View Full Version : Azrael Talmatt - Level 0

01-16-11, 04:58 AM
Name: Azrael Talmatt
Age: 107 Years Old
Race: Human
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Black
Height: 6” feet
Weight: 180 lbs

Personality: Azrael seems like a careful person. Everything he says seems to be taken into account, and he rarely says anything to deliberately offend someone. He often has a smile on his face, and seems to like pleasing people with his words. Basically, Azrael can be described as a gentleman.

Even though he has a friendly exterior, the truth is he has a messed-up view about morality. He doesn’t care about the bad and the good. He can easily take on a task that includes negative connotations. Azrael believes that the end justifies the means. He weighs his decision on one thing: what he will achieve from it. This includes treasure, power, and the likes. The sole thing he wouldn’t want is a reputation, as he likes the quiet life.

Appearance: Standing at six feet, Azrael has straight black hair and matching black eyes. Most of the time, his eyes have a cold emotion to them. Despite the coldness in his eyes, his lips are often curled into a smile. Azrael has the facade of a young man, and seems to be at mid-twenties.

He wears a lengthy black cloak over himself. Underneath the cloak, he wears a plain shirt and denim pants. A satchel is tied to his belt. He also carries around a sword.


Swordsmanship – Adept in handling a sword. He is quick and powerful, but the lack of a better sword minimizes the damage he can do.

Alchemy – Educated in creating simple potions, acids and explosives.


Strength – 1.5x stronger than the average human.

Immunity to the fire – Fire damage is reduced by 10%. Because of a medicine he takes, he is less susceptible to fire. He feels less pain, and his skin does not burn as easily.


Double-handed sword – Made of steel.

Explosives – When thrown at a specific area, will produce a small fiery explosion three feet in diameter. Will only result in minor burns when thrown at a person, but combustible materials can cause a bigger fire. Three (3) in inventory.

History: Azrael was born a century ago in a small town that specialized in alchemy. At an early age, he was already interested and adept in concocting different kinds of mixtures. Also, in that small town, which Azrael will never name, a fountain existed—it was a fountain that most humans sought after. It contained the power to stop the aging process. While it did not give the human immortality (he could still be killed from the swing of a sword), it gave him the ability to walk through lands without the fear of old age. The townspeople guarded this secret with their life, and only a few dared to drink from the fountain. Azrael was one of the very few who decided he wanted to live as long as possible. He stole a vial of the fountain water for himself, and drank it without anybody knowing. After many years, everyone else found out—of course they would realize what he had done, he wasn’t aging a bit.

He outlived his family. Unlike the other humans who regretted their decision because of loneliness, Azrael did not. Azrael only felt regret once—when the girl he loved grew to an age that she couldn’t even remember his name. Still, that loneliness passed easily. He understood death, and was more interested in discovering about the world. He often went on long trips, just to find out what was out there. Around a hundred years after the day he drank from the vial, he still remains the same.

01-16-11, 11:22 AM
Welcome to Althanas! Just a few discrepancies before we catapult you onto the RP boards.

Be sure not to overplay your "Alchemy" skill, especially in competitive RP. Also, Your description of 'explosives' insinuates that even if one ignited in a normal human's lap, they would only suffer localized first degree burns. As long as this is the case, it's fine, but remember it counts as an ability. If I'm reading that wrong please clarify.

At present your character is a little bit too powerful. This can be remedied by eliminating one of your 1.5x modifiers or Elemental Resistance. Also, if you choose to keep the elemental resistance, it needs to be modified. "Elemental damage" covers a massive array of abilities that could potentially effect him, and while I appreciate that with a 10% reduction a powerful attack would still kill him outright, it also gives him a significant advantage over too many other characters. I'll let you pick any four elements, but I'd like them listed and a more in-depth description of this ability added. An example of exactly how he resists at least one of the elements would be nice, but not mandatory.

Post here when you've edited and we'll move this along.

01-16-11, 07:16 PM
Edited! Also, question -- would it be okay to say that the explosives can be used 2x (or whatever's acceptable) in a thread, instead of saying I have 3 in the inventory? I will edit it back if I should.

01-16-11, 09:09 PM
Edits look great. I'd prefer to leave explosives as is so that once they're used up he must make more. Look on the bright side though - next time he makes them, they might be more powerful! Also, if you want to use the three you have in more than one thread (employing the laws of liquid time) you won't be penalised. Since the items are in your inventory, they're usable in all active threads. I took the liberty of editing it back for you just to speed this along.

You are approved! Also, I'm going to recommend the 100exp bonus because you're the first new character I've processed whose height and weight aren't disastrously disproportioned. Enjoy!