View Full Version : Three more people for a boss battle

01-31-11, 07:47 PM
The boss battle feature looks interesting. Anyone want to join me on this one? Since we need a group of four, I'm looking for three more individuals. I guess which boss we'll take on will depend on the average levels of us four.

02-01-11, 10:50 PM
I'm an old member returning. Wouldn't mind jumping in on this one.

02-02-11, 02:19 AM
Hi, Lancaster. As soon as we get two other people, we're good to go!

02-03-11, 12:02 PM
I'm in the process of streamlining the Boss Battles process and part of that involves cutting down the requirement for having four people on a thread. Some of the larger, tougher, and more important bosses will require that many, but most of them will now only require two. If you two would like to claim one, then go right ahead and good luck.

Sighter Tnailog
02-03-11, 04:10 PM
Unless, of course, you want another along for the ride?

02-03-11, 04:48 PM
Well its not my quest proposition. However, I have wrote with you before Sighter and I would gladly welcome you with open arms lol.

02-03-11, 08:01 PM
Well, that's good news. Welcome, Sighter! A party of three sounds excellent. So, that's two level zeros and one level nine. :P Which boss would you guys wants, and which type? I don't want to play the boss alone, and if none of you guys want to either, then that would be a type b.

Once we sort these stuff out, then it's off to the first post. Oh, if any of you want to write the first post, mention it as well. Otherwise, I'm willing to take that job. :)

02-03-11, 09:16 PM
I'm shaking off some rust so I don't want to quarter back a post right now. However, I'm very confident that with some work we could pull off a 55-60 score quite easily. I'm not a rookie when it comes to this writing stuff. Therefore, any boss is fine with me lets just make sure we have fun with it. And I don't exactly just want to go after a boss either. I'm flexible though.

02-03-11, 09:26 PM
And I don't exactly just want to go after a boss either.

Do you mean you want to mix it up with other things? Do you have anything specific in mind?

02-03-11, 09:32 PM
I dunno, i mean we could add more story line through using a different approach which involves the boss we choose to interfere with us.

02-03-11, 09:57 PM
Okay, what do you think about Julie the Red Maiden (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22253-Boss-List&p=179741&viewfull=1#post179741)? Since she resides in a church, we can say that we have some business in the church and Julie interferes. Or, we can perpetuate some crime which causes Larren Orhdir (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22253-Boss-List&p=179709&viewfull=1#post179709) to come after us. Honestly, just coming up with random ideas here. :P Any other ideas, or additional details? I know you guys are good with story lines.

Sighter Tnailog
02-03-11, 11:46 PM
Just a thought...

Findelfin would be highly unlikely to leave the Great Forest of Raiaera, where he is currently ensconced in his villa leading what band of Raiaeran fighters remain. What if the boss was attacking his villa? Would give us a ready-made setting and possible storyline.

EDIT: Looking through the boss list, it would be nice if we could maybe invent our own boss. Say, a Level 5-6 boss. The Servant of N'Jal is very, very tempting, but that's my level talking...I don't know if we could all get through it alive. Or maybe we could put out a plea to the recruitment forum for someone to be willing to create and control a new boss for us to fight?

That would give us our fourth member, technically, and then that person would be controlling the boss.

02-04-11, 12:09 AM
Yeah, I was actually hoping there would be a boss among those levels. Sighter, since the setting would most probably be Findelfin's villa, would you like to set up the boss to your liking? :) But yes, looking for a fourth member would be a good idea too, and if anyone else is willing, that would be excellent.

02-04-11, 12:43 AM
What sort of boss are you looking for? In my mind there are three types, the Rampaging Monster, the Strong Individual and the Object. The first two are fairly self explaining the last is some sort of device that does something, like summons undead or what not, but lacks any intellegence. Defeating it is like solving a puzzle.

I'm happy to create a boss for you if you like. Or even just be the forth with Talen :)

Sighter Tnailog
02-04-11, 07:12 PM
Since I'd be fighting the boss too, I feel a bit strange creating the boss at the same time; seems like there's too much chance I'd be able to tailor the boss to my interests and/or skills, and remove some of the challenge of the fight.

If you'd want to create a boss to fight, I figure the best would either be rampaging monster -- perhaps one sent to rampage in the area where Findelfin's villa is supposed to be -- or a strong individual who wants to try to overthrow Findelfin's villa and lay low one of the bastions of the elvish resistance. I *also* think it could be interesting if you combined the strong individual with an item -- for instance, maybe Julie the Red Maiden gets hold of the Black Orb of Drox and comes calling? Or something like that; maybe Julie wouldn't want to leave her church.

I wouldn't mind having a boss created for the occasion, either, if the rest of my cohort is interested. And since the four-person battle has an option where one person actually plays as the involved boss, if you wanted to NPC that boss for us, Hysteria, I wouldn't be opposed if my teammates weren't opposed.

02-04-11, 08:12 PM
I wouldn't oppose to Hysteria's offer, either. :) It seems perfect. We'd be a party of four, and we it would seem more exciting if the boss was played by another member. Imo, it would make it more unpredictable. At the moment, I'm trying to think of why Azrael would be around the vicinity of Findelfin's villa, but I should be able to figure that out when we start!

02-04-11, 08:24 PM
Well Findelfin could hire my character, there is his motive. As for the boss, does anyone use the Chat option. I'll be on for a bit so we could discuss boss options.

02-06-11, 09:23 AM
I've spoken to Hysteria, and he will create the boss soon. Then, sign-ups, and Lancaster can make his post. Anything else?

Sighter Tnailog
02-06-11, 05:16 PM
I think we're good to go!

02-07-11, 05:11 AM
Here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22251-Boss-Submissions/page2) is a link to the boss submissions. I also did a really brief sketch of the creature here (http://harlequinhues.deviantart.com/#/d38tgqa). Although that was before it was undead. :)

Slayer of the Rot
02-07-11, 05:57 AM
If you're not all full up, or might have the room, and you're going after that Undead Wendigo, I'd really, really, really like in on this.

02-07-11, 06:08 AM
Thank you, Hysteria! That looks amazing. Slayer, I don't have any complains, and it would be great to have you if the others agree. Although, we are already a group of four, and I'm not sure how to interpret the rules -- is a bigger party allowed? If it's allowed and the others will have you, then it's fine!

Sighter Tnailog
02-07-11, 03:17 PM
I'm fine with it.

02-07-11, 05:33 PM
I don't mind, I'm not sure what the rules are, but I don't see why it would be more restrictive than if we did this as a quest.

02-07-11, 11:04 PM
I have no objection. When should I work in my intro post, and does adding slayer change any of our layout?

02-07-11, 11:40 PM
You can start working on it as soon as you want and just post it when we've made our claim... though I hope the mods go through the boss list already, so we can claim our Wendigo asap. :( And, yes, Slayer, how do want to you fit into all of this? Do you want me to message you with our current layout so you can figure out if you want us to change anything for you, or do you want to just wing it with your character once we start?

Sighter Tnailog
02-08-11, 11:50 AM
I'll put a bug in a mod's ear to get started on the submission processing.

02-08-11, 01:56 PM
I got my intro done, going to read over it and edit it a couple times while im waiting. If anyone wants to read it let me know and ill send it to you in case you plan on working on your own based on mine. This is mainly directed at you Mr. Sighter since I imagine we will be working together for the first couple of posts lol.

02-08-11, 03:56 PM
If you're not full, I'd certainly like to participate in this. I think it'd be a great way for my character to get acclimated here!

02-08-11, 07:13 PM
Hmm. Group of six? What do you think, guys? I'd love to rp with someone new, but is that too much already? XD;

02-08-11, 08:02 PM
I'm just afraid it will take months to complete and if one person looses interest the thread will die. I'm working on a quest with Amsen. I dont mind either way just my opinion.

02-08-11, 11:45 PM
Hysteria's undead wendigo (with cleanup modifications) has been added to the list.

Slayer of the Rot
02-09-11, 01:08 AM
You can start working on it as soon as you want and just post it when we've made our claim... though I hope the mods go through the boss list already, so we can claim our Wendigo asap. :( And, yes, Slayer, how do want to you fit into all of this? Do you want me to message you with our current layout so you can figure out if you want us to change anything for you, or do you want to just wing it with your character once we start?

Message me with the layout, if you would. I may end up just winging it, though.

I'm not trying to be a dick here, but I think a group of six is really a bad idea. Its sort of an old, unwritten rule that three to a quest is your golden number, and while five is, yes, pushing it, a group of six is almost always fated to fail.

02-09-11, 03:34 AM
Thank you, Revenant. Guys, with that, I've made the claim. The rules say we can't claim a boss we've created though. I only saw it now. :( Hope they still let us.

Slayer of the Rot, I've messaged you with the layout. And, I agree with you about the number of members... I'm sorry, Amsen. :( Maybe we can do another thread together instead, if you really want some immediate action for you character.

02-09-11, 07:16 AM
The rules are pretty all over the place (it also says one boss battle at a time, and only four people (why... I have no idea)), so I reckon we just go for it.

02-09-11, 08:29 AM
Not a problem at all, I'm punch in next time! Goodluck!

02-09-11, 09:34 AM
Thanks for understanding, Amsen!

Anyhow... Lancaster, you're up. =) Woo.

02-09-11, 01:04 PM
Link (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22489-Weredigo-Undead-Wendigo-%28Closed%29&p=180696#post180696)

02-10-11, 06:33 PM
Great! Should it be moved to the Boss Battles board...?

02-10-11, 10:29 PM
I think you just need to post a link in the forum

Slayer of the Rot
02-11-11, 08:06 PM
You guys are full enough without me. I don't want the curse of the more-than-three to be responsible for another timed out battle, so I'll find another fight. Good luck with the wendigo.

02-12-11, 08:45 AM
So... what was the final order we decided on?

@Slayer: maybe we should make you a boss and have a four man group try and take you down? ;)

Sighter Tnailog
02-13-11, 10:05 PM
Fellow boss battlers,

This week is going to be exceptionally difficult for me to get in a post, I have a major paper due this week, and have not read nearly enough of St. Augustine and First Apology Justin Martyr to make a cogent argument.

However, since I'm next in the rotation, I will prioritize my post and get it done by tomorrow, so that we don't time out waiting for me to post in the rotation. After that, though, the next person might want to give it a few days before posting so it doesn't come round to me again too quickly -- the next few weeks will be a bit rough, and it would help me immensely if we went slow through the first couple of posts from each of us so I could clear out my other work.

Slayer of the Rot
02-13-11, 11:10 PM
So... what was the final order we decided on?

@Slayer: maybe we should make you a boss and have a four man group try and take you down? ;)

Lol, you could always make it be some homunculus version of me or something.

Sighter Tnailog
02-16-11, 12:47 PM
I'm posted, and now, if my memory serves, it's Hysteria's turn, to press the attack.

Hysteria, you have my permission to bunny my NPC group to the extent that one of them may die and one of them may suffer a serious, though not life-threatening, wound. You pick which one it happens to -- one of the ones in the trees, either the one camping out and watching or the one going to pick up Lancaster -- or you can press the attack on Findelfin's position more forcefully and attack the one with Findelfin.

Just remember...Findelfin's sword is exceptionally powerful against the undead. You'll want to avoid it.

02-20-11, 05:58 AM
I posted boys and... boys. Let me know if you want me to change something Findelfin did (or didn't) do. I am looking forward to this ^.^

02-25-11, 10:33 AM
I have two more days before my deadline, but I promise to have it up by then! :P Just a clarification though... Hysteria, I thought you were going to play the boss? >.< It's got to be my bad that we didn't clear that up earlier, but that's what I wrote at the sign-ups... are you going to play both the boss and your character, or are we all supposed to play the boss as well? :) I'll type up my post after that's clarified!

02-27-11, 05:56 AM
I was going to play both. However, I find its better that I am not the only one that controls him, just that I am the main person. So if you swing a sword, you can have it respond, or leave it and I will. If you post after me, it would be difficult for the others to 'wait' for me to respond to your attack.

Just some thoughts though, I'm pretty easy of the others want me to take complete control. :)

02-27-11, 06:11 AM
Alright! :) Good point. Anyway, posted.

03-01-11, 03:18 PM
Im working on my post now. Anything anyone wants me to specifically include?

Sighter Tnailog
03-05-11, 01:35 PM
Nothing on my end. Maybe have the Weredigo turn on Findelfin and bear down on him, give me a chance to challenge him directly. But I'm also flexible enough to do whatever works for you.

If *might* want to try to post something, even if it's only a placeholder post for editing later, so we don't time out. By my watch, we have until tomorrow at 3ish CST.

03-06-11, 01:02 AM
I agree... if I'm correct, we only around two hours to go before we time out. :(

03-07-11, 02:26 AM
I posted about 6 hours outside the time frame. Due to emergencies down home with my university placements I was unable to make the deadline exactly. I'm hoping the moderators will be willing to accept the extension. I also hope that my post workable for everyone.

Sighter Tnailog
03-07-11, 06:48 AM
I'll check it later today.

Just so everyone knows, I have a paper due tonight and a variety of end-of-term craziness to get to this week, but I should be able to get this done on a decent time frame.

03-14-11, 01:33 PM
We are playing on a fine line now.

The time to post is up so Findelfin if you can bang that out nice and quick the mods may let us off the hook.

03-15-11, 02:58 AM
Well that went down in burning flames. Would anyone be up to playing this out as a normal quest? Just running with the same story line (and first posts)?

03-15-11, 10:26 AM
Sigh. :( Yeah, I'd love to continue this as a normal quest.

03-15-11, 02:50 PM
I'm more then willing to continue this. I have had three of my returning quests go up in flames. Does not convince me heavily to continue with the site lol. We got a good group, Findelfin is busy with school so once he clears some time I have confidence that this quest will succeed.

Rayse Valentino
03-15-11, 05:43 PM
Don't judge your experiences based on doing a quest with a person who warned you that he might be extremely flaky. There's a lot of people with proven track records of timely, completed quests. Seek them out, get your main quests going with them, and THEN start considering the people you're not sure about.

Sighter Tnailog
03-16-11, 12:12 PM
I ended up getting completely underwater with trying to succeed at my Hebrew and Theological Ethics finals, and got completely blown away by the quantity of work I had to produce in the past week and a half. I was hoping to find a spare moment, if only to sign on and tell y'all to go ahead and invoke the rule that permits another member to post in the gap to preserve the week-requirement, but life happened.

As with Lancaster, I'm willing to keep going, and ask the mod's forbearance -- and, even if we don't receive mercy and therefore "beat the boss," we can still produce a thread that can net us normal EXP and GP rewards -- if everyone else wants to move forward.

I am apologetic about it, of course, but still confident that, if we wish, we can produce a good thread. I will have a post up within an hour or so, anyway, and then whether or not we can continue can be a function of everyone's desire or lack thereof to work for the EXP/GP, if not the prestige of a boss defeat.

03-16-11, 05:25 PM
Don't worry about it, Sighter. :) Anyway, yes, I'm willing to continue the thread nonetheless, if a mod will let us. If it's allowed, please go ahead and post!