View Full Version : Washed Ashore

01-22-11, 08:49 PM
((Closed to Sei and the rest of the knights))

It was early in the morning when a knock came at the heavy wooden door of the guard house at the edge of Radasanth. With a grunt the armored guard at the desk snuffed his hand rolled cigarette out in the tin ash tray and got up from his seat. Casually he walked across the stone floor and opened the door and, upon seeing who was there, immediately jumped to attention.

Standing before the man was the head of his battalion, Sargent Remus Demur. Earlier that morning Sargent Demur had received a report saying that a man had been found washed up on the shore near the inlet of the Niema River by one of his men on a routine patrol of the area. The man was lying, unconscious and barely alive in an old boat boat and, upon further inspection of his body and items present, had been deemed a pirate. However while such evidence was thin at best but the man had proven rather uncooperative with any form of questioning so they'd decided to detain him until necessary actions could be decided.

“At ease,” commanded Remus.

“Sir,” responded the young guard like any obedient soldier would “you're here about the prisoner aren't you?”

“I am,” responded the Sargent “where is the man who wrote the report?”

“That would be me sir.”

“Good. Now you said in your report you found several items on this man, show me them.”

“Yes sir.”

The younger guard led his commanding officer into another room where equipment such as weapons and armor were generally stored. However, the room served another purpose. It was not uncommon for it to be used as an evidence locker of sorts in on the occasions when the guard house had a special guest and in this particular instance on this particular day it had been expected that the items of the house's particular new guest would be inspected and thus preparations had been made well ahead of time.

Laid out on a plane metal table in the center of the room were the items that had been found on the prisoner and inside his old life boat. Two maps, a sextant, a compass, a cutlass, a knife, a heavily damaged flint lock pistol, a leather sack and a beat up steel canteen that had been partially filled with sea water when it was found. All were laid out neatly upon the table waiting to be examined and Sargent Demur did exactly that, carefully and methodically picking up each piece of equipment and examining it. Once he was satisfied he turned back to the younger guard.

“Is this everything?”

“Yes sir.”

“What condition was the man in when you found him?”

“He was barely conscious, likely from severe dehydration. We guess that he'd been drifting at sea for days, maybe even weeks. Kept muttering the name Sei Orlouge. At first we thought he was just delusional, perhaps even ill but even after he regained consciousness and we had a local medic look him over and confirm him to be in relatively good health he still kept asking for Sei.”

“Aside from the mentioning Sei's name did you notice anything else strange about the man?” asked the Sargent.

“Yes sir. He smelled strongly of blood and gun powder and had several minor wounds though nothing major. We suspect he was involved in some sort of large conflict prior to his arrival here.”

“What about any markings?”

“Aside from a bunch scrapes and scars only one sir. He has a detailed skull and crossbones tattoo on the right side of his neck.”

“I see. Could you get a name from him.”

“No sir.”

“What about any information regarding who he might be or how he got here?”

“Negative. Any time we ask him anything he simply responds with a number of vulgarities. With your permission we could interrogate him.”

“No, I don't think that will be necessary. I know the name Sei Orlouge. The man leads a camp a of vigilantes in the northern part of the Concordia forest. Perhaps he can shed some light on our mystery man. I'll send courier to him requesting his presence until then, don't do anything with our prisoner until you receive further orders.”

“Yes sir.”

Silence Sei
01-22-11, 10:28 PM
"So, Sei," the gentle voice of Tracer the Sniper, trainer of the archers of the Ixian Knights spoke while skimming his eyes through the letter, "Message just came from you from the Corone Guard."

"Odd," The mute commented, walking through the halls with Tracer trailing behind, overseeing all the day-to-days of the rest of the castle. "What does it say."

"You know them, always prim and proper about everything. They say they have a man who washed up on the coast in custody. Keeps demanding to talk to you, and from the equipment, their best guess is that he's a pirate of some sort." The archer looked up just in time to duck one of the makeshift projectiles Jensen Ambrose was hurling at William Arcus. "What should we tell them?"

Sei stopped for a moment to think. From Tracer's summary of the note, it would have seemed as though the guard had detained Victory 'Lucky' Raider. The pirate was once a friend of Sei's and leader of a group of swashbucklers that managed to raid towns without shedding a single drop of blood. Yet, all the evidence up until now had pointed towards Lucky turning to the side of evil, even sinking so low as to send his right hand man, Aquath, after William Arcus several times.

"Prep Misery, and let anybody who wants to come along know that we're leaving in a few minutes..."


Thanks to Misery, a creature that could teleport any member of the Ixian Knights to various locations around Althanas, Sei was in front of the Corone Guard offices. He had not stopped to pay attention to who had or had not joined him. All he cared about was finding this man, whom he presumed to be Lucky Raider.

Of course, once he was ushered in, and rather hastily, towards a man who looked like anything but the clean cut, well spoken pirate, Sei was taken aback. The telepath looked to this strange sailor with a quirked eyebrow, moving his lips along with his telepathic message as if to truly 'speak' to him.

"My name is Sei Orlouge. I've heard you've been searching for me. How can I help you, Mister...?"

01-23-11, 02:31 PM
Dmitri was asleep while the guards talked, just like he had been for the majority of the time he'd been held in that cell. After having spent days at sea fighting the elements off the coast of Corone even the toughest of sailors would need to rest and since there was nothing else to really do while in captivity Dmitri slept. He slept and dreamed.

This time he dreamed he was trapped in a cage surrounded by the ocean. On either side of him there were two identical marble statues on either side of the cage. The marble of the statures, though withered and scared from what looked like years of wear and tear still shinned brightly. Their nine arms all held a different weapon and their mouthless faces all looked directly at him. At the base of one statue was plate that said “Sei” in golden letters and predictably at the base of the other was an identical plate that said “Orlouge”.

Suddenly a ray of sunshine split through the sky and a gong sounded from the statues just in time for Dmitri to hear the foot booted footsteps coming echoing off the stone walls of the hallway that led to his cell. The Salvarian pirate made sat up in the paper then mat on the floor that served as his bed and looked towards his cell bars with disdain. He expected more guards, more idiotic authority figures ready to ask him questions that he'd rather die than answer. What he got was something different.

Instead of the usual armed guard another man, one Dmitri reckoned was about the same age as him, with orange hair and a more regal glow about him than the usual kid fresh out of recruit training. The man didn't wear a guard's uniform or any sort of uniform that Dmitri recognized for that matter. The pirate didn't understand why but something in his gut told him the man was important and Dmitri's gut was almost never wrong.

Then the voice came from seemingly nowhere booming in his head even though the orange haired man's lips never seemed to move and Dmitri jumped from his seat.

“Fuckin' magic types,” he cursed with surprise before the man's words dawned on him.

“So you're mysterious Sei Orlouge I keep on dreamin' about eh?” said Dmitri as he moved as close to the bars as he could with out actually pressing up against them. “Glad to know you're real after all and I ain't just losin' my mind. The name's Dmitri Slovak and for some your fuckin' name keeps popping into my fuckin' head.”

Silence Sei
01-28-11, 11:45 AM
Sei looked at the rather vulgar man as he spoke his mind to the Ixian leader. The mute casually let the stranger finish before he began to speak. several images slipped into the telepath's head as he ever so slightly probed the mind of the man before him. The guards were right in assuming he had been a pirate, but how he had wound up in this condition was a mystery even to Dmitri. Sei looked around the room, noting any surveillance that could be taking place here, and nodded to the man.

"I will get you out of here, but I have a few conditions." Sei rubbed his thumb and index finger together as a nervous habit, thinking of how this man could be of use to him. "You will come work for me, under the guidance of one of my men. We will get you back on your feet and fighting in no time. Keep in mind, that due to the nature of how I plan to get you out, you will technically remain in custody while working for me."

Sei walked around the room, occasionally probing Dmitri's mind for any weaknesses, any black boxes he might be trying to hide from the Dragon of Drantrak. Jomil's Touch ever so slightly dragged across the tile floor while Sei sized up the prisoner.

"While you're working, you won't be confined to your cell, which will be a plus. Prove yourself trust worthy enough to earn the right for free travel around the castle, and I will make it so. If you can agree to these terms, I will go talk to the guards outside about your release. If not, then I'll simply allow you to stay here. I shall assume, though, that you would wish to have some semblance of freedom." Sei took one of his battle fans off of his person and opened it, covering his face with the weapon as several famous strategists did in order to show their superiority. He would wait for Dmitri's answer before returning to the guards.

01-28-11, 02:30 PM
Dmitri shuddered a bit as sigh spoke into his mind. He could almost feel the man inside his head by way of some mysterious magics and he didn't like it. It wasn't right. The superstitious pirate always felt that a man's thoughts should be the one thing no other man should ever be able to touch.

Still despite his feelings towards Sei's rather unusual way of speaking Dmitri listened. After all, what else was he to do? Dmitri didn't necessarily like the idea of working for a group he knew nothing about. What if they made him turn over a new leaf or make an honest living? He knew how to follow orders that was no problem as long as he liked what those orders were making him do. On the other hand once they found out why he was washed ashore and stinking of blood and gun powder they'd probably hang him so being one of Sei's merry men was probably the lesser of the two evils.

“Aye, it ain't right for a man to remain locked up like an animal. Ya got yourself a deal,” said Dmitri.

He wanted to add “If ya screw me I'll gut ya,” but he had a feeling he was in no position to make such remarks especially if his dreams of late were to be believed so instead he added nothing.

Silence Sei
01-29-11, 08:36 PM
He nodded to the prisoner, a smile formed on his face. He slowly walked around the room, placing one of his pale hands upon the shoulder of Dmitri. The man would feel a slight tinge in his head, like a headache forming and then disappearing. The mute released his grip of the pirate, and left the room to talk with the guards.

They were at the door by the time Sei had closed it. The mute looked to the soldiers with a slight nod.

"Thank you men for taking such good care of the prisoner. He will be my responsibility from this point on, if you do not mind. Anything he does now, I shoulder the responsibility." The mute smiled as politely as he could to the duo, moving the battle fan back over his face.

"But sir," one of the men said, "There are protoca---"

The officer had been swiftly elbowed in the ribs by one of his superiors. Whether this action had been taken out of fear of Sei Orlouge, or respect remained to be seen.

"Certainly, sir. That would take a burden off of our hands. We'll even pretend like we had not found him to begin with."

"That would, perhaps, be for the best," Sei commented as the large plant beast known as Misery entered the building. Several gasps from the people sitting around caused the monster to jerk a little bit out of fear. However, the swift hand of Sei was there, patting the creature on the back and leading him into Dmitri's cell.

Sei entered first, leading the strange beast in. Misery had an odd look about him. A sewn up, horizontal venus fly trap for a mouth, a body covered with moss, and arms that looked like they were made of seaweed. Despite the odd appearance of the creature, it wafted its sweet scent of sunflowers in the room. Sei walked over to Dmitri, making sure the guards had unsecured him while he had been guiding the transport in.

"Mister Slovak, this is Misery. Misery, this is Dmitri Slovak. He will be part of Mister Bracken's team, do you understand." The beast tilted its head towards the former prisoner at first before slowly nodding, Sei returned the gesture before looking at his newest recruit. "Now, Misery is a little jumpy around new people, so I'd like to ask you to approach us, albeit carefully, and we'll be off to Ixian Castle...."