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The Piper
02-16-11, 10:49 AM
Name: The Piper (Goes under the aliases of ‘Stewart Whimwaker’, and ‘Zephyr Varslang’.)

Age: 193 Years since created. In appearance and in mind, has stayed the age of 22.

Race: Sub-Dimensional Form

Hair Colour: Dark purple, scattered with random neon green, red, and yellow streaks.

Eye Colour: Sea blue, speckled with similar streaks of neon green, red, and yellow streaks.

Height: 6”5

Weight: 10st 13lb

*Occupation: Musician, Entertainer, and general Mischief Maker. Has been named also as a murderer, rapist, and thief, although he denies all these charges.

*Personality: The Piper thinks highly of himself, higher than any human being, as his maker told him that he was. He often ignores most of these ‘pathetic mortal flesh-bags’, unless said flesh-bag has offered him a considerable amount of anything for whatever they wish. To most other humanoid beings, such as elves, goblins, and the undead, he deals out similar amounts of disrespect. The only other people he can be friendly to are people he knows can be trusted, or people like himself, aka, made, or not of this dimension. He often speaks his mind (quite literally), and is casually intelligent when he does so. The Piper often chooses not to come to blows, instead choosing to manipulate the opponent, with mind games, or emotions.

Appearance: The Piper’s rather lofty height, added to his egotistical view, gives him an almost superior atmosphere, which he embraces tightly. His skin is a pale tan, and he has freckles spotted in random places all over his body. His face is thin, long, and gaunt, with thin, squinty eyes, and naturally raised black eyebrows, both of them streaked with the almost ‘trademark’ green, red, and yellow lines. His mouth is small, and molded into a permanent smirk, a single lone canine, too long for his mouth and slightly snaggletoothed, pokes out from the right side. His nose is aristocratically upturned, with thin nostrils. To add to his almost elfish looks, his ears are sharp and spiked, although rather on the big side. However, these are hidden by a mop of shoulder-length, straight hair, with one curtain over his left eye. His face is partially covered by a fedora, which is altered to have an extremely wide rim, coming almost twelve inches away from his face, and is kept in place by a wire frame. A single green feather is wedged in the purple band around the top of the hat.

To keep in colour co-ordination, he wears a dark green waistcoat over a dark purple button up shirt, and over that a purple overcoat, with slightly curling tails, dotted with large purple buttons. The coat goes down to his ankles, and is covered randomly in pockets, of varying sizes; from average size to an almost shopping bag size on his back, to a pocket on the inside which spans from edge to edge. Each one is rather roughly stitched, with a few tears and bite marks in a couple. Over the waist coat, he wears a long necklace, made of silver, which ends in a caduceus symbol. His hands are long, and spidery, and his nails are finely and immaculately trimmed. They are heavily tattooed; each one covered in swirling black spirals, each one ending with a snake’s head. His arms, if hung, come down just before his knees, however there is usually only one hanging, the other brung up to his forearm, the fingers usually tapping out a rhythm. His trousers and shoes, also both purple, and covered in bright yellow stars, and green streaks, and are the largest part of the kit, as his shoes are size fifteens, and his legs are the longest part of his height.

History: Instead of telling The Piper’s history through description, or rhyme, I have taken an extract of the diary of the maker, written in earlier times.

Diary Entry 03486
The Beginning of the Creation.
Finally! This has been too long. I have waited so long to receive every component needed – I have hoarded magic, and technology from every corner of this dull, grey world, and now I shall brighten it with my creation; my perfect son! For if no woman will come to love me, I shall make myself my legacy! I shall create the empire on which my son will rule! We shall see that this place will be loyal, to... to... The Piper. Yes. The old fairy tales come to life. And as it goes, people will follow him. People will love him! And if they ignore, and mock him, they will suffer the consequences!

Diary Entry 03487
I wonder.
I wonder if I should continue with my progress. I have thought, all through weary nights between this entry and the last, in which I was filled with joyous glee. Was it all worth it? Killing all those people just to retrieve the best organs for my son? To break all those men and women, and children! Oh the screams of the children as I murdered their parents for the magic they hid, for the technologies they made. All for the conquest of making one being, I have killed many. So many. What if the subjects hate the Piper? He may kill them all, slaughter them. Or... he may die. He may fall prey to knife and club. Will I be able to cope? Or will tears join his blood on the floor? I must contemplate this. Before continuing.

Diary Entry 03488
I have decided that this creation will go forth. In fact, I decided this a fortnight ago, and now, he is nearly complete. All that is left is the delicacy of the next operation; linking the body to the half-dimensions. I have been pondering on a form the gateway could take. Pockets, possibly. Some sort... of carrying device... no matter! I must work... work for the legacy that waits!

Entr (incoherent scribbling) IT DOESN’T MATTER ANY MORE.
He has come to life. But not as I expected. And now, he is running rampant around my home! He has already killed three times, the poor villagers. His bloodthirst. It’s too strong. The link to the dimensions has sent him insane! And now... I fear for my life. I fear for everyone. I fear for the world, and all its inhabitants, and the worlds after that and the dimensions after that. I have created a monster. A blood thirsty, psychopathic, monster. And now he is behind me. He has come to claim me. I shall stay calm. I shall n (incoherent scribbling)
After many miles of walking, The Piper reached Underwood. He now lives on the street, like the rats his fairy tale alternative once controlled, hunting for meat, and blood.

Above Average Foot-to-Hand Combat: Due to having his hands occupied in combat at nearly all times, The Piper has gained a skill of fighting off normal, fist fighting enemies with his feet. He can block basic, average strength punches, as well as deal kicks which can wind opponents, or deal considerable damage. After repeated beatings for more than 3 posts, he begins to tire.

Ambidextrous: The Piper is able to use both feet and hands in most, if not all activities needing either of the two.

Above Average Animal Charisma: The Piper, after many years of being around animals, has learnt how to tame neutrally emotional wild animals, even without his infamous pipe. If the animal stays with him long enough, he can then train it to perform basic aggressive moves, as well as the average tricks of a domesticated animal.

Average Intelligence: The Piper is capable of performing all normal feats of intelligence that an average person can perform.

Above Average Acrobatic: Due to his dextrous skills with his feet, The Piper is capable of performing above average acrobatic moves, such as flips, and headstands. However, due to the occupation of his hands at almost any time, he is incapable of performing any trick involving them. After two posts of advanced acrobatic skill, he tires, and must rest.

Bloodthirst: More of a quirk. The Piper has felt the need all his life to drink blood, and now, it has become a primal, animalistic urge, and he will draw it from anywhere. However, he has been able to contain himself, meaning he can bring himself to only drinking half a pint a day.

The Other Half: More of a quirk. The Piper's bottling up of urges, emotions, and his heavy bloodthirst, to become suitably social to blend in with the community, means that he has created a seperate part of himself. He calls this thing The Other Half, a more primal, animalistic, and insane side of himself. When he becomes this, his eyes go blood red, a safety mechanism made by the maker for people around him, if ever this happened. When The Other Half is dormant, The Piper imagines him not as sleeping, but merely as following, another pet by his side.
(The Other Half is triggered by an 'overdose' of a certain emotion, starving himself of psychopathic urges, and/or of blood.)

Flute Expertise: The Piper can play the flute at an expert level, and can play most songs he is able to learn to this degree within a few days.

Animal Control: The Piper, when playing his flute, is capable of controlling animals surrounding him, within a 20m radius. These animals, using his telepathy, can then be commanded to do whatever The Piper commands. The largest animal he can command is around the size of a Black Bear, and at most intelligent, a five year old child. As soon as The Piper breaks from his tune for more than five seconds, the animals break from the trance, and return to whatever emotional or physical state they were in. He can also summon lots of smaller things, such as insects. However, the amount of these animals come into context, and the largest amount is a small swarm of around 50.
Animal Control Limits
(These are the limits, corrosponding to the size of the creature. If you can imagine it like a bar, 1 Large will fill up the entire bar. So will 3 Mediums, however, if 1 Medium is not controlled, then it is possible for 2 Small, 5 V.Small, or 25 Insectile to be used to 'fill up the bar'. If 2 Small are not controlled, the same applies. If 4 V.Small are not controlled, the same applies, and if 15 Insectile are not controlled, the same applies.)
1 Large (Bear, or similar)
3 Medium (Great Dane, or similar)
5 Small (Domestic Cat, or similar)
10 V. Small (Rats, Snakes, or similar)
50 Insectile (Crickets, Locusts or similar.)

Telepathy: The Piper was given the gift of telepathy when created, which gives him the ability to send neural messages to another sentient form’s mind, usually in the form of words, pictures, or emotions, usually displayed by colour. Most average people are incapable of blocking these neural messages. The more he focuses on the message, the bigger, and more noticeable; it is in the other person’s mind. However, when he focuses two hard on the message, he can suffer from mental exhaustion. Also, in sacrifice to this great gift, The Piper cut off his own tongue, disabling him of normal speech. The Piper cannot harm or distract anyone more then the same level as shouting in someone's ear. The Telepathy can reach 10m, before becoming a smaller, less noticible voice for a remaining 2.

Sub-Dimensional Use: The pockets of The Piper’s coat are all potential ‘gateways’ to a half dimension – a dimension filling the space between this one and the next – which he uses as a storage space. The storage space is potentially infinite, and as long as The Piper can picture the item he placed in the coat, he can take it out, the size varying the time it takes to take out. For instance, the largest item in his coat, a live German Shepard, would take around 1 minute to be taken out of the coat. Once inside the coat, the item does not weigh The Piper down, and the coat stays the same shape. However, if the Piper attempts to put and item that was made to hurt, or maim another thing, due to the methods of his maker, the weight is added to the coat. He is also unable to put himself inside the coat.

The Piper’s Coat: A coat which is used as a gateway to a half dimension. (Description and limits, see above).

The Piper’s Flute: The flute which is used to control animals within a telepathic-like trance. The Pipe is made of simple wood; however, it seems to have strange veins of iron running in vertical lines down it. (Limits see above)

Animal Taming: 10 Simple Ways to Gain a Pet (Book)
Sub-Dimension Storage Space:
1 German Shepard (Snopey)
3 Domestic Cats (Snip, Snap, and Scratch)
2 Cottonmouth Snakes (Vennie and Fung) (The cottonmouth snake's venom, unique to it's kind, is capable of destroying blood cells, and depletes the usual clotting abilities of blood flow, of the average person. This venom stays within the body for 5 posts, unless the victim suffers from Hemophilia ( a disease slowing blood clot), in which case it is increased to 10, unless the person, sufferer of the disease or not, takes an antivenom.)
38 Crickets (Unnamed, apart from one, named Jimmy)
1 Sandwich (Unknown flavour)
1 Litre of water
1 Pint of Blood (Mixed owners)
4 Bottles of alcohol

Familiars: (Animals seen above.)

(I'm just wondering if it's possible to play the flute without a tounge.)

02-16-11, 06:11 PM
I'm sure in this case, it's possible. Welcome to Althanas.

Just a few notes about your skills in case you are new... although he has those skills, performing some of them (repeated flips or kicks) should tire him out fairly quickly owing to his average endurance.

On to abilities... I'd like you to put a limit on the number of average sized animals he can control at a time, with the understanding it will fluctuate based on the size. As a rough guide we'll call the dog average sized, a black bear large, cats small, so on. This way you have something that is measurable (if slightly arbitrary) upon which to improve.

Just so we're clear, you can't distract/harm someone with telepathy any more than you could by shouting in their ear. Also I'd like you to put a range limit on it.

Also... define what the venom of the cottonmouth snake would do to an average human, for anyone who doesn't know. That's all I can think of for now but there pay be other things. Post once you've made these edits to let me know :)

The Piper
02-17-11, 10:19 AM
Edited. Made a detailed explanation on controlling creatures, put a limit on harm/distraction, and length on the telepathy, and noted that he will wear down after a number of posts in both Hand-To-Foot combat, and Acrobatics.

02-17-11, 11:01 AM
Looks pretty good... just to be sure I understand the venom, you're saying being bitten will cause a normal human to bleed out for twenty posts? If that's the case I'd like you to lower it to 5 posts/5minutes (whichever is shorter.) Five posts is more than enough time for someone to bleed to death in a battle, especially without normal clotting.

The Piper
02-17-11, 11:12 AM
Done! Also brung down the Hemophilia sufferer's post count down to 10.

02-17-11, 11:14 AM
Looks good... approved.