View Full Version : Shifting Sirens {Open, Anyone}

01-15-11, 09:29 AM
Blood seared around his arm, what became of him, a ruthless killer, a dangerous terrorist, one of the kings of sins, Wolf had no wrong for the names coming to him. He was left alone to cry and die, even the misery escaped him, and he was an epitome of the lost child. A child no more, Wolf came back from his journey to send the feelings that trampled him back to the world. His left arm was covered in blood, it was not just anyone’s blood it was his own. Deeper into the hand, you could see a black rod with a sharp edge, Wolf alone thought this was a way to cleanse his sins and loss blood.

The winding road took turns and twists, but it was a simple dust covered road with plentiful trees and only one destination, the Citadel. Wolf walked regularly, and jerked his humongous size back and forth as the road led to him to his next victim. Wolf looked around in a green haze as his eyes showed him the way, his face covered and not a single person littering the roads, he was alone. He walked into the Citadel and took up his room. It was an immensely large room, which was the size of two king’s dining room, had nothing in it. There were six windows exactly that covered the stretch of the room, it was, on the ground a wasteland, nothing to it.

Wolf took his step into and a burst of wind scurried through his face, but nothing but waver, his robes stayed. He walked up towards a window and looked out through it, the dark skies that were outside started pouring rain and thunder screamed out of the dark bundles of water. He looked outside with his calm, green eyes and saw that the wind was erupting, thunder jumped down and up, and clouds which were hard to believe that were just water seemed to rule the sky, leaving the king of the sky in his place.

Ganlon Martel
01-16-11, 04:58 AM
Ganlon had come to the Citadel with a purpose. He felt a pull inside of him, a nagging that would not stop no matter how many times he put it away in the back of his head. His father had taught him the sword. His father had taught him what his father knew of the sword. How many cow hides could one cut and know for sure he could survive in a real fight.

So Ganlon strolled through the streets gaining momentum until he was almost at run when reached the front door of the citadel. Slow down he told himself. Father always said the key to good sword fighting was being in the moment. You need not to care about what was around you just that you cut your opponent and they die.

His insides churned with the acid of what, excitement? He could feel the bile rising in his throat as he stepped to the door 1123 it said. He had not asked for any thing in particular when he talked to the Monks just some thing that would test his mettle. They had sent him here.

The door opened. There was a burst of wind. Windows showed a dark sky that was pouring rain and thunder screamed out of the dark bundles of water. The sound of thunder jumped down and up, and clouds which were hard to believe were just water seemed to rule the sky.

The room was enormous Ganlon thought his whole village could fit in here and he laughed out loud. He caught himself.

“Steel like the metal of your sword Ganlon, that’s what you need to be in a fight.” Ganlon put on his helmet, put on his shield, drew his sword from its scabbard. He looked around the room and found the Dark Elf standing by a window.

“If this is your idea of home, I have some idea that I am in some deep cow poop. Anyway lets do this. I have think I have to take a piss.”

Ganlon stood with his sword in the first guard and waited for the Elf.

01-16-11, 08:51 AM
Wolf looked out the window as he heard the door swing open and wind hiss out like a snake, the man seemed to be a warrior of sort, the Dark Elf turned around and the wind seemed to barge from him, he slowly started walking with small steps until he was about a few meters from the man, his green eyes looked at the man for a few seconds and then were back. Not a very intimidating man, but he might prove difficult.

Wolf knew that the fact that the enemy didn’t know how he looked would help him out a lot, “You can start” Wolf said in his dark voice, it was crucial that the enemy start of course, because of it all, he needed to find out what the enemy could do. The windows started tattering and rumbling, he knew if anymore damage came to the window, it would definitely burst.

Wolf just stood there waiting as his arms were laid on his side, exactly where two of his throwing knives were, his instant reaction battle style might help him. He would seem harmless until the attack happened and then unleash a barrage at the target, finishing them off. Wolf just had to avoid physical combat a lot and stay anonymous to the target. He then put his eyes on the ground, it was sturdy, but if someone broke through, it might damage. He kept on examining things around like the wall and ceiling, waiting for his prey to attack.

Only way that he would actually have a definite win in this one, is if he used all of his ability, but his sight was already going away and couldn’t take much more. Wolf knew this was a crucial battle, to regain himself, and set new goals for him. That was his goal now, to find new goals to push him harder and make him stronger.

Ganlon Martel
01-16-11, 09:51 PM
“You can start”, the voice stated. Ganlon was floored, he was suddenly dry mouthed. This was a nightmare. He had asked for a test of his mettle but it was a sheer test of his will to not turn around and run.

“Take deep breaths Ganlon, focus on the moment, be steel and do not be nervous. “ His father’s words rang in his head. How in the Blessed Goddess was he supposed to be calm when the windows seemed like they were going to break and he was fighting a shadow. The one window in particular seemed like it would shatter at any moment. That might be something he could use.

He muttered under his breath, “be here.” The shadow didn’t move.

Ganlon remembered that sword fighting was a method of attack. His opponent was in front of him. Now, he needed to superimpose a vertical line running from his head to his feet, and another line running from left to right. These lines told him where he could cut.
He could cut up and down on the vertical line, left and right on the horizontal. Then he imagined a diagonal line running from the opponent's right shoulder to left hip and left shoulder to right hip.

He could cut both ways along each of the lines. Together, these lines formed a cross overlapping an "X." He put these same lines on the ground beneath him. The lines now told him his paths of movement. From the center of the diagram, he could pass forward or he could pass backward. He could move left or right. His shield was part of his guard and his thrusts came from his wrist or his shoulder based on how strong he wanted it.

The mental run down brought him a center. He calmed and his breathing became a steady in through the nose and out through the mouth. He felt there finally, in the moment. Lighting flashed and thunder boomed and the room was filled with strange movements of shadows and lights.

“Well the best way I know to get rid of a nightmare is to light a candle.” Ganlon reached into the back of his head. He looked for the doorway that was there. He opened the door and let the light shine from his body.

The short thrust from his sword was an attempt to draw his opponent forward. It was ploy to see what if any weapons the shadow had.