View Full Version : Under Milk Wood (Open to all)

01-11-11, 09:13 PM
((Just Going to post the mission Parameters from the mission board to remind people of the basic premise. Of course any liberties with the mission other than the 3 person limit and murder mystery feel are welcome))

Under Milk Wood

Requirements: Group of 3 or more only, a murder mystery type affair, with players trying to work out who robbed who. This can be the truth, or you can simply be paranoid, have at it through dialogue!

Synopsis: Its market day and the streets of Underwood are for once, absolutely heaving. Out and about the people of the town are oblivious to the world around them, indulging in a little bit of what they fancy before the town becomes dead again and everything returns to normal. Suddenly, at the center of the main square, a band of troubadours begins to play, and a few purses start to feel a little lighter… and not because of purchases. You realize you’ve just been robbed!

Reward: The sharpest tongue and dialogue king that manages, through their speech, to convince another of their innocent will make off with a few extra gold pieces, and start down the route to thievery and excitement.

When someone moves to a new town among the first things they do are to aquaint themselves with its history, and its people. Understanding of a new community usually stands to only improve your position among its denizens. Sometimes this is difficult. Not so for Tursus Ro. Ro had a system in place. His main gift, the ability to steal knowledge from touch, was an exceptionally good one for this sort of assimilation into a group's culture. Typically he would use this method to glean information and tips that would be advantageous to him while he stayed in the town, until the rash of memory loss lead to paranoia and inevitably angry mobs. Ro did not like angry mobs. So at that point he would leave hoping to have gained enough wealth and knowledge to make the transition to bigger, better things. So thusly Tursus waded through a large, bustling crowd filled with eager, oblivious people. Such crowds gave him the camouflauge he needed to scope out for potential candidates to begin his Underwoodian Career.

Among the hustle and bustle he heard a slow melody begin to play somewhere in the crowd. As the sound grew louder the crowds grew quieter as if all heads had turned their attention to the playing. Though Ro could not see the players he clearly heard the song. It was as if he was off in his own little world, just him and the music, beying pulled, being played...and then...It stopped when someone bumped into him walking away into the crowds. Everything was as it was, people hurrying back and forth, others haggling at the market, children laughing, and all the other goings on that had before. This was true but for one slight difference. When Tursus had put his hands on his hips in bewilderment at the odd lapse of his attention span he noticed that his coinpurse was half full. He patted it over and over to make sure his nerves had not gotten the best of him but he was sure now. He was robbed. He looked around frantically for someone suspicious which was somewhat futile considering the evershifting crowd. He cursed his luck. Today he would find his robber and ensure he would rue the day- He suddenly stopped and thought about his inner monologue 'Rue the day? What am I some serial Villain?' Nonetheless he needed his money back. Besides the fact it was his he was desperately hungry, and not just for food.