View Full Version : The Fire is Hot

01-17-11, 01:40 AM
Name: Elaine Gambit
Race: Human
Age: 23
Height: 5’7
Weight: 160
Physique: Athletic and slender like a dancers.

Appearance: Long flowing burnt blonde hair, and tanned skin that is a bit rough to the touch. Wears a simple poor quality leather tunic, burlap pants, and leather boots. All have burn marks and the burlap pants have a few holes in the knees. She’s always smiling though. Always. :)

Personality: Elaine is the daughter of the Firewind tribe and is a bubbly, happy go lucky personality who is polite to those around her and always excited to meet new people. Not that she hasn’t been known to throw her own version of a temper tantrum.

History: Elaine grew up as the daughter of the lord of the Firewind tribe.

The village is located within a sanctuary of Concordia forest, and is a very small tight knit community of elves, dwarves and other creatures who had an affinity for fire. The Firewind’s who were once Elves from Alerar, but over years of breeding became a predominantly human family line inherited the title Keeper of the Flame. As guardians of the sacred flame, it is up to the Firewind tribe to protect an artifact known as the Frozen Flame, a holy relic to them that was brought to them in the crucible of battle to defeat the demon hordes during the might of the Demon Wars that once plagued the land.

As the years passed the necessity to protect the artifact had dwindled to only a handful of treasure seekers, and other adventurers, but lately a rival village has made claim that the Frozen Flame was there’s. Elaine, only 18 at the time, had become one of the chief guardians and thus was sent on a diplomatic mission to end the skirmishes peacefully.

There she met with the cold, icy nature of the Icewind tribe, and all hope of a peaceful solution seemed to flicker out like an extinguished flame. It was at the end of her third meeting that she had lost all hope, heading to their bar and finding another soul who unlike the Icewind tribe, was personable and very outgoing. His name was Duncan, and Elaine had fallen in love the second they met.

One whirlwind romance later and Elaine returned to her tribe with a solution to her problem. Eager to tell her father, Elaine mentioned she married one of their village’s biggest rivals. He raged, he ranted, he got mad. Then he looked to his daughter, saw the smile she had, and shrugged nodding his head. The Frozen Flame would be his problem, for it was clear her youth held her from understanding such responsibilities. He gave his blessing, kissed her goodbye as she packed all her bags, and watched leave the village.

She left her tribe, married Duncan, and is now searching Althanas for the opportunity to prove herself as a warrior and a mage.

Who said all stories had to be tragic and sad?


Swordplay: Elaine carries a broadsword that is about as long as her arm, and as thick. It’s blunt, made of iron, and has several chips and dents, but when it hits, well, it hurts. She’s trained enough with her sword to be Well Versed with it.

Cooking: It’s a skill all people need to learn when traveling. She can cook any small game without causing horrible disease or illness.

Knowledge: Fire: Elaine grew up worshipping fire, and studying it. With enough time to study, she can determine where a fire started, how it started, and also where to place explosives to cause maximum damage. Not that she knows how to use them, or where to begin to get one, but she does know. She also can determine if a fire was caused by natural or unnatural reasons.


Fireball: Training long and hard for eighteen years has gifted Elaine with the ability to summon fire to her hands and shoot it out like she would throw a rock. The damage of this isn’t powerful yet, as the heat is dissipated quickly and will cause only 2nd degree burn if it hits skin. Against flammable objects, it is up to the Player to determine if they ignite or the object near them ignites. (That’s the fairest I think I can word that. I can’t say: You are on fire now. It’s up to the player.)

The Size of this fireball is equal to a closed fist, and can be tossed as far as ten feet with accuracy, but any farther and the flames will die out and the accuracy is harder to determine if it will hit. Usable three times in a thread, but not back to back, and most have one post spacing between each casting.

Flame Wall: A wall of flame equal to six feet in height, six feet wide, and six inches in width. It’s equal in heat to a large fire, and thus walking through it quickly will singe and burn, but cause no lasting damage. Standing in it, well…that’s just silly as you’ll burn. Takes ten seconds of standing in the flame to take real damage. Spell lasts for twenty seconds, and usable once a thread.

Iron Broadsword (mentioned above)
2 pairs of traveling clothes, plus the one she wears. (3 in all, made of poor leather and burlap and other not so high quality materials.)

Limiter: A unique pendant of the Firewind Tribe, this takes the shape of bandanna that lies within her long flowing burned blonde hair. It limits the abilities of her spells to what they are represented as, but when she rips the bandanna off (note she must RIP it off, not take it off) her hair ignites into flame and her eyes burn with eldritch fire, and all her fire based abilities increase to 2X what they normally do. Also, her broadsword ignites into flame as well.

HOWEVER when she chooses to rip the limiter off, after thirty seconds she must write that she passes out (Regardless at end of post, she must pass out.). This isn’t a temporary pass out, this is the real deal. IE if she’s battling, and rips the bandanna off, she’s done after that post and cannot battle on.

01-17-11, 10:38 AM
So basically, ripping off the bandanna doubles her powers, but drains them so fast she faints? That ability is fine, but I'd like you to put an IC limitation on it rather than an OOC one. Thirty seconds seems fair, since that is longer than the average post lasts in competitive RP. And while you're add it, please include 'iron' in the inventory description of your sword (you described it above but I'd like the tier in the right category to avoid confusion.

After that, you're good.

01-17-11, 06:47 PM
Think that should fix it!

01-17-11, 07:11 PM
Looks good, approved.