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01-20-11, 01:15 PM
The Althanas Timeline

This is the updated and reworked version of the timeline. Althanas is a creative writing site, and I felt that the history should reflect that instead of being linear in nature. As such, I have changed the layout. The most up to date information, regarding what has happened recently with the FQ and other canon related threads will need to be edited at the end of the timeline. However, I will be creating a thread for canon related threads to be posted and any information that needs to be added or updated that I should add.

Time Immemorial

An Age of Magic

The earliest time spoken of by any race, even the oldest of elven kind, was a time of magic and mysticism unlike any other. The Thayne were but a newly constructed religious belief, founded on the principles that underlined the basics for ancient times and the people that survived in this time day to day. Men and women of the ancient times were god-like compared to how they are perceived in modern times. The Tap was a singular piece, untouched by destructive or divisive means. Feats of wonder were not only prevalent, but also commonplace. It was a time of global change founded by the mere whim of humanity and society. Technology was less than invasive, it was nearly non-existent. In a time when the world was flooded by magic, the means to protect and provide were but a mere thought away, advancements in common society were all but put aside.

Though in these times a written record was scarce, and even rarer was a true historian, stories of the times have been passed down. Mostly word of mouth, these tales are as fantastic as they might be true. Tales of dragons reign supreme amongst current society, stories for the children. Truth to them is up to each person to gain, as one person may see a weakness of the dragon as truth, whereas another would see it as just a storytelling device. These tales do not stop at dragons though; they extend to a multitude of different races, be they humanoid or otherwise.

During this time the elven people spread across modern day Raiaera, warring with the native population called the Durklan, and eventually all but destroying them. Song-magic and Bladesinger’s were introduced to Raiaera during this period, a staple even until modern Althanas. The human population of Corone, discovered by elven explorers, was little more than nomadic tribes without any form of centralized government. As with most civilized races, the oppressive nature of the elven people during these times got the best of them, and the demands for the fertile and resource-rich island became a place of conflict. Likewise, the dwarven population from the mainland preyed on the human population of Corone. They worked into the mountains and thrived on the ore-rich lands. It was not until Chief Fannos of the Burning River clan negotiated for the four major Corone tribes with a well noted half-elf Aranis Kaledin that the constant struggle was put aside for a long time. The dwarven capital of Teria was established at this time, as well as the trading city of Serenti. The uneasy peace lasted for centuries.

Throughout all of this era, expanding and growing was paramount. Magic was the key to everything, and the world was a place where anyone who wanted power was but a mind-set away. It was this mind-set that triggered the global change, the true conflict that changed how the world worked and made it into how it is commonly known as today.

The War of the Tap

At first the small band of rogue sorcerers were like any other, a minor inconvenience that was dealt with by the only world super-power, Raiaera. Stopping the challenge to their authority, the usurpers to civilized life, was merely a trivial dispute handled by the bards and bladesingers. As the small group grew, extended their claims and undermined cultures, the threat stopped being an underground movement and grew into an expansive dispute, which would later become a full-blown war. This war, between The Forgotten and the rest of the world, continued for what most assume was close to a century.

Denebriel was the Forgotten that pulled the winter cold out of Berevar and swept it across Salvar, but also created the "Cult of the Ethereal Sway". She was remembered throughout the years to follow by the native population through religion. The Sway became a religion passed from native to future populations that came to Salvar, and the Forgotten was remembered as a savior, becoming St. Denebriel. Xem'Zund attempted to overtake Raiaera, the only super-power of the time, by creating hordes of undead to walk the world. The lasting reminder of his reign of terror was forever memorialized as the Obsidian Tower in Southern Raiaera. Pode was a sorcerer who worked with nature, warping it into a vile state so that it would act defensively and keep people away from territories claimed as well as kick them out of one’s disputed. Her tainted magic touched the world, warping what was once known as the Great Forest into the Red Forest. Aesphestos lived in Kebiras, creating orks, goblins, trolls, giants, and other brutish races, and used them as the foot soldiers that did battle in the scarcely populated Salvar region (at the time). Esthilda created the vile races of the underworld, demons, vampires, and others that come from Haidia. She, with the assistance of the other Forgotten, created portals from Haidia so that once her creations were completed they could be loosed on the world just like the creations of Nash.

By the end of the war, many races had been created by both sides. The original civilized races (humans, elves, dwarves, and an assortment of the lesser prevalent) were no longer alone in the world. In order to truly destroy them, and in turn the true power of the Forgotten, the mightiest mages of the time gathered on the battlefield of the final battle. The raging war was brought to an end when they sealed the five sorcerers in the Antifirmament for what seemed permanently. However, before they were fully sealed, with one last devious push they gathered their powers and fractured The Tap, forever shattering it so that works of wonder and magic from the beginning times would forever be lost.

The Era of Building Nations

Once the power of the Eternal Tap was shattered, the world was left in a state of confusion. The way of life that had been prevalent for centuries to that point was lost. Feats of magic were diminished greatly, and the powers that were once at the control of anyone who had the gift for bending the state of the world at their whim was no more. The elven people of Raiaera, having been soundly trodden on by the Forgotten, were left with a question that tore their civilization in half. Would the world continue with the study and continuation of magic use? Or was the nearly blank slate created in the aftermath of the war to be taken advantage of by those that sought higher technological understanding? Both questions were at the hearts of the elven people, who split over the decision. What we know as Alerar currently came to being during these times. The elven people that willed to explore technology, and in turn use what little magic they could to advance it, were given little chance to influence the overwhelming majority of the magic devoted elven people of their culture. What came of the split in ideologies was known as The Elven Schism. The future of the dark elven race left the borders of their kin, taking up residence in modern Alerar. The future of the high elven race, which was dedicated to keeping technology from tainting their magical prowess and nature itself, remained in modern day Raiaera. From the Schism onwards the lingering and festering feud between the two remained.

Alerar, as it becomes known as, is a land west of Raiaera, past the Mountains of Dawn. Seeing the exiled elves as an invading army, the dwarves (who are the natives of the land) begin to fight the elves. The War of Inference begins, and within fifteen years it ends. The elven exiles sign a pact with the dwarven people, The Treaty of Congruity, the flatlands and inner portion of the lands are left to the elves while the mountains and surrounding areas belong to the dwarves. Within fifty years the capital of Alerar, Ettermire, is founded and the dwarven seat of power is established in the newly created fortress-town of Kachuk.

The bards of Raiaera, having removed the influence of their unwanted brethren in Alerar, quickly started their course towards the study and understanding of the fractured Tap. It was in this time that they started a new calendar, and a newly developed system of study. Originally six schools of magic existed. The sixth school, Enarlin, was feared. This distrust and disgust became a war within the nation, and for fifteen years Enarlin and the other five schools of magic warred. In the end, Enarlin was destroyed as a school, the only ones allowed to continue practicing were very high ranking Turlin bards.

Shortly following the Schism and The War Within, the political change of the world of Althanas continued to develop. Corone was under a state of strife, with foreigners flooding the shores and spreading throughout the island. A stalemate of sorts was created, the elven explorers remained in the Concordian Forest, and the dwarves took residence in the Comb Mountains, and the nomadic tribes of humans remained on the plains of Corone. The third most notable town of Corone came into existence during this time of bloodshed. The elven people in Concordia built the town of Conileth at the forests heart. For nearly 450 years the three factions, three warring races, remained in their respective areas. No force mustered by either side would break the boundaries, all knew it as fact, however the borders ran red with constant skirmishes by all involved.

However, Alerar was a place growing in power slowly, technologically advancing to a point where they could rival Raiaera. The original elven kin, meanwhile, fortified their borders and cast spells to cover their lands. Technology was unworkable in the motherland of the elven people, guns (not yet explored) would not fire and siege weapons were clumsier than even what was common for the times. Alerar, growing in power and knowledge, branched out to learn of other cultures, quickly finding the island of Fallien and a people of common interest.

Fallien was a world of lush, beautiful land. Untouched by wars of the mainland, or the conflict that overtook the island of Corone, Fallien was a place of peace. Alerar quickly took advantage of the island nation, forming an alliance and opening trade. The two nations prospered from being allies. As they progressed they continued to allow the dark elven influence into their lands, and eventually were punished for it. Legend has it that the goddess Suravani, displeased with the greed of her people, brought her wrath down upon the nation. Whether it was a natural disaster or truly the ire of the goddess, Fallien’s lush environment and easy living was ripped out from under them. From a world of flowers to a desert, the nation was practically destroyed.

Salvar, having been devastated by the warring civilized lands of Raiaera and The Forgotten, was even sparser in population than ever before. Merchants, would-be kings, social deviants, and expeditions by the budding nations slowly expanded into the territory. Rich sources of ore lured the dwarves, arable land to the south provided incentive for the humans of Corone to spread into the territory, and the previous encounters with Salvar gave little reason for the elven people to have interest.

The Demon Wars

Nearly a century ago, the second greatest war of Althanas tore across the world. It was an age of darkness, where infighting amidst races was pushed aside in favor of survival. The Demon Wars raged, and humanity was powerless to stop it. Where the demons suddenly arrived from is a mystery. The only guess as to their appearance is by way of the portals to Haidia created by the Forgotten, nearly completely forgotten after millenium.

The heaviest fighting was done in Corone, the initial assault of the demons taking Teria by storm. Overrun in a single day, the dwarves and humans of the plains retreated to the defensible fortresses built into the Comb and Jagged mountains. Unlike the humans and dwarves, the elves of Concordia had nowhere to run and hide, instead seeking solace within the forests and surviving in the depths of their domain. Two years after the initial surge of the demonic horde, Aroen the Lightforger the leader of the elves and the leader of the human tribe Gerth of the Crying Wolves united in a stand against the invasion. The single army met the power of the Haidian spawn on the fields of Gisela. A massive battle ensued. Though the power of the elves and the strength of the humans were great, they were gravely outnumbered. Gisela became soaked in the blood of both sides; two massive armies waged war for days on end till finally the remnants of the united force was forced to retreat. As had happened in the initial assault on Corone, the dwarves opened their gates and allowed all manner of refugees and defeated soldier into their underground habitat. The demons roamed the lands of the island freely for nearly 200 years, leaving the former denizens of the resource rich island to starvation and meager aide from other nations.

Salvar, likewise, was struck by the demonic forces. The barely settled and unorganized lands were unable to combat the initial assault due to lack of organized forces. Knifes Edge, the largest of the merchant created cities, became a fortress for territory. Merchants, settlers, soldiers, and all manner of people banded together to continue to keep the invasion at bay. It was not until almost a century later that the native tribes of Salvar were able to use their powerful and esoteric magic to drive back and eliminate the organized demonic forces. Though, organized government was not established even after the demons were eliminated.

The elven lands of Raiaera and Alerar fared much better, having established their domains and lands much sooner than any other nations. The first inclination of firearms being established by the Alerar nation is spoken of during these times, rudimentary and crude versions of the muskets the nation is well known for in current times. The first time the term “dark elf” was coined was during the demon wars, when the study of technology caused the tint of the Alerar elves to darken. Raiaera’s famed bards and bladesingers fought furiously against the invasion, seeking shelter in their fortified cities, striking in large armies when fully prepared. It is from Raiaera and Alerar that the savior of these trying times emerged.

Radasanth the Starlight the elves called him, Radasanth the Braveheart the dwarves knew him by, Radasanth the Savior the humans simply called him; he was an elf clad in mythril armor only the Aleraran people could have made so strong, carrying a massive claymore only the people of Salvar could have been known for, wielding magic Raiaeran’s were famed for using. With him came the news of the defeat of the demons on the mainland, with him came troops, food, and hope. At his call the men, elves, and dwarves mustered their strength and valiantly defeated the foe. Teria was re-conquered, and in honor of their Savior renamed Radasanth. He went on to serve as the First Steward of Corone, the first solitary authority figure in the history of the country. At the end of the demon wars, the demons were once again banished to Haidia.

01-20-11, 01:15 PM
“Coronari Poldora” (The Years of Strength) C.P. 1 – C.P. 1710

The beginning of the Coronari Poldora was the first calendar formally established for the World of Althanas. The “years of strength”, as they are known, was created by the Raiaeran elves. Though the world’s nations were still developing, and only the countries of Raiaera and Alerar were firmly established, the influence of the high elven people was one that easily spread the new name for the years. The Alerar elves, called dark elves, eventually adopted their rival’s timeline and from that point on the calendar in its modern form became about.

At the beginning of the C.P. years, Raiaera established the Tel’Quessir. This organizations establishment was a collective of elves, men, and dwarves set apart from governmental affairs and placed in charge of watching the demon’s activity once they had been forced back into the underworld of Haidia. Whether they were to keep watch through guarding the locked portals to the mainland, or by living on the edge of Haidia to keep personal tabs on the demonic forces, the Tel’Quessir firmly believed in their mission and their purpose.

The Era of Salvar’s Foundation C.P. 1 – C.P. 1709

Corone (rebuilt by the hands of man, elf, and dwarves) turned the destroyed town of Terria into a massive town that could be viewed by all as a true capital of a unified Corone. Formerly a city of the dwarves, the indestructible building (later renamed The Citadel) became the center of the town and a symbol of strength. This city was renamed Radasanth, after the great hero that had liberated the island nation. After 50 years of service as the first Steward, Radasanth stepped down and disappeared into history. It was a century later that Corone turned its eyes on the bitter lands of Salvar, and the true story of the Northern lands began.

The history of Salvar has always been a record of strife and struggle. Native people keep their own records, most of which are passed by word of mouth instead of written down. However, the non-native population after the Demon wars, kept meticulous records according to the Raiaeran calendar that was adopted by the rest of the world for time keeping per year. The records have shown that the Forgotten known as Denebriel, as well as internal strife have long slowed the expansion of the region and eventually what became the country itself.

After the Demon Wars, with Salvar relatively unexplored and controlled by a conglomerate of merchants, an oligarchy almost by way of government. The first form of government came from a form of dictatorship, lead by Corin val Neestor; the leader of the coup was a former soldier that served in the defense of the territory against the demons. Within years, the majority of the territory had been brought under a single leader. The simplistic government created allowed for an expansion of trade with other nations. In response, Corone’s government saw the weakness of the nation and began to trade with the territory, though also began to impress members of the meager navy of the new king into service. It was a means by the government of Corone to “establish firmer trading routes”. Within twenty years, C.P. 55, Corone sent a small “exploration” expedition to the west coast of the territories and quickly overran multiple cities and areas along the western side of Salvar. From the seat of power, the third dictator since C.P. 7, launched war immediately and defeated the titular king appointed by Corone which was not won. The colony of New Corone was officially established after only a year of struggle and a forced treaty with the dictator.

For the next 550 years the feudal system of Salvar was officially established. Dictators slowly lost control of Knifes Edge, whereas the power of the appointed Viceroy (officially called the “king” of the Corone colony) slowly grew in power. By the end of the colonial age of Corone, the Viceroy of the colonies is seen as the most fit to rule. He is crowned “King of Corone” in an elaborate and grand celebration in Horaria, the former capital of Salvar. Eventually the seat of power was moved away from the colonial area to Knive’s Edge, uniting both halves of Salvar but reducing the power base of the King after hundreds of years of rule from the same capital. Corone’s disgust and anger over the power-hungry appointed Viceroy is contested, however, the united power of Salvar is enough to expel the “foreign” power and the territory becomes a country of its own by C.P. 700.

Before the country was established completely, under one rule and became a nation to itself, the Church of the Ethereal Sway was established by the Viceroy’s of the colonies as the only religion accepted in the territories. This established religion was put in place as the official religion of the nation until the modern age of Althanas.

Over the following millennia, Salvar continued their monarchy. The rulers, always kings, became weaker and weaker until the feudal system of government could no longer be relied upon to offer protection or assistance. Self appointed dukes, counts, barons, and even a few princes demanded the construction of the Council of States. This council removed the absolute power of the King, placing him as a mere head of the Council, and began to use their new legislative establishment. Territorial pacts, conflicts, disputes over trade rights and lands were all discussed through the Council. Declarations of war between the feudal lords were settled through warfare as they always had been up until the end of the era.

Corone’s Empire C.P. 700 – C.P. 1709

After the failure of controlling the Salvar territories, the people of Corone quickly found that the government was not as strong as previously suspected. When these doubts came to light, and they did so very quickly, the government saw a chance to change the system completely. The constitution was drafted, and the Ministries were established with five people to oversee the different aspects of daily life of the Coronian people. However, that was not enough to some. Rumor has it that a collection of merchants formed an alliance with a syndicate known as The Coalition; or perhaps were the founders of the organization itself. Whatever the case, the anarchical group’s minor insurrection was quickly put down by both The Royal Army and The Rangers in a bloody show of force. Over the years any small issue that arose contrary to the established government was blamed on the mysterious “Coalition”, but no proof of their existence had yet to be proven. It is rumored, as always, that a Coalition member has almost always found a way into one of the five positions within the Assembly.

In more recent years, just before the end of the Years of Strength, multiple groups of people banded together to form clans. These clans had the amalgam of many different abilities, strengths, weaknesses, and idea’s of the members to create a unified front and common interest in goals and ambitions. Of the most predominant clans and well known groups was the Red Hand and the Bandit Brotherhood, with interests within the borders of Corone. Much of what they are known for is self-interest turned socio-political gain, but they did not exist without benefit to the society of the island nation either.

The Bandit Brotherhood and the Red Hand joined together in a mutual attempt to alleviate the high levies of taxes and lower profits gained by the merchants and resource gatherers of Corone. This nearly coup d'état change in the atmosphere of Corone was induced by a mass war by the allied groups and the mercenaries that were paid to assist them. The Bazaar War was almost transcendental in nature, as it supplemented the strength of the two allied clans, and as a successful raid on the most populous and well known center of commerce on Althanas (The Bazaar) it allowed for the prerogative of the basis for war to be accomplished. The Red Hand locked down the trade routes of Corone, removing The Bazaar’s monopoly over economy. This tight control lasted until the power of the Red Hand diminished its presence and the political face of the island changed in lieu of the start of the Civil War.

Over the course of the last year and a half, the Assembly, as it had become known once fully established, has been interrupted by serious events. Two of the members of the Assembly were assassinated, in their homes, leaving three men to rule the republic. However, determination by the remaining members was that the domestic affairs of the people were uncontrolled, and they abolished the republic in order to create The Corone Empire. Undercurrents of the political change, officially, were brought on by the Coalition and its desire for power. Rangers (along with unhappy civilians) and The Empire (with full trained soldiers and a powerful navy) are still fighting each other for control of the country which is split in half. North of Concordia, The Empire has control of the island with its headquarters and base of power out of the city of Radasanth. South of Concordia, The Rangers and united citizens have taken Gisela as the base of power and continue to skirmish and protect the fertile lands of the south.

Dynasty of the Desert People C.P. 1 – C.P. 1709

All that remained after the disaster of Fallien was sand, despair, and a scattering of people who formed the clans that are known throughout the country for their individual exploits. Vadhya, as the destruction was known, had thoroughly spread across the lands and the records of pre-Vadhya Fallien were lost. Out of the ashes of Suravani’s wrath came the establishment of the Jya, the “Mother of Fallien”, the high priestess of Suravani. The survivors began building on the island of Irrakam, and over 300 years of building brought about the modern city as it is known in modern times. Priestesses of Fallien grew slowly at first, finding young women who exemplified the ideals of what a Jya was supposed to be were chosen. With such a small, and slowly building population, the religion was slow to build and took centuries to be fully and firmly established.

After nearly a millennia of living within the borders of Irrakam, building populations and reestablishing the clans of the surviving Fallien people, it was finally time for the people to spread throughout the land. Seven clans existed, one staying within Irrakam, one turning towards a land once dominated by their ancestors, the rest spreading to find life and purpose in the new lands. These clans crossed the desert lands, from the Northern edge to the Southern tip. It was nearly 300 years later (approx. C.P. 1200) that foreign influences began to trickle in as denizens of the major nations started to slowly realize what goods could come from the blasted lands and what profit could be made. The Outlander’s Quarters, established on the Southern edge of Irrakam, was originally created for foreigners. Unlike the pristine nature of the Fallien people of the time, foreigners took for granted their appointed area and turned the Outlander’s Quarters into a brutish and ugly place.

Once the clans established their place amidst the sea of sand, inner wars between the clans erupted at times but were short lived. However, the most dominant aspect of Fallien, which lives on in modern times, is the religious war between Suravani (and the Jya) and the Cult of Mitra. Over the next hundreds of years multiple attempts to assassinate the Jya came and went. At times the attempts on the Jya were successful, whereas the majority of attempts failed. It was soon found out that Mitra, the Sun-god of Fallien, demanded a sacrifice of the most devote of Suravani’s followers every hundred years. By modern times, the Cult of Mitra is but a mere usurping group hidden somewhere in the ruins that litter the land.

Clash of the Elven Empires C.P 200 – C.P. 1709

Not much is known about Alerar, as since the Elven Schism the country has long since turned into a more isolationist society. The dark elves love of technology, and their desire for continual development of their interests has created a taboo for talking to outsiders. When after only 200 years since the end of the Demon Wars the King of Alerar is assassinated, the modern society of Alerar begins. The younger sister of the former king takes the reigns as Queen of Alerar. Since the first decrees of the Queen were released, the rest of Alerar became more invested in being the most powerful technological countries while still keeping everything secreted. Many of the area’s within the country were sanctioned off, keeping secrets within and prying eyes – to include dark elf citizens – from knowing exactly what was happening.

Both Alerar and Raiaera continued developing, quickly taking in any imports they could to continue building their lands. As soon as the demonic invasions were thwarted, the bad blood between the two countries continued within years. Skirmishes across the Mountains of Dawn/Dusk between the two countries were bloody, but continued through history. For centuries the two clashes now and again, but neither side went to war until the modern age.

At the end of the seventeenth century, within the past 15 years, new leaders and new ideas emerged within Alerar. A former General takes control of the military and under him come the rising figure of Thoracis, a former drifter who quickly rose through the ranks of The Grand Army. Confident in the new General’s abilities to lead the battle, his strategies, as well as his prowess in battle, the new King sends the forces towards the Mountains of Dusk. As they march, a familiar belonging to a Raiaeran student of magic, is sent to summon an old friend. On its way, it see’s the approaching army and immediately returns to Devon dan Sabriel and gives word to him as well as the renown bard Findelfin ap Fingolfin. The battle between Devon Starslayer and Thoracis results in the leader of both armies clashing over a major city. After a mortal wound, possibly killing Thoracis, the Alerar army is leaderless and a tactical retreat is called for as the Tel Aglarim harries them back to the Mountains of Dawn.

After the crushing defeat, the confidence in the leadership of Thoracis is diminished, and the death of the Queen leaves the throne empty. Almost immediately the crown passes to a distance cousin of the Queen, King Edari’axa. With his rise to supreme power, he quickly allows his advisor and the wealth that he has at his command to continue development of weapons, armor, and technology. “Airships” are first mentioned being spotted above the Alerar lands only years ago, a new advancement that is not only a surprise but also intimidating. However, The Grand Army is disbanded, leaving countless mercenaries scattered across the land if the men did not join the newly established Kyorl, a cutthroat militia. This militia is one of many para-military forces after a few years, including remnants of the Grand Army, the Rangir, the Resistance, and the shadowy group known as The Banishment.

Rise of the Forgotten C.P. 1705 – C.P. 1709

Raiaera is struck with a great plague of undead, hordes of the tainted creatures roam the lands of the high elves and strike fear and panic at the hearts of the people. Cities fall as citizens flee, leaving the newly arisen Xem’Zund free to roam the land and warp the fallen corpses of his enemies into new fighting forces. Amongst those that rise to fight the horde, the relatively young Ingwe Helyanwe rises to assist in killing the multiple generals under the Forgotten one. Alongside him is Godhand, who eventually destroys Xem’Zund and dies in the process. The land of Raiaera is almost completely destroyed though, with the government in tatters and the bards and bladesingers almost all fleeing or dying in battle.

Alerar, unaffected by the rise of the Forgotten, is currently one of the few remaining “super powers” that is unmarred by significant change. Though the new king is still attempting to unify the different paramilitary organizations across the nation – or destroy them, whichever is more beneficial – the general continuity of the region is rather firmly stolid. Airship technology is being developed, as is the technology for firearms. Most recently, musket production has become easier, and the matchlock weapons of the future are readily available to all Aleraran citizens and those willing to fight for the nation. Closely guarded as a secret and a coveted weapon, the use of flintlock (and even the outdated matchlock) muskets and pistols, as well as the use of cannons as artillery and on ships are strictly forbidden outside of the dark elf nation. Territorial expanses into their dilapidated enemies lands are on the forefront of the mind of each Aleraran as arms and men are built up quickly.

Salvar has fought through a civil war between the state and the Church. The former noble leaders, including King Iorlan, have all either been killed, gone into hiding, or self-exiled to other lands. At the end of the war, the valiant efforts of those who seemingly were little more than foreigners to Salvar destroyed the Church of the Ethereal Sway and the Forgotten Denebrial herself.

Corone is still split by the civil war, two sides feuding and no true dominance by either side bringing about a change in the stalemate.