View Full Version : The Windlacer

01-12-11, 06:47 AM
Name: Ethan Daldrik
Age: 20
Race: Human
Hair Color: Light Brown, angular spikes
Eye Color: Green
Height: 6'
Weight: 142 lbs

Personality: Eager, honest, and carrying a sense of justice not typically associated with a sword-for-hire.

Appearance: Ethan has the look of a youth bearing the heavy weight of responsibility, but doing so with just enough energy to not slow him down. His dress is presentable for public appearances but durable enough for travel. He wears a black coat (rolled up sleeves), mauve shirt underneath, dark trousers, all completed by a black-leather belt and boot combination, all high quality (for the material) and tailored to fit just right.

History: Born the first son of four to the House Daldrik, Ethan was followed by his brothers Mathye, Reeve, and Wystan. Their House was respected in the upper classes of Radasanth, as their father's business of manual labor, repair on airships and other high-end machinery helped earn their place in the city. With such an established career, his father encouraged the Daldrik boys to pursue their own hobbies and passions, setting the expectation that as they aged and became men they would set out across Althanas to fulfill life before returning home. During these developmental years, the boys each branched out and pursued their fair share of projects, creating relationships and rivalries across town. These social conflicts often fell on the eldest, Ethan, to resolve responsibly, and he yearned for the day when he would finally part with Radasanth and live his life away from his brothers and their messes.

That day came, and he said goodbye to his brothers and his family and set out to “do his part” wherever that may be. He applied his skills to those in need in many of the smaller settlements of Corone, eventually finding a taste for the danger and excitement of the mercenary life, and as the years passed, he became pretty good at finding the jobs that felt “right.”

When he heard the tradewinds surrounding Scara Brae were becoming a problem for their airship travel, and that mercenary teams were being sent to brave the Windlacer mountain range to investigate, Ethan knew he owed it to his father indirectly to help.

Though it was a trying expedition, with harsh storms and winds preventing easy passage through Windlacer peaks, the small team of hired swords and scholars did manage to reach the heart of the mountain. What they discovered, they were unprepared for. A network of caves had been unearthed by unnatural means. Within these caverns laid a shrine dedicated to old gods, forgotten legends, and occupied by a solitary treasure—A jewel, the size and shape of a skull, propped up in the center of a vast room, its eyes catching the light in the room and its maw open-as if the howling winds were originating from this twisted treasure.

Greed conquered Caution, and the leaders of the small band decided it was best to retrieve the jewel and investigate later, a decision that many regretted. In response to their lust for the prize, a being appeared. The air around them felt tight as the outside storms were suddenly brought in from their freedom in the sky and condensed into the tiny room, raw power and lightning shaping itself into the body of a monster. Winged, abstract, and angry, the elemental beast attacked in full force.

As the greediest of the mercenaries and the cowardly scholars died around him, Ethan acted on impulse. He knew escape was not an option—leaving the caves would only force him to face the weather outside alone. He knew that since there was no way back, he had to strike now, at the heart of the enemy, while it was still occupied with the others. Lifting a discarded warhammer with what strength remained in him, the mercenary youth brought the weight of the weapon down hard and direct onto the jewel.

The storms in Scara Brae were fierce that night, but with the morning their came the long-awaited calm. Though details of his victory were sketchy, Ethan opted to skip the formalities and rewards from the city and departed right away on the first sky ship off the island. He knew the monster was not gone, not entirely at least, because he still felt its power over his shoulder, within his frame, and dancing at his fingertips. He pondered the fate of his brothers' adventures, and looked to the horizon.


Steel Falcata – A single-edged blade, curved forward and weighted at the tip.

Prior to his appropriated elemental traits, Ethan was skilled in swordplay and experienced with smaller axes and hammers.

Outside of combat, Ethan is well-educated through Radasanth's schools, makes an excellent crewman on airships, and has some hands on experience with their repair. Unlike his father, Ethan has studied and trained in field medicine, but is not a certified medic.

Abilities / Magic:

Air Elemental Traits: Though a man in most regards, Ethan has been transformed into the vessel for an air elemental's power. As a result, Ethan is extremely resistant to the element of air. Harsh winds outside his control flow naturally around him, while direct attacks from lightning or similar magics will have lesser effect on him.

Sky Blast – Air: A concussive ball of air fired from Ethan's arms. It is a basic attack, designed to smash into enemies and knock them off balance. Repeated blows can knock a target unconscious or even shatter bones. The least exhaustive of Ethan's abilities and can be performed many times.

Repel – Air: Control over the wind and air around Ethan allows for him to deflect projectiles fired at him. This ability mainly redirects weaker magic attacks and arrows, but solid, heavier attacks or bullets will get through this defense. Can be performed one or two times depending on the length of the encounter.

Storm Fist – Lightning: Ethan can electrically charge his fists to deliver a devastating punch at close range. Connecting with this attack can stun weaker enemies. Can be performed once or twice.

Lightweight – Air: Despite still technically weighing the same, the air is kind to Ethan. He falls slower, lands softly, and generally makes less noise when moving.

Max Dirks
01-12-11, 10:02 AM

Welcome (back?) to Althanas!