View Full Version : Need some advice

The Sin Eater
01-20-11, 10:50 AM
First of all: hi everyone!
I only recently registered but I've been stalking this site for ages and have done 2 or 3 quests with some alts.

Anyhow, I could use some advice on a solo thread of mine: Resting in peace (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22347-Resting-in-peace&p=179757#post179757).

At first, my plan was to write the last scene first and then continue from the start. But as I liked the scene so much I decided to expand on it, resulting in the above thread. But now I'm uncertain as how to continue so I could use some advice.

I got a couple of options: (1) leave it like this, (2) continue from the start of the story, (3) continue where I left or (4) go back in time Memento-style (each new post will describe the events before the post above it).

What I need to know is what you guys think/feel/experience/whatever when you are reading the post. Does it move you? Should there be more information about the how's and why's or is exactly mysterious enough? Are you curious about what will happen afterwards or what happened before it?

Any and all comments are welcome!
Thanks in advance!

(Oh and spelling+grammar corrections are also more then welcome!)

Jack Frost
01-20-11, 12:48 PM
Go memento style. I skimmed, but I was a little unsure of exactly what the hell was going on from the get-go.