View Full Version : You gotta fight to make it through, cause I will be the death of you...

Death's Apprentice
01-22-11, 04:30 PM
Name: Lynura Du’Galle of the House of Erriades
Age: 18 years of age
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 120 lbs.

Appearance: Impeccably dressed Lynura (or Lyn as she is often called by the lesser people) shows her regal upbringing. Often mistaken for a beautiful dimwit Lynura doesn’t know that her somewhat modest yet provocative dress is what has people interested in her. Her hair is kept in a long neat braid behind her back so as to keep it out of her face. It is not hard to mistake her for Nobility, because frankly, she is nobility.

Personality: Lynura is very sheltered in terms of the outside world. Her life revolved around pleasing her parents, presenting herself as the best potential bride for a nobleman, and staying indoors so as not to get dirty. The problems with this is very apparent as she has no concept of how to talk to the “lesser people”. She often acts hostile to anyone she has not deemed a proper suitor, that even broaches the topic of a relationship.

History: Lynura Du’galle of House Erriades is the third cousin to the Steward of Corone Edward Erraides. She grew up being trained and groomed as a diplomat to the royalty of nations. As such she has been given the highest of education and has taken to talking as a noble. Her training has been very pervasive and it is because of this, that she finally found herself on the wrong side of her parents. As potential diplomats to the land of Fallien, they found themselves appalled at her treatment of a few of the delegates from Fallien who has shown up to a local meeting of nobility and royalty.

This in turn caused several complications as her erstwhile parents found themselves fighting to retain the same status they once held.

Figuring that the sheltered life had imposed too much of a stifling on Lynura’s character following the embarrassing incident, they promptly gave her a room for rent in the southern city of Vorsport. Upon moving her impressive collection of clothing and basic necessities to the city, they then gave her a stipend that if rationed correctly would last her for years. However, knowing their daughter was used to the noble life, they knew that it would last her only a few months.

Then, they cut her off.

The letter was succinct in its wording, leaving no way to misinterpret the message. She had to learn a lesson before she could return to the House of Du’galle. She would be removed from the records and stricken of any title or claims to her true heritage. Lynura, was now a commoner and would have to learn how to survive as one. Only then, when she had toiled and earned her way through the world, could she return to the house and relate her tales. Only then, would they even consider her return to the House of Du’galle.

That, was three months ago. Already she has had to resort to selling off much that she brought with her. While it has kept her aloft, she finds herself with a rather meager sum (at least for a noble) and only a few outfits left. Despite all this she holds onto her family’s signet ring, hoping one day to return to them and use it as proof of her claim of blood. Her nobles left after they found her on hard times, her room has since become barren in an effort to continue to pay rent. She is truly a lost child, but she keeps her head high, either out of pride, or out of habit no one knows.


Lynura still retains the following possessions despite her dwindling reserves of money.

1 Formal outfit of somewhat modest dress. (As shown in the Profile picture)
1 Dress for Social occasions
1 Formal outfit more fit for court (Perhaps her most modest as it follows the complete conventions of what modest pertains. Used the least, but kept in case such a need should arise.)
1 iron Rapier (A gift from her teachers more of a ceremonial blade, but kept sharp incase of need for use.)
A set of hair brushes (Used to keep her hair in as good a condition as possible.)
A gold Signet Ring with the Crest of House Du'galle (will not be sold under any circumstance)


Sorceress - Lynura is a sorceress capable of bringing the powers of magic upon others. Having trained in the academy she has used what little power she has to keep some semblance of her regal bearing upon herself. Her skills are almost trivial in regards to her potential, but without a comfortable lifestyle to continue honing and training, she has almost forgotten how to focus herself to cast spells, left with only cantrips and the occasional full fledged spell that she can perform maybe once or twice a day.

Lynura can cast her cantrips endlessly. These Cantrips are always trivial and at most an annoyance to others. They will never become stronger, and they will never amount to more than trivial expenditures of her power.


Clean - With a mere gesture Lynura can clean herself or another person of all dirt and grime. This often has no bearing other than to maintain personal Hygeine, and for obvious reasons is one of the few cantrips she casts on a daily basis. When cast upon a room, it does tidy and straighten it to the caster’s expectations. (This means whatever she deems trash will end up in a waste bin, what she deems dirt and grime is removed from object ect. Ect.)

Spark - A simple cantrip that can light any ignitable surface left unattended. The similar quality of lighting a match and pressing it to the object. By snapping her fingers she can ignite candles, lanterns, or unattended objects. (This means she cannot ignite clothing or other such objects, only something that is not being worn or carried by a person.)

Create Water - Lynura can create as much as a gallon of water, provided she has a container to put it in, or a space big enough to form the full globe of water. Upon releasing the spell, it will spill the water into the container, or over the head of a particularly hot headed victim. (This spell would be the equivalent of dumping a bucket of water into the container or over a person.)

Spells are a bit more difficult, each successive spell tiring Lynura. While she is limited to three spells per day, she may cast a fourth one if she deems the situation dire enough, passing out with the physical exertion of pressing her will upon the forces of Magic.

Shield - By using one of her spells per day, Lynura can erect a shield in front of her reflexively. However, there are requirements to achieve this. First, her arms must be unbound, so as to allow her to hold her hands in front of her. Upon doing so she will utter a quick incantation that will create the shield. If her arms are bound or she has lost use of her voice (either by gag or disease) she cannot create the shield. This shield is roughly the size of a small iron shield and is grasped in the outstretched hand. The shield will last for a number of blows equal to 5 - the opponent's level (character level mind you). If a character is of a higher level than five, they will find that the blow will cut through the shield, or in the case of having struck successive blows will again cleave through cleanly dealing a strike at half strength as they sunder the arcane shield.

Ray of Enfeeblement - This spell is the only truly attack worthy spell. By using this spell, Lynura shoots a ray at the target, causing them to immediately feel their strength sapping. This decreases the opponent’s strength by roughly half, giving those who have greater strength a more even footing. However, this weakness does not last long, roughly one post or a minute, whichever is shorter.

Passive Skills:

Necromancer at Heart - Those who are cognizant of the winds of magic find that Lynura reeks of necromancy. Having dedicated her spell pursuits to this art she could easily find herself outcast if it were found out. Only the teachers at her school, as well as Lynura herself know her chosen field of study.

Diplomacy - Lynura has a silken tongue and is good at talking to those of what she considers equal station. Gifted in the art of Diplomacy Lynura is capable of following every rule of Ettiquette for a variety of cultures, with the obvious exceptions of those who are more “barbaric’. Dwarven culture, Fallien Culture, and Alerar all elude her, as she finds these cultures base, and as such cannot overcome her own prejudices to talk to these people with anything less than disdain.

Polyglot - Lynura is capable of reading, writing, and speaking every active language in Althanas, from lowly tradespeak, to the highest Elven language. If the language is “alive” (currently active) she at least knows the base dialect and can do literal translations, with a few of the more prominent colloquialisms beings known as well.

Coronian Law - Having been trained as a diplomat and a noble, Lynura is capable of reciting most if not all the common law of Corone. This allows her a bit of freedom, as she is absolutely certain of her actions in her home country. However, in other countries she is often more reserved, having no knowledge of criminal behavior.

Empath - Lynura has been trained to pick up on emotional non-verbal cues. This allows her to figure out people’s desires, but offers her little more than that. When talking to someone for an extended period of time (two posts minimum) she can figure out at least one hidden secret in relation to the conversation in question. (This means she can devise someone who lies and has no skill at lying. This doesn’t mean she will figure out your deepest darkest secrets in two posts, just how truthful and forthcoming you are being about the current conversation.)

Rapier - Lynura has trained in the rapier from an early age, allowing her an almost casual use of it. However, this is only in formal dueling, and unconventional styles might surprise her.


Strength - x.75
Dexterity - x1.25
Constitution - x1
Wisdom - x.5
Intelligence - x2
Charisma - x.5

01-23-11, 09:09 PM
This is a neat character... if you're interested, send a private message to my account The Sweetest Thing at some point, the two would have a cool chemistry.

On to the grouchy stuff.

You have too many abilities for level 0. Owing to the unique nature of the spells and cantrips and the limitations you've placed on them I will be lenient, but at least a few of them need to go, or be significantly modified. I cannot approve "shield" until it has some sort of description beyond what she does to create it. Preferably details as to how much of her it protects and how strong an attack would have to be to break through. Aside from that I'll leave the changes up to you, but as a rough guide I'm willing to give you the 3 cantrips as one "ability" and two of your spells, but one of them needs to be significantly toned down.

As far as your "stats" go, they won't effect your approval because as far as I'm concerned the specifications of strength and dexterity would be assumed for an athletic human her size, and balance each other besides. "Constitution" is a term that does not really have a place in an Althanas profile. If it were anything other than 1x you'd need to specify exactly what it means. Also the values for wisdom, intelligence, and charisma mean nothing because the style of your writing is what determines those things about your character. We don't roll dice here, so you don't need to put numbers on those. Honestly I'ld like you to take the stats out, but that's just my preference so you're not obligated.

Death's Apprentice
01-25-11, 11:16 AM
Well then, let's get to work then, shall we?

1) Took out Dispel Death, if a spell that stabilizes the target is going to cause problems this early in the game, better to be rid of it than have to worry.

2) Shield is now drastically different. I was going for a Mystic Protection feel such as from Twincast or Silence Sei, without a secondary effect, but it appears I was off the mark on that one. It has been changed drastically and should meet the prerequisites you set down.

01-25-11, 11:44 AM
Hmm, well, this is fine now. I'm not sure what "problems" you're talking about, but if I made sure I understood everyone who comes through here this job would never end.

Noticed a few other things that merit mentioning on my third read through. Despite the way you described "empath" you will still be subject to regular powergaming rules. Which means if Lynura talks to someone for two posts and picks up on specific facial or body language cues which lead to her figuring something out, that's okay. But if she simply interacts with a person and divines their intention, you're likely to get a lowered score. Also keep in mind that if casting 4 spells a day makes her pass out, then casting each individual spell should logically sap about a quarter of her energy.

Look good though, as I said originally. You are approved.