View Full Version : Hippie's, Zippo's, and Northern Lights.

Amber Eyes
01-22-11, 07:55 PM
Kyla took careful steps through the deep snow. Her hair was stiff from the product in it freezing over. It was incredibly dark and from what the locals claimed had been for weeks now. It was a strange land they stood in, and there were some arguments from the group about what the place was called. Names such as Canada and Alaska were brought up, somewhat had even mentioned a Georgia. The words were all foreign to the mystic and she did not enjoy the way they sounded when she tried the pronunciation on her lips. She had no idea how the group had gotten to this place, but there they stood. Several members of the knights and some others, in an unknown land. The 'northern lights' as someone had said shot into the sky and took Kyla's breath away. This mysterious land held so many wonders and while it scared the girl she could not quite make herself believe she was trully ready to go just yet.

"Sei, which way should we be going?" She turned and stared into the elder mystics blue eyes. "Everything looks the same."

Silence Sei
01-22-11, 08:18 PM
Kyla's words had fallen on deaf ears. Sei was too busy looking up, watching the various greens and blues wave across the sky in a dance of beauty. There were very few things that would stop the telepath dead in his tracks, but the way the sky appeared tonight was indeed one of them. Kyla had to tap her father on the shoulder in order to get him focused once more. The mute shook his head and looked around, trying to gaing some bearing of his surroundings.

"Is this Salvar? Or maybe Berevar? All I can see is snow..." Sei thought his querires aloud in order to give the rest of the group some insight to his thought process. The area did not resemble Salvar because Sei could not see any mountains, nor did it looks like Berevar due to not seeing any forests. Indeed, the powder that engulfed the party was all that was visible.

Shrugging his shoulders, Sei took several steps through the snow, listening to the crunching sounds beneath his heel. He felt himself sink a little with each step. As he walked, he could hear a sound like that of a woman screaming (http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nD5SxGlgZ1Q). The sudden shrill cries caused the Mystic to pick up his pace. However, in the dense nothingness of the snow, it became nearly impossible to determine where the sound had even came from. Sei turned to his comrades quickly, eyebrows raised.

"Does anybody know how we can find out where we even are?!"