View Full Version : Skogul Tyrsdottir

01-26-11, 02:16 AM
Name: Skogul Tyrsdottir
Age: 24
Race: Half-direling
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Height: 6’3”
Weight: 170 lbs.

Occupation: Apprentice Blacksmith


Skogul is stoic. She is unlikely to express any emotion save anger, which burns slow in her until violently released. She is otherwise unreadable, seeming at most times impenetrably cold and grim. She values strength and disdains weakness and, as such, nothing terrifies her more than being - or seeming - incapable. It is easy to mistake that fear for arrogance or aloofness, though she does possess those traits as well.


Tall, physically fit and muscular, beautiful and severe – beside a human man Skogul seems a woman of exaggerated Amazonian proportions, but beside a direling woman she seems lean, short, and reedy. Like her sister, Skogul is a woman of two races and, as such, fits in with neither.

She is blonde, strikingly so, her hair intensely gold in contrast to the white of her sister’s. Her skin, likewise, is pale honey rather than stark snow, but lacks none of the clearness direling women are famous for. Her eyes are wide-spaced, large, and intense, and their color is easy to compare to northern seas. Her lips are thick and dark-colored, her jaw strong but subtly angled.

She favors leather clothing and is never far from a weapon of some description. She has a tendency to glare, and one counts himself lucky if he’s seen her smile.


Blacksmith (Apprentice): Skogul has been apprenticed to a blacksmith of some skill since the age of fourteen, and has some experience in the crafting of basic metal instruments. Though her passion is obviously the forging of weapons and armor, a majority of her time has been spent on benign tools, utensils, decorative items, fixtures, and so on. She knows her way around the hammer and anvil, but she is only capable of turning out the most rudimentary weapons and armor. Her experience is limited to iron.

Basic Combat: Skogul has picked up a great many things concerning armed warfare, from a multitude of sources. As a blacksmith she has been taught what makes a good weapon favorable and why, which in turn gave her some idea of the mechanics of skilled combat. Furthermore she has been put to the test on occasion, being overeager to defend herself and her family from all perceived threats. Still, she depends on raw fury, speed, and her considerable might over skill, talent, or training to win fights.
Pragmatic Linguistics: Skogul can communicate fluently in Tradespeak and a number of Salvic dialects native to the area where she was raised. In addition, her mother taught her the language of the direlings, and she knows enough of the dwarfish tongue to do business.

Steel Will: Skogul is intensely focused on becoming an ideal – not just the ideal woman, but the ideal direling. Though she is certainly capable of fear, (being able to feel pain and caring for her family and herself) she does not become daunted. If she cannot do it, she will happily die trying.

Flyting: A favorite pastime of Skogul’s mother and sister is the ancient northern practice of flyting – essentially arguing and throwing insults in poem form. Skogul’s family is of fantastic skill. Skogul, much to her eternal chagrin, is not.


Direling: Though it has been the source of endless strife for them, Tyr’s daughters were also blessed by their father and his heritage. As a half-direling, Skogul is of course larger and stronger than a normal human woman. In addition, she is highly resistant to the frigid climes she and her kind call home: she is immune to afflictions like hyperthermia and frostbite. Her senses of hearing and smell are marginally better than that of a human being.

Furious Strength: Owing to her habits, profession, and race, Skogul is twice as strong as a human man of her height and weight.

Leap: Direlings are renowned for their ability to throw themselves bodily across great distances between mountain passes. It would seem that this ability is at least party genetic: Skogul can clear a distance of nearly twenty feet with a slight running start, and can throw herself up to twelve feet in the air from a crouch.


Direling: As a result of being half direling, Skogul is afflicted with certain weaknesses. Foremost of these is an intolerance of heat, despite her being accustomed to work in front of a hot forge. She would require a great deal more water than the average human to bear even a hot summer day in most countries. Temperatures constantly exceeding one hundred degrees would likely prove fatal to her with but a few hours of exposure. Furthermore, her eyesight is marginally poorer than that of a normal human being.

Untouched: Quite unlike her sister, Skogul and arcane mysteries do not mix. Basic spell-craft done in her presence will afflict her with progressively worsening vertigo as the spells grow more powerful. A full ritual would likely render her unconscious. Spells directly cast upon her are extremely effective: if successful, the spell will behave as if it originated from a caster two levels higher. These ill effects persist whether the caster is friend or foe. Note that arcane energies must be summoned up and manipulated for these ill effects to occur.


Hammer: Skogul has been entrusted with her master’s steel blacksmithing hammer. It is a fair bit larger and heavier than most, and she is exceedingly familiar with its heft and swing.

Seax: Skogul carries a long iron knife at all times. The hilt is carved from a bear’s jawbone. It is more a cutting tool than a weapon, but it will do in a pinch if necessary.

Iron Two-Hander: A crude, heavy sword Skogul forged for herself from leftover scrap metal collected over the years of her apprenticeship. The blade is strapped naked to her back when carried, as she does not own and cannot afford a sheath for it.


Skogul has heard the story told so many times from so many different sources that she isn’t quite sure what the full truth of it is. What is sure is that her father was a direling warrior and her mother human, and that her mother cuckolded a human noble. Twin girls were the result, neither fully human nor fully direling, and thus straddling two worlds but belonging in neither.

Skogul has lived amongst humans as long as she can remember, and for what seems an equal amount of time she has been outcast. While Frølich, the elder of the twins, sought refuge in the wilds, Skogul placed herself squarely within the human society that shunned her. In time her stubborn refusal to disappear or step aside earned her an apprenticeship at the poorest of the town’s smithies, where she nonetheless received fine training.

Now adults, Tyr’s daughters are figures of some prominence in their community, but they are certainly not loved. Though she is not blessed with the second sight her sister enjoys, it becomes increasingly clear to Skogul that events will soon come to a head, and no favorable result seems likely.

01-26-11, 10:09 AM
I'm not going to make you put any restrictions on, but please keep in mind that leaping 12 feet straight in the air or even just using her massive strength should tire this character out quickly due to her average endurance. Approved.