View Full Version : Let's go over there for awhile...

01-05-11, 07:53 PM
Dheathain. Is that how you spell it? I checked but I forgot and I'm too lazy to check again.

I'm toying with the idea of having Josh go on a trials of Hercules-esque quest or series of quests there. Still haven't decided if I want to do it solo or with other people. I'm won't be ready to start RPing there for awhile But if you're interested in potentially writing with me, contact me on AIM or post here. It should be noted I intend these threads to be of such a nature that parts of them could potentially be used for adding new regions to official canon.

The Sin Eater
01-18-11, 07:31 AM
Are you still interested in this?

Hercules-esque quests sounds like slaying villains and traveling to the underworld, something Thomas does for a living. If you're still up for this, then we might surely do some good ol' fashion demon hunting or the like?