View Full Version : I'm going to take what's mine while you're burning inside my light!

The Rake
01-22-11, 02:21 PM
Name: Levi “The Rake” Jacobs
Age: 20
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 135 lbs.
Occupation: Thief Extraordinaire (You heard that Dissinger baby?! I’m coming for your title!)

Appearance: Levi has all the presence of an ambitious person. His black hair is constantly a mess, often citing that brushes are for nobles, and not for thieves. He does however keep his face cleanly shaved with a straight razor, though anyone who asks is often told he uses old “Gitsnik” to do the job. While shorter than the normal guy he makes up for it with the piercing gaze of his eyes, almost as if he could see right through you, though this is often wishful thinking on his part.

Personality: As can be surmised Levi is quite the outgoing person. An extrovert to the extreme he often forces other to join in his crazy antics and leaves then stunned in his wake. Never one to apologize he lives by the words better to beg forgiveness than ask permission. His outgoing lifestyle has often attracted all kinds of attention, both wanted an unwanted. The guard know he’s a thief, or at least that he claims to be one. Though none of them can quite figure out how such a loudmouth could still be in business with the Thief’s guild cutting down on competition.

History: Levi grew up on the streets of Radasanth in the slums. Without much of a choice he turned to the only profitable way to make a living in the city, time honored and polished by the nobility of the town, he stole, a lot. Learning quickly how to misdirect attention while grabbing the goods Levi often found himself getting swatted on the hands, forcing him to become better, faster, stronger. He’s trained and honed himself all his life to prove his worth, and while he has been stealing, he’s so very good. He knows he can’t be caught, and this makes him bolder and bolder with each passing day.

…one wonders how long this wild ride can last.


Gitsnik - An iron short sword of modest quality, Gitsnik was a weapon he picked up off a wandering adventurer when they weren’t looking. He has translated the name countless times and left scratching his head, as the blade means “Idiot slayer”. Made of Iron it’s the weapon of choice when he gets in a bind. (Which is more often than he cares to admit, unless he’s impressing the ladies.)

Thieve’s tools - Comprising of lock picks, wedge and hammer, amongst other items, Levi is well prepared to face the daily tasks of a thief, often for the unscrupulous gain of said thief.

Bandanna - An ordinary cotton bandanna, he often wears it across his face when he’s on a heist, adding to his mystique. He also prays no one gets a good look at his face (unless it happens to be a woman who’s smitten with him) so he can continue his work without those pesky guards getting in the way.


Lock picker - Levi is an expert Lock Picker allowing him to breach most doors in the time it would take someone to fiddle with keys and upon finding the right one use it to unlock a door. (Oftentimes a minute if you wish for a timeframe)

Trap spotter - Levi is adept at spotting traps. In fact one could say he’s learned more often than not from failure than success. Levi knows the best spot to place traps, and can see a con job in regards to trap laying from a mile away with a driving rainstorm blocking his field of vision. (That is to say he’s very good at spotting a trap, not so much the disabling, but that’s another skill anyways.)

Trap breaker - That’s right, Levi has yet to figure out how to actually disable a trap without breaking it. This often leads to several complications as more than one trap has gone off in his face. If a trap has a component that breaking it would set off, invariably that component will go off. However, because he’s so good at breaking them, they often take longer to fix because of his earnest effort in figuring out how the damn thing works.

Polycurse - If there is a language of it, Levi knows how to swear in it. This has gotten him into more than the occasional bar brawl with a dwarf or elf, but is entertaining to see him at work.

How did that one go? - Levi has a bad habit of maiming colloquialisms without meaning to. He might actually know how the phrase goes, but often is too excited or tired to care. This leads to people rightfully saying he’s as dumb as a sack of bricks.


Strength - x.75 of a human
Dexterity - x2 of a human
Constitution - x1 of a human
Wisdom - x.5 of a human
Intelligence - x.5 of a human
Charisma - x1.5 of a human

The Rake
01-25-11, 05:58 PM
I know this is considered bad form, but i am wondering if a mod is going to look at my profile? 72 hours is a long time to go without any further views. Just saying.

01-25-11, 06:45 PM
Good day!

Firstly, two days is usually quick, but please allow up to seven to have your profile considered (though it will be particularly rare for it to take so long in most circumstances).

Secondly, despite the reduction in strength and intelligence and so forth, please lower the dexterity to X2. Triple is phenomenally quick, especially when expressed as a statistic (which can be applied in more circumstances than directly during the use of his rogue skills).

You may also increase the strength or number of your equipment if you so wish, we allow steel at first registration, though this is entirely your preference.

As a side note, the avatar you picked means you look like a clone of Duffy :p.

Make that slight change and we're good to go :)

The Rake
01-25-11, 08:17 PM
Well I had hoped by having sub-par equipment and sub-par stats, I could get away with 3x dex, but it's okay. I'll keep them as is, consider it a defining weakness, every character has to have one?

As for your little comment on my avvie, watch out there, I might prove to be the better rogue. ;)

01-26-11, 01:53 AM
Thank you for your co-operation and welcome (back?) to Althanas!

And maybe, Duffy has turned over a new leaf :p.