View Full Version : Cecil Lancaster

01-31-11, 05:49 PM
Name: Cecil Lancaster
Race: Human / Inferno
Age: 24
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 200 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Charcoal Black
Occupation: Mercenary
Familiar: Rosa

Personality: Within his 24 years of life Cecil has become suspicious of everyone and everything. Every offer that crosses his path is taken with a grain of salt, or an entire salt shaker. He refuses to believe in good intentions and rarely allows a person to get close enough to prove him wrong. When it comes to being hired for a job Cecil becomes loyal to his employer. As long as the money is put forth, Cecil would put his life on the line to complete the job despite the intentions of his employer. Within Cecil’s world, money talks volumes.

Appearance: Cecil appears to be like any normal human. His hair remains short and tussled look. His body is rather built and chiseled due to his line of work. His most noticeable features include a red scar which runs down his left cheek. Also, his eyes appear to be charcoal black with a smoldering red iris if one gets close enough to focus upon his eyes. Cecil wears a simple grey jacket with black pants. Apart from these physical appearances he appears to be human despite the inferno within him.

Swordsmanship: Cecil has average ability within the realm of using a sword. His specialty is with short swords but he is also capable of using daggers and longer swords, although his skill drops to beginner if he is forced to use these weapons.

Tracking: Through working for numerous employers Cecil has become a slightly below average tracker when it comes to animals. He is capable of finding tracks, signs of nesting, and other trails left behind by both wild and captive animals. In regards to tracking a human Cecil is still a beginner. He can find tracks but often becomes confused when following the signs and can be mislead if the person he is tracking is capable of deceiving his senses.

Bowman-ship: Cecil is easily a beginner with his bow. He has begun to learn this skill in hopes that it will help him with some contracts offered to him as a mercenary. As of now the bow does very little at great distance but can be used at a moderate range although he is unsure where the arrow will strike in many cases. He also has become considerably good at combining tracking along with his bow to hunt for food in the wild.

Magic: Cecil is unskilled in the art of magic. Although he has expressed some interest in the field.


Steel Short Sword: A simple steel sword. It has been Cecil’s most trusted weapon and has often depended upon it when in a tight spot. The hilt is wrapped in leather for additional grip.

Oak Short Bow: Once again a simply fashioned weapon which Cecil uses to accomplish his clients mission as well as defend himself. As well as the bow, Cecil has a quiver with 15 Oak crafter arrows.

Hide Layered Jacket: Within his simple grey jacket is a lining of deer hide which offers minimal protection to piercing. It may stop a fatal arrow or a deep stab from claiming his life. However, for the most part it offers warmth during the darkest nights.

Rosa: Rose is a small pixie which gives off a blue glow. She often remains out of sight from the public but may show herself if Cecil calls upon her. She is also the secret to containing the Inferno within Cecil although he is currently unknowing of the darkness which exists within his very soul. She has no abilities which aid Cecil but is rather a companion to him which offers her intellect and company.


Although for the most part Cecil has very little knowledge of his past his companion Rosa is the one who remembers it quite well. Being a small lovable pixie which Cecil treasures is just a minor roll which Rosa plays within the life of Cecil Lancaster.

Within the first years of Cecil’s life he existed within a hidden city known only to those of Cecil’s clans of infernos. The Inferno is a relentless being which grows stronger off of others pain and controls powerful dark magic. They are full of hatred, malice, and greed to acquire more power. Within Cecil’s clan he was one of those young up and comers who had great promise to lead the Infernos into a war with the mortal world. One which would leave the fields of Althanas burnt and charred. This however is when the small Pixie Rosa comes into play.

Realizing Cecil was becoming a strong entity of the clan, a fellow youngster named Kuja began to move against Cecil. He knew that Cecil was becoming a favored member of the elder Infernos and soon would gain a prestigious ranking within the community and would therefore surpass him forever leaving Kuja as a simple officer in the Inferno military. This is when the confrontations began. Within the first few instances it revolved around sparring ‘accidents’ which would leave either Kuja or Cecil injured and in the infirmary. This sprouted and became more malicious until Kuja plotted his final assault upon Cecil, one which would lead to the death of the latter.

Luring the young prodigy out into the wilderness. Away from the eyes and ears of those who normally followed Cecil. Kuja had him convinced they were going after a creature which had killed an inferno the previous day, despite the fact that it was indeed Kuja who had killed the young inferno to set the bait. Once away from the watchful eyes of the elders Kuja launched his assault on Cecil, landing a near fatal blow. The slash remains a mark of Cecil’s past, etched across his face like an angry fissure.

Recovering and fending off Kuja, Cecil fought for his life while attempting to reign in his fellow Inferno. Realizes it was impossible, Cecil landed a deadly blow, lodging his sword deep in Kuja’s abdomen. The fellow Inferno dropped to his knees, blood seeping from his mouth and eyes glazing over as his spirit began to leave him. Shaking, Cecil looked down upon his dying friend and in this moment the Inferno felt regret, a feeling which cracked his inner spirit.

Feeling the disturbance, Rosa focused on the source and soon found Cecil on his knees in front of the dead body. Feeling his pain, and a chance to change the Inferno the Pixie sealed the darkness in his heart through a binding spell. The spell bound Cecil to Rosa and with this spell, Rosa also sealed Cecil’s memories, leaving the Inferno forever forgetful of his past. The elders have not forgotten him and search for their prodigy and will stop at nothing to unseal the spells cast by the pixie.

02-01-11, 04:18 PM
Cool beans. Cool beans? Coolcoolcool beans.
