View Full Version : Maera Makia the Nightmare Thief

01-02-11, 01:08 AM
(Note: This be MetalDrago. HIIII Letho!)

Name: Maera Makia

Alias: The Nightmare Thief

Age: Unknown

Race: Demon

Hair Color: Black with a red streak down the middle, front and back

Eye Color: Green

Height: 5'7''

Weight: 137 lbs

Occupation: Thief

Personality: Maera is very much the cocky type. She's the original head of an organization known as the Silent Hand, a group of thieves who operated out of Corone for many years with legal businesses as fronts. She doesn't go looking for attention, but she has that cool confidence of a person who knows exactly what she wants out of life, and the backstabbing attitude that makes it clear she'll leave her footprint on life's neck permanently to get what she wants. She's sarcastic, witty, and has a very slow temper. She plots and calculates, and will do what she deems necessary to get what she wants.

Appearance: Maera carries herself with a straight back, poise, with her hair always undone. She has long, nimble fingers, tipped with black, claw-like fingernails. She doesn't wear shoes, as her feet are clawed and would tear through any shoe she wore with little resistance. Her ears are pointed, like an elf's, but overall her appearance is that of a human with dark, almost navy blue skin.

History: Maera was born in Haidia, years ago. Her younger years are much a blur, but as she started to grow older, to experience more, she found out that crime could be profitable, if accurately controlled. She began devising schemes with several people who she knew to be into crime heavily, but who were also smart enough not to get caught, and formed a pact with them. She would work with them, if they'd provide her with training and food. They did, and she quickly mastered most of the basics of thievery. After she had learned enough from them, she began going after her own scores.

She founded a group called the Silent Hand, and created a motto for all of them. "To remain unknown is the greatest of rewards." That is how it was first formed. Soon after setting up shop in Haidia, Maera went out to the outside world, where she found the world ripe for the picking. She slowly made her way into Corone, and gathered another group of like-minded individuals to form another branch of the Silent Hand in Radasanth. She planned to eventually spread her criminal empire throughout the world, but one day... she just disappeared.

No one was able to figure out where she went, but they knew that she had left them with the tools they needed to carry on without her. In truth, she had been shamed in battle by a man she had never met before, and went off to train on her own. While she has improved considerably from her former skill, she is still training herself.

Now, she's back.

Thievery: Maera is skilled at most of the ways of the thief. She is decent at pickpocketing, but her true skill is lockpicking. She also has the ability to use the forbidden Thieve's Highway, the rootops of the city of Radasanth (this, of course, only applies when she's IN Radasanth).

Shadow Magic: Maera is a fledgling Shadow Mage, and has the ability to use Shadows for a couple of reasons. First, in her duty as a thief, she can use the magic for stealth purposes. Second, she can use them for attack purposes. This includes, but is not limited to, creating balls of exploding shadow (sorta like fireballs) and creating spikes of shadow that she can have fly at her opponents or just have come right out of the ground, impaling their feet. This magic, for right now, can't be used in severely high-light environments (ie, she need shadows and darkness to work with) and she typically has to stand still to make the skills work.

Shapeshifting: Maera has the ability to transmute her right arm into a blade of approximately steel strength. This blade-arm is her primary weapon, though it takes a few seconds of intense concentration for her arm to transmute one way or another.

Equipment: Clothing, a pair of black gloves, a letter opener, and a lockpicking kit.

01-03-11, 04:36 AM
This looks alright. Shadow Magic is a bit vague in the stealth department, but I trust you to play it relatively weak at the present.

You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.