View Full Version : Dance with the Devil

Death's Apprentice
01-25-11, 02:11 PM
(Closed to everyone but members of Phoenix Ascendant)


It felt as if a full symphony orchestra had decided all at once to blare their music at a triple forte within her head. Everything bounced inside her skull, echoing repeatedly, only to collect more and more noise until this cacophony of sound finally dimmed to tolerable levels. Lynura winced softly upon the floor, dress disheveled and perhaps filled with the occasional odious stain of some alcoholic beverage. She had no recollection of the previous evening, only a smattering of understanding that she had entered the tavern after waking up the previous morning. She had no plans, and had wandered Vorsport looking for some way to rectify her current situation. The answer had not been forthcoming, and so she had entered the bar.

She vaguely recalled they had rooms, though if they did, she was unaware of them, for she was upon the floor, in the midst of a pile of others. Perhaps it was common courtesy to throw drunks into a pile upon the floor, but hearing the grumbling and groans of others in the pile began to show the lack of care in doing so. She felt the pain of being pressed upon by more than her fair share of the drunkards. Apparently she had been one of the first to pass out from drink.

In her mind she committed to never getting that drunk again.

The sounds of footsteps scraping on the floor caused her to wince as the symphony again blared into her head. Even the softest of sounds seemed to have been amplified by the alcohol she had consumed. She began to question her sanity in just why she had that much to drink. Perhaps it was one of the other barflies giving her attention, perhaps it was to escape the pain of being rejected by her own parents. She would have to deal with that later. In the interim she had to get out of the pile of flesh, muscle, and bone.

Pressing up proved to be problematic, as she could not even lift herself an inch. The worn wood of the tavern creaking from the attempt and causing her to collapse with a groan in relation to the pain now hammering her head. She could have sworn someone had accosted her with how much she was in pain. The footsteps mercifully came silent as the group of people began to recover. That was, until the low gruff voice rang through their heads, “’mornin.”

Lynura winced in agony from the casual greeting of the voice, even as a few of the other people in the pile echoed her pain. One managed a plea for quiet, much to the other’s chagrin as that too echoed in their heads. Everyone slowly rolled until the pile had managed to sort itself out into four people, laying upon the ground. Lynura sat up only to clutch her head in pain, as the blood flowed from her head and caused such a feeling of light-headedness that she gasp in shock. The young noble groaned softly from the new bout of pain that assaulted her before the voice gave a soft sigh.

“Seems you folk got yourselves into a bit of a mess last night. I’m just going to cut to the chase, you guys have a tab to pay up. When you’ve got your head on straight, feel free to come over to the bar to discuss payment,” The gruff voice said. Lynura ventured an open eye again, only to shut it as the bright light of day assaulted her senses. She groaned again and nodded, almost sensing the others doing much the same thing before the barkeep spoke up, “Oh, your stuff’s in the back, don’t worry you weren’t robbed.”

Lynura hadn’t even thought about that small fact. She had been exposed for a night. Did she lose anything? Was she taken advantage of? She couldn’t say, only that she had been dumped on the floor, like so much refuse and her things taken for safe keeping. She would of course have to talk to this tender about payment, and mentally hoped it wasn’t enough to put rent in jeopardy, she was fast running out of things to sell to make ends meet anymore. Though that line of thought had taken her longer than most of her would-be room mates took to finally manage to stand.

The Rake
01-26-11, 03:21 PM
Sitting at the bar, still hung over from passing out and being dumped in the corner, sat Levi. He was talking to the other two gentlemen, the three of them having been sharing stories last night and he was trying to finish up his story, but with the confusion of alcohol and blacking out, he wasn’t quite sure where he left off. The conversation was going well as far as Levi was concerned, his audience was buying it hook line and sinker.

“Look dude, it’s obvious you never have been to Dunland. If you really rescued a princess why the hell is your name Levi, when you kept referring to yourself as Sheex?”

Yup, bought it hook line and sinker…I’m awesome.

“I think you got it from a book dude!” The other one challenged as the tavern owner was flipping through a small box filled with small cards. Each one apparently was the tab of a customer. Eventually he nodded grabbing a handful of the cards before he started coming over.

“Ha! There is no way I stole that from a book!” Levi said pointing his finger at his accuser. The man frowned even as the tavern owner, a heavy set man who had a shining bald head began his trek over to the three men sitting at the bar. The young woman had finally managed to get her feet under her, and was beginning the dizzying process of heading to the bar.

“Just how do you figure that?” Levi’s erstwhile listener said.

“Because I don’t know how to read,” Levi replied smugly, arms crossed in an attempt to show pride and superiority in the situation.

The tender then looked at the three before he slapped down one card between the two men and spoke, “I put you two together, you came in together I figure you’ll leave together, better you two work out who owes what. As for the illiterate one…” half of the small stack of cards were flipped up in front of him he then spoke, “What does that say.”

Levi gulped as he carefully looked over the cards before he looked in his pouch and back at the cards, “That I owe you more money in Radasanth…”

“Looks like you can read, by the way, I took my book back, next time you want to steal a story for yourself don’t base it off of Sheex Deltin’s stories, they’re a bit more well known than you give the wanderer credit for,” The tavern owner then sighed before he looked upon the woman who stumbled into a seat, “You are a lightweight ma’am, if I do say so myself.”

“I think I would have to agree with you, both of you…” The woman said, as she looked sickly about the bar. The tender sighed before he whistled for one of the tavern wenches to grab the girl and help her to the rain barrel outside.

Levi looked once more at the tab before he spoke up, “I don’t, I don’t think anyone could pay a tab this big.”

“Hers wasn’t much better. We’ll talk payment in a second I got a couple more louses like you I gotta round up,” the owner said as he muttered about deadbeats, wandering off to the back area with a dirty rag over his shoulder.