View Full Version : Thomas William Braelrain, aka the Sin Eater

The Sin Eater
01-18-11, 06:47 AM
Evil's newest apprentice
has only one goal:
destroy the very evil he serves

Name: Thomas William Braelrain, aka the Sin Eater
Age: 34
Race: Human
Hair Color: Dark blond
Eye Color: Soft green
Height: 1,78 meter
Weight: 79 kg
Occupation: Former priest and inquisitor

Perhaps his most defining part of his personality is Tom's cynicalness. Over the course of his life he has been disappointed and disillusioned so often to the point that he has decided not to expect anything anymore from no one - including himself. Perhaps surprisingly, he has never stopped caring about the fate of human kind. Despite his cruel methods and anti-heroic behavior he is still motivated by the wellbeing of those he loves or respect. However, loving is something he is trying to avoid and his respect is not easily earned.
His hatred for hypocrites is only topped by his drive to purge the world of any demonic presence and influence. For that goal he is willing to use any method necessary and he does not shun lies, theft or even murder if that allows him to hunt down and destroy a demon or anyone serving one. Because he is certain he already way past any form of redemption, he has no fear of blackening or loosing his soul.
Thomas' weak points lay in his quick judgment, overly zealous nature and his disregard for his own wellbeing. As a true cynic he tends to see and accept only the worst explanation of someone's behavior; stubborn as he is it takes a lot to convince him otherwise. That he does not care much for his own life is clearly shown in his rather suicidal fighting style and the sometimes extremely high risks he takes.

Because of his rather small size and the lack of clearly visible weapons, Thomas usually does not look very unfriendly. He might even appear quite friendly to those lacking a fine tuned judge of character, but more often then not he has sad, grim expression.
He features some scars on his face; two on his left cheek, one of his right cheek and some smaller scratches on his neck. His slightly curly dark blond hair is usually uncared for and frequently hangs in front of his eyes despite is frequent but futile attempts to move it to the sides. Hidden under his clothes are numerous vicious scars and some burn wounds, artifacts from Tom's many battles and suicidal fighting style.
As a true wanderer, Thomas travels light and efficiently and has chosen his outfit for practicality and not for show. His knee high black leather boats are old and worn but are still excellent for long walks in the country. He wears simple, loose trousers which do not restrict his mobility. Over his shirt and strong, leather vest he carries a simple dark brown cloak which offers some protection against the elements. Depending on whether or not he has a place to stay he carries some backpacks for his few possessions.


1. Dirty fighting
Though originally a noble men, there is nothing noble about his fighting style. Kicking, biting, headbutts, aiming below the waist and other similarly dirty techniques are not just part of his combat arsenal but his main fighting style. Even though these techniques are the most effective in your general pub brawl, there is nothing like kicking an unsuspecting foe in the crotch. In general, Tom is trained to use his whole body as a weapon and using any opportunity to hurt, surprise and/or distract an opponent. It is a rather suicidal fighting style since there's a good chance he hurts himself as well.
Because of the nature of this style, Tom needs to be extremely close to his opponent to be able to perform any of these techniques.

2. Short Sword fighting (right hand)
The short sword is not a warrior's typical weapon of choice but it the perfect weapon for someone like Tom who excels in very close combat situations and tight areas. Unless striking a vital area, the short sword lacks the momentum to cause great damage, but it is ideal weapon for fast stabs and slashes.
Because of their speed, Tom can use his sword to quickly deflect or parry attacks but only when there is not too much force behind it. He is better off trying to prevent or dodge more powerful attacks as he might break his sword, hand or arm when trying to fend off such attacks.

3. Knuckle Duster fighting (left hand)
Even more unusual then his short sword is Thomas' choice of the knuckle duster. Using it as an extension of his arm, this weapon gives him great flexibility. It doesn't restrict his hand too much so he can still grab and use objects to some extent. Because of its light weight and small size, Tom can hit his opponent as fast as he can punch, which is significantly faster then when using a more bulky weapon. Though the actual damage done is nothing spectacular, the force behind a knuckle duster can seriously disorientate an opponent when hit in the face or take his wind when struck in his tummy.

4. Restoration
As part of his priest training, Thomas learned how to take care of wounds and prevent infections through meditation and the appropriate use of herbs. This is still of great use to him because of his suicidal fighting style. This has no combat value whatsoever but is of great help to fix himself back up after yet another bloody fight.

5. Mark of the Demon
Being soul-bound to a demon does not leave one unaffected. Anyone even slightly sensitive to auras or taints are aware of his link to the demonic planes. Priests and other holy figures will resent him because of it and the more aggressive type might taunt or fight him. Temple guards will deny him access to holy places and even if they wouldn't, Tom would not want to walk on holy ground because it will significantly burden and weaken him. Using blessed trinkets and the like will usually do him no good or possible even harm him.

A dubious positive effect of his taint is that all those with a more evil alignment will generally not bother him or even recognize him as an ally. Demon temples, witch circles and other cursed areas will welcome him and it will take him less effort to move in such locations. Because of his demonic alignment and his time spent he is familiar with the workings of curses, necromancy, taints and has a great knowledge of demonology.


1. Sin Eater
It is because of this power - a twisted remnant ability of his former priest life - that he is commonly known as the Sin Eater. Instead of forgiving a sinner after a fitting penance, Tom has mastered the ability to take the sins of a person and place them upon his own, already dark soul. Though requiring physical contact, the process requires no confession or penitence and can be performed in a mere moment without the target's awareness.
Because of its rather grim effect on the caster's soul this technique is unknown to the vast majority of holy figures and condemned by those who do. However, this is Tom's signature skill and for good reason. Being cut off of every source of holy power, this is the ex-priest's only method of redeeming those who he loves. Because Tom indirectly thrives on the severity of his sins, this technique also acts as channel to a new source of power.

NOTE: Because of his anything but holy lifestyle, Tom starts any thread with a 'moderate' amount of sin. For roleplaying purposes he might start out with a different 'sin level', this of course requires the approval of any writing partners.

2. Turning the other cheek
This skill is the result of a rather cynical combination of the virtues of patience and humility and the sin of wrath. By uttering a single, demonic whisper Tom drives his opponent into a bloodthirsty rage which forces him to attack the defenseless ex-priest. Because he must completely lower his defenses in order for his skill to work, the opponent will score a certain hit – but will sin greatly in doing so. Because of the barbarian drive instilled in the victim, they generally prefer to kick, choke or hit Tom with their fists no matter the weapons or magics at their disposal.
The actual effect is of course affected by the target's willpower and emotional state. An already aggressive warrior will be more affected then a careful and calculating person.

The blood rage effect of this skill will work for just one attack, but the feelings of rage and hatred will linger for an extended period of time. This skill can be used from a moderate distance, which will force the opponent to come closer, no matter the distance his opponent might prefer. When used on victims who he is not already fighting the effect might be weaker, though it generally works.

(This main purpose of this skill is to make the target commit a serious sin - attacking a defenseless victim - which can indirectly increase Tom's power.)

3. Dark Pact
As his demon master thrives in gore, carnage and acts of evil, so does Thomas. The more he is hurt and the greater his sins, the stronger he will become. Though this does not lessen his wounds in any way whatsoever, Tom's combat potential grows with every cut as well as becoming less sensitive to pain. When he is not harmed Tom is a below average fighter but his devilish pact turns him into a raging war machine the greater and more numerous his sins and when close to death.
For clarity and balancing purposes, this roughly translates to:

0.75x strength and normal pain sensitivity when uninjured
1.25x strength and pain insensitivity when severely hurt
1.50x strength and pain insensitivity when near death
Though mainly dependent on his wounds, the severity of his sins adds to this effect. However it will merely reduce the amount of wounds required to fight at maximum effectiveness.

4. Devil's Tongue
The more of his blood is spilled and the more sever and numerous his sins, more powers are granted by his demon master. At the costs of these wicked requirements he can temporarily change his short sword into a powerful nine-tailed whip with painful nails at the end. When summoned, the whip lasts only long enough for one or two attacks. If it connects, the nails bury themselves into the victim's skin and while they do not cause great damage they will greatly restrict the target's movement. This allows Tom to drag his opponent closer and prevent any attempts to run or use anything but short ranged weapons. Whether or not he is actually able to do so depends on the difference in strength between Thomas and his victim.

Though an excellent skill to force the opponent into Tom's preferred close ranged combat distance, it also leaves him somewhat vulnerable and under armed. Because he is now lacking his short sword, his only remaining weapon is his knuckle duster. He needs to maintain a strong grip with his right arm which restricts his movement and ability to dodge or deflect attacks.


Steel Short Sword.
Iron Knuckle Duster.
Some herbs, oils and bandages used outside of combat to restore his broken body.
Necronomicon: A Treatise on Demonology, Part I.
The Necromomicon is a legendary book which covers pretty much every topic linked to demonology like curses, taints, demon circles, calling the dead and damning the living. Though an excellent source of information to said topics, Tom is untrained in using any of the rituals and powers described in it.

Being born into royalty, Thomas has enjoyed the rare gift of a comfortable youth. His parents where a bit distant but loving and gave him access to most of the pleasures one can obtain with money or status. He was the youngest of a large family: 3 daughters and 4 sons, including him. Despite his noble heritage and in great contrast of what was expected of him, Tom never really cared much for the aristocratic way of life. He considered money to be merely useful and he despised the overly decent and proper social activities he was expected to attend to as a member of the higher class.

Perhaps inspired by one of his uncles – who was a monk – Thomas took great interest in theology and the search for enlightenment. As soon as he was allowed, which was at the age of eighteen, Thomas left his family, abandoned his heritage and joined a strictly ascetic order, far away from his father's county. Living only to reach personal salvation through meditation and the search for divine wisdom, Thomas lived in great poverty in a remote cloister. For nearly a decade his life consisted of meditation, reading ancient texts and an occasional solitary pilgrimage.

On one of his pilgrimages Tom lost his few supplies due to an unfortunate accident. Though it was discouraged by his order to meet the 'non-enlightened', he was forced to visit a nearby village to resupply. As he entered the village a grave chill came upon him for there was nothing left but burned houses and the remains of murdered men and raped woman. He could hear the crying of a sibling, perhaps the only soul who survived the raid. Horrified by the sight of the mutilated bodies and the stench of burning flesh he immediately turned around, ignoring the baby's cry for help.
After what appeared an eternity of running and sobbing, Thomas stumbled into another village. Apparently, the raiders had already hit this village as well but had not been able to finish the job, as some of the village inhabitants where still alive. After several minutes he had gathered enough courage to ask one of the villagers what exactly had happened. As the townsman told about the raiders and their frequent attacks on neighboring communities, Thomas decided he would return to the order and propose to aid the villages.

And so he did; he quickly returned to the order's cloister and voiced his desire to help the locals. In contrast to his expectations, his fellow monks loathed him for interacting with the spiritually blind villagers instead of properly completing his pilgrimage. Shocked by their response and unwilling to give up his new found cause, he kept defending the importance of aiding the villages in their physical needs. When the head of the order threatened to expel him, Thomas left the cloister.

Deeply disillusioned by his former spiritual brothers, Thomas perused his new cause in the material plane. He picked up some weapons and supplies from a raided convoy and headed to the nearest village which he helped to rebuild and eventually to defend against new attacks. As he had nothing left to loose and already having wasted a decade of his time in the cloister, Thomas was near suicidal and took great risks. His new passion fueled him with power he had never before experienced and he quickly became the local's hero, fighting any and every criminal and corrupt official he encountered. As the bandits started to fear him and strong men joined him in his crusade to defend the helpless, word of his deeds quickly spread.

After some months of his guerrilla war, a beautiful white dove brought him a small letter send by a group called the Justice Crusaders. Apparently, they had heard of his actions and where interested in recruiting him into their organized campaign against the unjust. Intrigued by their offer, Thomas immediately went to one of their meeting places and accepted their offer.
The Crusaders where an organized group of religious warriors who waged an inquisition against the minions of evil, all in the name of the Greater Good. As they combined both his fanatic zeal and his interest in the metaphysical, Thomas felt immediately at home. With his fellow inquisitors he searched out the wicked and heretic to execute them for their evil transactions. Fashioning themselves as judges as well as executioners, the crusaders where able to greatly decrease the burden on the villages and communities.

Not surprisingly, Thomas quickly rose in ranks and was introduced to more and more secrets and powers kept hidden by the crusaders. Because of his interest in theology he was not only trained as a deadly executioner but also as a priest of the Great One. As such he learned about the powerful influences of sin on one's soul and how to redeem an honestly regretting sinner after a fitting penance.
Blinded by the outer appearance of the inquisitor's order, he failed to noticed that corruption is not selective but present in every single human being. When he was asked to join the Inner Circle he eagerly took the necessary Soul Oath. By expressing this oath, he bound his soul to the Great One, representative of the Greater Good. Unaware of the Great One's true nature, he gladly carried out his will and judged and executed every single criminal or wicked wizard he could find.

Why or how he still does not know, but one day Thomas sensed a shred of doubt. He had just read a villager his judgment and executed him for aligning with the demons. Though he knew he should not doubt or second guess his judgment, but he couldn't help but wonder what actual proof he had about the peasant's heresy. And even if he had, was he serving the Greater Good by executing him without a trial, did he had the right to do such a thing? A terrifying thought entered his mind: had he became what he wanted to destroy, an arbitrary murderer with no sense of justice?

He decided he would perform the ritual needed to ask the Great One for guidance. After he had performed the ritual he expected to hear the Great One's voice like he used to, but this time his master appeared to him in person! It was a sight to behold; a bright halo hid most of his figure but he could see his massive angle-like wings and his painfully beautiful face. The earth trembled with each of his words and his mere presence caused the air to vibrate; so impressive and intimidating yet still so friendly and kind. While Thomas lay flat on his face on the ground, the Great One spoke only shortly, though it felt like he had spoken for an eternity:

“Behold, Thomas William Braelrain, I have chosen you.
Go forth and judge.
Go forth and execute.
Go forth and spill the blood of the wicked, crush the bones of the immoral.
Do not hesitate, there is no place for mercy, only justice.
Go forth and obliterate!”

As the Great One spoke, Thomas's blurred vision became sharp again and his clouded mind clear. He did indeed not hesitate, there was no reason to wait. These where the words of a demon, not an angel of justice! The Great One was the very monster he had sworn to stop!
Quickly, Thomas stood up and reached for his sword, but he stood no chance. The image of the beautiful angle turned into the wicked vision of a hell spawn, an arch-demon of the most vicious kind. The monster grabbed him by his neck, nearly crushing him in the process and preventing him to speak or breath. Again, the so-called Great One spoke, but now in a dark, fiendish way:

“Ha! So this little masquerade did not fool you. It does not matter, you are still my slave.
You have bound your sole to my, and therefor you are my petty puppet whether you want it or not.
There is no free will, there is only my will.
You will shed blood and you will spread sin, you can not deny your nature.
Do not think you can defy your destiny, mortal one.”

After those last words Thomas must have been knocked unconscious as he woke up hours later in a completely different place. Again he had lost everything he thought he had. He was horrified by his mistakes and the demon's power over him.
For weeks he ran and ran, trying to escape his fate and prevent any bloodshed. But it was no good; in the nights he was haunted by the faces of his innocent victims and at day he could not help but end up in bloody fights no matter how hard he tried to avoid them.

However, he has now found his true destiny by embracing his demonic taint: if he can not avoid bloodshed and if he can not prevent sin, then let the truly wicked be the first to bleed, let it be the demons who decay in their sins!

As evil's newest apprentice he has only one goal, one purpose: seek out and dethrone the very evil he serves.

The Sin Eater
01-18-11, 06:55 AM
A note to the judge:
I have deliberately left out the part about his personality. I want to experiment with him first before clearly defining his nature. As far as I understand I am allowed to update things like personality after 1-2 threads?

About his skills. Though I know that strictly speaking I'm only allowed three skills while I listed four. I hope that it won't be a problem since only two are true combat skills and almost all of them are situational and also harm himself.

Since English is not my first language, I would greatly appreciate it if you (or anyone else, through PM) would help me to adjust any mistakes or bad grammar I might have missed!

I'm looking forward to play on this beautiful roleplaying forum!
Thanks in advance!

PS: If you want, you can remove this post once my character is approved.

01-18-11, 04:40 PM
Welcome to Althanas! Leaving out your character's personality is fine, although putting in even a short description would help potential writing partners get to know him.

For the moment I just glanced at your skills and abilities. We've recently adopted a new approvals system under which we moderate abilities (physical or magical attributes that make your character exceptional) but not skills (learned behaviours such as fighting skills and job related skills).

This may seem confusing, but it comes with good news! "Sin Eater" does not really qualify as an ability under our system, so you actually only have three abilities, the right number. I do need you to clarify those abilities a bit though. Basically "Devil's Tongue" and "Turn the other cheek" are fine, but you need to be aware that other player characters will be capable of resisting them. For example, the manner and the level to which "turn the other cheek" effects each character will be different, based on their relative powers and abilities. In the same way, you can strike at your opponent with "devil's tongue", but it's up to them if the blow lands, and if the nails get stuck in their skin. I'd appreciate it if you'd take this under advisement and edit your abilities accordingly.

This looks like a great profile though, and I can't wait to give it a proper read. I'm pretty sure it isn't too powerful, but I need to go through it more thoroughly and I'm about to leave my house. Once you've made the adjustments I advised post here and we'll get you approved and roleplaying.

And just out of curiosity, what's your first language?

The Sin Eater
01-18-11, 05:54 PM

I've changed the skills descriptions to include the possibilities of resisting them. I thought it would be logic that 'turning the other cheek' depends on the target's cognitive and emotional strength and the dragging part of Devil's Tongue depends on Tom's and his victim's physical strength. That way it has a fitting synergy with Dark Pact, as he only has a good chance to drag his target when Tom is seriously hurt.

Just so you know, I changed Dark Pact a little. It used to state that he was more sensitive to pain when he is uninjured. Because I thought that to be a bit silly I changed that to normal pain sensitivity. (And I changed it to insensitivity because '1.5x pain sensitivity' technically makes him less insensitive.)

I hope these changes are to your liking!

PS: I've been following this site for a while and I think the decision to not moderate skills has been a great one!
PPS: My first language is Dutch.

01-18-11, 06:51 PM
So long as Sin Eater doesn't make him stronger than the limitations of his other abilities in competitive RP, this is all good.

You're right in thinking it should be logical to assume characters can avoid attacks, but you should realise that your previous description of Turn the other cheek represented a high level ability, and now it represents a low level one.

Glad to have you aboard, and congratulations for being so fluent in your second language. I speak French, but not this comfortably. I'm pretty sure there are a few other members kicking around who are writing in English as a second language as well though.

Approved, with a 100exp bonus recommended for originality and clarity. Go write some awesome stories.