View Full Version : Symphony of the Sanguine. (Closed to Sei Orlouge)

02-03-11, 07:36 AM
Lorenor looked at the document in his hand. The writing and penmanship was superb, of the highest quality. No errors were present in the syntax of the written challenge to the Ixian Knights. Acting alone, acting without DIssonance, Lorenor was declaring open war on the Knights. They would fall. Or Lorenor would die trying. For the high priest, this was his last dance. His final show. He had no idea how right he was.

Lorenor was in The Citadel of Radasanth studying the document in his hand. There was an awning overhead that was shaped like a triangle made of marble. It was a basic Citadel structure. Lorenor was surrounded by several columns and the hallway was open-aired. As he stood there there was a subtle breeze that touched his Salvarn cloak.

In a short while, the mutant had grown much. He had gained unsurpassed amounts of power. He had learned to commune with the dark lady herself and developed a deep bond with N'Jal. He was the figurehead leader for the undead, spreading the word of N'Jal as he helped build up the meager lives of the undead.

Lorenor knew that the coming months and years would bring about unprecedented change on how Althanas viewed the Undead in general. Thanks to the idiot Necromancer, Xem'Zund, the undead were viewed as nothing more than members of The Scourge and lacked free will of their own. Lorenor made it his duty to be certain that view was corrected. As he studied the document, he understood the events that had been set in motion by his hands. He was acting without Dissonance, he was acting without MetalDrago Scorpio. The Ixian Knights were Lorenor's enemies, and as such, they would fall.

One by one, he would seek them out and bring them to their knees.

As Lorenor thought about the tomorrow that would come to pass, a terribly excited monk ran towards the high priest. When the youth stopped, he began to pull on the sleeves of the high priest's N'Jallian robes. Lorenor turned to look at the monk with irritation on his face, but he kept his tongue at bay. His eyes were a storm a they studied the youthful acolyte.

"Mi'lord, the hour has come. The hour that you said would come. The Ixian Knights have answered thy call to warfare! You shall do battle on the eve of Purgatory, with non-other than their leader, Sei Orlouge! The two of you MUST duel. This shalt set an example for The Citadel Battle Leagues!"

"Sei Orlouge?" Lorenor asked. "Very well. Then the hour has arrived. Summon Sei Orlouge and tell him that Lorenor seeks him for a battle. This will decide the fate of the Ixian Knights on Althanas." Lorenor continued. "Tell Sei that The Grand Primus seeks to challenge him in battle."

(Sei feel free to create the Arena. I only ask that you make it at night so that Lorenor is at full power, and thus a challenge to your character)