View Full Version : Rusty

Sisyphean Paul
01-22-11, 10:05 AM
Name: Rusty
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Age: 18
Height: 6'
Weight: 180 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Light brown, cut short and clean shaven
Occupation: Sword for hire

Personality: Rusty is a somewhat dull individual, having had little 'life experience' outside of the workplace. Nonetheless he is kind, polite, and tolerant -- all traits that, in a way, contribute to his dullness. More than anything, he is a young man in search of something. A strong if not naive sense of justice pervades his behavior, as does his work ethic and the mantra that actions matter more than words. He is the stereotypical ambitious idealist, but he knows it, and in a way, embraces it.

Appearance: The Coronian has an athletic physique and a pleasant face, but his countenance appears perpetually fatigued. There are bags under his eyes that never seem to go away and even his smile, though genuine, can seem weary. That, and the slight hunch he always seems to bear, are juxtaposed by his long, jaunty gait. Rusty wears common clothes in drab colors and generally has his sword sheathed at his waist and shield slung over his shoulder.

History: Along the coast south of Jadet, Rusty grew up in a sizable town that once had the prospects of becoming a prominent Coronian port. The fates of cities are as fickle as that of individuals, however, and conspiring circumstances led to its gradual decline. Prospects for work were dim and much of the population headed north or inland, but Rusty's family stayed put. His father was a shoeshiner catering to the diminishing business class of the city and his mother was a homemaker and informal educator. When he was 12, an outbreak of tuberculosis swept through the port, furthering its decline; his father, who dealt with traders and the like coming ashore, was taken, but fortunately his mother and siblings were spared. Being the oldest, he soon had to find what work was available in order to support the family.

He had little in the way of education while growing up; his mother taught him to read and write, and she did so very well, but his other knowledge is essentially from reading. He was paid little at his various jobs, and if he wasn't sleeping, exercising, or reading, he was working. Much of Rusty's youth was robbed of him, and though he tends not to think about it, that fact still makes him bitter at times.

Not long before he turned 18, a younger brother of his managed to find a valuable job on the waterfront. As the months went on, Rusty could see that his laboring was no longer necessary, even a waste of time. His years of working had lent him nothing valuable except the satisfaction of doing something for his family, and now that role was obsolete. He would not abandon his family, he told them, but it was time for him to leave his city in search of something better.

Swordsman: For a brief time, Rusty trained with the city guard as a prospective recruit. Though the job didn't pan out, he became an average swordsman skilled with the use of a shield. He doesn't know much in the way of technique, but his stamina and athleticism make up for it.

First aid: Rusty knows basic first aid such as splinting a fracture, controlling bleeding, resuscitation techniques, and so forth. His skills are oriented toward stabilization; even injuries he can treat will usually require more qualified care.

Willpower: The young man is not easily bent, whether it is by an orator's rhetoric, a magician's spells, or an exhaustive ordeal. He has 1.5x more endurance than most individuals, and characters experience difficulty relative to their level when penetrating his mind.

Steel sword
Steel shield
Pack with provisions

01-22-11, 01:25 PM
Greetings, and welcome to Althanas!

This looks all in order, but I'd like you to add the following stipulation to Willpower:

1.5X the endurance of most individuals of his race and age bracket.

Not that I assume you'll play it that he's hard as nails and tougher than a golem, but it's to avoid any discrepancies further down the line.

Also, you can add up to three abilities to the profile, unless of course this fits your remit and idea for progression/the story you want to tell, in which case, if you make the above edit, we're good to go and I can unleash you onto the populous immediately :).

Please feel free to PM me with any questions,


Sisyphean Paul
01-24-11, 12:01 AM
Edited, with a few adjustments.

01-25-11, 02:43 PM
With the above kept in mind, you are approved and welcome to Althanas!

01-26-11, 02:16 AM
Opened at member's request for adjustment/re-approval.