View Full Version : Everard Helasas

01-15-11, 03:33 PM
Name: Everard Helasas
Age: 30
Race: Human
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Black
Height: 5’11
Weight: 203
Occupation: Wandering Mercenary


Kind. A way that he has always been; always friendly with everyone he meets. It is just something the man has been for his whole life. It is almost impossible to make Everard seriously mad. Most of the time it is just a hoax to instill respect to the people who are disrespectful. Having such a trait can be a flaw. Everard is sometimes too kind, as in not disciplining younger, more senile children or being too gracious to his enemies. Yet, he always tries to make the right decision in the end.

Honest. This is Everard's best trait, a man that is extremely straightforward with everyone and anyone. it is something that has always been with the him. He does not like to lie and has told the truth to mostly everyone he has met. When the man was younger, Everard has been honest to the wrong people and have gone through sticky situations. Even so, it has never stopped him for telling the truth or being blunt. It is just how Everard has been.

Humble. A man known for this trait, while his best trait is his honesty, everyone has come to known that Everard is very humble. The man never thinks he is greater than anyone else or believes that he can defeat anyone with a single move. Everard learned at a very young age that their will always be someone stronger and more smarter than Everard. Everything he does, he takes with a grain of salt. Never being to confident in his ways.

Mature. With Everard's age comes knowledge and wisdom. He is a man that can be counted on in times of trouble. This man has seen almost everything and done almost every horrible thing that a person could do. There is very little that could anger the adept to go back his younger, more ruthless self. With age, he has also made himself give up his old weapon, the bow. The weapon held many memories that Everard would like to forget. Everard likes to drink, although has a high tolerance for the beverage. If he ever gets the sense of drunkenness, he instantly stops drinking.


A man who likes to be in style. Everard’s appearance makes people believe that he is a cocky bastard. Yet however he is a person that just likes a good time. Having a short bobbed hair that covers his eyes. He is a man who likes to keep his hair neatly combed. The main has a decent tan that makes him look distinguishable. Under his hair, his light brown eyes are looking at everything in his range of eyesight..

The man style is somewhat odd, wearing a pink kimono with flowers is something that makes people look twice. He wears no protection because he believes his body moves faster than that of a blade that is coming down on him. You could say he is cocky, but he has a good reason. He wants to know that you cant mess with someone who has been teased his whole life. He wears shorts under his kimono just to be sure nothing is noticeable.

The man carries two blades at all times. One above the other on his left side. The man is a very intimidating standing at a tall 5'11. The man usually towers over many people. His is that of a muscular/toned build. The man has some muscle on his body, but it is covered with the kimono. He also wears a hat that helps cover the sun. Also he carries a bottle of alcohol and a pipe which is always in his mouth.


Born into the middle class, Everard has had a very calm and normal life. When he was a child he was always a humble child although he got into many fights. He had to learn how to fight when he was a young boy. He never started a fight but he was always in one. People did not like his personality for some reason and they wanted to beat the young boy up. Although, the man has never lifted the first finger. Although he always tired to give the last blow.

The child also seemed to want to learn how to fight. Not just with his hands, but with a weapon. Everard's father noticed this and also saw he favored the sword. He was a sword user himself and teaching his child to use that type of weapon gave him joy. On and off for the next nine months, his father taught him how to fight with a sword, and with his hands. It was not all the time because his father and sometimes Everard had to take care of his mother.

Nine months later his mother gave birth to a girl, Elizabeth, and everyone was overjoyed, especially Everard's mother. She got a girl that she always wanted. The mother and the father now had one to teach why they had learned in their lifetime. A few months later, Everard and his father worked everyday to teach the young child how to use a sword. For the next two years he learned from his father and it was time for him to stop. He was now twelve and was ready to learn even more. The next few years were a standstill for him. He really didn't know what to do at the moment, his training with his father was complete and his studies were easy for him. The young boy always tried to learn new things about his sword, yet he really did not know what to do that would not hurt him.

For the next few years he studied, he had nothing else to do. He was a smart kid and like to apply his mind to books. Although, he never once forgot how to use his sword or his hands. What he was doing now was strengthing his mind. A mind that would be used later in life.

At the age of 25 he left the house, he wanted to become a mercenary and search the world. For some reason becoming a mercenary felt like the right thing to do. His parents approved and he was off. For the next ten years he traveled. Going to Salvar, it was a country in civil war and he found much work there. The man honed his skills in boxing and in swordsmanship.

When he turned 30, he felt as if he needed to stay in Salvar to see this civil war play out. He wanted to see what would become of Salvar in the coming days.


Swordsmanship (Above Average) – Everard is adequate with a sword, he knows how to use it, but only useses it if nesscessary

Boxing (Average) – Having fights reguarly when he was a child and adolescent he learn to box and has taken it with him on his travels

Medic (Average) – The man knows how to stich a wound and is able to treat himslef and other adequately well. Although, he cannot do large surgery that is above his skill level.

Tracking(Below Average) – Just starting to learn how to track he is poor at it. He can see signs of someone’s presence, but cannot pinpoint, at times, where and how he moved.


Strength x2
Speed x1


Katana (Steel) - x1
Kodachi(Steel) - x1

01-15-11, 04:12 PM
Welcome to Althanas! I am happy to tell you that this profile is almost ready for approval, but I'd like to point out a few things.

Please edit in to your equipment what kind of metal the blades are made of. Steel is the strongest metal I can approve and quite common, so I'd recommend it.

We have recently adopted a new approvals system by which abilities (and not skills) are moderated. At level 0 all characters are allowed to have up to 3 abilities. At the moment, your character does not have any "Abilities". Popular abilities on Althanas include increased strength, speed, damage resistance, as well as a wide variety of magics and many others.

If you'd like to add some abilities, go ahead and do so, and I'll help make sure they fall within the power range of a level 0 character.

If you'd like to just get to the roleplaying right away, say so and I'll approve your profile!

Either way, post in this thread to let me know once the details have been added to your equipment.

01-15-11, 05:30 PM
Edited profile and added abilities

01-15-11, 06:18 PM
That's fine, you are approved. Enjoy the boards! If you have any questions feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators.