View Full Version : The Golems eye.

The Assassins Creed
01-03-11, 01:20 PM
I just realized I put this in the wrong sub-forum the first time
Hello everyone! Jack Frost here with my premier Alt that I'll use while waiting on threads. I'll get to work adding details into my side profile when I get approved. But to start things off I want to do an interesting thread. You see Creed(my character) is blind in his left eye due to an encounter during his childhood. He's pretty good without it, for a level zero at least. But I got to thinking how much more bad ass he could become if he got a new eye. So I decided I want to get one or two of the more active people and do a thread. Here's the basis.

Long ago a Legendary artificer named Frederick Gear once lived in Underwood. He would make all sorts of Golems and toys for the people of the town. One day he vanished without a trace. In the present Creed finds a document buried deep in the Underwood library that turns out to be a map to the entrance to the Artificers tomb. He decides to take two adventurers for back-up as they delve into the depths of the trap riddled tunnel. At the end they will fight a large robotic chimera with the head of a tiger. Inside Creed will find instructions on how to safely remove a damaged eye and replace it with a Golem eye. This will give him all sorts of sight benefits. The others will have free run over any weapons or equipment that might be in the tomb. The limit is one each though. Then I will have Creed return the map to the library and leave it for another adventurer to discover.

Anyone interested?