View Full Version : Retiring.

Lord Anglekos
01-01-11, 10:04 PM
Well, I've decided to make it official; I'm sick of playing Anglekos. I've been planning on him becoming a far more in-depth character than simply a whiny guy with some magical tricks up his sleeve, but those changes wouldn't be coming for a long while now and I simply am fed up with him in general. I gave him a good, long 3-level run, but it's time to put the old boy to rest.

This is where it benefits you guys. See, I may be sick of him, but that doesn't mean I want his items to go to waste. I've accumulated some pretty good stuff over the years, and I want Althanas to benefit from my fruits of labor. Once 3.0 DOES roll around, Max told me there's going to be an option where you can actually donate your items to other members with the simple click of a button, basically; a feature that will be extremely helpful.

I'm gonna post my list of items here and you guys can claim what you want right now; I'll send them out once those changes are official. As of now, it's going to be first-come, first-serve; If another person takes an item you want, PM them and try to work something out. Please, don't come whining to me.

Also, I'm only allowing 1 item per person. Do NOT try posting here with an alt after already claiming an item, as I will know. Also, please post with the account you want me to send the item to. You have until...let's see...January 15th. Until then, bicker all you like.

Amalia: A steel long sword, the blade being about three feet long. Eric has christened it "Amalia", after the name of his dead fiancé, the hilt having a tassel made out of a lock of her blond hair, which does not decompose due to being around his magical energy. The scabbard itself is made out of leather.
Pardolaes: A masterwork quality longsword made out of mythril. Double-edged, it measures about three and a half feet in length and it is about two and a half inches in width. Along the edge of the blade is inscribed it's name, which, unbeknownst to Anglekos, means "Dawnbringer" in Raiaeran. The sheath is made of ebony dyed oak, and along it is engraved white designs.
Mortalitas: Also known as both "The Blade of Death" and "That knife that killed one hundred and one men", this titanium dagger has a personality of it's own, being completely sentient. Savagely thirsty for blood, it will never hesitate to spill the blood of an innocent, and if it's rage is not quenched fully it will attack even it's owner. As of now, it's owner, Anglekos, shares co-ownership with the demon Lagh'ratham, and both parties can wield it as such they desire. [Note that any who takes this will then share a blood bond with Dan Lagh'ratham.]
A yew long bow that functions as both a weapon and makeshift staff. He also carries a quiver that can carry up to twenty arrows. Currently, the arrows he carries are made of oak and the arrowheads are of iron.
Irastella: A long, ornate-looking titanium gauntlet that fits over Eric's left arm, this armor is the counterpart to the blade known as Mortalitas, as it is the only thing that seems to quell the weapon's rage when it is full throttle. Eric has also come to find that the ornate armor's effect seems to affect himself as well, as he draws upon it's power to help quell his own emotions when they grow out of his own control. However, this does not apply when he is under the effects of Lorenor's Blessing, only slightly lessens the rage to the point where he can think coherently. The tips of the fingerparts on the gauntlet are sharp, like claws.
A simple iron breastplate, form fitted to his torso. Nicks and scratches all along it's surface tell the tale of it's long usage.
A pair of steel armguards and greaves. They are each enchanted so that the wearer, no matter how much equipment he is carrying or how much armor is upon his being, moves in utter, complete silence. [As this is technically FOUR pieces, I'll allow it to be split between four people.]
A black cloak that provides warmth and concealment in the dark. It is made of cloth and carries with it no special properties at this point.
A masterwork mythril shield, lined with trakym. A single black cross is engraved into the front of the shield, and the armor is enchanted so that upon command, the cross will shine a light that turns away weak undead creatures.
A single coin with four square holes punched into it, and the name 'Reine' engraved into one side. It has no other monetary value.


01-01-11, 10:26 PM
If I may, I'd like to take Pardolaes, please. Its honestly depressing business watching you leave like this. I can't say I know you well or at all, but if I had a buzz this would certainly kill it.

*Resumes being a vulture.*

Silence Sei
01-01-11, 10:26 PM
I'd like the coin if you don't mind.

If I can just get Seth's coin as well now, Sei could have himself a nice little coin collection.

01-01-11, 10:42 PM
I'd like either the pair of Silent greaves or the armguards.

Requiem of Insanity
01-01-11, 10:47 PM
Mind if I have a go with Amalia?

Lord Anglekos
01-02-11, 12:10 AM
@Knave: This is only a temporary leave; when I come back, I'll be making a new character, under the new rules. One far more flexible than the character(s) I have now. Oh, and Pardolaes is now yours.

@Sei: The coin is yours. Again, note it has no monetary value. It's off of Witchblade's old secondary character, so if Sei wants to do something with Reine at a later date that coin might be a good start.

@Goblin: I can give you either one of the greaves or one of the armguards. Reason being that just one of them can give you a full-body enchantment; the only reason Eric had four was for cosmetic value. If no one claims the other ones then I'll give you the second of the pair if you truly want it.

@Requiem: Go ahead. Eric won't have a need for it once he's dead. And he's staying dead.

01-02-11, 12:15 AM
Hmm... I'll take Mortalitas. If no one claims that gauntlet, Irastella, that you paired with it, I'd like that too.

Lord Anglekos
01-02-11, 12:18 AM
@Drago: Yours. If no one takes Irastella by the 15th, then I'll throw that in too.

01-02-11, 12:19 AM
I would like one of the arm-guards, if you'd be so kind?

Silence Sei
01-02-11, 12:33 AM
Question, do you have to be wearing the greaves/gauntlets in order for the enchantment to work?

Lord Anglekos
01-02-11, 12:40 AM
In a sense, yes; the enchantment is upon the items themselves, so if say you dropped one it wouldn't make any noise. However, that enchantment is infused into whatever it touches, be it body or item. I always played it as such, anyways.

@Cyd: Sure. Goblin, if you still want a pair, you'll take the greaves. Otherwise you can take the other armguard.

Tainted Bushido
01-02-11, 01:16 AM
And if I have one piece the enchantment works? So really you had no reason to make it four? I know this sounds condescending I'm just trying to figure out who got the short end on this one...

Lord Anglekos
01-02-11, 01:25 AM
Yup. And it certainly wasn't me; I acquired the items in a quest, rather than at a Bazaar. They WERE supposed to be some metal stronger than steel, but I didn't score high enough so steel was what I got.

Tainted Bushido
01-02-11, 01:29 AM
If I ahd a character that would want one, I'd take the remaining armguard in a second...

Lord Anglekos
01-02-11, 01:36 AM
Well, I've found that even as a swordsman, the silencing enchantment is extremely helpful. I've used it in all sorts of situations; like, for example, in the woods, Eric was able to step on twigs and rocks alike without making a sound. Awesome, no? So if you want it that bad, go ahead and claim it.

EDIT: I'm just going ahead and giving both greaves to Goblin, seeing as it would look visually strange just having one. That means that there's one remaining armguard.

01-02-11, 02:26 AM
Ill take the right armguard, if that's okay.

01-02-11, 02:47 AM
I wouldn't mind taking the shield if possible. You can never have enough defense.

01-02-11, 02:52 AM
I wouldn't mind taking the shield if possible. You can never have enough defense.

Yes, you can.

And do.

01-02-11, 02:55 AM
The Yew bow will do fine for me.

Can you explain the staff function actually.

Lord Anglekos
01-02-11, 03:03 AM
@Letho: Fine with me.
@Artemis: Consider it taken. Sorry, Tainted, if you were still considering it.
@Arai: Certainly. Yew is a very bendy wood. So basically, his bow is a staff that has one piece of the string already attached to one part, and simply by bending the bow backwards he can attach the string to the other end, thus making it a long bow. Very springy. And consider it yours.

01-02-11, 04:17 AM
Irastella would be amazing, I've been wanting Talen to get something like that recently :)

If i've misunderstood, and someone has already taken it, no worries :)

More importantly, sorry to see you go LA, it sounded like you'd be rping with another character, is that so?

01-02-11, 04:19 AM
@Hysteria: Nope, you're all good. Irastella is yours.
And yeah, this is Anglekos. Yes, I will be RPing another character; one far more flexible, I'm hoping. I have several others, yet...I just don't feel the drive. With this one, I do. So, maybe.

Bellator Magus
01-08-11, 02:25 PM
I'll take the cloak then, if you don't mind.

And the breastplate would be nice too, if nobody else wants it.

01-08-11, 03:47 PM
Cloak is yours.
If no one claims it by the 15th, then the breastplate is yours too. It's an old thing, worn and scratched up.

The Assassins Creed
01-11-11, 02:13 PM
I'd like to claim the breast plate please.
It's a shame such a talented writer is leaving...

Lord Anglekos
01-11-11, 08:21 PM
I'd like to claim the breast plate please.
It's a shame such a talented writer is leaving...
The breastplate is yours, then.
And probably not for good. Just until everything is sorted out.

Lord Anglekos
01-15-11, 10:55 PM
Double posting update.
Well, it's the fifteenth, and it looks like everything's been collected.
Seeing as Max hasn't implemented all the features yet, you guys will have to wait before I can officially "donate" anything to you; fret not, however, as the items are assuredly yours. If this is an issue, as if you had plans you needed the items specifically for, just go ahead and roleplay it out as if you had the items, and direct any moderator complaints my way.
Hopefully, the changes are implemented soon. Ciao.

02-18-11, 03:05 PM
To all those I owe items to: Go ahead and just put them in your profile. My laptop's power section has died and I can only get online at work, which is a pain in the ass, frankly. I really don't have the time to organize everything, so yeah, just link the items to this thread when you update your profile. Sorry I haven't gotten to this sooner.

Lord Anglekos
04-20-11, 12:54 AM
A little bit of an update.
Sadly enough, I've decided that I will keep playing Anglekos due to the fact that 1) he's practically a part of my personality and 2) Althanas keeps calling me back, but I don't want to go back on my word to give people their items; making promises I don't keep isn't my thing. So here's the deal; it's been a while since I've posted this damn thread in the first place. People have had over two months to put the items in their profile like I said to do. It's late here, so this is what I'll do; I am in the midst of writing up my level 3 update. The "stasis" is that my character has gained amnesia, and is generally alone, without any of his past equipment or clothing. However, he will be approached by a figure whom will, more or less, return to him a certain amount of his items for some reason or another; the items being those whom I am not notified are still claimed. In a nutshell:
Anyone who has posted in this thread must notify me within twenty-four hours if they still wish to claim their item or already have the item claimed in their profile, otherwise the claim is rendered invalid. You can notify me by private messaging me or posting within this thread. Right now, it is 12 A.M. of the 20th; You have until 12:A.M of the 21st to notify me.

04-20-11, 01:55 AM
Cydnar has yet to claim his item, so I give it gladly to see you return. Welcome home!

Enigmatic Immortal
04-20-11, 02:22 AM
it's yours, what remi took

Lord Anglekos
04-20-11, 10:00 PM
@EI & Duffy: Okay.
This is me reminding everyone that the deadline is tonight at 12 A.M. on the 21st - essentially, three hours. If you don't notify me, then I'm assuming that you're revoking your claim.

Silence Sei
04-20-11, 11:15 PM
Still want mah coin.

04-22-11, 07:56 PM
I suppose I should get my own giant clawed glove thing anyway...

Good to see you back in you're old skin ;)

Lord Anglekos
04-23-11, 03:23 AM
The problem was that I had put him in a plotline that I hadn't been using for my other "versions" of Anglekos, and I've never been really good at splitting up personalities. Once I have his updated Level 3 profile up, that shouldn't be a problem any longer - I plan on bringing my original vision of Anglekos to bear.