View Full Version : Adventure Down Under

02-07-11, 08:18 PM
The sunlight had all but filtered behind the horizon, casting its last dying rays upon the city of Rasadanth. Cecil covered his brow with his hand, attempting to see through the valiant attempt of daylight to continue to exist. As the sun finally slid below the horizon the sky was left with a beautiful red glow. Pulling his gaze away from the sunset, Cecil let out a muffled sigh as he focussed upon the cobble stone street ahead of him. The brilliant sunset was doing very little to improve the mood of the poor and tired human as he trudged on towards his next client.

Slipping through the emptying streets, Cecil aimed to get out of the streets before the night deepened and the street filth filled the alleys making anyones gold pouch a large target. Pushing through a crowd huddled around one of the last street peddlers open for business, Cecil could see the tavern he had begun to class as a home. The thought of a tavern as home made Cecil’s mood even darker as he gathered his courage and pushed the large mahogany door open and entered the Scarlet Dancer.

The poorly lit tavern wreaked of stale booze and what was questionably called food. The owner, a man named Joe, immediately greeted Cecil with a stern look. “Hey boy, you owe me for last nights room and see’in as you returned imma charging you for tonight as well.” After his rant, Joe looked over his shoulder towards the kitchen where he nodded to one of the waitresses to bring some food and drink out to Cecil.

Cecil smiled, “Thanks Joe, you will get your money.” Choosing not to get into open debate with the man who was offering him food was probably a wise choice. Slipping into a stool at the bar, Cecil smiled to the waitress as she dropped the bowl of stew along with a mug of stale ale in front of the young man. “Thank you.” Looking down at the stew, Cecil’s stomach growled despite the disgusting grey meat and what smelt like rotten vegetables which was claimed to be food. Dipping the spoon into the stew, Cecil took his first bite into the food which his body had been adjusting to for the past few nights. To say it tasted vile was a major understatement as the young male choked down the food simply to nourish himself.

Pushing the almost empty bowl away from him, Cecil was quick to take a long gulp of ale to try and wash to taste out of his mouth. The waitress came and removed the bowl and offered more. Shaking his head, Cecil began to scan the tavern for his employer. The man who had left a note under his door sometime last night. A man or woman who offered money in turn for Cecil’s services in keeping guard over him during a ‘mission’ which the employer did not feel was safe to express within the note. Digging into his pocket, Cecil pulled the parchment out and unrolled it in front of him.

Dear Mr. Lancaster

I have been told of your presence within this tavern and would like to request a meeting. There is a mission I need to complete within Lower Rasadanth which may draw attention from undesired members of the filth living within those areas. I wish to hire you until I complete this mission. I will be waiting in the tavern, look to the far corner, just beside the fireplace. I hope to be working with you in the near future.

Looking towards the back of the room, Cecil noted a tall male continuously looking in his direction. He was well dressed, implying he had money to hire. The only question remaining in Cecil’s mind was how much trouble was this man about to bring him if he chose to take on this mission from a client who seemed rather secretive about his operations.

((Open to 1 or two more for the time being, may become solo if no interest is shown. Before posting please contact me. Claim your spot but do not post your intro thread until we have a quick talk through either pm or althanas chat.))