View Full Version : The Lone Musicican

Requiem of a Dream
02-08-11, 10:24 AM
Name: Leonardo Andre
Age: 22
Race: Human
Hair Color: Silver
Eye Color: Emerald
Height: 6 foot 2
Weight: 145
Occupation: Musician

Personality: Leonardo is an easy going man with an intense passion for music. He enjoys the finer things in life like good books, nice wine, and pretty women. He can be rather eccentric and somewhat erratic with his actions, but never fails to entertain.

Appearance: Leo is a tall elegant man, slightly muscular, and slightly pale. He garbs himself in comfortable clothes. His attire consists of worn out black slacks and a beat down black suit jacket. His eyes are a deep emerald, and they tend to be warm and inviting, making sure Leon is not feared.

History: Leo was born to a highborn nobleman and a prostitute. The resulting scandal that followed forever scarred lord Andres reputation as he agreed to raise the child to become his heir. Young Leo grew up adoring music, and much to his fathers protest, learned to play the guitar, lute, violin, and harp. Soon his tutors began to complain that he was never focusing during their study sessions, and lord Andre began to realize his son was destined to be a noble, but a musician.

When the young man turned 18 his father kicked him out with a bag full of gold, a horse, and a beautiful violin.

Literacy: Leonardo is able to read and write.

Music skills: Leonardo can play and read sheet music for the guitar, lute, harp, and violin.

Charmer: Leonardo is a friendly, lovable man, making many people like him. The don't have to like him, but many will.

Charming Music: Leonardo finds himself able to play his violin so beautifully that he can soften some of the hardest hearts, and lift even the most down of spirits. anyone with mental resistance can resist any negative effects caused by this.

Elegant violin: Made of ebony this violin is used to play rich music that would make the most skilled of bards envious.

Melody The horse: A strong mustang that takes Leonardo where he wants to go.

02-08-11, 02:21 PM
In case you're interested, the height and weight are fairly disproportionate, right now it'd be hard to imagine him having any discernible muscle mass at all.

Anyway, just a thought. Otherwise this looks fine, I'll approve it as soon as I'm sure you don't want to add/change anything.

The Guile Family
02-08-11, 06:13 PM
I'm too lazy to swap back to the actual account so I'll go ahead and post with this one,
I'm all good, and the weight thing seems right, I use the term slightly to indicate he's not skeletally skinny, nor is he gigantic. He's pretty much "average"

02-08-11, 07:27 PM
Well most people call me scrawny and I'm both shorter and heavier than your character, but it's up to you. Approved.