18-11, 11:01 PM
Luckily for Zack, one of the people who, through sheer coincidence, managed to wind up on this bridge with him laid siege with the first attack. The dragon ghost responded by exuding a gaseous breath attack of some sort. Zack had been far enough away to not immediately been hit by the odd colored mist, but after seeing the effect it was having on the guy with the halberd, the teen hoped he would not befall the same fate.

Suddenly, his hand reached up instinctively and caught something. The youth opened his hand to find himself holding, of all things, a bean. Zack stared at it a bit too long, and it was too late for him to chew on the thing when the fumes crept inside of his nostrils, invading every pore of his body.

Yet, to his surprise, Zack felt absolutely no change. It did not make any sense; the 'tank' of this fight had seemingly stopped in his tracks due to the beasts rank halitosis. Why was Zack spared from the same strange fate? Was the halberd guy's genetic structure different from that of normal persons? Did something Zack do in the past cause him to become immune to breath attacks?

Well, not totally immune, at least. The stench of raw eggs and dilapidated milk still caused the warrior to cough several times, bringing him to the brink of expelling his lunch. When the fit had finished, Zack pocketed the bean, looking back to the board in his hand. If the halberd did not do much damage to the creature, what good would a plank of wood do?

"Well then, screw that," Zack stated plainly, throwing the wood straight at where he could only assume the beast was (though his location made it easier to notice due to the green air moving around the large form). He could only hope that by some stroke of luck, he'd hit something, and give the others a chance to exploit a weakness.

01-18-11, 11:57 PM
With the beast right in front of him, it was impossible for the halberdier to not hit the dragon. Unsure if his precious halberd would do anything to the ethereal creature, Zerith was pleasantly surprise when it felt the familiar tug on his weapon as the sharp blade inflicting some damage to the Giason. While it wasn’t a crippling blow, it was still the first one of the encounter would hopefully be some sort of moral victory for the party.

Unfortunately, Zerith’s plan of seizing the dragon’s attention failed. Instead, the beast unleashed its own unique weapon into the fight. Roaring, a disgusting green fog surged out from Giason’s jaws, sweeping over all on the bridge like a tidal wave. Harmless, the fog’s real power was the secondary effects it unleashed on the group. Nausea hit the warder like a punch from the Revenant, William Arcus, and forced the prince to stop in his attack. Gagging, Zerith lurched forward and struggled to refrain from vomiting.

Luckily, one of the others had tossed him a tiny object shortly before the warder was affected by the fog. So while he fought to maintain control of his stomach, Zerith opened his hand and stare at the bean for a moment and recalled what the man had said while he handed them out. Having nothing to really lose, the prince popped the bean into his mouth and forced himself to swallow it, closing his eyes and plugging his now as he did in order to help with the process. Expecting immediate effects, the halberdier was sorely disappointed when he quickly realized he didn’t feel any. “Just great,” he thought, “Just when I could use something to feel better, I get nothing. Hopefully that bean has a gradual effect”

Yet Zerith couldn’t just stop fighting and wait until he felt better, as he was sure Giason wouldn’t do the same. No, he needed to keep fighting. Willing his body to stand upright once more, the general stumbled further down Giason’s flank, practically dragging the polearm across the bridge in the process. Grabbing onto his weapon with both hands, Zerith heaved and swing it wildly overhead in a vertical arc. Aiming for where the dragon’s rear leg connected to its torso, the prince hoped he would be able to inflict some more damage from the mere scrape he inflicted earlier. He needed a breakthrough, otherwise he wasn’t sure if he would live to see the end of this fight

01-19-11, 01:58 PM
Giason's hindering didn't have the effect he intended on as he was hit in the face with a plank of wood that was from the bridge. Giason growled fiercely, even more so when the halberd struck true once again into his skin.

The wound from the halberd, yet again, exposed rotting flesh smell as a black ooze that smelt of death was oozing out. It was not blood, that was for certain, but if you looked close enough .. underneath the layer of black ooze and transparent skin, the true innards and vitals of the dragon could be seen. If they only knew how to remove the skin, it would make things much easier.

Giason roared once more as he summoned three lizard men with his claws. Showing an ounce of his power once more, a metallic glow grew quickly from Giason's mouth. It resonnated with flashes of white light as it slowly was transforming into a solid. The dragon unleashed it at one of his lizard men grunts as it almost instantly turned into stone.

Giason's claws started to turn into a faint yellow color as he prepared for his next attack.

Stone Breath


This attack randomly picks one player and encases them in solid stone. This attack does no damage, yet the player/rper can not do a thing (unless somehow the spell/attack is broken) for one post. This attack can not be dodged.


Summon Lizard Men


Occasionally, the dragon will summon two five foot lizards that stand like a human onto the battle field distracting the players/rpers from the main target (the dragon). They both attack the players/rpers with their spears. They barely do any damage and are very easily killed. Once the spell is cast, it is automatically re-casted every 5 turns/posts.

Statistics for reference:

190 HP remaining
Ghost Skin: On
Weakness found?: No

Zack Blaze
01-23-11, 09:47 AM
Zack quirked an eyebrow at how well just throwing a piece of wood had worked against the beast. Of course, the teen also had the assistance of the halberdier harming Giason, but the result still had an unexpected effect. The dragon retaliated by summoning up three lizard creatures. Zack noted the scales of the beasts, the purple beads of sweat dripping off of their newly created skin. These reptiles looked as if they were immune to the poisons of the water below. In fact, it looked as if the tainted stream was all that the beasts survived on! Zack cracked his knuckles kneeling down and preparing to engage one of the creatures. After all, he had to appear to be of some use.

Before he could strike out, Giason let out another kind of breath attack. Rather than paralyzing the group, however, the dragon instead turned one of his own lizard troops into stone. This told the youth all that he needed to know of his colossal foe. Giason was not clever in his strikes, and he did not care whether or not he harmed friend or foe. In many ways, the ghost dragon was much like Zack himself. He would have laughed at the similarities had his life not been in immediate danger. Two beasts with two different methods of hurting anyone around them.

When Giason finished his display of power, Zack took off. The youth made a zigzag past the two remaining lizard men, straight for Giason himself. While the halberdier was probably suicidal, he had exposed something on Giason that the street fighter had been quick to take note of. Giason's exterior was invisible, but once that cracked, the soft innards were exposed, and ready to reap for anyone bold enough to strike. Zack quickly ducked under Giason's claw, shifting his way through the gap Zerith had created with his weapon. Zack smiled; glad he was correct in assuming the hole that was made was big enough for his fist.

The man jammed his hand in without any remorse, grabbing the first solid he could feel. He pulled out a long slimy innard, what he could easily be viewed as some sort of intestine. Zack shifted his gaze around while pulling further on the makeshift rope that was Giason's organs. When his eyes met with the servant of Draconus, he screamed to him. "Do it, NOW!"

The youth hoped the warrior was experienced enough to take the hint.

01-27-11, 02:00 AM
Talen used his sword to steady himself as he got to his feet. The youth could feel the burgeoning bruises across his side from the tumble, but he had a lot more fight left in him. The boy's eyes narrowed as he watched the dragon bring to life three lizard men. Talen knew a little bit about magic, and was surprised that such a powerful creature seemed to lack any intelligence. He surmised that it must have lost what mind it had in death.

Talen watched the slight framed man reach into the dragon, and realised the odd skin that covered the beast was the hardest part of the creature, the insides were more like mush. The youth lifted his sword and approached the beast with renewed focus. Behind him the three clocks puffed out of existence as their hands reached six, six and four. From the haze of black erupted a storm of black disks. The eighteen projectiles flew through the air like a swarm of bees towards their target. The black mess diverged before they hit, half aiming for the creature's head, the other for the area just below its neck and just near Zack Blaze.

The young shadow warrior walked calmly beneath the attack towards the dragon. His action drew the attention of one of the remaining lizard men, The scaled creature charged towards Talen with its powerful legs pounding across the bridge. Talen watched with a calm removal. The creature reached him and thrust the spear at the boy, but Talen calmly caught the awkward attack with his sword and pushed it wide. The youth pushed his blade down the spear's shaft, slicing through the lizard's fingers. As Talen had expected the creature reeled back, but the youth's sword was already in position. An upward thrust and squelch of success and Talen's blade travelled up through the bottom of the creature's jaw and into its brain. A swift kick into the creature's chest and Talen pulled his sword free.