View Full Version : The World Through Rose-tinted Glasses

02-02-11, 02:02 AM
Name: Rose Vasston
Age: 20
Race: Human
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Violet
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 128lb

Rose is a delicate looking girl until you realise that her slender arms are stronger than they look and that her distinctive eyes are sharp. She has a slightly pointed nose that makes her look sly. Her dark chestnut hair falls to the middle of her back and curls at the end. It's very pretty but is often tied out of her way. Rose's stride is solid but when her mind is at ease theres a gentle rhythm to it that suggests a more sensitive nature.

Rose was born in a logging town off of the South Road in the northern Concordia Forrest. Her father, Galwin, was once a soldier when he met Rose's mother Roslyne and deserted. Rose inherited her mother's striking eyes. Roslyne was a rather flighty woman and disappeared when Rose's younger brother Jacob was two years old and Rose herself was five, leaving the children and the inn they owned to Galwin and the help of the townsfolk. Angela, who works as a barmaid and cook at the inn (the Hollow Oak) was the only motherly figure the children ever knew.

Being left mostly to themselves Rose and Jacob spent much time in the forest, learning to move quietly and to climb. The men of the town taught them both to hold a bow and to make arrows and after that Rose learned quickly. Before eventually declining into a near permanent thoughtfulness their father also taught them to use a dagger effectively. It was during this time that Rose realised she could manipulate water. The only person who ever knew was Jacob and they both got very wet while she learned a tentative control of the power.

Shortly after this discovery Rose turned twelve and Angela forced her to stay at home and learn to cook and to sew and the like. Since then Rose has been helping her father and Angela at the inn while her brother learns the blacksmith's trade. When she was fourteen bandits raided the town, and Rose was forced to watch from safety as her father had his hand broken for standing up to the strangers, who were berating Angela. After that Rose made up her mind to go to Underwood to learn and to train, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Basic dagger skill.

Elemental Water Magic – Rose is a beginner with her magic. She can move water and hold it where she wants it (mid air, in the middle of a current) for just over thirty seconds before her hold breaks. She cannot hold more than a gallon at a time, she cannot hold it to a clear shape for long. She can however make the water boiling hot or hurl it with enough speed to bruise. This ability gets more powerful but more erratic when she is angry.
Elemental Ice Magic - Rose can also manipulate ice and snow in similar ways. She can hold the same amount for slightly less time than holding water depending on whether it is ice or snow (because they weigh differently). She can therefore hurl iceballs and snowballs.

Steel Dagger
Yew Long Bow
Leather Quiver and Arrows

02-02-11, 02:48 AM
Hello there!

Firstly, welcome to Althanas, there's no need to be alarmed, we get a lot weirder, more strange but utterly alluring as time goes by.

Secondly, there's just one small amendment I'd like to ask you to make before we can approve you and unleash on the populous - this is by no means accusatory and is more through convention and to make it easier to upgrade Caitlin as she levels up.

Could you split the freeze ability into a second ability, 'elemental ice magic' or whatever you so wish to call it. Once done, we are good to go and you can begin writing her tale of wonder :).

Any questions, please feel free to ask or get in touch via PM,


02-02-11, 03:05 AM
I've fixed the abilities bit and thrown in my inventory which I forgot before.

02-02-11, 04:40 AM
Fantastic, thank you for your cooperation, and welcome to the fray!
