View Full Version : The Phoenix - Level 0

The Phoenix
01-16-11, 07:01 PM
Name: Elisdrasil
Race: Raiaeran
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 160 lbs

The Bladesingers Guild of Raiaera are renowned across Althanas for their skill with both magic and blade. It was from their ranks that the Phoenix arose. Established as a sect within a sect, the Phoenix began as a conglomeration of like minded guild members with a talent for looking into the future. The Phoenix used their talents where others wouldn't, throwing caution to the wind to steer their destinies. Over time, the Phoenix grew further and further from the Bladesinger's Guild, until all memory of them passed from the guild rosters completely. But the Phoenix didn't disappear, and continued to steer their fortunes from the shadows.

It was with the predicted reemergence of Xem'Xund that set the Phoenix on the path to their doom. Determined to stop the demi-god's spread of power at any cost, the Phoenix began training Elisdrasil in the secret ways of war that they had developed in the time since their split with the Bladesinger's Guild. Unfortunately, predicting the future has never been the most accurate of magical practices, and Xem'Xund returned before the Phoenix and Elisdrasil were ready. The aftermath of the ensuing war saw the Phoenix shattered and their ashes scattered to the wind, save from young Elisdrasil.

Elisdrasil set his feet on the path from Raiaera with sorrow in his heart and the vow that the Phoenix, like their namesake, would rise from the ashes once again.

Elisdrasil stands slightly taller than the average human, thanks to his Raiaeran heritage. His dirty-blonde hair is long enough to reach the center of his back, though he keeps it in a ponytail when anticipating combat. He is pale and lithe, with blue-green eyes that are so brilliant they almost appear to shine. Elisdrasil prefers dark clothing, though he isn't fond of black, and wears the traditional Phoenix warmask while fighting.

Elisdrasil is incredibly guarded, given that everything he knows has been taken from him in a wave of fire and blood. He is a master of hiding his emotions, but anyone who can see through his mask can see that he is filled with deep sorrow and regret. Still, Elisdrasil is fiercely loyal to those who do manage to earn his confidence.

Blade - Elisdrasil has been exceptionally trained in the use of the light,Raiaeran curve blade.

Buckler Defense - Elisdrasil is proficient in using a light buckler strapped to his off-hand to defend against attacks.

Archery - Elisdrasil is a trained archer with both bows and crossbows.

Parkour - Elisdrasil's training focused on extreme agility and part of that was expertise in the art of parkour.

Weapon/Armorsmithing - Elisdrasil is trained in the basic maintenance and care of his weapons and armor, though he isn't proficient enough to actually craft any items.

2x Agility - A Raiaeran, Elisdrasil is twice as lithe and agile as a human.

Future Sight - Elisdrasil's Phoenix mentors focused on using their foresight to give themselves an advantage over others. By spending an hour meditating and concentrating, Elisdrasil can use his Future Sight to give himself a vision related to what he is engaged in. He isn't terribly practiced in this art yet, as the Phoenix were decimated before his training was finished, and he can only get a non-complex flash on insight related to whatever will benefit him most. This power, obviously, cannot be used in combat.

Blade Magic: Blinding Light - The Phoenix only managed to train Elisdrasil in the basics of Raiaeran blade magic before their demise. Elisdrasil can use blinding light to have his sword emit a blinding flash that disorients anyone looking at him, friend or foe. Currently, the strength of the flash only causes spots to appear in onlookers vision, causing minor disorientation. He can use this power three times per thread.


Elisdrasil's Raiaeran Curve Blade - The Raiaeran curve blade in a thin, slightly curved single edged sword that is designed for quick, agile combat. It can be used either one or two handed. Each sword hilt is unique to its owner, and it is considered a horrible fate to lose it. The blade itself can be replaced at will without moral consequence, and usually is when it becomes too worn to use effectively anymore. The current blade that Elisdrasil has in his sword is steel.

Light Crossbow - A basic light oak crossbow that Elisdrasil keeps on his back. It is not strong enough to penetrate plate or high quality mail like a heavier crossbow is, but is thinner and easier to fire and reload quickly.

Light Bolts - Elisdrasil has only basic ammunition for his crossbow.

Leather Body Suit - Elisdrasil wears a full body, light grey leather suit.

Buckler - A small oak shield that Elisdrasil wears strapped to the wrist of his offhand. As a shield, it can only deflect light weapon attacks, but doesn't hamper the use of his offhand.

Phoenix Warmask - The only usable piece of the Phoenix Warrior armor that Elisdrasil could find. It is a white steel mask that vaguely resembles a smoothed out skull.

Ruined Phoenix Armor - Elisdrasil scrounged the best remaining pieces of the Phoenix Warrior armor from the ruins of the Phoenix headquarters following its destruction. The armor is of high quality leather, mail, and plate when in working condition, but is so incredibly ruined at this point that wearing it would be more of a detriment than a benefit. It is going to take a lot of time and money to get it back into working order, and though it would be far cheaper to just buy new armor, Elisdrasil sees this armor as a symbol of his goal to raise the Phoenix once again.

Max Dirks
01-16-11, 07:20 PM
Welcome (back?) to Althanas.

What type of woods are your bow and buckler made from? You can find a list here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22255-The-Bazaar-FAQ&p=178930&viewfull=1#post178930).

The Phoenix
01-16-11, 07:49 PM
Both are just oak, nothing special. I made the edits above.

Max Dirks
01-16-11, 08:00 PM