View Full Version : Ixian Knights: Old Thread with new life...

Tainted Bushido
02-05-11, 11:38 AM
I've been talking to a few people around the board and now I'm going to go forward with the thread. I'll make up the roster, and if your name appears please post in this thread and confirm your position. The full briefing is such.

Akihiro is a Ronin Samurai that has been gaining notoriety in the region of Akashima. Hiding at the edges of the Akashiman provinces he's been attacking villages and stealing food for his slowly growing army. When the band was only a few men, the peasants freely gave the food just to be rid of the pest. The problem has come that he has amassed a small army, and any village that deigns to resist has been destroyed to the child. What once began as a nuisance has spiraled out of control, and the maneuverability of the roving band of mercenaries has been such that even the local law enforcement feels they can only chase these men, never truly stop them.

Silence Sei Orlouge has learned of this problem through his contacts in Akashima and has dispatched the Mercenary Company. Taka has taken up the task seeing it as the first true test of his group since it's birth in the fires of war. Traveling to Akashima he has sent a request for aid from the Monster Hunting Group, citing lack of numbers and a desire to let William vent some frustrations. With such a large group, he hopes to best and outmaneuver Akihiro's force, bringing the situation to a resolution decisively.


1) Tainted Bushido
2) Enigmatic Immortal (Adolph Gretzel)
3) Revenant (Tentatively, please post affirmation)
4) Seed
5) Arai

From that point, I'll be cutting off enrollment, just to keep it from being an unwieldy amount. If Rev doesn't want in, we'll just continue on with the four of us, as Five is a rather large number as it is. I need everyone to be active, and Arai has said he can be, so I'm putting a lot of faith in the group.

Opening Post is here. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22469-Ixian-Knights-Mercenary-Company-Nightmare-Fiction&p=180539#post180539)

For the Ixian Knights, the opening post for each of you should be having you end up at Taka's table. By the time the first one of you sits down, Briggs and Erikson should be joining their General at the table. Small talk should be kept to a minimum as Taka is waiting for the other members to show up before beginning the discussion in earnest. While obviously relieved to be back home, taka would appear worried to any who know him, and that his demeanor is a bit more on edge than normal.

The Tea Hosue we are in is a family run business. The daughter of the proprietor isn't afraid of the ronin band, but also knows she was very lucky that Akihiro did not try to run off with her. She will be polite, but reserved, and at times might look like she wants to say something as more and more men show up at Taka's table, but will refrain from doing so. Don't worry too much about it, the canary is going to sing soon enough. This should give you enough of a basis of the Tea House to do an opening post. Like I said, small talk should be kept to a minimum until the first round is complete and then the tribunal will begin.

Brigs and Erikson are both westerners and dress often traditionally of the adventuring type. Brigs would probably be dressed in Coronian traditional garb, while Erikson wears cooler clothing. While both have swords Erikson has a crossbow. Erikson is laid back while Brigs is a bit more serious, they woudl be more prone to chit chat than Taka.

Enigmatic Immortal
02-05-11, 12:47 PM
Ya, Adolph is in on this. I'll post last.

Silence Sei
02-06-11, 03:45 PM
Just curious, where is Jones in all of this?

Also, if someone goes MIA, I'll do Jones' character for yall. :P

02-08-11, 03:20 PM
Just curious, where is Jones in all of this?

Also, if someone goes MIA, I'll do Jones' character for yall. :P

Jones ain't coming for a couple of reasons...

1) His technology would be a headache to get through Akashima. As a low tech country they would possibly freak out over the gunman.
2) Someone needs to stay behind and keep things running paperwork wise for the Mercenary Company.
3) Taka needs someone to look over the next batch of recruits up and coming.

02-08-11, 03:30 PM
I'm afraid I'm going to have to back out. My upcoming work weeks are going to be pretty hectic, and I sure don't want to be the reason the thread is being held up. Sorry guys.