View Full Version : Looking for a partner or two for a Fallien quests

Josef ben Loewe
01-24-11, 06:09 PM
Yes, I'm talking about Fallien, the most interesting and overlooked region ever created! ;)

I'm looking for one or maybe two partners two go on some Fallien quests. I'm especially interested in the il'Jhain quest series concerning the rivalry among Fallien's three messenger factions. Since my character already met the il’Arkmanham faction I am planning to work for them and hopefully become accepted as a full member of the Fallien xenophobic society.

Any other similar Fallien quests are fine too, though, so if you have an idea I'm all ears.

So, who's interested? :)

Visla Eraclaire
01-24-11, 06:43 PM
Pleased to see you're back. If I find the time, I may cook up a way to involve myself in this. I'm not sure why Visla would leave her Barony at this point, but I could send an emissary or something for the hell of it.

Or use my worthless alt.

Josef ben Loewe
01-24-11, 07:50 PM
He Vis! Nice to see you again :). It's great to see how far you've evolved your character! I loved the transition of a shadow magic artist to a completely defenseless Visla protected by her succubus, and it thrills me to see that you've made yet another change.

Though an inspiring place, Fallien can be a bit hard to RP in if your character doesn't have the necessary connection to it. Perhaps my main character (Sin) would be a more appropriate writing character for Visla seeing as they share a 'passion' for demonology. I'm thinking about traveling through hell with him, based on medieval's best book called La Divina Commedia from Dante. If you haven't read it you really should, and then go to hell together with Thomas ;).

But more on-topic: I'm not quite familiar anymore with your character's current way of life, but if you could find a way to pay a visit to Fallien then you're more then welcome!

Visla Eraclaire
01-24-11, 07:58 PM
Sounds good. I'm quite busy with work these days anyway (about 12 hour workdays during the week), so perhaps I'll just wait and take a look at your other character. I have a new thread coming out soon that might have a place for him. I'll keep an eye out for you.

Josef ben Loewe
01-24-11, 08:00 PM
Sounds good! We'll keep in touch.

In the mean while, are there any other interested players?

Jack Frost
01-24-11, 09:25 PM
I have a countless multitudes of alts that I could use, or perhaps I would make one to simply test the waters in this new region. I'm relatively new, and so far all I've done is screw around in Corone, primarily Underwood, Jadet, and Radasanth. I could use the experience of role playing in another region. Give me a bit and let me see what I can gather and get back to you on it.

Ganlon Martel
01-25-11, 03:04 PM
I am a newer player. Myself and blackdog1 " Milo" are currently writing in concordia trying to get to Fallien to find a demon who wants to kill my character. I am interested in going to the city ruins to look there. I would like to write with the Sin eater.

The Sin Eater
01-26-11, 03:26 PM
I have a countless multitudes of alts that I could use, or perhaps I would make one to simply test the waters in this new region. I'm relatively new, and so far all I've done is screw around in Corone, primarily Underwood, Jadet, and Radasanth. I could use the experience of role playing in another region. Give me a bit and let me see what I can gather and get back to you on it.
Well, I'm interested in doing il'Jhain missions (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?19554-Missions-From-il-Jhain-Abdos), especially for the il’Arkmanham.
It's centered around mail delivery, but it can be a lot more epic then that :P. Basically, it can be anything from route spying, raiding, exploration, guarding, investigating, actual delivery and any combination of those. So let me know what you are interested in!
Btw, we can just have you meet Josef while he's doing a mission from which point we'll help/fight each other or something like that.

@Ganlon, you're more then welcome to join! However, I do intend to write with Josef as I practically made him specifically for Fallien.

EDIT: Oops, wrong char.