View Full Version : The Fool of Gisela

01-19-11, 04:26 AM
Name: Alyrio Moreira
Age: 27
Race: Human
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 230 lbs.

Appearance: Alyrio has the look of a powerfully-built and athletic man who has let himself go a little - he is growing somewhat stout, and his rough black hair and beard are long and unkempt, and already streaked with grey. He generally wears comfortable old clothes (he hates wearing new clothes) and well-worn leather boots - his usual outfit consists of comfortable, practical breeches, shirts and cloaks in black and muted shades of green and blue. He also possesses a set of formal clothes (purple with a black hawk, the sigil of House Moreira) and a suit of chainmail, but he rarely wears these. However, he is rarely seen without his two red swords.

History: Alyrio was born in Gisela, the third and youngest son of Belsin Moreira, a well-respected knight and explorer. Nine years ago, Belsin sailed far to the south of the Northern Lands, and was presumed lost. However, he returned three years later, claiming to have discovered a new mountainous continent populated by a race of winged humanoids with skin and hair as white as snow. These creatures, he said, had seduced many of his men to stay with them, but let him and enough crew to sail his ship go free in order to tell the world of his story.

Initially greeted as a hero, two years later Belsin was considered a miserable fraud and his map of the continent (which he called Marista) a hoax; many other ships had sailed to where the map said Marista was, but none of them ever found it. Distressed by the rumours, Belsin mounted an expedition with his two elder sons, Kirik and Tavirad, in order to bring back one of the winged creatures and prove once and for all he was telling the truth. Alyrio was left in charge of House Moreira's lands, a job he never wanted. All his life, Alyrio had hidden behind his brothers and assumed that he would never inherit the lands, and grew up a feckless clown, fond of drinking, hunting and gambling and not so fond of taking responsibilities for his land. These tendencies frustrated his father, which is why he didn't take him on the expedition, thinking he would be irresponsible.

Unfortunately, Belsin met a tragic end. In an unusually fierce storm in the oceans near Istraloth, his five ships were driven onto a reef and went down with all hands. Now Alyrio was the lord of House Moreira's lands, a job he didn't want and couldn't do. He did his duty, marrying the eldest daughter of another noble house and eventually siring a son (named Tavirad in honour of his dead brother), but wouldn't take responsibility, leaving his duties to his retainers. He was a notorious womaniser before his marriage and after, and was rumoured to have sired an illegitimate child, an action that got him condemned by various religions. Eventually, his reckless spending and gambling left him in debt to money-lenders from all over Corone, his wife wanted to leave him, and his peasants were not happy with his foolish acts.

Alyrio was not happy with this, running out of money and realised that he was always going to be shadowed by a courageous father who sacrificed himself. He decided to mount an expedition of his own in order to prove that he is a worthy successor of his father, deciding to track down one of the five other copies of his father's map, hire a ship and crew to go to Marista, and bring back a winged creature. Unfortunately, he knows he will never find the coin for it, due to his wasteful reputation. Therefore, he has headed to Scara Brae, in order to prove that he is serious by rebuilding his reputation.

Skills: Alyrio was trained with sword and spear, and is proficient with both (swords moreso, especially fighting with two swords), as well as having some rudimentary skill with a bow. However, he is at the disadvantage of having not honed his skills regularly, due to his playboy lifestyle. He is also proficient at riding a horse, and can read and write both Tradespeak and Elven. He has no magical ability.

Equipment: Aside from necessary travelling rations, water and money, Alyrio carries a suit of chain mail, his swords, a few changes of clothes, several books, quills and bottles of ink, and owns a riding horse (and feed, saddles, halters and saddlebags for it).

01-19-11, 10:25 AM
Keep in mind that you can't sell your horse/other starting equipment at the bazaar. Other than that, looks straightforward.

First approval of the day!