View Full Version : The Son Of Stone And Sorrow (Nihjar Level 0)

01-19-11, 12:15 PM
Name: Nihjar Yrene
Title: Lord Provost, Zealot
Race: Hummel (Heretic)
Gender: Male
Age: 298yrs
Homeland: The Under Dark
Religion: (N’Jal/Ymgarl)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Siblings: Cydnar Yrene
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 190llbs
Eye Colour: Red
Hair Colour: None


History: It is perhaps ironic that the heroes of one race can swiftly become the villains, and fall for the paragon virtues of their kin’s very truest and most hated of enemies. Nihjar is one such soul, twisted by darkness and tricked into the shadows. Once the son of the Grand Salthias of the Hummel, he was a proud and respected explorer and warrior, behest to the council’s favour on the virtue of his efforts in recovering artefact, heretic and wanderer alike.

Too proud to turn down any assignment, when asked to travel to the city of Ymgarl, the ancestral home of the Dratzz Clan of the Drow, Nihjar paid no heed to his father’s warning. The wise man spoke of spider bites and tangled webs of deceit, but the arrogant and brash son fled with his envoys and exploratory sages, clad in armour of stone and fiery conviction. His task was to recover the Watch Stone of Aeons, a scale from Yrene’s body made of pure, unblemished quartz which radiated immense cleansing power. Many such artefacts have been recovered in the centuries since the civil war that sundered the Under Dark and Over Light, used to protect the remnants of the respective tribes from one another.

When Nihjar found the city, he did not find the ruin he had come to expect. The Dratzz, thought murdered by the Hummel Council a century before had regrouped, and rebuilt their city. The crystal geode of Ymgarl shone as a beacon of survival and transformation, no longer tainted by the hatred that had corrupted the Drow so long ago against their high elven cousins. Nihjar was surprised to learn that the Drow also worshipped and revered a serpent god, the World Devourer they called it. He fell into servitude and flattery immediately, weaving what he thought to be a web of charm to gain access to the crystal which resided in the temple at the heart of the province.

But the World Devourer was not Yrene.

For centuries, Nidhogg had woven a web of his own, turning the Drow into a mockery of the Hummel and pledging in his prison beneath the core of the worlds to start a civil war that would defeat his brother Yrene once and for all. With his mighty blade, Nihjar cleaved a path of destruction through the temple conclave until he stood atop the way stone full of virtue.

When he drove his great stone bastard sword into the quartz, he immediately realised his attempt at redemption was all part of a darker god’s eternal plan. N’Jal, the spider god and true deity of the Dratzz had whispered her secrets and lies into his ears. The way stone broke, and a wave of powerful lightning cracked and ruptured the stonework of the geode, rendering it into shadow almost immediately. Distraught at his stupidity, Nihjar dared not return to his people, nor could he leave the Drow, as trapped as he by pious treachery to fend for them.

The Drow fled into the pores of the Under Dark, bitterly aware that for centuries their hatred had been misplaced. They turned to their true gods, the spiders of the ancient world. Whilst N’Jal remained a prominent part of their pantheon, her descent into madness and exile diminished her to a subservient role within the temples and roaming caravans. Now a sundered and diminished people, the Drow, led by the Hummel Prophet who took them in like a shepherd with his flock, vanished from history beneath Salvar’s snowy tundra.

Slowly but surely, Nihjar took on the role of envoy to the dark Thayne’s presence. As her servants gathered power, and the Mutant Lorenor roamed the earth speaking of silk thread and moons aligning, he crescendo’d up into the daylight, seeking to ally the remnants of the Drow with the people who have come to call themselves paladins of ‘Dissonance.’ Still unwilling to openly worship N’Jal over the Spider God Ymgarl or the daughters of fate, Sicorax, Syslis and Salsia, Nihjar remains a prophet attempting to communicate the words of his people to the god, as opposed to the words of gods to a people…confused, troubled and teetering on the brink of madness, the very antithesis of his brother, what hope remains for Nihjar, none can know.


Salthias Sensei – Nihjar is a competent and adjusted fighter, skilled in the use of his bastard sword, hand to hand combat and the direct application of his hulking armour as a living weapon. His size does not allow dextrous movements however, and whilst trained above the average human or duellist, he can be easily outwitted and out sped.

Explorer – Nihjar has spent nearly a century exploring the catacombs, geodes and ruins that dwell beneath the surface of Althanas. He has accrued adequate knowledge of the creatures, dangers and wonders that exist in these dark and inhospitable areas, and can identify the majority of flora and fauna that exist in caves, underground lakes and grottos. He can survive on the creatures that dwell here, as he is able to identity edible life forms and can prepare fires, and other simple camping equipment om the dwindling natural resources of the Under Dark. He can identity compass directions, and the depth of his current location and water sources on the surface from the geomagnetic fields and geology of his environ.

Forbidden Lore (Thayne) – Nihjar is intricately familiar with the secrets of Yrene, and all the cultural aspects of religious scripture that is common to the Hummel and the Drow, as well as the High Elves of the surface world. This knowledge is somewhat forbidden in his own people, so whilst he can identity servants of N’Jal and is familiar with the Spider Deity pantheon of the Drow, he uses such knowledge reluctantly, and it is forever a burden in his maddened mind.

Veil of Silk – It is very difficult to trick Nihjar with oratory lies, spun so much as he is into the heart of treachery and deceit itself (such is N’Jal’s way). He is stubborn and pious in his ways, though people who know of his origins as a Hummel can unravel this veil. Anyone of an identical level or lower will have a difficult time attempting to sway his opinion.


Child of the Under Dark (Hummel) – As a Hummel, Nihjar is afforded certain resiliencies and a prolonged life cycle, but lacks the greater talents one might expect from the elven races (given the Hummel are a bastardisation of High and Dark). As such, he is immune to all snake poisons, resilient against non-magical disease, and has infravision to the range of 60 feet.

Prophet of the Ymgarl – As a cleric of the Dratzz Spider Cult, Nihjar has minor abilities afforded to a lower tier cleric, detailed as follows:

• Command Arachnid – Nihjar can influence and compel non-sentient arachnids to a limited degree. He cannot cause them to harm themselves, nor can he cause them to inject poison (though bites can occur).

Heretic of The World Eater – Although fallen to the Spider Cult, Nihjar’s birth right still burns strong in his heart. All Hummel are gifted an ability when born, part of their intricate blood work and belief system. Nihjar’s gift, like Cydnar’s is geomagnetic in nature. He has glowing dark red talismanic snake tattoos woven around his body, which glow brighter when he wields his abilities. He can control stone as follows:

• Rebuild – With telekinetic power, Nihjar can reform items carves from stone and return them to their original form. This is done at the rate of 1 cubic feet per five minutes, but requires significant strength to perform and the larger the item that needs repairing, the greater the strain. This allows him to reform stone bowls, weapons or similar items shattered or chipped. He cannot repair or rebuild items larger than his own body, however.

• Quake Geyser – With a downward thrust or a pummelling limb, Nihjar can erupt stone or a boulder and flail the target with small, sharp pebbles. Whilst dramatic in appearance, and whilst possessing an intimidation element, the strength of the stones requires resources to be at hand, and the aim of the storm is more reckless whirlwind than precision weapon. He can perform this once per day, and each stone will cause no more than throbbing pain or light, sub-dermal scratches.


Gallblaster – The Gallblaster is an immense bastard sword made of a stone found deep in the skin of quartz geodes. It is a common weapon for the heavier armoured fighting style used in the Salthias temple of the Hummel. It is, for all intent and purpose, as strong as steel but with a smoother, polished finish. Such a weapon is a holy emblem of his identity, and cannot be sold.

Behemoth Plate Mail – A heavy stone and iron suit of demi-plates that cover mainly the limbs and shoulders. No armour on the torso or waist to allow some flexibility in movement, but very tiring to fight in for prolonged periods. Attention should be paid to the physical effects of wearing such an article of protective clothing in combat environments, and it counts as iron for defensive purposes.

01-19-11, 04:26 PM
Nice profile! Just a few quick clarifications...

"Veil of silk" can be included in your skills rather than abilities. I'm gonna ask that you edit that just for future clarity.

Only other thing I need to point out is that, for the purposes of competitive RP, the stone sword should be considered as strong as steel and the armor as strong as iron. This part you don't need to edit in, I'm just telling you for your personal knowledge, because that's how the judges will look at it.

Post here to let me know you understand this and you'll be approved. Can't wait to see what you'll be bringing to the boards!

01-19-11, 04:39 PM
I very nearly posted as Duffy by mistake, so this is attempt number two!

I will shift Veil of Silk to skills, I included it in Abilities as it affects other players but I guess with oratory abilities it's a difficult line to clarify. My figuring with the sword that though it was stone, it's a hefty hunk, but if it's 'classes as' strength wise, that is acceptable (the point being he can repair his own blade in battle).

I will amend these and we're away!

01-19-11, 04:51 PM
You can play it as being heavier, I just meant that if Letho hits your sword hard enough with his adamantine bastard, yours should probably break.

The reason veil of silk is considered a skill is considered a skill is that you can't actually use it to effect other players. You can't influence someone by not listening to them. Unless you're suggesting that hurting other people's feelings should be an ability :P
